IBM Support

Known problems and limitations in WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for tWAS V8.5x and V9.x

Release Notes


This page contains known issues for the current supported versions of WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for tWAS V8.5x and V9.x - v24.1 and v23.2.


Customers installing WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools are encouraged to read all technotes before installation. The information on this page highlights key issues and related technical guidance for known issues with specific releases and environment configurations.

WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools v24.1

Symptom Workaround
Sometimes when right clicking an EAR project and selecting java ee tools -> Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub it generates a stub which doesn't include modules inside it.
Manually delete the deployment descriptor and try again. It seems to alternate between creating an application.xml file without stubs and one with stubs each time you retry (delete the file first to enable the menu item).
Due to a change in the way that Eclipse handles third-party libraries, interacting with WebSphere Application Server is not possible on Eclipse version 2024-03.
Install WDT on Eclipse 2024-06.
WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools 
When creating a Web Service using WebSphere v9.0 and and generating a Java Bean Skeleton using the Top Down EJB Web Service type against a WSDL file, on the screen where you specify the HTTP Router, pressing next may generate the following error Unable to add the follwing facets to project.
Note: follwing is not a typo, it is from the message.
Press next again and the wizard will complete successfully.
You receive an error message when starting the server and you are using Java 11 or higher
In Java 11 and higher, hostname verification is ON by default. If a user attempts to connect to the server, the request fails due to a mismatch between the hostname on the soap connection and the existing certificate.
See see the section titled 'Untrusted certificate due to hostname verification' in technote for the solution.
If you use the Docker Tools perspective to pull an image, you can encounter the following error: org.mandas.docker.client.exceptions.DockerException: Cannot run program "docker-credential-desktop": error=2, No such file or directory.
To work around this issue, go to ~/.docker/config.json and change credsStore to credStore. You can also use docker pull manually to pull the image you need rather than using the tools. Issue raised here.
During a Gradle build, you receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version XX. where XX is a number. This is due to a clash between the version of Java that the default Gradle version being specified is expecting, and the version of Java being used in WDT/Eclipse.
Set system property GRADLE_VERSION_OVERRIDE to a version of Gradle that supports the version of Java being used in WDT/Eclipse.
After you complete the wizard to generate a web service into an OSGi application, a dialog appears saying that the application did not start successfully. The Liberty server logs report: The application could not be started as it could not be found at location
Clicking "Finish" again deploys the app and the wizard completes successfully.
After you use the Generate Web Service wizard to create and deploy a web service client, Eclipse can wrongly report that the generated client has validation errors, and cannot deploy correctly.
In this case, try clicking OK to continue with the deployment. After the wizard completes, check for error markers on the web service client project.
When creating web services, the following error can be encountered:
status:Status ERROR: id code=0 IWAB0506E Error when copying Axis jar files to web project /lib/axis.jar
status:Status ERROR: id code=0 IWAB0506E Error when copying Axis jar files to web project /lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Errors seen: {[error:+Status ERROR: id code=0 IWAB0506E Error when copying Axis jar files to web project /lib/axis.jar]
[error:+Status ERROR: id code=0 IWAB0506E Error when copying Axis jar files to web project /lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar]
    at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
    at junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
This is due to an eclipse bug. For details, please see
No current workaround is available.
When creating or importing a project which uses the Liberty Gradle plugin version 3.x, no prompt appears to create a runtime and server for the project.
The problem occurs because the gradle plugin no longer specifies a default location for the server.xml, it just defines a default folder containing config files. This results in the build/liberty-plugin-config.xml not having a liberty-plugin-config/servers/server/configFile element which the Open Liberty Tools are looking for.
Manually specify the location of the server.xml in the build.gradle file like this:
liberty {
    server {
        serverXmlFile = file('src/main/liberty/config/server.xml')

WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools v23.2

Symptom Workaround
Sometimes when right clicking an EAR project and selecting java ee tools -> Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub it generates a stub which doesn't include modules inside it.
Manually delete the deployment descriptor and try again. It seems to alternate between creating an application.xml file without stubs and one with stubs each time you retry (delete the file first to enable the menu item).
You see a timeout error message when starting a remote WebSphere Application Server on Ubuntu 22.04, although the server has started successfully on the remote server.
The following problems has occurred when starting the server.
The server may not be started in the correct mode.
You can restart the server to desired mode if it is started.
CTGRI0075E A file transfer to or from the system named [xxx]  
timed out before the transfer could complete. 
The current timeout interval is set to 240000 milliseconds, and might need to be increased.
Ignore the timeout error message.
Once the server has started successfully, WDT will refresh the servers view with the connection status.
WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools 
When creating a Web Service using WebSphere v9.0 and and generating a Java Bean Skeleton using the Top Down EJB Web Service type against a WSDL file, on the screen where you specify the HTTP Router, pressing next may generate the following error Unable to add the follwing facets to project.
Note: follwing is not a typo, it is from the message.
Press next again and the wizard will complete successfully.
You receive an error message when starting the server and you are using Java 11 or higher
In Java 11 and higher, hostname verification is ON by default. If a user attempts to connect to the server, the request fails due to a mismatch between the hostname on the soap connection and the existing certificate.
See see the section titled 'Untrusted certificate due to hostname verification' in technote for the solution.
When you are importing a Gradle application, you can receive "'Auto share git projects' has encountered a problem. Connecting Git team provider failed. See log for details"
If you are trying to Auto share the project, then configure eGit. If you are not, then go to Preferences > Version Control (Team) > Git > Projects > and untick "Automatically share projects located in a Git repository"
If you use the Docker Tools perspective to pull an image, you can encounter the following error: org.mandas.docker.client.exceptions.DockerException: Cannot run program "docker-credential-desktop": error=2, No such file or directory.
To work around this issue, go to ~/.docker/config.json and change credsStore to credStore. You can also use docker pull manually to pull the image you need rather than using the tools. Issue raised here.
During a Gradle build, you receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 61. Issue raised against Eclipse as they do not provide a Java 17 compatible version of the Gradle Tools api (issue here).
Set system property GRADLE_VERSION_OVERRIDE; WDT uses that value instead of the one the Gradle plug-in says to use.
After you complete the wizard to generate a web service into an OSGi application, a dialog appears saying that the application did not start successfully. The Liberty server logs report: The application could not be started as it could not be found at location
Clicking "Finish" again deploys the app and the wizard completes successfully.
After you use the Generate Web Service wizard to create and deploy a web service client, Eclipse can wrongly report that the generated client has validation errors, and cannot deploy correctly.
In this case, try clicking OK to continue with the deployment. After the wizard completes, check for error markers on the web service client project.
Aesthetic inconsistencies are present in some wizards when you are viewing them in dark mode
No work-around available

WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools v23.1

General known issues

Symptom Workaround
After installation, Maven integration is broken or failing. When further inspecting the Eclipse log file, the following entry may be seen:
"org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.jst.server.preview.adapter [529]"

This is an Eclipse bug being fixed under

To work around this problem, add the following:

anywhere in the file:


You see a timeout error message when starting a remote WebSphere Application Server on Ubuntu 22.04, although the server has started successfully on the remote server.
The following problems has occurred when starting the server.
The server may not be started in the correct mode.
You can restart the server to desired mode if it is started.
CTGRI0075E A file transfer to or from the system named [xxx]  
timed out before the transfer could complete. 
The current timeout interval is set to 240000 milliseconds, and might need to be increased.
Ignore the timeout error message.
Once the server has started successfully, WDT will refresh the servers view with the connection status.
WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools 
When creating a Web Service using WebSphere v9.0 and and generating a Java Bean Skeleton using the Top Down EJB Web Service type against a WSDL file, on the screen where you specify the HTTP Router, pressing next may generate the following error Unable to add the follwing facets to project.
Note: follwing is not a typo, it is from the message.
Press next again and the wizard will complete successfully.
You encounter the following error in a Maven project:
"Conflicting lifecycle mapping metadata (project packaging type="bundle"): Mapping defined in 'org.eclipse.m2e.pde.connector_2.1.2.20221218-1726 [613]' and ' [988]'. To enable full functionality, remove the conflicting mapping and run Maven->Update Project Configuration."
Right-click on the error, select Quick Fix and choose Ignore M2E PDE Connector for bundle in eclipse preferences.
Run Maven > Update Project Configuration on the project.
You receive an error message when starting the server and you are using Java 11 or higher
In Java 11 and higher, hostname verification is ON by default. If a user attempts to connect to the server, the request fails due to a mismatch between the hostname on the soap connection and the existing certificate.
See see the section titled 'Untrusted certificate due to hostname verification' in technote for the solution.
When you are importing a Gradle application, you can receive "'Auto share git projects' has encountered a problem. Connecting Git team provider failed. See log for details"
If you are trying to Auto share the project, then configure eGit. If you are not, then go to Preferences > Version Control (Team) > Git > Projects > and untick "Automatically share projects located in a Git repository"
If you use the Docker Tools perspective to pull an image, you can encounter the following error: org.mandas.docker.client.exceptions.DockerException: Cannot run program "docker-credential-desktop": error=2, No such file or directory.
To work around this issue, go to ~/.docker/config.json and change credsStore to credStore. You can also use docker pull manually to pull the image you need rather than using the tools. Issue raised here.
During a Gradle build, you receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 61. Issue raised against Eclipse as they do not provide a Java 17 compatible version of the Gradle Tools api (issue here).
Set system property GRADLE_VERSION_OVERRIDE; WDT uses that value instead of the one the Gradle plug-in says to use.
After you complete the wizard to generate a web service into an OSGi application, a dialog appears saying that the application did not start successfully. The Liberty server logs report: The application could not be started as it could not be found at location
Clicking "Finish" again deploys the app and the wizard completes successfully.
After you use the Generate Web Service wizard to create and deploy a web service client, Eclipse can wrongly report that the generated client has validation errors, and cannot deploy correctly.
In this case, try clicking OK to continue with the deployment. After the wizard completes, check for error markers on the web service client project.
Aesthetic inconsistencies are present in some wizards when you are viewing them in dark mode
No work-around available

WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools v22.2

General known issues

Symptom Workaround
You receive an error message when starting the server and you are using Java 11 or higher
In Java 11 and higher, hostname verification is ON by default. If a user attempts to connect to the server, the request fails due to a mismatch between the hostname on the soap connection and the existing certificate.
See see the section titled 'Untrusted certificate due to hostname verification' in technote for the solution.
When you are importing a Gradle application, you can receive "'Auto share git projects' has encountered a problem. Connecting Git team provider failed. See log for details"
If you are trying to Auto share the project, then configure eGit. If you are not, then go to Preferences > Version Control (Team) > Git > Projects > and untick "Automatically share projects located in a Git repository"
Unable to start a server on a remote Ubuntu 22.04 system
It is possible to connect to and stop a remote server on Ubuntu 22.04, but it is not possible to start it, as Ubuntu 22.04 no longer supports the SSH host key algorithm used by WDT.
To work around this issue, on the remote machine, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the following:
  HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
  PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa
Then restart sshd service by using:
  sudo systemctl restart sshd
If you use the Docker Tools perspective to pull an image, you can encounter the following error: org.mandas.docker.client.exceptions.DockerException: Cannot run program "docker-credential-desktop": error=2, No such file or directory.
To work around this issue, go to ~/.docker/config.json and change credsStore to credStore. You can also use docker pull manually to pull the image you need rather than using the tools. Issue raised here.
During a Gradle build, you receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 61. Issue raised against Eclipse as they do not provide a Java 17 compatible version of the Gradle Tools api (issue here).
Set system property GRADLE_VERSION_OVERRIDE; WDT uses that value instead of the one the Gradle plug-in says to use.
After you complete the wizard to generate a web service into an OSGi application, a dialog appears saying that the application did not start successfully. The Liberty server logs report: The application could not be started as it could not be found at location
Clicking "Finish" again deploys the app and the wizard completes successfully.
After you use the Generate Web Service wizard to create and deploy a web service client, Eclipse can wrongly report that the generated client has validation errors, and cannot deploy correctly.
In this case, try clicking OK to continue with the deployment. After the wizard completes, check for error markers on the web service client project.
Aesthetic inconsistencies are present in some wizards when you are viewing them in dark mode
No work-around available

Installing on older versions of Eclipse (2023-03 and earlier)

General known issues

Symptom Workaround
During installation, the following error message may be observed:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Result of processing steps.
Public key not found for 810cecf8ba271008.
Result of processing steps.
Public key not found for 810cecf8ba271008.

This is caused by Eclipse being incorrectly configured to update Eclipse plugins from the 'latest' update site. A manual configuration change is required to point your installed Eclipse to the appropriate update site for its version.

To access this configuration. go to Help -> Install New Software then press the Manage button. You will see a dialog box like this:


This screenshot was taken using Eclipse 2023-03 (you may need to expand the dialog box to see the contents better).

Select each of the three selected items (one at a time) , press the Edit button and change the URL so it matches the version of your installed Eclipse.

For example, if your installed Eclipse is version 2023-03, change the top URL from


This will ensure Eclipse selects the appropriate plugins that match your Eclipse version.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHR6W","label":"WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000F7xsAAC","label":"IBM WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools"},{"code":"a8m0z0000001f0KAAQ","label":"WebSphere Application Server traditional-All Platforms-\u003ESystem Management-\u003ETraditional WAS-\u003EWebSphere Developer Tools WDT"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 August 2024

