IBM Support

IBM Sterling Order Management 20.2 Release Notes

Release Notes


Resolved issues for IBM Sterling Order Management and IBM Sterling Configure, Price, Quote in the Release 20.2 and the subsequent minor updates.


20.2 Minor Update 2

IBM Sterling Order Management
Defect Case Number Description
589563 TS003770148 The cancelReservation API Javadoc is updated to reflect that the DeliveryMethod attribute is a required field in the input.
589012 TS003623341 The order gets back ordered as the temporary reservation call made to Inventory Visibility returns without reserving any quantity for such an item when below instances occur:
  1. The item on the order line has no supply configured in Inventory Visibility.
  2. The item on the order line is configured as Assume Infinite Inventory in Sterling Order Management.
  3. The scheduleOrder API is called with Inventory Visibility integration phase 2 enabled.
Solution: When an item is configured as Assume Infinite Inventory with the Inventory Visibility integration enabled, no Inventory Visibility call is made to fetch the availability of such an item or to create a temporary reservation for the item as part of the scheduleOrder API.
In Commerce Call Center, the shipment tracking screen displays an incorrect ship node when the order line gets shipped from multiple ship nodes.
For example, Line 1 can be partially shipped from ship node A, and the rest of Line 1 can be shipped from ship node B.
Solution: The shipment tracking screen shows the correct ship node even when the order line is shipped from multiple ship nodes.
589833 TS003795510 The Data extract agent topic in IBM Sterling Order Management Knowledge Center is updated to include the information that you can use the yfs.yfs.coc.dataextract.fetch.maxminsold property to reduce the value of the default one-hour interval in which the data extract tool runs the query.
588838 TS003525987 When a multiline order is placed, one of the shipping line items in the cart is eligible for the gift with purchase that is a free gift line. However, there is no carrier service code stamped on the free gift line.
Solution: The product code is changed to pick up the carrier service code passed from the implementation of the YPMOverrideGetOrderPriceUE user exit to be used by the product on the free gift line.
589847 TS002708590 Incorrect status quantities are observed when an order release status is selected to move out quantity with zero quantity.
Solution: A validation is run to verify that the order release status that is selected to move out quantity does not contain zero quantity.
589742 TS003811876
In Commerce Call Center, the availability date for the Shipping delivery method in the Add Item Preview screen does not get populated when saved. This issue occurs when there are multiple inventory alerts for the inventory item for the default distribution rule for different delivery methods.
Solution: The product code is updated to handle and display availability information in the Add Item Preview screen.
586897 Internal An incorrect capacity consumption is observed when a user performs the following steps:
  1. Sets the yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property to true.
  2. Creates an item, ITEM_1 and node, STORE_1.
  3. Adjusts the inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1 and slot group capacity at STORE_1.
  4. Creates a reservation for ITEM_1 using the reserveAvailableInventory API. A capacity is consumed against the reservation at this step.
  5. Creates an order and passes the Reservation ID received in Step 1.
  6. Schedules the order. One more capacity is consumed for the order at this step.
589760 Internal When a synchronous call to Store Inventory Management backend fails during the Store Inventory Configuration update by using Applications Manager, no error message is displayed even if the API fails on Sterling Order Management.
Solution: The correct error message is displayed in Applications Manager when the next generation Store Inventory Management configuration is changed during the synchronous updates.
589723 TS003742809 Incorrect extraction of data from the corresponding main table is performed in Data extract for the history tables.
Solution: Data extract implementation is fixed so that the data now gets extracted from the correct history table.
589874 Internal The health check data is being logged as INFO which causes a lot of noise in the log.
Solution: The health check messages are changed to DEBUG log level from INFO log level to avoid spam in the logs.
The following issues are resolved in IBM Sterling Store Engagement 2.0:
  • An order line note does not get added to the order when a store associate records a shortage during the backroom pick flow.
  • When a shipment is partially canceled in IBM Sterling Order Management, the corresponding pick request in Store Engagement does not get canceled.
    Solution: When the shipment is canceled, the corresponding pick request in Store Engagement is also canceled if it is in the not started status.
    Note: If the pick request is in progress or completed status, it is not canceled.
  • When a new pack shortage reason code is configured, custom implementation is required to mark the quantity as short.
    Solution: When a new pack shortage reason code is added, its default implementation is to mark the quantity as short.
  • When the store associate records a shortage during packing or customer pick, the shortage reason code is not persisted in the order line note.
  • The Angular build for Sterling Store Engagement fails sometimes during the build EAR step due to JavaScript heap out of memory.
    Solution: Sufficient memory parameter is provided for the Angular build process so that the Store Engagement deployment does not fail on cloud.
  • When item packing rule is enabled, order and shipment scan were done before item scan.
    Solution: When item packing rule is enabled, only item scan is done. To do order or shipment scan, the item packing rule must not be enabled.
20.2 Minor Update 1

IBM Sterling Order Management
Defect Case Number Description
588656,588877 TS003488164, TS003651534 Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when a user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a node, NODE_1 which has a working shift from 08:00 to 16:59.
  2. The locale for node NODE_1 is UTC-4, and the install locale is UTC.
  3. Creates a slot group SG_1 with the slot 08:00 to 16:59 in the hub organization.
  4. Creates a resource pool for NODE_1 of the Release type with slot group SG_1 and adjusts the capacity.
  5. Ensures that capacity is not available on the current day in NODE_1.
  6. Creates two orders and schedules them so that two units of capacity are consumed on the current day +1.
  7. Creates a reservation, RSV_001 with three lines having one quantity each for ITEM_1, ITEM_2, and ITEM_3.
  8. Creates an order with one line each for item ITEM_1, ITEM_2, and ITEM_3 using reservation RSV_001.
  9. Schedules the order.
589652 TS003799651 When effective dates are passed along with the CategoryAssociations element, the manageItem API triggers two updates. The second update refers to the older copy of the item and an error message is displayed as follows:

Could not find entity.

589594 Internal In Sterling Business Center, the rule to make a backroom pick optional is not read for ship orders, and therefore, a pick request is not created for a ship order in Sterling Store Engagement 2.0.
589569 Internal The API errors thrown by the Store Inventory Management micro service back end must be added in the Sterling Store Engagement 2.0 UI layer for better usability.

Solution: The error description can now be overridden for a more usable error to the store associate.

589581 TS003791174 An exception is thrown when the changeRelease API is called to cancel the release of a bundle parent.
587232 TS002630218

If the ship date is a future date, the reserveItemInventory API reserves extra inventory when a user performs the following steps:

  1. Adjusts the inventory for an item, ITEM_1 at the store, for example, NODE_1 to quantity 1.
  2. Creates the RSV_1 reservation for ITEM_1 at NODE1 for quantity 1 for the ship date as the current date +5. The inventory is reserved.
  3. Creates the RSV_2 reservation for ITEM_1 at NODE1 for quantity 1 for the ship date as the current date + 5. The inventory is reserved.
588634 TS003413938 The Sterling Store Engagement Knowledge Center is updated to provide a URL format that an enterprise user can use to access nodes or stores of child enterprise directly from the home page. For more information about the URL format, see Sterling Store Engagement home.
589616 Internal The getExceptionList API does not give the shipment details in the output. Hence, the getShipmentDetails API call had to be made to fetch the shipment details.

Solution: The getExceptionList API, which is template controlled, now retrieves the shipment information.

589525 TS003756198 When a user creates a draft order that satisfies the inclusion condition of a free gift rule, and when the changeOrder API is called to modify the order such that the condition of a free gift rule is no longer satisfied, the application does not remove the free gift line.

Solution: Now the removed lines are passed to pricing to trigger order repricing.

589595 Internal In Sterling Store Engagement 2.0, the bundle parent items are considered for picking, packing, customer pickup, and shipping.

Solution: Only the child lines are considered for picking, packing, customer pickup, and shipping.

589672 Internal In Sterling Store Engagement 2.0, if the minification fails for the customized files, the cloud deployment fails. In the developer toolkit, the setup, setup-upg and update-extn commands fails when there is a minification error.
589275 TS003641668 The release level capacity consumption does not get updated for orders created with a single reservation id and for multiple lines. This happens when in CreateOrder flow, the RequestedReservationDate attribute was passed with a date and a timestamp for every order line.
586238 TS002600926 The utility functions getXpathAttribute, getXpathElement, and getXpathNodes in the SCXmlUtil utility makes use of the cached XPath expressions, which has no limit. This can result in out of memory if the functions are invoked with a unique XPaths, which means that the XPath cache is not used. Solution: The size of the XPath cache can be controlled using the JVM property - scxmlutil.xpathexpr.cache.limit. The supported values are,
scxmlutil.xpathexpr.cache.limit=0 to disable the XPath expression cache.
scxmlutil.xpathexpr.cache.limit=-1 to un limit the XPath expression cache.
scxmlutil.xpathexpr.cache.limit= defaults to 10000.
589054 TS002600926 The map of the orgcodes to the active search indexes cached by the search catalog index does not refresh when a new index is built. When old indexes are deleted by using the Sterling Business Center, the key held by the cache is no longer valid, and therefore, the query to YFS_Search_Index table returns null and an error message is displayed as follows:
Could not find active search index.
Solution: When the first attempt to get active search index from the cache fails, the logic makes another attempt to force load the record from the database and ensures that the cache is updated with the newly queried record. Hence, the logic continues to use the cache, while re-loading the records from the database only when required.
588752 TS003523045 After the v20.1 upgrade, the wscdev.war mode does not work for the Dojo view.

Solution: The code is fixed to resolve the wscdev mode issue.

589450 TS003766869 If a user passes an invalid column in the data extract configuration, an incorrect error message is displayed as follows:
Array Index Out Of Bounds.
Solution: The issue is fixed to display the correct error message.
586938 TS002761314 In the Pack Order screen, when a user clicks the Generate Label button, the application does not validate whether the updated package weight is displayed in the UI.

Solution: When a user clicks on the Generate Label button without clicking the Update button, an error message is displayed.

589534 TS003784397 The Cancellation reason dropdown menu does not display when there is only one customer pick shortage resolution reason or cancel is defined for an enterprise and shortage is recorded for customer pick up.

Solution: The UI is updated to display the Cancellation reason dropdown menu.

589599 Internal The CDT processes fail to start if there are no YFS_LOCALE records in the database.

Solution: The dependency on the YFS_LOCALE records is removed to enable the CDT processes to start even if there are no YFS_LOCALE records in the database.

589004 TS003570481 For an organization, when a configuration setting named Inherit Configuration from Enterprise is configured for some other enterprise, that organization must inherit the credit card details that is configured for the corresponding enterprise. When the credit card details are retrieved by an API call, the organization code must be passed to that enterprise.

Solution: The application validates that for any given organization, the setting Inherit Configuration from Enterprise contains some enterprises configured. If it is configured, the enterprise code is passed as an input to the API. Otherwise, the original code of the organization is passed as an input to the API.

Note: For information about the new features that are added as part of the Sterling Store Engagement 20.2 FP1 release, see What's new.

IBM Sterling Order Management
Defect Case Number Description
516122 Internal Support must be provided for the selective tracing of components such as API, services, or agents based on the log categories.

Solution: The Sterling Order Management is enhanced such that when a trace is enabled for a component such as API, service, or agent, a user can additionally configure the comma-separated log categories. When the API, service, or agent is run, only the trace statements from the configured log category classes are logged in the log files.


  • For more information about the modifyTraces API, see Javadocs.
  • This feature is designed for debugging purposes. To configure log categories for debugging issues, contact IBM Customer Support.
543488 Internal The Data Load agent does not initialize the shadow column values for records that are imported using the CDT tool.
562960 TS000804937 The Sterling Order Management is enhanced to allow you to massage the API input before every API call. If the YCPMassageApiInputUE user exit is implemented, the user exit is invoked before every API call.

Additionally, in the Applications Manager, the following screens are modified such that the exposed APIs are called instead of the entity APIs.

  • Application Platform > Participant Modelling > participant setup
  • Application Platform > Security > users
  • DOM > Distributed Order Management > Customer

For more information, see Javadocs.

587663 Internal The APIs are added to create, modify, and delete carrier service schedule and carrier service override.

For more information, see Javadocs.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"Sterling Order Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbuEAAS","label":"Sterling Order Management System"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 November 2020

