IBM Support

Kenexa Employee Voice: Creating a Custom Survey

Question & Answer


How do I create a custom survey?


To begin creating a survey, or to enter the Survey Library:

(1) Select Create a survey from the Employee Voice main menu or select the Create a survey tile on the Employee Voice homepage.

(2) Select the Build new survey icon or select the Build new survey tile from the My surveys tab.

(3) Enter the Display Name and Description and select Build. The Build page launches allowing you to begin building the survey.

(4) Select the Actions dropdown list to perform the following four options.

(5) Select Save after selecting an Action.

· Publish – Marks the survey as ready for administration, allowing the Project Administrator to distribute the survey to survey participants utilizing the Distribute a survey tile on the Employee Voice main page.

· Generate Preview – Launches a new window for the Project Administrator to preview the survey in a similar view a survey participant would see.

· Delete – Deletes the survey.

· Export – Allows the Project Administrator to export the survey.

· Import – Allows the Project Administrator to import a survey.

Note: Currently there are two functional differences between the survey preview and the actual participant experience: 1) No survey select page 2) Save and Finish later will not show. This will be resolved in an upcoming code push.

· Share - The preview link by selecting the arrow icon. You can copy the preview Share Survey Link or email it.

Note: This link remains active for seven calendar days.

· Cancel - Closes the Survey Build page and takes you back to the Survey Library WITHOUT saving any changes you have made since the last time you have saved your survey.

(6) Save any changes you have made during your recent Build session.

Note: After publishing a survey you can no longer move/edit/add/delete question(s) or answer(s) options. You can edit screen text, page titles, informational text and add/remove languages – to save these changes, you must re-publish the survey.

(7) Enter your survey content in the Welcome and Thank You message fields utilizing the pencil icon

Note: A text editor is available as well as a character count.

(8) Continue building your survey utilizing the Library, Custom, and Settings functions in the Build tab.

· Library - Allows Project Administrators to access and add IBM Core Content items sorted by Category.

(9) Select the right arrow icon for each category to view all survey items within that category.

(10) Select the plus + icon for the question and select which page you would like the question to be added to.

TIP! You can also drag and drop items from the library into your survey workspace.

(11) Once the item has been added, you can edit the item text, update the Category and update the item scale.

(12) Once you are satisfied with the item details, select Save to save your item or Cancel to discard your item without saving.

· Custom - Allows Project Administrators to add custom survey pieces including: custom questions, scales, comments, page breaks, and informational survey text (i.e., Welcome, Instructions, Definitions, Thank You)..

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Document Information

More support for:
Kenexa Employee Voice

Software version:
Version Independent

Document number:

Modified date:
17 June 2018



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