IBM Support

IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 Product Migration Steps

Question & Answer


How do I migrate my IBM WebSphere Application Server product and profiles to v9.0 from a previous WebSphere Application Server version (v7.0, v8.0, or v8.5.5)?


The following document provides a basic example of the steps required to migrate from IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0, v8.0, or V8.5.5 to v9.0.

NOTE: This document assumes the WebSphere Application Server migration is occurring within the same IBM i OS VRM. If you are upgrading your IBM i OS VRM as well, IBM recommends you migrate your WebSphere Application Server product BEFORE the IBM i OS upgrade if possible. Refer to the IBM i OS Memo To Users for special considerations related to the IBM WebSphere Application Server product when upgrading your IBM i OS.

IBM i 7.5 Memo To Users
IBM i 7.4 Memo To Users

IBM i 7.3 Memo To Users
IBM i 7.2 Memo To Users
IBM i 7.1 Memo To Users

NOTE: WebSphere Application Server v9.0 (WEBENAB, BASE, and ND editions) are only supported on IBM i 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5.

NOTE: This document provides information for migrating a stand-alone application server only. For detailed information on how to migrate a Network Deployment Deployment Manager and Federated Nodes, please refer to the URL,

Steps to migrate your IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0, v8.0, or v8.5.5 product and profiles to IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0.

Some of the information in the following steps was taken from the IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 Documentation.

1) Download the IBM i WebSphere Application Server V9.0 installation media.

Information on how to download the various WebSphere Application Server v9.0 editions for the IBM i OS can be found here:

Base edition:
How To Download The IBM Web Enablement Package for IBM i OS
NOTE: Once the compressed .zip ISO image is downloaded from IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS), you will need to transfer the compressed .zip file to an IFS directory on your IBM i server before installation.

Network Deployment (ND) edition:
How to download WebSphere Application Server V9 from Passport Advantage Online
NOTE: After downloading the .zip files from Passport Advantage, you will need to transfer and restore all of the .zip files to the same IFS directory on your IBM i server before installation.

2) Install the IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0 product on your IBM i OS.

How To Install the IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v8.0 and Later Product Using the IBM Web Administration for i Console

NOTE: Ensure the IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 product and latest WebSphere Application Server fix pack are installed successfully before moving on to step 3.

3) Identify the Default Profile Location for the WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating FROM.

a) Execute the following commands to display the default profile location for the WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating FROM.


b) The queryWASinstalls command will display all of the currently installed WebSphere Application Server versions and editions on your IBM i server. Identify the WebSphere Application Server version and edition you are migrating FROM.

WebSphere Edition:      EXPRESS                                        
Installation Location:  /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express 
Installation Library:   QWAS7A                                        
Default Profile Location: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express

c) Identify and record the "Installation Location". This value will be referred to as $SOURCE_INSTALL_LOCATION.
Example: /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express = $SOURCE_INSTALL_LOCATION

Identify and record the "Default Profile Location". This value will be referred to as $SOURCE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCATION in the next step.

Example: Default Profile Location: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express = $SOURCE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCATION

4) Identify the Installation Location for the WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating TO.

a) Execute the following commands to display the installation location for the WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating TO.


b) The queryWASinstalls command will display all of the currently installed WebSphere Application Server versions and editions on your IBM i server. Identify the WebSphere Application Server version and edition you are migrating TO. This will be your WebSphere Application Server v9.0 installation.

WebSphere Edition:      BASE                                        
Installation Location:  /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base  
Installation Library:   QWAS9A                                        
Default Profile Location: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base

c) Identify and record the "Installation Location". This value will be referred to as $TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION in the next step.

Example: Installation Location:  /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base  
/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base = $TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION

5) Identify the WebSphere Application Server profiles you want to migrate.

a) Execute the following CL command to display the profiles for your source WebSphere Application Server version and release.

where $SOURCE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCATION is the value identified in step 3.

Example: WRKLNK '/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express/profiles/*'

There will be a directory listed for each profile that currently exists in your source WebSphere Application Server installation.

b) Pick the WebSphere Application Server profile name you want to migrate.
I will refer to this profile name as $SOURCE_PROFILE.

Example: $SOURCE_PROFILE = jared70ex

6) Identify the source WebSphere Application Server profile's node and server names.

a) Execute the following commands to identify the source WebSphere Application Server profile's node and server names.


cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express/profiles/jared70ex/bin

b) Page up and locate the values next to the following attributes in the dspwasinst command output.

Information for server:

Node: AS400_JARED70EX
Information for server: jared70ex

I will refer to the value of the "Node:" attribute as $NODE and the value of the "Information for server:" attribute as $SERVER.

7) Create a new IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 profile using the same profile, node, and server names as the previous WebSphere Application Server profile.

a) Execute the following commands to create a new profile using the same profile, node, and server names as the WebSphere Application Server profile you are migrating FROM.

NOTE: The WebSphere Application Server profile, server, and node names must remain the same values as the original profile for the migration process to complete successfully.

./manageprofiles -create -profileName $SOURCE_PROFILE -serverName $SERVER -nodeName $NODE -startingPort <port>

where $TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION is the value determined in step 4 above.
$SOURCE_PROFILE = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile name identified in step 5b.
$SERVER = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile's server name identified in step 6.
$NODE = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile's node name identified in step 6.
<port> = any port you want to use.

cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base/bin
./manageprofiles -create -profileName jared70ex -serverName jared70ex -nodeName AS400_JARED70EX -startingPort 10000

8) Back up the source WebSphere Application Server profile using the WASPreUpgrade command.

The WASPreUpgrade command creates a backup of the source WebSphere Application Server profile's pertinent configuration information. The contents of the backup are specific to the source WebSphere Application Server profile's version and configuration setup.
Syntax for the WASPreUpgrade command:
WASPreUpgrade backupDirectory currentWebSphereDirectory
[-traceString trace_spec]
[-traceFile file_name]
[-machineChange true | false]
[-oldProfile old_profile_name]
[-workspaceRoot user_workspace_folder]

For transitioning users: In versions before Version 9.0, the currentWebSphereDirectory value specified the name of the source instance or profile root directory rather than the installation directory. Although you can continue to specify the profile root directory as this value, specifying the installation directory as this value and specifying the profile on the -oldProfile parameter allows for greater flexibility.

Additional information on the WASPreUpgrade command and its usage can be obtained here.

a) Create an IFS directory to store the WebSphere Application Server profile data.

where $SERVER is the value determined in step 6.

b) Execute the WASPreUpgrade command to back up the source WebSphere Application Server profile.




$TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION = is the value determined in step 4 above.
$SERVER = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile's server name identified in step 6.
$SOURCE_INSTALL_LOCATION = the previous WebSphere Application Server installation location identified in step 3.
$SOURCE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCATION = the previous WebSphere Application Server default profile location identified in step 3.
$SOURCE_PROFILE = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile name identified in step 5b.

cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base/bin
./WASPreUpgrade /tmp/jared70ex /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express -oldProfile jared70ex


./WASPreUpgrade /tmp/jared70ex /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Express/profiles/jared70ex

Example Output from the WASPreUpgrade command:

IBM WebSphere Application Server, Release 9.0
Product Upgrade PreUpgrade tool, Version 1.0
Copyright IBM Corp., 1997-2010

<----This messaging is normal and can be ignored---->
MIGR0300I: The migration function is starting to save the existing Application Server environment.
The file handle limit is set below the optimum limit of 10,000. If you do not change the file handle limit to 10,000 or above, th
en the migration might fail.
MIGR0302I: The existing files are being saved.

MIGR0210I: The migration function is creating a directory destination directory - /tmp/jared70ex/websphere_backup/properties/fsdb
MIGR0211I: The migration function is copying a directory /tmp/jared70ex/websphere_backup/properties/fsdb.
MIGR0210I: The migration function is creating a directory destination directory - /tmp/jared70ex/websphere_backup/properties/fsdb
MIGR0211I: The migration function is copying a directory /tmp/jared70ex/websphere_backup/properties/fsdb/_was_profile_default.
MIGR0303I: The existing Application Server environment is saved.
MIGR0420I: The first step of migration completed successfully.

Once the backup process has completed successfully, you can move onto the next step.

9) Restore the original WebSphere Application Server profile configuration to the new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 profile.

The WASPostUpgrade command migrates the backup created by the WASPreUpgrade command to the new WebSphere
Application Server V9.0 profile environment.
Syntax for the WASPostUpgrade command:
WASPostUpgrade backupDirectory
[-properties properties_file_name]
[-setPorts useOld | generateNew |
[-resolvePortConflicts incrementCurrent |
[-backupConfig true | false]
[-includeApps true | false | script]
-Xms...m -javaoption -Xmx...m]
user_specified_directory] |
[-keepAppDirectory true | false]]
trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]

Additional information on the WASPostUpgrade command and its usage can be obtained here.

a) Execute the following commands to begin the migration of the profile data to the new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 profile.

./WASPostUpgrade /tmp/$SERVER -oldProfile $SOURCE_PROFILE -profileName $SOURCE_PROFILE

$TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION = is the value determined in step 4 above.
$SERVER = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile's server name identified in step 6.
$SOURCE_PROFILE = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile name identified in step 5b.

cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base/bin
./WASPostUpgrade /tmp/jared70ex -oldProfile jared70ex -profileName jared70ex

Example output:
IBM WebSphere Application Server, Release 9.0
Product Upgrade PostUpgrade tool, Version 1.0
Copyright IBM Corp., 1997-2010

MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being merged into this profile.
The file handle limit is set below the optimum limit of 10,000. If you do not change the file handle limit to 10,000 or above, th
en the migration might fail.
MIGR0459I: Application Server configuration files are being migration.
MIGR0367I: Backing up the current Application Server environment.
<----Several messages will be logged here related to the migration of your application server environment.---->
MIGR0307I: The restoration of the previous Application Server environment is complete.
MIGR0271W: Migration completed successfully, with one or more warnings.

NOTE: If the WASPostUpgrade command fails with

   MIGR0515W: Cannot validate if the source hostname ( has the same IP address as the target hostname
   ( Hostname changes were made to one or more of the server's endpoints. You must validate these
   MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete.

Add the "" to the Host Table Entry (CFGTCP option 10) of the IP address that already has the "" and repeat this step again.

10) Once you receive the message "MIGR0271W: Migration completed successfully, with one or more warnings.", the migration of your WebSphere Application Server profile has completed successfully. Review the warning messages ending in a "W" for your awareness in case they need to be addressed.

11) You are now ready to start your new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 application server.

NOTE: Since the source and target WebSphere Application Server profiles are configured to use the same ports, they cannot be started at the same time. If you don't want the target v9.0 profile to use the same ports, you will need to re-run the WASPostUpgrade command and include the "-replacePorts false" option on the command.

./startServer -profileName $SOURCE_PROFILE

$TARGET_INSTALL_LOCATION = is the value determined in step 4 above.
$SOURCE_PROFILE = the previous WebSphere Application Server profile name identified in step 5b.

cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/Base/bin
./startServer -profileName jared70ex

Once you have confirmed your application server starts successfully, the application server profile migration process is complete.

12) NOTE: If you had an IBM HTTP Server associated with your source WebSphere Application Server profile you migrated FROM, you will need to associate the IBM HTTP Server with the new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 profile you just migrated TO.

a) Ensure the ADMIN server is started.

b) Access the ADMIN Server using the following URL.

c) Log in with an IBM i user profile with *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities.

d) Click Manage -> HTTP Servers

e) Select your IBM HTTP Server from the drop-down list.

f) Click the "WebSphere Application Server" link just above the "Tools" section in the left, vertical menu bar.

g) Select the radio button next to "Disable Servlets and JSPs (Java Server Pages)" and click the "OK" button to remove the old association.

h) Select the radio button next to the new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 installation.

i) Select your new WebSphere Application Server v9.0 profile from the list.

j) Specify "All applications" next to the "Indicate which installed applications should be mapped to the selected Web Server".

k) Set the additional options as you require.

l) Click the "OK" button to complete the new association process.

m) Restart the HTTP Server and WebSphere Application Server for the changes to take affect.

13) Repeat steps 3-12 for additional WebSphere Application Server profile migrations.

14) You have now completed the WebSphere Application Server product and profile migration process and are ready to use your application environment.


15) Uninstall/delete old WebSphere Application Server installations previous to WebSphere Application Server v9.0.

NOTE: The steps below will completely uninstall/delete the WebSphere Application Server V6.0, v6.1, V7.0, V8.0, and V8.5.5 WebSphere Application Server product versions from your IBM i server!! If you do not want to uninstall/delete these products, DO NOT PROCEED!!!

WebSphere Application Server v6.0, v6.1, and v7.0
a) Execute the following commands to clean up your old WebSphere Application Server installations.

rm -r /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/<version>
rm -r /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/<version>

where <version> = V6,V61, or V7

b) Execute the following command to display all libraries matching the pattern QWAS*.
Delete all of the libraries returned matching the QWAS* pattern, except the QWAS9* libraries.
IMPORTANT!!!! - DO NOT delete the QWAS9* libraries as this will corrupt your IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 installation.

c) The IBM WebSphere Application Server product is now completely deleted from your server.

WebSphere Application Server v8.0 and v8.5.5
Click the link below and proceed to follow the instructions provided to uninstall/delete your WebSphere Application Server v8.0 and v8.5.5 product installation.
How To Uninstall IBM WebSphere Application Server v8.0 and Later and the Installation Manager Products on the IBM i OS

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CJGAA2","label":"WebSphere Application Server-\u003EMigration"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2022

