IBM Support

IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Monitoring for Virtual Environments:



This release contains new features and enhancements for Capacity
planner for PowerVM as mentioned in description, VMware and NetApp

Download Description

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2017.
All rights reserved.

NetAPP Agent UG

VMware Agent UG

Component: SmartCloud Monitoring
Capacity Planner for PowerVM: 7.3.0

Date: November 30, 2017


1.0 General description
2.0 New features
3.0 Enhancements
4.0 Defects fixed
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Known problems and workarounds
7.0 Additional product information
8.0 Notices

1.0 General description
This release contains new features and enhancements for Capacity
planner for PowerVM as listed in sections 2.0 and 3.0.
This release also includes defect fixes listed in section 4.0.

2.0 New features

1. Model Matching for Managed Systems:
In relation to servers, some configuration parameters are not available in
ITM and now you can choose from the available options to update the details
from UI.This helps you to determine the correct configuration and to use the
server for placement optimization.

2. Topology UI to view Placement recommendations:
Topology UI provides a comparative view of the current and recommended
optimized topology to generate during placement.It helps you to understand
the LPAR movements and resource allocation.

3. Shared Processor Pool support:
Now, you can discover and use the shared processor pool information from your
environment while you perform optimization. It is also possible to perform
what-if scenarios by creating new user defined pools.

4. Support for Server Groups in Sizing and Placement:
The Capacity analyst can capture grouping information for Managed Systems in
the Capacity Planner and use it to generate placement optimization within the

5. Sizing Logic Updates:
The Capacity analyst can choose to right size the Virtual CPUs for LPARs
while doing the sizing or the placement for LPARs.

6. Support for Primary/Backup LPAR relation while Sizing and Placement:
The Capacity analyst can capture the Primary/Backup LPAR relationship for
LPARs.The Capacity Planning tool will consider this relationship while doing
the sizing or placement.

7. Current Environment Topology view:
It is possible to view the current environment in the interactive topology
view to analyze the current hierarchy in terms of HMC, Server Groups,
Managed Systems and LPARs and their current entitlement and allocations.

8. Support for percentile raw CPU utilization data for sizing of LPARs:
A Capacity Analyst, can size LPARs by analyzing raw CPU utilization data from
last 24 hours and perform what-if scenarios using different percentile levels.

9. Capacity Planning Reports enhancements:
The Capacity Planner Reports have been enhanced to include information about
server groups.

3.0 Enhancements

1. RFE 94334: Capacity Planner aggregated calculation for a group of LPARs.
This enhancement focuses on updating the logic for generating utilization
data for LPARs from summarized data for a specific duration.
Capacity Planner would now calculate the aggregated maximum utilization for a
LPAR for CPU and Network utilization values as part of ‘Compute Usage’.

2. RFE 94149 : VIOS sizing recommendation.
This enhancement focuses on updating the capacity Planner to handle the case
for PowerVM environment having dual VIOS setup where two VIOS per sever run
in load-balancing mode.

3. RFE 106514 : Filter Inactive LPARs and assign default OS version if not
available from HMC agent.

Here are the details about the updates in this release.

3.1 Database Schema Updates
New column added in few tables and views and it is visible on
‘Logical Partition Utilization’ view: ‘Max CPU Usage [Share].

3.2 Loader Updates
‘LoadConfig’ step would now load the logical partition configuration data from
HMC Base Server Agent instead of individual OS Agents.This fix would reduce
the time required to load the configuration data.
As part of this change, the two columns ‘Storage Assigned[MB]" and
"Storage Consumed[MB]" on 'Logical Partition' view are now hidden from UI as
they would not have any values as per this change.(Also they are not used
anywhere for any internal calculations.)

Also there will be four new properties introduced in file
to filter Inactive LPARs and assign default OS version if not available from
HMC agent.
Here are the properties with their default Values.
If LOAD_INACTIVE_LPARS is set to TRUE: It will load the inactive LPARs
If LOAD_INACTIVE_LPARS is set to FALSE : It will not load the inactive LPARs
SET_DEFAULT_OS_VERSION allows to set OS Version for LPAR if it is not
available from HMC agent.

3.3 Compute Usage Updates
With new enhancement (RFE 94334),during ‘Compute Usage‘,it will calculate the
aggregated maximum utilization for CPU and network parameters when aggregation
type ‘Maximum’ is selected by end user for computing utilization data for all
Column Names on Logical Partition Utilization view that will be populated with
aggregated maximum utilization are: CPU Usage [Share], Network Operations and
Network Usage [MB/s]

Max CPU Usage [Share] column on ‘Logical Partition Utilization’ view would be
populated with ‘Maximum’ computed CPU Utilization for any LPAR when aggregation
type ‘Maximum’ is selected by end user for ‘Compute Usage’ step.
Whenever the user selects compute usage options other than ‘Maximum’ as
aggregation type, ‘Max CPU Usage [Share]’ column will be empty.

3.4 Sizing Logic Updates
Capacity Planner gets the recommended entitlements from WLE (Workload
Estimation Tool) based on the CPU and other utilization values.
Following section describes the detailed changes for LPAR and VIOS entitlement

LPAR Entitlement Updates
Compute Usage option (Aggregation Type ‘Maximum’):
When user runs ‘Compute Usage’ with aggregation type ‘Maximum’, Server
and VIOS entitlements recommendations would be calculated based on
aggregated Max utilization for CPU and network parameters. (Using WLE Tool).
LPAR entitlements will be redistributed after sizing as per their maximum
utilization value for CPU over the time period set in ‘Set Time’.
For rest of the ‘Compute Usage’ options, it will continue to use the
utilization values as per the summarization and aggregation type selected
by end user.

VIOS Recommendation Updates
Capacity Planner loads VIOS-LPAR relationship during ‘LoadConfig’ step.
In case, such mapping is not available, end user will get an option to
auto-map the LPARS to VIOS so that end user would get correct
recommendation for VIOS.
As part of this change, a checkbox with label ‘Map all LPARs to a VIOS’
is provided on sizing page.

Server with one VIOS:
When mapping option checked on sizing page, all the LPARs on that server
would be mapped to one VIOS on that server and the VIOS recommendation
would be recommended by WLE tool on basis of network and storage
utilization values for all LPARs.

Server with dual VIOS:
Dual VIOS setup has two VIOS running in load-balancing mode on a server
and both of them active at the same time.As part of customer requirement,
both the VIOS should get same entitlement recommendation in such a way
that any one of the VIOS should be able to handle all the load in case
the other VIOS is down.

Backend change:
Any one of VIOS will be mapped to all LPARs on that server. And this VIOS
would get a sufficient entitlement in case of other VIOS is down.
For other VIOS to get same recommendation, a dummy/ temporary LPAR is
created internally and it is provided with cumulative load of existing
LPARs for network and storage parameters. As an end result, both VIOS
would get same recommendation when the checkbox for mapping LPARs to
VIOS is selected.

4.0 Defects fixed
The following defects are addressed by this release.

1. Abstract: LoadConfig takes more than 12 hours to load logical partition
configuration data from individual OS Agents.

2. Abstract: Exception as "CTGCP0141E: Exception occurred. Please contact
the administrator" while doing Sizing.

3. Abstract: Compute Usage using ‘Raw Data’ fails with SQL Exception.

4. Abstract: Supporting AIX 5.3 Operating System for LPARs.

5.0 Installation instructions
Please refer installation steps from "IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual
Environments: Dashboard,Reporting, and Capacity Planning" user guide document.

Upgrade from lower version of Capacity Planner for PowerVM is not supported
for this release.

Supported JazzSM versions
Jazz for Service Management versions V1.1.0.2 to V1.1.3

6.0 Known problems and workarounds
If load config and federation is not done after fresh install, edit usage for
fictitious lpars fails and gives error on UI as "Failed to edit resource demand"

7.0 Additional product information

8.0 Notices

This information was developed for products and services offered in the
United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features
discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM
representative for information on the products and services currently
available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or
service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product,
program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual
property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's
responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM
product, program, or service.

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does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license
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The minimum required version of IBM Tivoli Monitoring is V630 FixPack 2

Download Package

  • ITMfVE Installer can be downloaded from IBM passport advantage
    • Part Numbers : CNN28EN, CNN29ML

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS9U76","label":"Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 November 2019

