IBM Support

Installing IBM Maximo Archiving 7.5.1 for IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6

Question & Answer


How do I install IBM Maximo Archiving 7.5.1 for IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6?


Maximo Asset Management 7.6 introduces new tools for deploying solutions in
your environment. Use this procedure to install IBM Maximo Archiving 7.5.1 into
your existing Maximo Asset Management 7.6 environment.

1. Log on to the Maximo Asset Management 7.6 administrative workstation.
Download and uncompress the IBM Maximo Archiving 7.5.1 package.

2. Create a backup image of your Maximo Asset Management 7.6 administrative
workstation. When you install version 7.5 industry solutions in Maximo Asset
Management 7.6, you do not have an automated uninstallation method that
returns the system to its previous state.

3. Install the Maximo Archiving Adapter template files.
a. From the IBM Maximo Archiving 7.5.1 launchpad, select IBM Maximo
Archiving Adapter for InfoSphere Optim Data Growth Solution template
b. When prompted, accept the license.
c. When prompted, accept the directory for where the files will be installed.

4. Install the InfoSphere Optim Data Growth Solution.
a. From the launchpad, select Install IBM Optim Data Growth Solution 7.3.
b. To install all required files on a single computer, select a full installation.
c. Follow the steps in the installation program.
d. When prompted to select the components to install, clear the 5.x PST
Conversion Files checkbox. These files are not needed.
e. When you configure your first computer, select Keep Optim Directory
Data in Unicode Format.
f. In the Create Primary Keys window, click Skip. Maximo Asset
Management does not declare primary keys at the database level.
g. In the Load/Drop Sample Tables window, click Skip. Sample tables are
not required.
h. In the Load/Drop Privacy Tables window, click Skip. You must obtain a
separate license to use privacy tables.

5. Start the Maximo Asset Management process solution installation program by
changing to the install_home\bin directory of your Maximo Asset
Management 7.6 installation and use the solutionInstallerGUI command.

solutioninstallerGUI.bat -pkgpath path_to_industry_solution_package -nl lang
-license accept

./ -pkgpath path_to_industry_solution_package -nl lang
-license accept

The -pkgpath option specifies the path to the industry solution package.
Replace path_to_industry_solution_package with the path to the industry
solution package file you are installing. The -license option is used to accept
license terms. The -nl option is used to select a language for the installation.
For example,

solutioninstallerGUI.bat -pkgpath
-nl en -license accept

./ -pkgpath
-nl en -license accept

6. Read the information presented in the Warning message, and then click OK to
close the message and continue the installation.

7. Follow the steps in the installation program.

8. When the installation is complete, click OK to start the Maximo Asset
Management 7.6 configuration tool, or click Cancel to exit the installation
program. You might choose to not start the Maximo Asset Management 7.6
configuration tool yet because you have additional industry solutions to

9. Open the Maximo Asset Management 7.6 launchpad and start the Maximo
Asset Management 7.6 configuration tool.

10. Select the Update Database and Build and Deploy Application EAR Files
operation. When this operation is complete, the database is updated and
application EAR files are rebuilt and optionally redeployed on the application

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9NTS","label":"Maximo Archiving with Optim Data Growth Solution"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"7.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

