IBM Support

Installing Novell NetWare v3.12 - IBM PC Server 520 (EISA, Non-RAID models)

How To


Instructions for installing Novell NetWare v3.12 on the IBM PC Server 520 (EISA, Non-RAID models)


The following document contains Novell NetWare 3.12 installation instructions for the PC Server 520 EISA Non-RAID models.
Supported Models
8641 - EDG, EE0, EZ0, EZV, RE0, 41Y, 4Y3, 5YA, 5YG
Follow the Network Operating System (NOS) instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed
differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document.
This document contains the following:
1.0. What you will need
2.0. Where to download device drivers/files
3.0. Quick installation instructions for experienced users
4.0. Detailed installation instructions
4.1. Setting up the hardware
4.2. Setting up the BIOS
4.3. Configuring the Adaptec SCSI subsystem
4.4. Installing the NOS
1.0 What you will need
76h4892.exe (309806 bytes, 11-26-96) PC Server 520 EISA BIOS flash update diskette version 16T3C
78h6488.exe (841705 bytes, 10-17-96) PC Server 520 EISA configuration diskette version 4.02
PCIFW1.exe 343461 bytes, 02-01-96) PC Server 520 PCI F/W device drivers diskette for NetWare, OS/2, and Windows NT version 1.2
PCIFW5.exe (1422055 bytes, 02-01-96) PC Server 520 PCI F/W device drivers diskette 2 of 4 for DOS
A Copy Of PC DOS 7 and a copy of Novell Netware 3.12
2.0 Where to download device drivers/files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site:
IBM U.S. web site:
For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at
If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed installation instructions.
3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
1. Ensure the Adaptec controller is set up properly and low level format the drive. (Extended BIOS translation is to be disabled for Netware 3.12.)
2. FDISK the drive. Ensure an active primary partition the size of your RAM + 50MB.
3. Install PC DOS 7 (optional components not required). When complete, run DOSINST from the PCIFW5.EXE Diskette (section 1.0) for CD ROM support.
4. Copy all files from the \NETWARE\V3_1X directory on the PCIFW1.EXE diskette to a directory on the DOS partition. Start the Netware install from CD #1 by running Install from the appropriate language directory under \SERVER.312 directory on the CD ROM. Load AIC7870.DSK from the directory you created for the PCIFW1.EXE files and add the appropriate lines to STARTUP.NCF. Install and configure networking components as normal.
5. It is mandatory to apply all fixes and patches from for correct operation.
4.0 Detailed installation instructions
Follow the instructions below in sequence
4.1 Setting up the hardware
Note: Follow the on-screen directions on the following disk operation
Boot to the BIOS upgrade diskette (listed in section 1.0) and flash the system to revision 16T3B.
4.2 Running EISA configuration
1. Boot to the EISA configuration diskette. (Diskette listed in section 1.0)
2. Type Y at Configure System now?.
3. Go to step 3, View or Edit Details.
4. Select Total System Memory.
5. Press Enter.
6. Select the correct memory size and press F10.
7. Press F10 again.
8. Go to Step 2, Add and Remove Boards.
9. Press Insert.
10. Press Enter.
11. Select ISA SVGA Video Card and press Enter.
12. Press Enter again.
13. Select Slot 1 and press Enter.
14. Select Step 5, Save and Exit.
4.3 Setting up the Adaptec SCSI Subsystem

1. Boot the server and press Ctrl A to enter SCSI Select when prompted .
2. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.
3. Press F6 to restore defaults. Select Yes to reset all options to default. Open SCSI device configuration. On the lines which say Send Start Unit Command set all IDs for active hard disks to yes.
4. Press Esc to return to previous menu
5. Select Advanced configuration options.
6. Set extended BIOS translation for DOS drivers > 1 gbyte to disabled. (Note that DOS will only see space within the first 1024 cylinders of the hard disk, however Novell will recognize the full volume.)
7. Press Esc twice. Choose Yes to save any changes which are made.
8. Select SCSI Disk Utilities (A SCSI bus scan should occur).
9. For each hard drive that appears in the list perform the following:
a. Highlight the drive.
b. Select Format Disk. (Note: A status bar does not appear. Allow to run until complete.)
4.4 Installing the NOS
1. Boot your PC DOS 7 installation diskette. Select Y when asked if you wish to install.
2. When PC DOS asks you to partition the drive, select Allocate some free hard disk space for PC DOS.
3. FDISK now starts. Select #1, Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive. Select #1, Create Primary DOS Partition. When asked 'Do you want to use the maximum available size...' enter N. For the partition size, enter the amount of your system RAM, plus 50MB and press Enter. Press Esc to return to the main FDISK screen.
4. Select #2, Set Active Partition. Enter the partition number of the partition you just created and press Enter. Press Esc twice to continue (system reboots, leave the DOS disk in the diskette drive).
5. Repeat step 1. When the screen prompts, select Format Partition. After completion, press Enter at the Welcome screen. Press Enter again after verifying the date, time, etc.
6. A list is presented of optional components. Ensure all options say NO and the path to the DOS install target is C:\DOS. Select Continue Setup. Follow the on-screen directions until DOS asks you to remove all diskettes and press any key to restart.
7. After booting to the C prompt, type the following:
Place the PCIFW1.EXE disk in the drive. Type the following:
Press <ctrl><alt><del> to reboot.
8. Enter the date and time. Place PCIFW5.EXE in the diskette drive (see section 1.0). Type the following:
A:\DOSINST <enter>
For the EZ-SCSI program, accept defaults for every question it asks (usually by pressing Enter). Press <ctrl><alt><del> to reboot.
9. After rebooting, type the following at the C prompt:
Enter the following lines at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file:
Press F4 to save and exit. Press <ctrl><alt><del> to reboot.
10. After rebooting, place the Netware 3.12 CD in the CD ROM drive and switch to the drive letter of the CD ROM (it was echoed on boot when MSCDEX loaded). Change to the \NETWARE.312\English directory. Type INSTALL and press Enter.
11. Read the Ethernet Frame Type message and press Enter. Select to Install Netware 3.12 from the menu. Select to Retain Current Disk Partitions.
12. Enter the desired ServerName. Accept the given internal network number. Accept default source and target paths. File copy now begins (insert the SYSTEM_1 diskette as prompted). Accept all defaults until the copy operation completes and you are at a Netware command prompt.
13. Type
load c:\scsi\aic7870.dsk
Write down the slot number presented, then press Enter to accept it. Type
load install
Choose Disk Options, Partition Tables, Create Netware Partition. Accept the default size and other parameters to take the balance of freespace (press Esc). Select Yes to create. Press Esc twice. Select Volume Options. Press Insert to create a new volume. Accept the default name of SYS along with the other parameters and press Esc. Select System Options, Copy System and Public Files. Read the message about mounting the SYS volume and press Esc. Select Yes to mount it. Press F6 when prompted to install from the CD.
14. Enter the path you ran Install from in Step 10. File copy now begins. When complete, press Esc to continue. Select to Create AUTOEXEC.NCF File. Accept the text and press Esc. Select Yes to save. Select to Create STARTUP.NCF File. Accept the default path. Change the AIC7870 line to read:
load c:\scsi\aic7870 slot=<insert the slot number recorded in step 13>

Press Esc. Select Yes to save. Select Return to Main Menu. Select to Exit. Verify by choosing Yes. Down the server from the command prompt. Type exit to return to DOS. Reboot with the new configuration files to verify their operation. You are now at the Netware command prompt and the Install NLM is available for further configuration.
15. At this point the installation varies according to your choices for setting up the server. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the install and for adding additional components and features.
NOTE: The current patch level for Netware 3.12 is required for correct operation. Download all advertise patches and fixes from to complete the installation.

Document Location


Operating System

Older System x:Novell NetWare

[{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CVY","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->5YG"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CWC","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->4Y3"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CWN","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->RE0"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CWP","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->EDG"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CWQ","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->EE0"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"QU00CWT","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->EZ0"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"QU00DTN","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->41Y"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"QU92DJB","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->EZV"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"QU92DJI","label":"Older System x->PC Server 520->8641->5YA"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF020","label":"NetWare"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 January 2019