IBM Support

IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3.0 Fix Pack 7 Service Pack 7 TEMS fix for APAR IJ32640 (


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This interim fix address the issue described in APAR IJ32640 in which the HUB TEMS could possibly fail when configured for LDAP authentication.

Download Description

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2021.
           All rights reserved.

Date: Thu May 13 04:11:27 PM 2021

Interim Fix Name:

Based on IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Monitoring, Version 6.3.0: Fix Pack 07, Interim Fix 09


1.0 General description
2.0 Problems fixed
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
4.0 Image directory contents
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Additional Installation information
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Notices

1.0 General description
This is a interim fix for ITM Tivoli Monitoring, Version

This interim fix is provided as a temporary solution until an official maintenance
release is made available.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When performing any future code updates or maintenance,
it is critical that you validate that the APAR(s) from any previous
fixes are contained in the maintenance package you are installing to avoid
any code regressions. If there are any questions, please contact L2 for support.

2.0 Problems fixed
The following problems are addressed by this interim fix.

  2.1 APARs
                ION IS ENABLED ON THE HUB

  2.2 Defects:

  2.3 Enhancements: 
  2.4 Superseded fixes:

  2.5 APARS and defects included from superseded fixes

  2.6 Files modified or added in this fix








3.0 Platforms and prerequisites
This interim fix is supported on the following platforms:

  aix536      AIX 5.3 or later (64 bit)
  li6263      Linux Intel 2.6 kernel (32/64 bit all supported distributions)
  ls3266      Linux zSeries 2.6 kernel (64 bit all supported distributions)
  lx8266      Linux Intel 2.6 kernel (64 bit all supported distributions)
  sol283      Solaris Sparc V8 or later (32/64 bit)
  sol603      Solaris Intel V10 (64 bit)
  winnt       Windows 2003 or later (32/64 bit)
  wix64       Windows 2003 or later (64 bit)

  The following link is for the Tivoli operating system and application
  support matrix. Please refer to this matrix for the latest 
  certification information.

  3.1 Prerequisites for this interim fix
  This interim fix is intended to be applied to this level of software:
        IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 07, Service Pack 7

4.0 Files provided and Image contents
- - This README file
- - For extracting patch files using tar utility
- - For extracting patch files using unzip utility

   Extracting either of the above bundles (tar or zip) creates the following
   directory and files:
        |-- itmpatch.exe
        |-- kms_aix536_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- kms_li6263_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- kms_ls3266_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- kms_lx8266_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- kms_sol283_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- kms_sol603_tems_ij32650.tar
        |-- patchtool
        `-- provpatch

5.0 Installation instructions 

  5.1 Before installing the interim fix
  5.1.1 Assign CANDLEHOME environment variable (UNIX/LINUX ONLY)
  Before installing this interim fix on Unix systems, make sure that the 
  environment variable $CANDLEHOME is set to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring 
  installation directory. 

  Note: The directory /opt/IBM/ITM is the default installation directory.

    For example: 
    > export CANDLEHOME
  5.1.2 Determine the architecture of the target system.
  You need to determine the install architecture of the target system so that
  you can select the correct patch file(s) to apply to the system. To do this
  execute the following command for each patch component in the terminal 
  window on your target system.

  Note: <pc> is the product code from the above listed file(s):

      k<pc>_<arch>_<component>_<apar>.<tar or cab>
  For Windows:
  kincinfo -t <pc>   
  For Linux and Unix:
  $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -t <pc>
  Record the architecture information that is listed under the PLAT column which
  appears in the output.
  In the following example, the architecture information column lists WINNT as 
  the architecture for the UE Product Code.
  C:\>kincinfo -t ue
  ************* Tuesday, May 24, 2011 3:38:15 PM **************
  User       : username              Group     : NA
  Host Name  : IBM-56C968D408C       Installer : Ver: 062205000
  CandleHome : C:\IBM\ITM
  Installitm : C:\IBM\ITM\InstallITM
  ...Product Inventory
  PC  PRODUCT DESC                                   PLAT   VER          BUILD         INSTALL DATE
  UE  Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Ext  WINNT  <DATENAME>        <YYYYMMDD> <TIME>

  5.1.3 Stopping affected IBM Tivoli Monitoring components

  The installation process will automatically stop most affected 
  agent components. However you will have to manually stop the TEMS and the TEPS 
  (product codes ms and cq respectively).  Note on Windows systems you will also 
  need to stop the "Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services" application if 
  running.  Once the update is complete, components that were executing prior to 
  this patch installation should be restarted with the exception of TEMS(ms) and 
  TEPS(cq) which have to be manually started.
  5.1.4 Backup files to be modified
  For each fix applied, the installation will backup 
  affected files as follows:

        kms_aix536_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_aix536_tems_pre-ij32650.tar
        kms_li6263_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_li6263_tems_pre-ij32650.tar
        kms_ls3266_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_ls3266_tems_pre-ij32650.tar
        kms_lx8266_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_lx8266_tems_pre-ij32650.tar
        kms_sol283_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_sol283_tems_pre-ij32650.tar
        kms_sol603_tems_ij32650.tar     $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_sol603_tems_pre-ij32650.tar      %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\prov\06300709\      %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\prov\06300709\
  5.1.5 Patch Installation Requirements

  This fix should be applied to the following entities of your IBM Tivoli
  Monitoring environment.

        HUB Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server running with ITM 630 Fix Pack 7 Service Pack 7

  Note: See "Required order of installation or upgrade of IBM Tivoli
        Monitoring component products" for general rules:

        " order of installation or upgrade of IBM Tivoli Monitoring"

  5.1.6 Additional information

  - The prerequisites listed under section 3.1 entitled 'Prerequisites
    for this interim fix' must be installed before this interim fix
    can be installed.

  5.2 Local interim fix installation
  1. Transfer the appropriate archive file: or
     to a temporary directory on the system that contains the code to be 
     updated.  For the purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP> represents
     the fully qualified path to this directory. 
     Note: On Windows, this includes the drive letter.

  2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or 
     an unzip utility on Windows systems.  This creates a directory 
     structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.
  3. Use the provpatch(or itmpatch.exe for windows) command to install the interim fix for each platform.
     For more information on the provpatch(itmpatch) command, see section 6.1.      

     On a UNIX/Linux systems, if the interim was expanded to <TEMP>/, 
     the install command for each <pc> and applicable platform would be:

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i <TEMP>/

     On a Windows system, if the interim was expanded to <TEMP>\, 
     the install commands would be:

        <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h %CANDLE_HOME%
        -i <TEMP>\\

        <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h %CANDLE_HOME%
        -i <TEMP>\\

  5.3 Verifying the update
  If the patch installs successfully, provpatch(itmpatch) should return the following

  "Command completed successfully"

  Finally, if the version of IBM Tivoli monitoring you are using supports it, 
  (ITM 6.2.1 FP2 or later, ITM 6.2.2 FP1 or later) you can run the cinfo 
  command with the -z option, which should print out the following messages
  On a UNIX/Linux systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
  installation directory.

  $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -i -z

  will print one (or more) of the following:

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             aix536  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             li6263  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             ls3266  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             lx8266  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             sol283  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    ms      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
             sol603  Version:
                           Patch:  APARs:IJ32650                   

  On a windows system.

  kincinfo -i -z

  will print one (or more) of the following:

    MS      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
              WINNT  Version: Build: cn-TEMA
                      Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

    MS      Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
              WIX64  Version: Build: cn-TEMA
                      Patch:  APARs:IJ32650               

  5.4 Remote interim fix installation (if applicable)

  Note: This section is only applicable if Descriptor Files (filenames which
  include the ".dsc" extension) accompany this interim fix.

  1. Transfer the appropriate archive file ( 
     or .zip) to a temporary directory on the system that contains the
     code to be updated.  For the purpose of this README, the 
     symbol <TEMP> represents the fully qualified path to this
     directory. Note: On Windows, this includes the drive letter.

  2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or 
     an unzip utility on Windows systems.  This creates a directory 
     structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.

  3. Add the files to the TEMS Depot by executing the following command
     For Unix and Linux packages

     cd <TEMP>/

     For Windows packages

     cd <TEMP>/

     tacmd addbundles -i . -n 

  4. Record the "Version" number that is displayed as output from executing
     the addbundles command in step 3 above.


        Type         : Component
        Product Code : tf
        Deployable   : True
        Version      : 063007133      <=== Record this value
        Description  :
        Host Type    : aix523
        Host Version : aix523,aix533

  5. Distribute the fix to the target machines requiring this fix by
     executing the following command on the HUB TEMS for Unix Systems

     $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd updateframework -n <Managed System Node Name:KUX> -v XXXXXXXXX

     and for Linux Systems

     $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd updateframework -n <Managed System Node Name:LZ> -v XXXXXXXXX

     and for Windows Systems

     %Candle_Home%/bin/tacmd updateframework -n <Managed System Node Name:NT> -v XXXXXXXXXX

     Note: You must be have previously issued the command to log onto the HUB TEMS
           prior to executing the above commands. 
     Note: Where XXXXXXXXX is the Version value recorded from step 4 above.

6.0  Additional installation information

  6.1 Additional information on using provpatch(itmpatch) command
  The provpatch(itmpatch) command has the following syntax.

  Usage: <provpatch|itmpatch> -h <installation home> [OPTIONS]

  (provpatch|itmpatch) -h <installation home> 
           -t { <patch_file_directory> | <patch_file> }
  <provpatch|itmpatch> -h <installation home> 
           -i { <patch_file_directory> | <patch_file> }


  -h  Specifies the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory
  -i  Specifies the path to the directory or patch file to be installed
  -t  Generates a report of the actions to be taken by the patch

  For example, on a UNIX system:
  - To preview the interim fix installation, use the "-t" option:
    > <TEMP>/ -h <CANDLEHOME> -t <TEMP>
  - To install the interim fix, use the "-i" option:
    > <TEMP>/ -h <CANDLEHOME> -i <TEMP>
  <CANDLEHOME> is the fully qualified IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation
  directory. On Windows, this must include the drive letter.
  <TEMP> represents the fully qualified directory specification, where
  the interim fix is located. On Windows, this must include the drive letter.

  6.2 Uninstalling the interim fix

  To uninstall the patch on UNIX/Linux systems, stop all affected components then
  execute the following commands for each applicable system:

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_aix536_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_li6263_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_ls3266_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_lx8266_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_sol283_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

        <TEMP>/ -h $CANDLEHOME
                -i $CANDLEHOME/InstallITM/prov/06300709/kms_sol603_tems_pre-ij32650.tar

  To uninstall the patch on a Windows system, stop all affected components then
  execute the following commands for each applicable system:

        <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h %CANDLE_HOME%
                -i %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\prov\06300709\

        <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h %CANDLE_HOME%
                -i %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\prov\06300709\

7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information

[{"PRLabel":"","PRLang":"English","PRSize":"0 B","PRPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"PRURL":""}]

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Download Description above or the README provided with the fix.

Change History

May 14 2021 Document Published

[{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"14 May 2021","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"1 B","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Document Location


[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSTFXA","label":"Tivoli Monitoring"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001f50AAA","label":"TEMS Category->TEMS crash"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"6.3.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 May 2021

