IBM Support

ITM Agent Insights: Installing ITCAM UD agent for DB2 monitoring installs back-level components

Technical Blog Post


ITM Agent Insights: Installing ITCAM UD agent for DB2 monitoring installs back-level components


The DB2 monitoring agent by design installs both 32 and 64 bit UD agent components (necessitating both 32 and 64 bit shared libraries - AX, and 32 and 64 bit JRE and GSKIT) because the bitness of the UD monitoring agent must match the bitness of the DB2 installation.  Since DB2 allows for both 32 and 64 bit databases, the monitoring agent must provide 32 and 64 bit UD agents.

The ITCAM for DB2 installation image packages back-level Common Installer components, which can result in older levels of AX / JR / GS components being installed for aix523 platform that can cause security scans to flag a system for having impacted versions of components.

DCF Technote 1661263 documents that the order of installation will result in different versions of components being in place:
Install DB2 agent 7.1 into ITM 6.3 FP2 installation failed. KCIIN2559E A problem occurred during Local GSKit configuration changes.

The recommendation from Support is to use the 6.3.x.x full image, and install the UNIX OS agent first, this will put down the 64-bit UX agent and AX / JR / GS.

Then install the UE component from the 6.3.x.x full image to install 32-bit components before trying to install the UD agent which includes older / back-level components in its image as it is an older release based package.

This would be case #2 in technote 1661263.

Below I walk through an examples of each of Case #2 and Case #3  based on environment using 6.3 FP2 licensed images from Passport Advantage to demonstrate the order and command syntax and resulting versions of components that will be in place after install.

Case #2 Install OS agent and UE component first, prior to installing DB2 monitoring agent - Recommended


If you are performing installs locally (so not using remote deploy from TEMS depot), download Part Number CIQ3QML to a "clean" AIX system.

CIQ3QML    IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3.0.2 Agents, Multiplatform, Multilingual     Operating system agents (IBM i, Linux, UNIX, Windows) and agentless OS agents (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows)

Download the 6.3 FP2 base agent image - CIQ3QML - ITM_V6.3.0.2_AGT_MP_ML.tar.gz

Extract the package:
gunzip ITM_V6.3.0.2_AGT_MP_ML.tar.gz
tar -xvf ITM_V6.3.0.2_AGT_MP_ML.tar

# pwd
# ls
AUTORUN.INF                 PrivateConfigSamples        kcirunas.cfg                silent_config.txt
Deploy                      README.TXT                  license                     silent_install.txt                WINDOWS                     mibs                        system_monitor_agent
ITM_V6.3.0.2_AGT_MP_ML.tar  i5OS                        non_ibm_license             unix
InstallITM                          notices

# whoami
# ./

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2

"/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2" does not exist
Try to create it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?  1

KCI1362W IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 introduces a number of platform improvements which may require operating syst
em updates. It is important that you ensure this system meets these requirements prior to installing or updating your in
stallation. Please refer to the following technote for more information:

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number:  1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms


Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.

Enter a 32-character encryption key, or just press Enter to use the default
        Default = IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey

 Product packages are available in /opt/CIQ3QML/unix
All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Ent
erprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agen

The following products are available for installation:

 1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 6) Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00
 7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00
 8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here:  6
The following products will be installed:

  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.

Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        PASS    IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-042810/COMMON/result.txt
        PASS    IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-042810/COMMON/result.txt
        PASS    Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-042810/COMMON/result.txt
        PASS    Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-042810/COMMON/result.txt

        PASS    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-042810/COMMON/result.txt

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit
GSkit encryption key has been set.
Key File directory: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/keyfiles

 ... installing "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit).
... Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ?

At this point the following components are installed:
/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/bin/cinfo -i

*********** Sat Jan 28 04:35:27 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix526  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix526  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

Choosing to install additional components to install the UE to install 32-bit components

(NOTE: there is both a 64-bit and a 32-bit UE in the package, so you have to specifically choose to install components for another operating system to install the 32-bit UE on a 64-bit AIX system).

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1
Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

 1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
 2) Other operating systems
[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]: 2
Product packages are available for the following operating systems and component support categories:

 1) AIX R5.2 (32 bit)
 2) AIX R5.2 (64 bit)
 3) AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
 4) AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
 5) HP-UX R11 (32 bit)
 6) HP-UX R11 (64 bit)
 7) HP-UX R11 Integrity (32 bit)
 8) HP-UX R11 Integrity (64 bit)
 9) Linux Intel R2.6 GCC 2.9.5 (64 bit)
10) Linux Intel R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
11) Linux S390 R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
12) Linux S390 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
13) Linux ppc R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
14) Linux ppc R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
15) Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
16) Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
17) Solaris Opteron R10, R11 (32 bit)
18) Solaris Opteron R10, R11 (64 bit)
19) Solaris R10, R11 (32 bit)
20) Solaris R10, R11 (64 bit)
21) Solaris R8 (32 bit)
22) Solaris R8 (64 bit)
23) Solaris R9 (32 bit)
24) Solaris R9 (64 bit)

Type the number for the OS or component support category you want, or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "4" or "AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)" is default ]:  3

You selected number "3" or "AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

The following products are available for installation:

 1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 6) Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00
 7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00
 8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here:  7

The following products will be installed:

  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        PASS    IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-045026/COMMON/result.txt
        PASS    IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-045026/COMMON/result.txt
        PASS    Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-045026/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-045026/COMMON/result.txt

        PASS    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170128-045026/COMMON/result.txt

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit

 ... installing "Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)".
... Initializing component Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit).
... Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ?

At this point you should see both 32-bit and 64-bit AX, GS, and JR components, and a 32-bit UE component.

# ./cinfo -i

*********** Sat Jan 28 05:00:55 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ue      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
         aix533  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

This installed UE / AX for the "aix533" platform, to install UE / AX for 32-bit for "aix523" platform,  you need to install for the "AIX R5.2 (32 bit)" platform.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1

Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

 1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
 2) Other operating systems

Type the number or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]:  2

Product packages are available for the following operating systems and component support categories:

 1) AIX R5.2 (32 bit)
 2) AIX R5.2 (64 bit)
 3) AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
 4) AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
 5) HP-UX R11 (32 bit)
 6) HP-UX R11 (64 bit)
 7) HP-UX R11 Integrity (32 bit)
 8) HP-UX R11 Integrity (64 bit)
 9) Linux Intel R2.6 GCC 2.9.5 (64 bit)
10) Linux Intel R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
11) Linux S390 R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
12) Linux S390 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
13) Linux ppc R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
14) Linux ppc R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
15) Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (32 bit)
16) Linux x86_64 R2.6, R3.0 (64 bit)
17) Solaris Opteron R10, R11 (32 bit)
18) Solaris Opteron R10, R11 (64 bit)
19) Solaris R10, R11 (32 bit)
20) Solaris R10, R11 (64 bit)
21) Solaris R8 (32 bit)
22) Solaris R8 (64 bit)
23) Solaris R9 (32 bit)
24) Solaris R9 (64 bit)

Type the number for the OS or component support category you want, or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "4" or "AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)" is default ]:  1

You selected number "1" or "AIX R5.2 (32 bit)"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

The following products are available for installation:

 1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 6) Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00
 7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00
 8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here:  7

The following products will be installed:

  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 2

KCIIN2385W WARNING - you are about to install the SAME version of "Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00"

Do you want to install the SAME version [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1
 ... installing "Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R5.2 (32 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R5.2 (32 bit)".
... Initializing component Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R5.2 (32 bit).
... Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R5.2 (32 bit) initialized.

... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/bin/itmcmd config"

Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm4 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provide
s the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation now or m
anually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli Monitoring i
nstallation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]? 2

At this point you should see the following installed:

# ./cinfo -i

*********** Sat Jan 28 06:11:52 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ue      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
         aix523  Version:
         aix533  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

At this point you can install the UD agent (or other ITM / ITCAM agents that ship a 32-bit agent) without having to worry if that specific image ships "aix523" or "aix533" platform for 32-bit AIX operating system that would be down-level and exposed to security vulnerabilities.

CRP6FML - IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications V7.2.1.2: Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2® 7.1 eAssembly, Multilingual, Multiplatform

CIN1CML - IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2 v7.1 Multiplatform, Multilingual

# pwd
# ls -la
total 3466304
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Jan 28 15:43 .
drwxr-xr-x   19 root     system         4096 Jan 28 15:41 ..
-rw-r-----    1 root     system   1774735969 Jan 28 17:23 ITCAM_APPS_7.1_AG_FOR_DB2.tar.gz
# gunzip *.gz
# tar -xvf *.tar

# ls
AUTORUN.INF                    REPORTS                        non_ibm_license
Deploy                         WIA64                          notices                   WINDOWS                        silent_config.txt
ITCAM_APPS_7.1_AG_FOR_DB2.tar                     silent_install.txt
InstallITM                     kcirunas.cfg                   unix
README.TXT                     license
[root@NC106182]:\ # ./

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2

ITM home directory "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2" already exists.
OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?  1

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number:  1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms


Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.
 Product packages are available in /opt/CIN1CML/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2":

  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Ent
erprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agen

Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

 1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
 3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support
 4) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support
 5) Other operating systems

Type the number or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]:  1

You selected number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

The following products are available for installation:

 1) IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.22.02.00
 3) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type "q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 1
The following products will be installed:

  IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        FAIL    prerequisitescanneroverallresult                /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        FAIL    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1
 ... installing "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit).
... IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 2
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/bin/itmcmd config"

Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm4 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provide
s the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation now or m
anually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli Monitoring i
nstallation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]? 2

At this point, the installed components:

[root@NC106182]:\ # ./cinfo -i

*********** Sat Jan 28 06:11:52 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ue      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
         aix523  Version:
         aix533  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

At this point you can install the UD agent (or other ITM / ITCAM agents that ship a 32-bit agent) without having to worry if that specific image ships "aix523" or "aix533" platform for 32-bit AIX operating system that would be downlevel and exposed to security vulnerabilities.


CRP6FML - IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications V7.2.1.2: Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2® 7.1 eAssembly, Multilingual, Multiplatform

CIN1CML - IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2 v7.1 Multiplatform, Multilingual

[root@NC106182]:\ # pwd
[root@NC106182]:\ # ls -la
total 3466304
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Jan 28 15:43 .
drwxr-xr-x   19 root     system         4096 Jan 28 15:41 ..
-rw-r-----    1 root     system   1774735969 Jan 28 17:23 ITCAM_APPS_7.1_AG_FOR_DB2.tar.gz
# gunzip *.gz
# tar -xvf *.tar

[root@NC106182]:\ # ls
AUTORUN.INF                    REPORTS                        non_ibm_license
Deploy                         WIA64                          notices                   WINDOWS                        silent_config.txt
ITCAM_APPS_7.1_AG_FOR_DB2.tar                     silent_install.txt
InstallITM                     kcirunas.cfg                   unix
README.TXT                     license
[root@NC106182]:\ # ./

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2

ITM home directory "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2" already exists.
OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?  1

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number:  1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms




Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.
 Product packages are available in /opt/CIN1CML/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2":

  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Ent
erprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agen

Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

 1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
 3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support
 4) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support
 5) Other operating systems

Type the number or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]:  1

You selected number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

The following products are available for installation:

 1) IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.22.02.00
 3) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type "q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 1
The following products will be installed:

  IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        FAIL    prerequisitescanneroverallresult                /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt
        FAIL    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/logs/prereqscan/20170129-034757/COMMON/result.txt

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1
 ... installing "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit).
... IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 2
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/bin/itmcmd config"

Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm4 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation now or manually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]? 2

At this point, the installed components:

# /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2/cinfo -i

*********** Sun Jan 29 03:57:34 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM63FP2
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ud      IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ue      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
         aix523  Version:
         aix533  Version:
         aix536  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

Note that DB2 monitoring agent installed both 32-bit (aix523)  and 64-bit (aix526) UD component.

At this point you could install additional UD agent interim fix, or perform the post install configuration steps for the UD agent.


Case #3 - use "tacmd updateFramework" to update back-level components:


A third workaround is to perform a local silent installation of Tivoli Framework:
1.    install the UX agent
2.    then run <MEDIA>/ -q -p <MEDIA>/unix/tfaix536.txt -h <ITMHOME>, this is to perform a local silent installation of Tivoli Framework.
<MEDIA> is the Tivoli Monitoring Agents installation media, not the KUD agent installation media.
<ITMHOME> is the Tivoli Monitoring installation directory that you wish to update.
3.    install the UD agent


Step 1:

# /opt/CIQ3QML/

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394

"/opt/IBM/ITM-79394" does not exist
Try to create it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?  1

KCI1362W IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 introduces a number of platform improvements which may require operating syst
em updates. It is important that you ensure this system meets these requirements prior to installing or updating your in
stallation. Please refer to the following technote for more information:

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number:  1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms


Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.
 Product packages are available in /opt/CIQ3QML/unix
All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Ent
erprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agen

The following products are available for installation:

 1) Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 2) Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 3) Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 4) Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 5) Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems  V06.30.02.00
 6) Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00
 7) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.30.02.00
 8) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here:  6

The following products will be installed:

  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        PASS    IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-050519/COMMO
        PASS    IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-050519/COMMON/result
        PASS    Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-050519/COMMON/result
        PASS    Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS            /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-050519/COMMON/result

        PASS    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-050519/COMMO

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit
GSkit encryption key has been set.
Key File directory: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/keyfiles

 ... installing "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; please wait.

 => installed "Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit).
... Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS  V06.30.02.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 2
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/itmcmd config"

Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm7 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provide
s the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation now or m
anually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli Monitoring i
nstallation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]? 2

Showing installed components after step 1.

# /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/cinfo -i

*********** Fri Feb 17 05:22:58 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix526  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix526  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

Step 2:

# ls /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tf*.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix523.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfhpi116.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tflx8266.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix526.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfli6263.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfsol283.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix533.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tflpp263.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfsol286.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix536.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tflpp266.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfsol603.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfhp11.txt    /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfls3263.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfsol606.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfhp116.txt   /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfls3266.txt
/opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfhpi113.txt  /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tflx8263.txt

# /opt/CIQ3QML/ -q -p /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix536.txt -h /opt/IBM/ITM-79394
INSTALL        :  installer level 630 / 100.        :  running aix526 jre.        :  searching for product families; please wait.        :  calculating available disk space.        :  calculating available disk space.        :  "9143960" kilobytes available; only "1000" kilobytes required for the package(s).        :  OK to install.

KCI1362W IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 introduces a number of platform improvements which may require operating syst
em updates. It is important that you ensure this system meets these requirements prior to installing or updating your in
stallation. Please refer to the following technote for more information:
1623341        :  installing products via silent mode.

Initializing ...        :  processing base CI package.        :  installer level 630 / 100.        :  running aix526 jre.        :  computed architecture = "aix536".        :  processing JRE packages.        :  About to check for installed JRE.        :  calculating available disk space.        :  calculating available disk space.        :  "9143920" kilobytes available.

Use of silent install mode implies license agreement acceptance. You can view the license file details in the /opt/IBM/I
TM-79394/LAP/license directory        :  calculating available disk space.        :  calculating available disk space.        :  "9142740" kilobytes available; only "10000" kilobytes required for the package(s).        :  OK to install.

 Product packages are available in /opt/CIQ3QML/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394":

  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)

Installing IBM Global Security Toolkit
... installing package "axaix523"; please wait.

 => installed package "axaix523".
... installing package "axaix533"; please wait.

 => installed package "axaix533".
... installing package "axaix536"; please wait.

 => installed package "axaix536".
INSTALL_FRAMEWORK_ONLY is set YES, tf upgrade finished

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/itmcmd config"
 command.        :  installer level 630 / 100.        :  running aix526 jre.
Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm7 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

Showing installed components after step 2.

# /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/cinfo -i

*********** Fri Feb 17 05:43:08 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:
         aix536  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix526  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

Notice the silent install of "tf" component does NOT install any "jr" component.

You can see the list of packages the silent install of "tf" will apply by review of the "tfaix536.txt" file:

[root@NC106182]:\ # cat /opt/CIQ3QML/unix/tfaix536.txt
[root@NC106182]:\ #

Since there is no "32-bit" JRE package at this point, when you go to install the UD agent from the CIN1CML image, since UD agent installs both 32-bit and 64-bit agents, it has to install a 32-bit "jr" component.

Since the UD agent is a 6.21 based agent, the image ships an older Java JRE.

Step 3:

# /opt/CIN1CML/

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394

ITM home directory "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394" already exists.
OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]?  1

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number:  1

Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms


Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.

 Product packages are available in /opt/CIN1CML/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394":

  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (32 bit)
  IBM GSKit Security Interface V08.00.50.05 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)
  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.30.02.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Ent
erprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agen

Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:

 1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
 3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support
 4) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support
 5) Other operating systems

Type the number or type "q" to quit selection
[ number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system" is default ]:  1

You selected number "1" or "IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system"

Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

The following products are available for installation:

 1) IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00
 2) Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions  V06.22.02.00
 3) all of the above

Type the numbers that correspond to the products that you want to install. Type "b" to change operating system, or type
"q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here:  1
The following products will be installed:

  IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1

Do you want to check prerequisites for the above components? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? 1
Running Prerequisite Scanner.
This may take a few minutes depending on the number of components being checked and the machine's performance.
Prerequisite Scanner results for the selected components:
        FAIL    prerequisitescanneroverallresult                /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-065302/COMMO
        NOT AVAILABLE   Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE          /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-065302/COMMO
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries          /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-0653
        NOT AVAILABLE   IBM GSKit Security Interface            /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-065302/COMMO

        FAIL    Prerequisite Scanner Overall Result             /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/logs/prereqscan/20170217-065302/COMMO

Do you want to continue with the installation [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 1

 ... installing "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)"; plea
se wait.

 => installed "IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit)".
... Initializing component IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 b
... IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2  V07.10.00.00 for AIX R6.1, R7.1 (64 bit) initialized.

Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "2" ] ? 2
... postprocessing; please wait.
... finished postprocessing.
Installation step complete.

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product via the "/opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/itmcmd config"

Automatic start at system initialization has been configured.
You must manually configure automatic stop at system shutdown. Create or modify /etc/rc.shutdown to invoke the command '
/etc/rc.itm7 stop'. Refer to AIX documentation for more information about /etc/rc.shutdown.

The command creates most of directories and files with world write permissions. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provide
s the secureMain utility to helps you keep the monitoring environment secured. You can secure this installation now or m
anually execute the secureMain utility later. For more information see Appendix G. Securing your IBM Tivoli Monitoring i
nstallation on Linux or UNIX in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Do you want to secure this IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation [ 1-yes, 2-no; "2" is default ]? 2

Showing installed components after step 3.

[root@NC106182]:\ # /opt/IBM/ITM-79394/bin/cinfo -i

*********** Fri Feb 17 07:01:52 CET 2017 ******************
User: root Groups: system bin sys security cron audit lp tivgrp
Host name : nc106182     Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM-79394
...Product inventory

ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:
         aix533  Version:
         aix536  Version:

gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ud      IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         aix523  Version:
         aix526  Version:

ux      Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
         aix526  Version:

Note that JR component is left with back-level version for aix523 platform.

Since both Case #1 and Case #3 result in components that are back-level, the recommendation is to use steps in Case #2 performing a "clean" install in suggested order to make sure all components are uplifted and at current levels.

drd401709 5724B96DO

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

