Internet of Things and Smart Cities - Graduate

The badge earner has excellent knowledge on Wireless Sensor networks, Sensor technology and Instrumentation, Embedded Technology for IoT and to perform Ipv6 Analysis and Applications. The individual can also perform Descriptive Analytics and Big Data Analytics for IoT. The individual has a good knowledge on Cloud Architecture and deployment models and is very skilled in the development of Mobile Applications


Program objectives

  • To skill the students to :
    • Learn IoT concepts and Standards
    • Acquire knowledge on Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensor Technology and Instrumentation
    • Learn and apply embedded technology for IoT
    • Learn concepts of Virtualization and Cloud computing and understand Cloud Architecture & Deployment models develop Mobile and IoT applications
    • Understand IPv6 concepts and applications
    • Develop business applications using Analytics, Cloud, Mobile Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Apply IoT for Industry use cases
  • To provide interdisciplinary knowledge
  • To expose students with advanced tools used in industry
  • To develop team work experience of professionals skills for IT Industry
Subject Name Theory Practicals
Introduction to Internet of Things 2 0
Wireless Sensor Networks & IoT Standards 3 1
Introduction to Virtualization & Cloud Computing 3 0
Big Data Analytics 3 1
Descriptive Analytics for IoT 3 1
Sensor Technology & Instrumentation 3 1
Ipv6 Analysis and Applications 3 0
Cloud Architecture and Deployment Models 3 1
Mobile Applications Development 3 1
Embedded Technology for IoT 3 1
IoT for Industries 3 0

Program outcomes

  • To demonstrate application skills of Internet of Things on different use cases
  • To test applications with the concepts of IoT domain subjects
  • To demonstrate oral and written skills for technical presentations and documentation
  • To demonstrate Internet of Things and Smart Cities projects worked on as a team

What it takes to earn this badge

  • Must be a University student of a 4-year Undergraduate Program enrolled in the IBM Innovation Centre for Education Program
  • Minimum attendance determined by the University in all the semesters
  • Minimum marks for both Theory and Practical exam in all semesters as mandated by the University
  • The minimum number of IBM specialization subjects completed should be 7
  • Completion of projects in the relevant semesters including an external internship with grades as mandated by the University
  • All the above criteria to be certified by the University