IBM Support

Known problems and limitations in InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.7.1 Service Pack 1

Product Readmes


This page contains links to technotes related to issues when running InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.7.1 Service Pack 1 on AIX, Linux, and Windows.


Customers installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7.1 Service Pack 1 are encouraged to read all technotes and release notes before installing the suite. The tables below highlight key issues and related technical guidance for issues with Service Pack 1.  The link to the known issues for 11.7.1 is included below.  Issues resolved at 11.7.1 Service Pack 1 are noted in the 11.7.1 known issues technote.

Known issues from 11.7.1

InfoSphere Information Server general issues:

Description Reference Number
Known issues while installing Information Server Service Pack 1 0888305
Time of upgrade is dependent on the size of the graph database. Measured throughput is 1.2 mln assets per hour in single node deployment and 0.6mln assets per hour in single node deployment N/A

Information Governance Catalog New issues:

Description Reference Number
After having published a glossary asset in Information Governance Catalog New, an attempt to edit this asset from the search results may result in an error. In such a case, open the details of this asset and perform the edit action from there. N/A
When a user with Information Governance Catalog Basic Glossary User role tries to directly access any information asset hierarchy, a loading icon is shown infinitely. This is not a valid operation given the role limitations. There is no workaround for this issue. N/A
In the Overlap Analysis view in the Quality area, the relationships diagram does not display overlap relationships between the columns of the same table. The table under the diagram shows complete information so the user is advised to read this information from the table. N/A
When a glossary asset is published and then modified once again, it is shown under the "All assets" and "Modified assets" filters in the Catalog Search results but it does not show under "Published assets". There is no workaround for this issue. N/A
When new data rules are added to a data set in the Quality area's analysis view, the details of the data set do not show this data set as outdated. This is incorrect. The correct outdated state of the data set is visible on the data sets list. N/A
A data file field assigned to business terms shows an unexpected confidence score on the prediction (Finley).
In the Quality area, the Data Rules tab incorrectly displays Rule Set Definitions as Rule Sets and Rule Sets as Data Rules. This may result in an error being shown when trying to edit or view history for a Rule Set. The same actions work correctly on actual Data Rules. There is no workaround for this issue. N/A

InfoSphere Information Analyzer issues:

Description Reference Number
Creation of Information Analyzer project from IAAdmin CLI, shows the following warning indicating failure in creation of rule, rule definitions, rule sets and ruleset definitions. Although the assets get created successfully. So, this warning can be ignored.
"The rule "" cannot be found and has been ignored."
In Information Analyzer thin client, https:///ibm/iis/quality, when a rule is created with Statistics and Attributes( e.g., record id, ruleExecutableName) in the output content tab, and then executed, the following error is observed on viewing the run results.
"An exception of type java.rmi.RemoteException was caught. Exception message: Remote error occurred: CDICO2060E: The metadata for the select statement Sql syntax error: "RECORDID" is not valid in the context where it is used.. SQLCODE=-206, SQLSTATE=42703, DRIVER=4.23.42 could not be obtained: select address,RecordID from ..."
Workaround: Run the same rule from Information Analyzer workbench.
In Information Analyzer thin client, https:///ibm/iis/quality, when the workspace settings are left to default values, the analysis job is updating the existing result tables, although it should not since the option, "Store the analysis statistics, all distinct values and all updated values from previous analysis jobs" is false by default.
Workaround: Turn off the option explicitly or turn on "Store the analysis statistics and all distinct value".
When the output table of a rule is deleted, either using IAADmin CLI or by setting purge options in Workspace settings-> Advanced settings tab -> "Automatically delete output tables for data rules and rule sets -> Delete output tables except the N most recent = 1", rule run history still shows the older runs for which output tables are purged. When user tries to view details, it throws the following error, although the details of runs for which the output tables are not purged show up correctly. The error can be ignored.
""","exceptionMessage":"An exception of type java.rmi.RemoteException was caught.\nException message: Remote error occurred: CDICO2005E: Table could not be found: Sql syntax error: "
DataRule Execution fails when serviceName is used to define a connection to Oracle IADB. The following statements are generated in WebSphere Application Server logs after job submission.
   "Caused by: com.ascential.investigate.exception.SorcererGenericException: Something went wrong. More details follow...  Cannot convert IADB connection new_iadb_conn: cannot find a SID in url"
   Login to WebSphere Application Server Admin Console using https://<IIS-SERVER_NAME>:9043/ibm/console/
   Open "Data sources > IADB DataSource > Custom properties"
   Remove serviceName peroperty
   Add SID property
   Restart WebSphere Application Server

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 July 2019

