IBM Support

JD Edwards (Oracle) Solutions on IBM i



IBM and JD Edwards (Oracle) have enjoyed a long partnership of providing world class enterprise software solutions for the IBM i Power System (AS/400, System i, iSeries). JD Edwards World, OneWorld, and EnterpriseOne have been linked to the IBM i for well over 30 years and today include the latest hardware and software technologies.

The IBM i development team continues a close technical relationship with the JDE / Oracle development team focused on World and EnterpriseOne and optimization for the IBM i platform. The product information pages below focus on information and links related to the joint technical relationship for IBM i and specific JD Edwards solutions.


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IBM i 7.5 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne & World Solutions - JD Edwards has completed certification for EnterpriseOne on IBM i 7.5. EnterpriseOne certification for i 7.5 is available with tools release Earlier versions of tools releases are not tested or certified by Oracle. Details can be found in the following My Oracle Support certification: link here. JD Edwards has certified World A9.4 on IBM i 7.5 and details can be found in the following My Oracle Support document: ID 2867837.1

NOTE: Customers running EnterpriseOne on IBM i 7.5 who access remote databases, must install PTF SI84222.  Currently the PTF is in test status -- but any customers encountering errors accessing remote database tables, with JDE security kernels running on IBM i 7.5 should contact IBM support and request the test PTF.

IBM i 7.4 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Solutions - JD Edwards has completed certification for EnterpriseOne on IBM i 7.4. EnterpriseOne certification for IBM i 7.4 is available with tools release 9.2.5. Earlier versions of tools releases are not tested or certified by Oracle. Details can be found in the following Oracle announcement: link here.

IBM i 7.4 and JD Edwards World Solutions - JD Edwards has completed certification for World on IBM i 7.4.  World certification for IBM i 7.4 includes A9.3 update 1 and A9.4 base. Earlier versions of World software are not tested or certified by Oracle. Details can be found in My Oracle Support (MOS) and document 2552938.1 (requires MOS access).

Java Changes in January 2019 and IBM ACS - You may be aware that starting in January 2019, Oracle will charge corporate customers for the use of the Oracle Java runtime.  This does not impact the IBM Java JVM that is used for Java applications on the IBM i, nor does it impact IBM solutions like Eclipse, Rational Developer, or WebSphere Application Server (these products include the IBM JVM).  The change has led to questions on what it means for IBM Access Client Solutions which runs on users client devices on top of Java.  See the following document to address some common questions: Java Options for IBM i Access Client Solutions

IBM POWER9 Systems Support for Oracle/JDE Solutions - IBM launched the latest family of Power Systems, built on the industry leading POWER9 processor, in February 2018 with scale-out systems (S914, S924, S922) followed with the enterprise scale up systems in October, November 2018 (E980).  Customers often ask about support for JDE solutions on POWER9 -- and the simple answer is they are fully supported!  Oracle/JDE certification is based on IBM i OS releases, and with POWER9 supporting IBM i 7.2 and IBM i 7.3 there is a wide choice of support options for both EnterpriseOne and World solutions.  Included in that Power System roadmap are the new IBM i Solution Edition offerings based on POWER9.

Technical Notes & Informational APARs

We recommend that you transition to using My Oracle Support and the Certifications tab for the latest information on specific JD Edwards solutions (EnterpriseOne and World), and what IBM i OS releases they are supported on.

NOTE: Typically not updated after Oracle first certifies a given OS release.

EnterpriseOne - IBM i Solution

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne was originally launched in the mid 1990s under the name OneWorld -- and is the cross-platform client/server solution loosely based on the JD Edwards World solution (which was IBM i only). OneWorld was followed by the release of OneWorld Xe in 2000 -- which eventually was renamed EnterpriseOne. EnterpriseOne runs on the IBM i (AS/400, System i, iSeries) platform as well as Unix (including IBM AIX), Windows and Linux (x86) platforms. EnterpriseOne supports multiple databases including Db2 for i, DB2 UDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. The latest EnterpriseOne versions are 9.2 and 9.1. Older versions that are no longer supported (but potentially still in use) include 9.0, 8.12, 8.11, and ERP 8.

For detailed certification and support information -- My Oracle Support (MOS) is the official source. Here is an unofficial matrix of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne support by IBM i OS release (both EnterpriseOne tools and applications):

i 6.1 i 7.1 i 7.2 i 7.3 i 7.4 i 7.5
EnterpriseOne tools 8.97.1 X
EnterpriseOne tools 8.98 X
EnterpriseOne tools 8.98.1 X
EnterpriseOne tools 8.98.2 X
EnterpriseOne tools 8.98.3 X X
EnterpriseOne tools 8.98.4 X X
EnterpriseOne tools X X
EnterpriseOne tools X X
EnterpriseOne tools X X
EnterpriseOne tools X X X
EnterpriseOne tools X X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.0.x X X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.1.x X X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.2.x X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.3.x X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.4.x X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.5.x X X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.6.x X X
EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.7.x X X X
i 6.1 i 7.1 i 7.2 i 7.3 i 7.4 i 7.5
EnterpriseOne 8.11
(through 8.98.4)
EnterpriseOne 8.11 SP1
(through 8.98.4)
EnterpriseOne 8.12
(through 8.98.4)
EnterpriseOne 9.0
(8.98 through 9.2.2.x)
EnterpriseOne 9.1
( through 9.2.2.x)
EnterpriseOne 9.2
(9.2.0.x through 9.2.7.x)

EnterpriseOne Sections

Customer References
Websites, Forums and Blogs
Benchmarks and Performance
Services and Support

EnterpriseOne Customer References

  • Defence Construction
    Find out why Defence Construction Canada feels the IBM i Solution Edition for JD Edwards is the complete meal deal.
  • Stewart & Stevenson
    Jack Crouch of Stewart & Stevenson explains why he upgraded to IBM POWER7 processor-based servers supporting Oracle JD Edwards.
  • Little Rapids
    Find out what Little Rapids Corporation thinks of the IBM i Solution Edition for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - an integrated offering that includes server, database and middleware.
  • Mertiage Homes
    Meritage Homes builds better customer information into its business.

Websites, Forums, Blogs

Benchmarks and Performance


  • IBM Power 770 with IBM i 7.1 for EnterpriseOne 9.0 Benchmark Results

    This paper describes the results, configuration and tuning with a single 32-core IBM POWER7 enterprise 770 server scaling 15000 interactive users, 12000 interactive users along with a batch UBE workload, with IBM i 7.1, WebSphere Application Server, and Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne 9.0 solution.

  • IBM i Solution Edition for Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne performance benchmark results

    This paper describes the results of recent measurements which demonstrate the performance of Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on IBM Power Systems POWER7 processor-based servers running IBM i. These latest measurements reflect the recent announcements of POWER7 based entry servers, the IBM i Solution Edition for JD Edwards, and Oracle support for WebSphere Application Server Express.

  • Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Scaling with IBM POWER6, POWER7, and IBM i

    This paper describes the results of recent performance measurements which demonstrate the scalability of Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on IBM Power Systems POWER6 and POWER7 processor-based servers running IBM i. The POWER6 results show near linear scalability across several measurements of 500, 1000, and 2000 web-based users on two, four, and eight core configurations. The POWER6 measurements also achieved a new high-water mark of 2400 web-based users on an eight core configuration. In this version of the document, that value has been surpassed by the results from an eight core POWER7 configuration which achieved 4000 web-based users.

Performance Studies

  • Power Systems with IBM i using Solid-State Drives to boost EnterpriseOne performance

    This paper shows how solid-state disk improved the performance of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Pre-Payroll process by 57 percent. It will also show a step-by-step process to identify areas in a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment that may benefit from solid-state drives. Then using a process available in IBM i 7.1, it will show how data can be easily moved to SSDs to achieve the best possible performance.

  • Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IBM POWER7 performance characterization

    This paper describes the results of recent performance characterization tests which demonstrate the scalability of Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on IBM POWER7 processor-based servers running IBM i. The POWER7 results show near linear scalability across measurements of 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 interactive HTML users on a twelve-core configuration with average response times below 0.2 seconds. This paper also shows that interactive response time remains below 0.2 seconds when 4000 users are run with various batch workloads.

  • Customer case study of UBE Performance on POWER6

    This paper describes Universal Batch Engine (UBE) performance tests done for the Donaldson Company to assess the performance improvements available from upgrading to IBM i 6.1 and to POWER6 processors. The results show that i 6.1 provided an improvement of approximately 10-13 percent when compared to i 5.4. The results also show that POWER6 processors and i 6.1 together provided an improvement of approximately 58 percent when compared to POWER4 processors and i 5.4. This validates previous results which indicate significant performance improvements available from POWER6 processors and i 6.1.


Fact Sheets

White Papers

Analyst Papers




Empty section.

Services and Support

Applications Unlimited - Oracle furthered its commitment to the IBM System i customers, extending support and enhancement efforts for JD Edwards Applications on IBM System i. For more information on Oracle Application Unlimited visit the Application Unlimited website (link resides outside of

World - IBM i Solutions

JD Edwards World Software was originally launched in the late 1970s and was the first enterprise software solution from JD Edwards.  World software runs on the IBM i (AS/400, System i, iSeries, Power System) platform and continues to be enhanced with new versions and new capabilities today.  World software versions still supported include A9.2, A9.3, and A9.4.  Older versions that are no longer supported (but potentially still in use) include A9.1, A8.x and A7.3.

For detailed certification and support information -- My Oracle Support (MOS) is the official source.  Here is an unofficial matrix of JD Edwards World support by IBM i OS release:

i 6.1 i 7.1 i 7.2 i 7.3 i 7.4 i 7.5
World A7.3 X X
World A8.1 X X
World A9.1 X X
World A9.2 X X
World A9.2.1 X X X
World A9.3 X X X X
World A9.3
 Update 1
World A9.4 X X X X X

World Sections

Customer References
Websites, Forums and Blogs
Benchmarks and Performance
Services and Support


Oracle Certification Plans for IBM i 7.5 and JD Edwards World

Oracle has access to the latest IBM i code, but to date no testing or certification of IBM i 7.5 OS release with World has been completed. Current Oracle plans, subject to change, would have IBM i 7.5 supported for World in 2023.  Customers wanting to adopt IBM i 7.5 should make their requests known to your JD Edwards client rep. At this time we do not have any open, IBM i 7.5 unique issues for World.

Oracle / JD Edwards "Blue Stack" End Of Support Means What??

Is Oracle / JD Edwards ending IBM WebSphere or IBM i support in September 2016? This question is again coming up frequently -- and the short answer is NO. However, what is happening is the end of Oracle support for the OEM agreement that they announced back in 2010 and stopped offering in 2013. Download this document to get details on what is changing and what is not changing. But understand -- there is nothing ending in terms of IBM WebSphere and IBM i support for JD Edwards software. Although "Blue Stack" and Technology Foundation normally applies to EnterpriseOne, customers of World should also understand what is happening.

JD Edwards "Blue Stack" End of Support Info

Oracle Certification Plans for IBM i 7.3 and JD Edwards World

Oracle has access to the IBM i 7.3 code, but to date testing and certification of the new IBM i 7.3 OS release with World has not been completed. Current Oracle plans, subject to change, would have IBM i 7.3 supported for World A9.3 and A9.4 in late 2016 or early 2017.  Customers wanting to adopt IBM i 7.3 should make their requests known to your JD Edwards client rep. "If specific customers have issues, [they] should call Oracle Support," says Denise Grills, Oracle's VP of content and communications engineering. At this time we do not have any open, IBM i 7.3 unique issues for World.

IBM Power Systems and POWER8 Support for JD Edwards Solutions

IBM launched the latest family of Power Systems, built on the industry leading POWER8 processor, in 2014 with scale-out systems followed with the enterprise scale up systems in 2015. Customers often ask about support for JD Edwards solutions on POWER8 -- and the short answer is they are fully supported. Oracle JD Edwards certification is based on IBM i OS releases, and with POWER8 supporting both IBM i 7.1 and IBM i 7.2 there is a wide choice of support options for both World and EnterpriseOne.  Included in that support are the new IBM i Solution Edition offerings based on POWER8.

Oracle announces validation of JD Edwards World on IBM i 7.2

In continuance of support for the IBM i platform, Oracle announces validation and support for the JD Edwards World product line on IBM i 7.2. Validation has been completed for IBM i 7.2 with JD Edwards World application releases A9.2.1, A9.3 and A9.3.1. See the Certifications section of My Oracle Support, My Oracle Support Doc ID 1668661.1 and Doc ID 1667015.1, and the IBM i Informational APAR II14749. The informational apar is linked in the Platform and release maintenance and service information section of this web page.

Oracle announces validation of JD Edwards World on IBM i 7.1

In continuance of support for the IBM i platform (formerly known as System i), Oracle announces validation and support for the JD Edwards World product line on IBM i 7.1. Validation has been completed for IBM i 7.1 with JD Edwards World application releases A7.3 Cumulative Update 8 and above, A8.1, A9.1 and A9.2.

Refer to Solution 1087690.1 (link resides outside of on My Oracle Support for additional information.

This document is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.

Customer References

Turner Industries - A move to POWER7 turns up availability to support 24 x 7 operations while dramatically accelerating response times with IBM Solid-State Drive technology.

Crosman Corporation - IBM eServer iSeries and JD Edwards World help Crosman Corporation stay open 24 x 7 for e-business.

Websites, Forums, Blogs

Benchmarks and Performance

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Solution Fact Sheets

White Papers

Analyst Papers


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Services and Support

Empty Section

Past Announcements

Issue with IBM i 7.3 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Remote Database Access - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installations that are using a remote database on an IBM i running 7.3 OS release have seen failures.  E1 services will fail to start and some of the errors in the Security Kernel would include SQL0313 saying there are an invalid number of parameters, and db request failed.  A fix for this issue was made available in 2017 (SI65716 5770SS1) and should be applied.  If you are running with a current PTF group or cum you will have this fix.

Oracle Certification for IBM i 7.3 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Oracle has certified IBM i 7.3 OS release with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  See the Platform Certifications section of the April 2017 Announce document from Oracle.  You can also find details of the support matrix of JDE EnterpriseOne tools releases for IBM i 7.3 on My Oracle Support in the Certifications tab.  You should find that EnterpriseOne tools 9.2.1.x and 9.2.0.x both show IBM i 7.3 support for the various items (i.e., database, HTML, enterprise, BSSV, AIS, tools, and portal).  If moving your EnterpriseOne environment to IBM i 7.3 we recommend you use the latest Technology Refresh level, the latest PTF Cum (SF99730) and latest PTF Groups (Database Group SF99703, Security Group SF99728, HTTP Group SF99722, Java Group SF99725, etc).

For more information on IBM i 7.3 and EnterpriseOne see the IBM i 7.3 JD Edwards Tech Note.

Oracle Certification IBM i 7.3 and JD Edwards World - Oracle has certified IBM i 7.3 OS release with World.  See the Platform Certifications section of the April 2017 Announce document from Oracle.  You can also find details of the support matrix of JDE World releases for IBM i 7.3 on My Oracle Support in the Certifications tab.  You should find that World A9.4 and A9.3 update 1 (both for single and double byte) are supported for IBM i 7.3 support.  World A9.3 is not supported.  If moving your World environment to IBM i 7.3 we recommend you use the latest Technology Refresh level, the latest PTF Cum (SF99730) and latest PTF Groups (Database Group SF99703, Security Group SF99728, HTTP Group SF99722, Java Group SF99725, etc).

For more information on IBM i 7.3 and World see the IBM i 7.3 JD Edwards Tech Note.

Oracle / JD Edwards "Blue Stack" End Of Support Means What?? - Is Oracle / JD Edwards ending IBM WebSphere or IBM i support in September 2016?  This question is again coming up frequently -- and the short answer is NO.  However, what is happening is the end of Oracle support for the OEM agreement that they announced back in 2010 and stopped offering in 2013.  Download to get details on what is changing and what is not changing.  But understand -- there is nothing ending in terms of IBM WebSphere and IBM i support for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software.

IBM Power Systems and POWER8 Support for JD Edwards Solutions - IBM launched the latest family of Power Systems, built on the industry leading POWER8 processor, in 2014 with scale-out systems followed with the enterprise scale up systems in 2015.  Customers often ask about support for JD Edwards solutions on POWER8 -- and the short answer is they are fully supported.  Oracle JD Edwards certification is based on IBM i OS releases, and with POWER8 supporting both IBM i 7.1 and IBM i 7.2 there is a wide choice of support options for both World and EnterpriseOne.  Included in that support are the new IBM i Solution Edition offerings based on POWER8.

Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Certification on IBM i 7.2 - In conjunction with the April 2014 announcement of IBM i 7.2, Oracle has announced that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tools release 9.1.4 is certified for IBM i 7.2.  For details see the Certifications section of My Oracle Support (user ID and password required) and My Oracle Support Doc ID 1668661.1.  Also see IBM Informational APAR II14749, in the Informational APAR website links section of this page.

Oracle Validation of JD Edwards World on IBM i 7.2 - In continuance of support for the IBM i platform, Oracle announces validation and support for the JD Edwards World product line on IBM i 7.2. Validation has been completed for IBM i 7.2 with JD Edwards World application releases A9.2.1, A9.3 and A9.3.1.  See the Certifications section of My Oracle Support, My Oracle Support Doc ID 1668661.1 and Doc ID 1667015.1, and the IBM i Informational APAR II14749.  The informational apar is linked in the Platform and release maintenance and service information section of this web page.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CGbAAM","label":"General Information"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

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Modified date:
07 August 2023



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