IBM Support

Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator: Presentation and Implementation

Question & Answer


How can I obtain more information on the Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator?


An overview of how the connector works from an architectural perspective and a brief demo of how IBM Content Navigator is used to access the FileNet Image Services repository can be viewed by clicking the link below (Part 1 of a 9 part course):
This 9-part course covers several topics, including deployment options and detailed demonstrations of the user experience using IBM Content Navigator when accessing the Image Services repository. These presentations are summarized below:
  1. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 1
    Introduction and Architectural overview (10 minutes)
  2. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 2
    Deploy Image Services CMIS server (11 minutes)
  3. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 3
    Deploy Image Services plugin on IBM Content Navigator (15 minutes)
  4. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 4
    Supported topology / deployment options (6 minutes)
  5. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 5
    Image Services IBM Content Navigator browser view (12 minutes)
  6. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 6
    Image Services IBM Content Navigator query / search (15 minutes)
  7. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 7
    Image Services IBM Content Navigator cross-repository query (7 minutes)
  8. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 8
    Integrated Document Management desktop compared with IBM Content Navigator (15 minutes)
  9. Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator Part 9
    Image Services IBM Content Navigator other features (21 minutes)
  • In these presentations, the name of the Image Services CMIS WAR file is mentioned as Image_Services_connector_for_ICN-1.10.war.
    The name has now been changed to Image_Services_connector_for_ICN.war.
  • In these presentations, the ImageServicesRPC.jar file is mentioned. However, this JAR file is no longer released.
    The ImageServicesPlugin.jar now includes the ImageServicesRPC.jar functionality.
  • The new stamp.bat (Windows) and (Unix) scripts are now available in the /fnsw/cmis directory. These scripts may be used to stamp the Image_Services_connector_for_ICN.war and ImageServicesPlugin.jar files.
  • A new Download menu action, Download All has been added to the Image Services plugin. For details, refer to the following technote:
    How to configure the new Download All menu action
The product versions that support this release are:
For existing IBM Content Navigator and FileNet Image Services users, the Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator can be accessed by downloading the Interim Fix for APAR PJ43189 from the IBM Fix Central.
Make the following selections on the IBM Fix Central.
  • Product selector*: Enterprise Content Management
    • Product*: FileNet Product Family
    • Product*: FileNet Image Services
    • Installed Version*: 4.1.2* or 4.2.0
    • Platform*: All
After clicking Continue, you are taken to the next screen. Select the APAR or SPR option and type or paste the APAR number in the text box and Continue to get the search results.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSNVUD","label":"FileNet Image Services"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"FileNet Image Services Connector for Content Navigator","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"4.2;4.1.2","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
31 August 2020

