IBM Sterling Order Management - Event Readiness Questionnaire

Event Readiness Questionnaire

As we gear up for this peak season, IBM Technical Support for IBM Sterling Order Management has put together an Event Readiness Questionnaire. This is aimed to gather the  information necessary to review overall readiness for expected peak volume, thus ensuring a smooth period with the projected load.
The questionnaire focuses on -
1.    Various components that you will be live with for the peak.
With recent additional offerings (like Inventory Visibility), an overview of the components critical for your operation will gauge the changes expected since peak last year

2.    Projected peak volumes for order creation, live synchronous calls (availability and inventory related), inventory feeds and concurrent use of store/call center.
These numbers help understand the maximum load that can be expected on the system and chalk measures to sustain the load. This is also critical to understanding the load that would need to be handled by inventory-related processes (like Real time Availability Monitor-RTAM). Prior review of such use cases can help ensure that there is no deterioration in system performance.
3.    Performance tests run with the load profile.
The details of the load test being run will help IBM address any gaps with regard to integration/ performance testing. Historically speaking, having details of the load tests being run in a production-like environment, facilitates the triage and debug process with respect to performance issues that may surface during the holiday season.
4.     New functionalities that have been deployed since the previous peak season.
This helps IBM proactively focus on aspects with regard to new functionalities and ensure that they have been tested to handle peak loads. This also focuses on the impact of the global pandemic situation on your Operations to help apply any key takeaways toward the holiday season.
5. Percentage increase in key volumes and risks based on the testing completed.
The questionnaire compares the yearly % increases in key areas along with the testing planned and assigns a risk factor which will help assess how the Event Readiness program can help you.
The event readiness questionnaire is available here .
To know more about the Event Readiness program, please contact your CSM.