IBM Support

lvextend failed for striped logical volume



customer added new LUN to extend existing logical volume, however, it failed to extend.


When ran lvextend command, it failed with error message as follow

# lvextend vg/stripe1 -L 406G
Using stripesize of last segment 64.00 KB
Extending logical volume stripe1 to 406.00 GB
Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for logical volume stripe1: 34480
more required


The existing logical volume was created with stripe, so in order to extend with stripe feature, newly added LUN should be the same size with existing logical volume.

Diagnosing The Problem

run command as follow to check if VFree size has the same size with existing logical volume

# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vg 3 1 0 wz--n- 406.97G 135.66G

Resolving The Problem

There are two solutions

1. request customer to add more LUN so that newly added LUN matches exiting logical volume size in this example, Vsize 406.97 and Vfree 135.66G, so exiting size is 406.97-135.66=271.31G. Customer need to add 271.31-135.66=135.65G more.

2. extend LVM without stripe feature as follow

# lvextend -i1 -l+100%FREE vg/stripe1

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSULQD","label":"IBM PureData System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"1.0.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 October 2019

