IBM Support

Mainframe System Education -- Wildfire Workshops by the Washington Systems Center (WSC)



The IBM Z Washington Systems Center "Wildfire" hands-on workshops are a proven way of introducing Mainframe Systems technology to IBM customers. Each workshop delivers a series of lectures and labs that show customers how IBM's leading technology works on Mainframe Systems. The workshops are "no charge" to qualified customers. Details about the workshops IBM is offering are outlined, along with information about how to enroll. All workshops are provided free of cost for IBM Customers


All currently scheduled workshops and seminars are posted on the Z Council website at  The website includes the dates, times, locations, and a link to register for the workshops.  Contact Brian Birdsong at if you have have questions or to schedule an event.

Click on the following links to see a description of each workshop, who benefits from taking the workshop, prerequisites, and the length in time of the workshop:


Workshop descriptions:



Ansible for IBM Z & LinuxONE

Course Description:

Learn and get hands-on at this upcoming Ansible for Z Wildfire Workshop. Ansible is as an endto-end automation tool for managing the entire IT environment, including IBM Z and LinuxONE. You will hear from subject matter experts about the basics of Ansible, its use-cases for IBM Z and LinuxONE (including z/OS) and see technical demonstrations. You will then gain hands-on experience with Ansible through a selection of self-paced labs that you can choose from.


This workshop is for technical people looking to learn about Ansible specifically for use with IBM Z and LinuxONE. That could be Systems Administrators, DevOps Engineers, z/OS Systems Programmers, Developers, Operators, Technical Salespeople, Architects, Technical Managers, Consultants, or anyone with an interest in the topic, as it is presented at an introductory level.



6 Hrs

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Accessing z/OS resources with REST APIs using IBM z/OS Connect

Course Description:

Cloud applications are reshaping the way enterprises and systems interact. The dominant standard for new client application development for these new environments uses RESTful APIs for sending and receiving JSON formatted messages to and from backend services.

IBM z/OS Connect (OpenAPI2 and OpenAPI3) provides a framework that enables the use of RESTful APIs and JSON messages for accessing z/OS based services and data. This is helpful when you are developing new cloud and mobile applications for the enterprise integrating of z/OS into the Cloud infrastructure.

This workshop provides an overview of RESTful APIs and instructions on how to develop RESTful APIs using IBM z/OS Connect to access z/OS resources.   Details of the development process for each type of z/OS resource will be covered. Attendees will be given the opportunity to perform exercises using IBM z/OS Connect tooling to develop RESTful APIs for accessing z/OS resources. The exercises are a series of hands-on exercises that go through a step-by-step process that provides the detail and explanation of the steps required to access applications and resources in CICS, IBM MQ, IBM Db2 and IMS TM.
Remote access to a remote workstation with all the development tooling already installed and configured as well as a dedicated z/OS system will be provided to each attendee so the exercises can be performed on the attendee’s own device. Access to these images will be provided  for a limited time after the onsite portion of the workshop has completed. Access to the images can be requested at later time by contacting your local IBM representative. No software is required to be installed on an attendee’s device. When held onsite, a limited number of workstations will be provided for those unable to bring their own devices to the event. IBM proctors will be available to provide guidance and assistance to help attendees get started with performing the exercises. The exercises are intended to be self-paced.


This workshop is designed for developers, administrators, and enterprise architects new to z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition and/or new to RESTful APIs.


At the conclusion of this workshop, an attendee should have the basis for:
•    Developing new APIs using z/OS Connect tooling that can be consumed by the new cloud and mobile applications for accessing z/OS resources.
•    Understanding connectivity options between z/OS Connect servers and z/OS backend systems like CICS, IMS DC, IBM MQ and IBM Db2.


7 Hrs

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Accessing REST APIs from z/OS using IBM z/OS Connect

Course Description:

Cloud applications are reshaping the way enterprises and systems interact. The dominant standard for application development for these new environments for accessing remote resources uses RESTful APIs for sending and receiving JSON formatted messages. IBM z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition provides a framework that enables access from z/OS COBOL applications to remote RESTful APIs using JSON messages with a minimum of COBOL programming required.

This workshop provides an overview of RESTful APIs and instructions on how to develop COBOL applications than can access remote REST APIs. Details of the application programming requirements will be covered for APIs documented using either OpenAPI2 or OpenAPI3 specification.

When requested, attendees will be given the opportunity to perform exercises using z/OS Connect OpenAPI2 tooling to develop application artifacts and the coding practices for accessing remote APIs from COBOL application running in MVS Batch, CICS and IMS TM. The exercises will use IBM Cloud images which have the development tooling already installed and configured. Attendees will be able to perform the exercise from their own device for a limited time after the online portion of the workshop has completed. No software is required to be installed on an attendee’s device. IBM proctors will be available to provide guidance and assistance to help attendees get started with performing the exercises. The exercises are intended to be self-paced. Access to the images can be requested at later time by contacting your local IBM representative.


This workshop is designed for application developers, system administrators and enterprise architects who are involved with the administration and support of their z/OS Connect environment.


At the conclusion of this workshop, an attendee should have the basis for:
•    Using the z/OS Connect tooling to generate the COBOL copy books representing the API’s request and response messages.
•    Understanding the COBOL coding requirement for using the z/OS Connect interface stub to build request message and process response messages using the z/OS Connect API requester client REST interface.
•    Understanding the requirements for providing security credentials from the client to the API provider endpoint from the application.


5 Hrs

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WebSphere Liberty (on z/OS) Administration Workshop

Course Description:

Having WebSphere Liberty on z/OS servers might be new to your organization. Or, you might already be using WebSphere Liberty on z/OS servers for products like z/OS Connect, zOSMF, MQ Console, Operational Decision Manager that use WebSphere Liberty (Liberty) on z/OS for their Java components. In either case, this administration workshop would be beneficial to any administrator responsible for the configuration and support of Liberty servers.

This workshop provides recommendations or best practices for configuring the OMVS and security environments for Liberty servers, as well as techniques and information for performing problem determination and problem isolation. The workshop also covers suggestions and recommendations regarding the facilities available with Java and z/OS to monitor Liberty servers’ consumption of system resources. Even though much of the non-Liberty material (for example, exercises) is focused on z/OS Connect, the topics covered and experience you gain will be beneficial and applicable to all Liberty on z/OS servers.


At the conclusion of this workshop, an attendee should have the basis for:

  • Configuring the Liberty and z/OS Connect OMVS directory configuration structure to simplify day to day administrative tasks.
  • Become informed of the available Liberty features which could be used to manage the Liberty and z/OS Connect execution environments.
  • Understand the location where problem diagnostic information can be obtained and the processes to perform analysis. 
  • Review the available monitoring options which can be used to review, understand, and tune the Liberty and z/OS Connect workloads.


This workshop is designed for system programmers, administrators and enterprise architects who are involved with the administration and support of their WebSphere Liberty server environment.


1 day

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CICS Integration Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This two and three-quarter day workshop covers the CICS connectivity options to address the needs of today's modern interfaces. These connectivity options include web services, REST interfaces, Atom Feeds, servlets and JavaServer Pages, the CICS Transaction Gateway, and the CICS Explorer. Event processing in CICS allows an application to send event notifications when certain business or system conditions occur within your application. These connectivity options provide your company with a business advantage to leverage your existing CICS-based applications and data to make your data and business logic available through contemporary interfaces. The workshop also covers various tools—both for developers and administrators—to enhance productivity.

Using a combination of lectures and hands-on labs the workshop helps you better understand options for integrating CICS applications and their technical implications relative to configuration, transactionally, and security. Complete this workshop to have a better understanding of how these technologies can fit into your current environment and the steps needed to implement these technologies.


This workshop is applicable Application Programmers, Systems Programmers, and Application Architects. Some topics and lab exercises target Application Programmers, while other topics and lab exercises are designed for Systems Programmers. For successful CICS implementations cooperation is needed from all job roles; it is advantageous if Application Programmers and System Programmers are exposed to each others' tasks.


An understanding of basic CICS concepts is helpful, but not required. Familiarity with CICS resource definition is a plus.


Attendees are introduced to various connectivity options for CICS in terms of what they are, when they should be used, and how they can implement transactionally and security. The attendee learns how to implement the connectivity options that are advantageous to their company through these exercises.

Course Outline:

  • Lectures:
    • CICS connectivity options overview all connectivity options in CICS, plus covering the CICS Explorer.
    • Web services—both SOAP and JSON
    • Java™ technologies for connectivity
    • Event processing in CICS
  • Lab Exercises: The attendee has their choice of several lab exercises depending on the needs of the attendee and their company.
    • CICS Explorer
    • SOAP-based Web Services
    • Web browser interfaces to CICS
    • JSON-based Web Services, both request-response and RESTful
    • Atom Feeds
    • Event Processing and System Policies


2.75 days

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CICS and Java™ Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This 2.5 day Wildfire workshop details the support for Java™ applications in CICS including development, debugging, diagnostic, and tuning information. Recent releases of CICS offer enhanced support for Java applications with greater concurrency and full support for the JEE 8 specifications. This workshop is a combination of lectures and lab exercises designed to teach about support for Java provided in CICS and provide experience deploying and running Java applications in a CICS environment. This workshop is designed for Application Programmers, Systems Programmers, and Enterprise Architects. Completion of this workshop provides a better understanding of how to use Java in your CICS environment.


This workshop benefits Application Programmers, Systems Programmers, and Enterprise Architects.


An understanding of basic CICS concepts, a basic understanding of Java application programming, and familiarity with an Eclipse environment is helpful, but not required. Familiarity with CICS resource definition and the CICS Explorer is a plus.


Attendees learn how to use the CICS API for Java, how to prepare and deploy Java programs to run in CICS, and to be aware of some of the ways to debug and tune in the CICS/Java environment.

Course Outline:

  • Lectures:
    • CICS API for Java (the equivalent of the EXEC CICS API)
    • CICS and OSGi
    • CICS and the Liberty Profile
    • CICS and Db2 for Java
    • CICS/Java Tuning and Debugging
  • Lab Exercises:
    • Using the CICS Explorer
    • Writing a simple Java application in CICS
    • Using servlets and JSPs in CICS
    • Running a JAX-RS application in CICS
    • Running a JAX-WS application in CICS
    • Adding a REST/JSON Interface to a Java program by using z/OS Connect
    • Developing CICS Java programs to use OSGi
    • Using the IBM Heath Center with JVMs under CICS


2.5 day

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CICS Insight Series


Attend our free virtual technical seminars and learn how the latest CICS technology will help you optimize your CICS environment. As the IT landscape changes, CICS continues to evolve and provide best-in-class capabilities that ensure reliability, scalability and availability of its systems with modern tooling. This new series will focus on providing in-depth discussion of practical concerns to those responsible for CICS application development and operations.

Join us for a concept-by-concept exploration of critical topics. Each event in the series will feature a Subject Matter Expert who will explore a topic and provide not only "what", but "how" to best address it. The sessions will feature best practices, recommendations and demos that aim to leave audiences with a better understanding of the subjects.

Target Audience:

CICS application developers, CICS systems programmers, architects and leads, and managers.

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CICS Smart Seminar


Every application development team faces the same mandate: Do it faster, more efficiently and use fewer resources. But whether you master that challenge depends in large part on your in-house technology, how well you use it, and how prepared you are for the latest advancements in application development technology. Join us in this complimentary technology seminar for in-depth discussions on how CICS solutions can help solve some of your biggest challenges. You will learn about the benefits of CICS Transaction Server V5, new programming interfaces, and important connectivity options as you modernize your CICS applications. You will also have the unique opportunity to interact with technical professionals who have extensive experience in application development tools and CICS infrastructure so that you can make better-informed decisions and gain control of critical processes.

Target Audience:

CICS application developers, CICS systems programmers, architects/leads, and managers


6.5 Hrs

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IBM MQ V9 for z/OS Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This workshop gives a guided hands-on experience with IBM's premier connectivity product for z/OS, IBM MQ V9.

It begins with implementation and administration of the products on z/OS that help you plan your implementation or migration. This workshop emphasizes new z/OS capabilities—buffer pools above the bar, channel initiator statistics SMF data, and channel accounting SMF data. The lab includes hands-on labs conducted in a sysplex environment to give customers experience with queue sharing capabilities unique to IBM MQ for z/OS


This workshop is designed for administrators and developers new to the IBM MQ family and experienced MQ personnel who need an introduction to IBM MQ V9.

Course Content:

  • Overview and Terms for MQ on z/OS
  • What’s New in MQ Version 9.3+
  • Queue manager and CHIN internals
  • Creation of queue manager lab
  • JES Logs and messages from MQ
  • JES Logs Lab
  • MQ problem determination
  • MP1B lab
  • Queue Sharing Groups – A Start
  • Building a queue sharing group
  • Queue-sharing group lab
  • MQ and Kafka Deep Dive
  • MQ and REST APIs
  • Streaming queues lab


2.75 Days

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Oracle® Databases on IBM LinuxONE Systems Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This two-day workshop is designed for Linux and Oracle IT professionals and decision makers who are considering the LinuxONE platform for Oracle® database deployment. Companies seeking a more cost effective platform for Oracle that provides higher reliability, availability, and security, and reduces overall IT costs—especially with hardware and software licensing—benefit from sending employees to this workshop. The event is of interest to attendees who are considering a move of Oracle databases to LinuxONE Systems or the installation of new Oracle database instances on LinuxONE Systems. Oracle DBAs and administrators along with IBM Z personnel are encouraged to attend to learn about the combined IBM Oracle solution on LinuxONE. Presentations, demonstrations, and labs showcase the installation of Linux and Oracle database software. The workshop also includes lectures on database migration, tuning and performance, monitoring tools, and data collection.

Next steps, POC recommendations, and a discussion of technical support and implementation services available to assist customers to achieve a successful installation will conclude the workshop.


This workshop is for Linux on z Systems Users, Oracle DBAs, IT Managers, IT Architects, System Administrators, and Project Managers considering a move to or installation of Oracle on Linux on z Systems. Attendees with either an Oracle Database or a Linux z Systems background benefit from this event combining the solution of Oracle database and z Systems. Confirmations might be limited to two attendees per enterprise due to workshop size restrictions.


Oracle database users or Linux on Z users planning or considering a deployment of Oracle database on a Linux on Z systems platform are the target audience for this workshop.


2.0 days

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Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Z and LinuxONE Virtual Wildfire Workshop


This workshop enables customers to gain an understanding of Red Hat OpenShift and how it can be used with the IBM Z platform. Attendees receive lectures on Red Hat OpenShift, the underlying open source components (Containers, Kubernetes, and so on), and the additional components provided by the OpenShift solution. Hands-on experience on using Red Hat OpenShift and deploying and managing cloud native applications on the IBM Z platform is also provided.


The audience for this workshop is generally z/VM Systems Programmers, Cloud Application Developers, Linux Server Administrators, and anyone interested in understanding more about Red Hat OpenShift and how it can be used with IBM Z and LinuxONE.


This single day workshop covers the following topics:
  • Overview and introduction to Red Hat OpenShift on IBM zSystems
  • Benefits of Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Z and LinuxONE
  • Technical deep-dive of OpenShift on IBM zSystems, lessons learned, and best practices
Hands-on Lab Exercises:
  • Exploring the OpenShift web console and command line tools
  • Deploying cloud-native applications onto OpenShift from container images and source code
  • Creating stateful applications with persistent storage
  • Managing and monitoring the OpenShift cluster and applications


1.0 day

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MQ Smart Seminar

Course Description:

This event brings a WSC IBM MQ for z/OS expert into your environment, virtually, to present topics you select from our extensive portfolio. The session is highly interactive; while it starts from our presentation material, we are happy to discuss your environment and application requirements in a Webex conference.

This workshop requires attendees to enroll in the scheduled session. Contact Brian Birdsong ( for information on schedules and enrollment.


This event brings a WSC IBM MQ for z/OS expert into your environment with an agenda you select from our extensive portfolio of topics. The session is highly interactive, while it starts from our presentation material, we are happy to discuss your environment and application requirements. IBM MQ is flexible and so are these sessions! This seminar covers topics of your choice, ranging from configuration to application features. If you don't see the feature of particular interest in this list, ask—we can tailor to your needs!


The workshop is 7 hours in length and is provided remotely. This event is presentation-based and does not include any labs.

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IMS Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This one day hands-on lab introduces and shows how IMS resources are easily accessed from various distributed environments.

Depending on what IMS resources you are trying to access, there are two solutions that are part of the exercises:

  1. Mobile access to TRANSACTIONS by way of RESTful services:
    • Because of the strong business motivation to deliver mobile applications into the market quickly, mobile development projects typically have aggressive timelines. We show you how to easily leverage existing and trusted IMS applications to create cutting-edge mobile applications that can run on today's most popular handheld and tablet devices.
    • The labs use a WebSphere Liberty - z/OS Connect environment—along with a service provider called the IMS Mobile Feature Pack (IMS Mobile)—to accomplish this goal. A hands-on lab shows you how an IMS-provided tool, the IMS Enterprise Suite Explorer for Development, can be used to discover, model, enable, and publish services based on trusted IMS transactions.
    • These IMS transaction services can be consumed by mobile and cloud applications for access to IMS managed assets.
  2. Open DB access to IMS DATABASES from distributed environments:
    • Access to IMS data directly, without going through a transaction, promotes new application models and opens up the IMS environment to various integration capabilities. Data can be accessed directly, minimizing the need for replication.
    • Hands-on labs which leverage the IMS Enterprise Suite Explorer for Development (introduced in Part 1) show how you can
      • graphically view your database structure
      • create the metadata needed for JDBC/SQL access from the universal drivers
      • invoke the database and even use an SQL query builder to access the data.
    • To show how the IMS universal drivers can be implemented in various solutions, some exercises use Query Management Facility (QMF) to access IMS databases. QMF, which is typically used for Db2, is a business intelligence tool that provides interactive dashboards, graphical reports, and analytics. Now you can also use it for IMS.


Architects, system programmers, DBAs, and application developers who are interested in seeing how IMS can be integrated into new and evolving integration technologies.


  1. Intro to IMS modernization for mobility
  2. WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, z/OS/Connect, and the IMS Mobile Feature Pack Overview
  3. Using IMS Explorer for Development for mobile solution
  4. IMS Open DB: IMS Connect, ODBM, and the universal drivers
  5. Using IMS Explorer for Development for DB access
  6. QMF


6 - 8 hours

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Blockchain Immersion Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This two-day workshop enables understanding of Blockchain concepts to provide knowledge to start building your own permitted Blockchain network. Through a series of presentations and guided hands-on labs, you learn Blockchain concepts and architecture and how to model business networks that include the assets, participants, transactions, and access control lists in a sandbox environment. The workshop also covers how to deploy your Blockchain network, how to operate and integrate Blockchain networks into existing enterprises, how to install and deploy Blockchain, and how to use open source tools to manage the installed network.


Customer Line of Business, Executive Suite, Application Developers, Architects, and Infrastructure Specialists.


2.0 days

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IMS Product Enhancements Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

The wait is over… IMS 15 is available!

The most recent version of IMS is good news for an environment that already supports the processing of over 15 billion transactions per day. By enhancing both the Transaction Manager (IMS TM) and the Database Manager (IMS DB) components, IMS 15 not only leverages the new capabilities provided by the IBM z14 Mainframe and z/OS, but also provides the opportunity to improve business efficiencies by fostering innovation through an open and connected environment that uses APIs

IMS is the only combined database manager and transaction manager on the market today. The dual capability of IMS 15 on IBM's z System platform delivers unprecedented levels of performance and the greatest levels of availability, reliability, and security in the industry. With IMS 15, you can expect:

  • The ability to manage risk and simplify compliance
  • Improved performance
  • More dynamic functionality, greater availability, and simplified administration
  • A more dynamic Java™ development environment
  • Enhanced support for an API economy

In support of this most recent version, the Washington Systems Center team is offering a valuable “no-charge” two-day workshop focusing on the newly announced IMS 15 solutions.


  • Day 1:
    • Introduction: Continuous Delivery and the IMS Gold Program - What are they and what do they mean to you
    • Transaction Manager Enhancements: Topics include: the new auditability with network security credentials for your mobile and hybrid cloud environment along with improved support for WLM mobile or cloud workload pricing; enhancements to the IMS Repository including support for Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) resources; and numerous enhancements to OTMA and IMS Connect.
    • For the application area, topics include: enhancements to the dynamic program refresh capability; a new Program Creation user exit; IMS Java enhancements including the removal of storage constraints, improved security controls when you configure the Java environment, and better tracking of JVM usage; and improved efficiency of connection thread management when you use the ESAF interface to Db2;
    • Systems and Infrastructure: Topics include the ongoing movement toward simplification by reducing system definition and generation requirements; enhancements for Shared Queue environments; and major changes in the IMS Logger including the use of Media Manager for the write ahead data set (WADS) and the implications in your IMS environment. Additionally, the logger topics discuss the ability for the WADS and the OLDS to support hardware features such as zHyperWrite to improve throughput by reducing replication latency.
  • Day 2:
    • IMS Tools Support for IMS 15 including a discussion on how to help you manage the IMS environment with the catalog, IMS objects, copybooks, and JCL.
    • DBRC - Topics include DBRC Migration/Coexistence including RECON record changes, performing a RECON upgrade, and migration considerations.
    • Database Manager - Topics include recent enhancements to IMS managed ACBs; DEDB Alter enhancements and DEDB Alter load from the catalog; Data Definition Language (DDL) for DEDBs and enhancements to the IMS Explorer for Development tool. Extra topics include the concepts behind pervasive encryption and the impact on IMS.
    • Installation and Migration Wrap Up


2.0 Days (6 - 8 hours per day)

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Db2 for z/OS Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This workshop enables customers to gain an understanding of both the cloud and mobile environments in relation to Db2 for z/OS. For cloud, fully understand the basics of z/OSMF and workflows. In addition, attendees can use z/OSMF to verify that the proper Db2 maintenance is applied before you install or migrate and provision a new Db2 subsystem. Attendees then use Db2 and z/OSMF to install a new DB2 subsystem and then provision another new Db2 subsystem based on the first installation. For mobile, gain an understanding of Db2 Adapter for z/OS Connect. Attendees are provided with a hands-on experience to learn how easily and quickly REST APIs can be created by using the Db2 adapter.


For cloud, the audience for this workshop is generally Systems Programmers and anyone interested in understand more about Db2 installs, migrations, provisioning, and z/OSMF. For mobile, the audience for this workshop consists of Architects, Database Administrators, Application Developers, and other decision influencers interested in creating REST APIs from Db2 z/OS SQL statements and stored procedures.


As customers' interests vary, choose to attend either or both days

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Day 1: Db2 for z/OS and Mobile
    • Presentation — Introduction and Overview of Db2 Adapter for z/OS Connect
    • Lab Exercise 1 — Creating REST APIs Using Data Studio
    • Lunch
    • Lab Exercise 2 — Managing Db2 Adapter Services
    • Lab Exercise 3 — Configuring Db2 Adapter for z/OS Connect
    • Lab Exercise 4 — Securing Db2 Adapter for z/OS Connect
  • Day 2: Db2 for z/OS and Cloud
    • Presentation — Introduction and Overview of z/OSMF and Workflows
    • Lab Exercise 1 — Use z/OSMF to verify that the proper Db2 maintenance is applied before you install and provision a new Db2 subsystem
    • Lab Exercise 2 — Install a new Db2 subsystem by using z/OSMF
    • Lunch
    • Lab Exercise 3 — Provision a new Db2 subsystem by using z/OSMF based on the subsystem created in Lab Exercise 1


2.0 Days

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Db2 12 for z/OS Technology Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This workshop is a one day, no charge, comprehensive review of the capabilities and features of Db2 12. It enables customers to understand the breadth of features that are delivered in Db2 for z/OS and highlights Z System hardware that is leveraged by Db2 12. This workshop explains Db2 Continuous Delivery and how it enables Agile development processes and is highly tailorable to ensure the content is targeted at specific requirements to ensure that maximum value is delivered.


This workshop contains material relevant to Application Developers, DBAs, System Administrators, Architects, IT Decision makers, and Project Managers.


  • Migration, including:
    1. Continuous delivery
    2. Applcompat
    3. Prerequisites
  • System Exploitation, including:
    1. zIIP usage
  • Data Sharing:
    1. Async CF Duplexing
    2. Utility Enhancements
  • DBA Features, including:
    1. Transfer Ownership
    2. Schema Evolution
    3. Partition Management
  • Performance, including:
    1. Dynamic Plan Stability
    2. Memory Exploitation
  • SQL:
    1. Advanced Triggers
    2. Piecewise Delete
  • Utilities


1.0 day

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MQ z/OS Performance and SMF Evaluation Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

After many requests, the Washington Systems Center now offers a two-day workshop devoted to reviewing the health and well-being of z/OS queue managers. You start by reviewing JES logs for the queue manager and CHIN. Then, perform an in-depth review of the MQ SMF data by using the freely available tools MP1B and MQSMFCSV. Lots of hands-on labs! And, if you want to take a test drive with MQSMFCSV you can bring your own SMF data.


This workshop is designed for administrators and developers who need to look into performance problems, do capacity estimates, and need to keep their IBM MQ for z/OS environment on an even keel.


2.0 days

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Databases on IBM LinuxONE / Linux on IBM Z Hands On Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This free, three day, customer hands-on workshop is designed for Linux and database technical professional, application developers, and architects who are interested in learning more about, planning or considering the LinuxONE platform for the Oracle, Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL, EDB PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases deployments as a standalone as well as on a Red Hat OpenShift environment.A

This workshop provides both technical material and hands-on exercises.


3.0 days

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MongoDB on IBM LinuxONE / IBM Z Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This no-charge one day workshop is designed for Linux and MongoDB technical professionals, application developers, and database administrators who are interested in learning more about, planning or considering the Linux on Z or LinuxONE platform for MongoDB databases deployment.


This workshop is for YOU if:

  1. You're a business decision maker who is seeking a more cost-effective platform for MongoDB deployments that provide a higher reliability, availability, and security and reduce overall IT costs—especially with an emphasis on infrastructure simplification.
  2. You're considering a move or a new instance installation of MongoDB databases onto Linux on IBM Z or LinuxONE platform
  3. You're interested in learning more about MongoDB and Linux on Z/LinuxONE benefits and value add.


1.0 day

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IBM WSC z/OSMF Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This one-day workshop is designed to introduce z/OSMF to those personnel with z/OS experience who have yet to leverage its advantages. The goal is to gain an understanding of the capabilities of z/OSMF, identify z/OS modernization integration points that use z/OSMF, understand various use cases and touchpoints, and to foster skills transfer to use and leverage your existing z/OSMF infrastructures in your environment.

It covers everything from an Overview to various use cases on how clients are using the capabilities of and interoperating with z/OSMF.


System Programmers, Administrators, Architects, Technical Leads, Managers, and anyone interested in understanding more about z/OSMF.


1.0 day

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IBM AIOps with IBM Z and LinuxONE

Course Description:

IT environments are becoming increasingly complex with applications deployed across different platforms and architectures. From the public cloud to z/OS, IT operations teams increasingly require AI-driven visibility and management of their applications and infrastructure.

Join this workshop to learn about IBM’s AIOps solutions – Instana, Turbonomic, and Cloud Pak for AIOps – and how they can quickly identify and remediate problems using Ansible playbooks or shell scripts. Allowing IT professionals to focus on their most critical tasks rather than the common, repetitive ones.

You will hear from IBM subject matter experts about the concept of AIOps, IBM’s AIOps solutions and how they can manage IBM Z and LinuxONE. You will then gain hands-on experience with the solutions though a self-paced lab.


The audience for this workshop is typically IT operations team members responsible for keeping applications and infrastructure running and performing to meet SLAs for environments that include IBM Z and LinuxONE. This could include site reliability engineers, system administrators and programmers, architects, technical managers, or anyone who is interested in the topic. The material is presented at an introductory level.


4 hours

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Securing Critical Workloads with Hyper Protect Virtual Servers Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

This workshop provides a primer on Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. Gain hands-on experience with IBM's unique Secure Build process to build a secure image and deploy it inside a FIPS 197 compliant protected memory enclave. Additionally, learn about Hyper Protect Virtual Servers' crypto service built on FIPS 140-2 Level 4 compliant Hardware Security Module through lecture and lab. This workshop contains both presentation and hands-on exercises for enrolled students.


1.0 Day

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Cloud Native DevOps Powered by Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Z and LinuxONE Wildfire Workshop

Course Description:

The workshop overs these topics:

  1. Benefits of adopting a microservices strategy for your applications:
  2. Cloud native DevOps strategies and tools
  3. Benefits of the IBM Z and LinuxONE platform for hosting cloud native applications
  4. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Z and LinuxONE as part of a greater multi-cloud ecosystem

During the lab portion, participants use OpenShift Pipelines to build, deploy, update, and test a Java™ application the cloud native way.

  1. Building an application container
  2. Running automated tests on the build
  3. Deploying the application and its database to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
  4. Testing for successful deployment on the development cluster
  5. Deploying a successful development app to staging


  1. DevOps and cloud application development community
  2. Technical representatives interested in learning more about Red Hat OpenShift's capabilities on IBM Z


5 Hours

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IBM Z z/OS Pervasive Encryption Deep Dive


IBM is pleased to invite you to our IBM Z z/OS Pervasive Encryption wildfire workshop; a deep technical dive into pervasive encryption components and the underlying technology. Why? Encrypting your data makes you less vulnerable and keeps that data private, even if a breach occurs. “Pervasive Encryption for IBM Z is a consumable approach to enable extensive encryption of data in-flight and at-rest to substantially simplify encryption, and reduce costs associated with protecting data.”


IBM Z Clients leadership team, security architects, technical resources (z/OS, Storage, security, …) who want to learn, in detail, how to protect their data by using encryption.


2.0 Days

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Securing and Encrypting Network Traffic to z/OS Communications Server with Policy Agent

Course Description:

A Hands-on Workshop from the z/OS Communications Server Team of IBM Washington Systems Center


This workshop is designed to give the technical implementer student

  1. An introduction to z/OS Communications Server Security Solutions.
  2. Experience in designing and building X.509 digital certificates to provide security for TLS and IPSec.
  3. Experience in creating AT-TLS, IPSec, and IDS Policies with z/OS Configuration Assistant and installing the policies to protect network traffic to and from z/OS.
  4. Experience in implementing Syslog Daemon, Policy Agent, and Traffic Regulation Management Daemon on z/OS and in managing security policies on z/OS.
  5. Insight into the differences among various security technologies, including OpenSSH, IPSec, TLS, and IDS.


Intermediate to Advanced Technical Customers and who need hands-on experience in building and implementing security policies on z/OS Communications Server.  


  • Experience in managing and editing file structures on z/OS
  • Intermediate to Advanced experience in implementing TCP/IP - in z/OS Communications Server or other platforms


4 Days

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[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000LRasAAG","label":"CICS Transaction Server"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG90","label":"z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009xwAAA","label":"z\/OS"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008LTAAY","label":"Components and Features"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSNPJM","label":"IBM z\/OS Connect"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000Aj2AAE","label":"zOSConnect"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTHKL6","label":"IBM LinuxONE"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPH2","label":"IBM Information Management System (IMS)"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008FHAAY","label":"Other"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPEK","label":"Db2 for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000072oAAA","label":"Install and Migrate"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 April 2024

