IBM Support

IBM Spectrum Protect Fix Pack readme files

Fix Readme


Readme files for server components are available when there is a fix pack update.


Security enhancements

Attention Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect Fix Pack, enhancements were added to enforce stricter security settings. Before you install or upgrade IBM Spectrum Protect, see What you should know about security before you install or upgrade the server.

Latest IBM Spectrum Protect server and client fix packs and interim fixes
To find the latest IBM Spectrum Protect fix packs and interim fixes, see technote 83723.

Readme files
To find readme files for your fix pack, click the appropriate tab.

Tab navigation

The following readme files are available for the components in this release:  
Readme file - IBM Spectrum Protect server Fix Packs

The IBM Spectrum Protect server provides backup, archive, and space management services to clients. You can set up multiple servers in your enterprise network to balance storage, processor, and network resources.

Fix history
To view APARs that were resolved in this fix pack, see technote 6447173.

Compatibility with earlier versions
For compatibility with earlier versions, see technote 660949.

System requirements
For server system requirements, see technote 84861.
Restriction for 8.1.15: The IBM AIX 7.1 operating system is not supported. For AIX versions that are supported, see technote 6556926.

Obtaining the server installation package

Download this fix pack from Fix Central or Passport Advantage.

The server package on Fix Central does not contain the license. If you are upgrading the server from 8.1.0 or later on an AIX or Linux® operating system, the installed license is compatible with this fix pack.

If you are installing the IBM Spectrum Protect server for the first time, or are upgrading the server on a Microsoft® Windows operating system, or are upgrading the server from version 6 or 7, download the IBM Spectrum Protect Fix Pack server package from Passport Advantage.

For more information about how to download the server package, see the download document for IBM AIX and Linux or the download document for Microsoft Windows.

Before you install the server


Because of the security updates in recent product releases, installation and upgrade procedures have changed significantly. To help avoid issues, follow the installation and upgrade procedures in the product documentation. For the latest hardware and software requirements, see technote 84861.


Attention, users of backup-archive clients earlier than version 7.1.8 or 8.1.2: To prevent the failure of backup operations, you must manually set the ALLOWDESAUTH option to YES for the following operations:
  • Automatic deployment of backup-archive client versions earlier than 7.1.8 or 8.1.2
  • Connecting a server with a backup-archive client 6.2 or earlier
If you fail to set the option to YES in these circumstances, the connection to backup-archive clients fails, and client data is not backed up.
Reminder: IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition is required for node replication

Before you configure node replication, ensure that you have obtained and registered the license for IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition. For instructions about registering a license, see REGISTER LICENSE.

Restoring a database with the DSMSERV RESTORE DB utility


Attention: If you plan to run the DSMSERV RESTORE DB utility to restore a database, you can specify the PASSWORD parameter on the command line. The password is used to protect the database backup. However, by specifying the password on the command line, you increase the risk of unauthorized access to the password.

If you specify a password on the command line, you must also specify PROMPT=NO to ensure that users are not prompted for the password. If you specify a password, but do not specify PROMPT=NO, the command fails.
The preferred method is to specify no password on the command line, and keep the default setting, PROMPT=YES. When PROMPT=YES, users are prompted to enter a password if a password is required.
Installing the server

To install the server, follow the instructions in Installing the server.

After you install the server, ensure that you follow the instructions in Preparing the server for database backup operations.

Upgrading the server

To upgrade the server to Fix Pack, follow the procedures in Upgrading to version 8.1.

After you upgrade the server on any operating system, complete the following steps:

1. Re-register the product license. For example, if you upgraded the IBM Spectrum Protect base release, issue the following command:

register license file=tsmbasic.lic

For detailed instructions about registering licenses, see REGISTER LICENSE.

2. Follow the instructions in Preparing the server for database backup operations.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Updates, limitations, and known problems are documented in the form of technotes in the Support knowledge base at the Support Portal. As problems are discovered and resolved, IBM Software Support updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can find workarounds or solutions to problems.


For an overview of new product features and updates, see What's new.

Limitations and known issues

The following table lists limitations and known issues for this fix pack:

Issue Description
The Operations Center help is not available in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Portuguese. The Operations Center help in Russian does not contain 8.1.15 updates. The Operations Center help system for 8.1.15 is available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Korean. If you select Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Portuguese as your language, the English version of the Operations Center help is displayed. The Operations Center help is available in Russian, but is at the 8.1.14 level and so does not contain the most recent updates.
OSSM Configuration Wizard has untranslated strings. When running the IBM Spectrum Protect Open Snap Store Manager (OSSM) configuration wizard in a language other than English, you might see some of the wizard interface text in English rather than the language you selected. This is a known problem and will be resolved in a future release.
The Russian language package is not updated in the IBM Spectrum Protect  8.1.15 installation packages. Russian language for the IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.15 installation packages is not updated. If you run the installer, configuration wizard, server, or Operations Center in the Russian language, you might see some of the text in English instead of Russian. 
The Connect Spoke Server wizard is updated with new functionality, but the user interface updates are available only in English.
In the Operations Center, on the Servers page, you can click +Spoke to open the Connect Spoke Server wizard. Parts of the wizard were updated for 8.1.14, but the user interface updates are available only in English. If you install a non-English language package, most of the text in the wizard will be in your selected language, but some text will be in English.
An issue can occur when you attempt to disable a node for replication.
This issue can occur if you enabled replication for a node, but no target replication server is defined. If you then attempt to disable replication for the node by using the REMOVE REPLNODE command, the command fails.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:

1. Define a temporary server by using the DEFINE SERVER command. The temporary server does not have to be a target replication server. For example, to define a server that is named TEMPSERV1 with a password of TEMPSERV1, issue the following command:
define server tempserv1 serverpassword=tempserv1 hla= lla=0
2. Issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command again. For example, if the node is named NODE1 and the temporary server is named TEMPSERV1, you would issue the following command:

remove replnode node1 server=tempserv1
3. Delete the temporary server by using the DELETE SERVER command. For example, if the server is named TEMPSERV1, you would issue the following command:

delete server tempserv1
When you use replication storage rules with replication subrules, some filespace attributes are ignored. Replication subrule attributes are applied to the file space instead.
The 8.1.14 release introduces a feature for replicating data by defining replication storage rules and associated subrules. This feature streamlines the configuration process and supports fine-tuning of replication operations.
If you previously configured replication by using the REPLICATE NODE command, REPLICATE NODE command processing will continue to apply the replication rules on behalf of any nodes or file spaces that are being replicated. If you transition to using replication storage rules and subrules, the new replication storage rules and subrules override the previous replication rules for the file space.
The following replication rule attributes in the file space are overridden by the new replication storage rules and subrules:
When you issue a replication storage rule and specify the IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) method to optimize data transfer, performance objectives might not be achieved. In many cases, you can optimize data transfer by using Aspera FASP technology. However, when you specify the Aspera FASP transfer method for a replication storage rule by issuing the DEFINE STGRULE or UPDATE STGRULE command with the TRANSFERMETHOD=FASP parameter setting, extent data is not transferred over the FASP connection. Instead, extent data is sent from the source replication server to the target replication server by using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). As a result, you might not achieve expected performance levels.
Language packages are not available in the 8.1.14  IBM Spectrum Protect installation packages New or updated server messages and command-line help topics introduced in 8.1.14 IBM Spectrum Protect server are not translated from English to other languages.  There are no server language packages within the product for the 8.1.14 release.  If you are upgrading from 8.1.13 to 8.1.14, the language packages that you installed for 8.1.13 are compatible with 8.1.14. If you are installing IBM Spectrum Protect for the first time, you can first install the language packages from 8.1.13 and then install the 8.1.14 server components.
IBM Documentation is updated for the 8.1.14 release. Some translations are scheduled to be available a few months after the release in the 8.1.14 IBM Documentation collection.  
In languages other than English, the command-line help references the EXTENTVALIDATION parameter, which is not available.
In the non-English command-line help, the DEFINE STGRULE and UPDATE STGRULE command topics reference the EXTENTVALIDATION parameter, which is not available in 8.1.14. For the latest documentation about the DEFINE STGRULE and UPDATE STGRULE commands, see the English-language command-line help or the English-language online product information.
Syntax diagram for the UPDATE NODE command is missing from the command-line help.
In the non-English command-line help, when you issue the help update node command from the server console, the syntax diagram is not displayed for the command. To access the syntax diagram for the UPDATE NODE command, see the English-language command-line help, or see the UPDATE NODE command topic in IBM Documentation or in the IBM Spectrum Protect Administrator's Reference. You can find the reference guide for your operating system on the Server documentation in PDF files page.
Issues can occur when source and target replication servers are at different levels. If you define a new target replication server that is using a version earlier than 8.1.14 to a server that is using 8.1.14, you might experience errors during replication or storage pool protection operations. To prevent these errors, ensure that both the source and target replication servers are upgraded to 8.1.14.
If storage pool reclamation is in progress while a retention volume is being moved onsite, the retention volume might become unavailable.
This issue can occur if storage pool reclamation is running when you move a retention pool to an onsite location by using the MOVE RETMEDIA command or the Operations Center. The reclamation can attempt to process the retention volume before the volume is checked into the tape library. In this case, the status of the retention volume might be changed to ACCESS=UNAVAILABLE. You cannot access the data or move the volume.
To avoid this issue, follow the guidelines:
  • If you plan to move retention volumes onsite, ensure that you keep the default threshold of 100% for storage pool reclamation. You can specify this parameter setting, RECLAIM=100, on the DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL command.
  • Before you run the reclamation process, ensure that any retention volumes that you moved onsite are checked into the tape library.
  • If reclamation is necessary, run the process manually by using the RECLAIM STGPOOL command.
Bucket names that are in use must not be changed. After you start using a bucket for cloud object storage, do not change the bucket name. For example, if a bucket is associated with a cloud connection, a cloud-container storage pool, or a device class, the bucket name must remain the same. Changing the bucket name can result in unexpected behavior.
An error can occur when you sort entries on the Client Replication page in the Operations Center. If you click the Status column on the Client Replication page to sort entries based on status, you might see an error message. The message indicates that an error occurred while loading table data. You can continue to view the page without sorting by clicking the Status column again.
Compatibility issues can occur when the IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive client and server are installed on the same Windows operating system. If the IBM Spectrum Protect Fix Pack or later server and a backup-archive client are installed on the same computer, and the computer is running on the Windows operating system, the backup-archive client must be Fix Pack or later. This requirement must be met to ensure that the backup-archive client is compatible with the IBM Spectrum Protect Fix Pack client application programming interface (API), which is installed by the server. If the API and backup-archive client are incompatible, backup-archive client operations fail.
In some cases, processes that were initiated by the servermon component are not terminated correctly.
To monitor the IBM Spectrum Protect server, the servermon component initiates operating system commands. In some cases, when the servermon component requests the termination of command processing, the processes are not terminated correctly.
For example, you might see a message that indicates that an iostat process is still running:
The user tsminst1 is currently used by process 470151
[root@kiwi9 ~]# ps -ef | grep 470151
root     298210 207698  0 16:41 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 470151
tsminst1 470151      1  0 00:00 ?        00:00:20 iostat -xtk 30
If this issue occurs, take the following steps:
1. To determine whether the servermon component is enabled, issue the following command:
query opt alwaysonservermon
2. If the servermon component is enabled, update the server options file to temporarily disable the component:
alwaysonservermon off

3. Manually stop any running processes.
For example, to stop the previously mentioned iostat process, you would issue the following command:
kill -9 470151

4. Restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
5. To re-enable the servermon component, update the server options file:
alwaysonservermon on

6. Restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Late-breaking documentation updates are available only in English.
In case of late-breaking documentation updates, only the English-language version of the topic is updated. PDF files are not updated.
To use the storage area network (SAN) discovery feature on a Linux on Power Systems (little endian) operating system, you must install an appropriate host bus adapter (HBA) application programming interface (API) library.
Contact the HBA vendor to obtain the API library. Then, install the library by following the instructions in technote 712281.
To use the SAN discovery feature on a Linux x86_64 server with the Ubuntu Server LTS operating system, you must install an appropriate HBA API library. Contact the HBA vendor to obtain the API library. Then, install the library by following the instructions in technote 711781.
In the configuration wizard, some fields might be distorted.
  • If you run the configuration wizard (dsmicfgx) on a Linux operating system and are using a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) system, you might see truncated text in the wizard fields. No action is required to resolve this issue. You can enter values in the fields, and the values are processed. Alternatively, to work around the issue, take one of the following actions:
    - Instead of VNC, use the PuTTY client program and the Xming display server to access the user interface.
    - Instead of using the configuration wizard, configure the IBM Spectrum Protect server instance manually. For instructions, see Configuring the server instance manually.
  • If you run the configuration wizard by using a Unicode locale (such as EN_US or DE_DE), fields for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) entries might be distorted. The fields are smaller in height than other fields in the user interface. No action is required to resolve this issue. You can enter values in the fields, and the values are processed.

    Alternatively, to work around the issue, you can run the configuration wizard by using a non-Unicode locale such as en_US or de_DE.

    Tip: Ensure that you set the language of the server to the correct locale. By default, the configuration wizard uses the operating system's locale.

    For more information, see technote 720087.
The Russian-language configuration wizard does not support uppercase letters and special characters.
This issue occurs only on the AIX operating system when the Russian-language locale is specified. In the configuration wizard, if you press the Shift key to enter uppercase or special characters, the expected uppercase or special characters are not displayed.
To resolve the issue, switch to another locale and then use the configuration wizard.
For instructions, see technote 875156.
If you installed a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language package, the pages of the configuration wizard might not open immediately.
This issue occurs only on the AIX operating system when a double-byte character set, such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, is used. The pages of the configuration wizard might open with a delay of 1 to 5 minutes, and you might see the following error message:
Cannot load fonts for IMF.

To resolve this issue, take one of the following actions:
  • Temporarily disable localization by running the following commands:
     export LANG=C
     export LC_ALL=C
  • Temporarily set English as the locale by running the following commands:
    export LANG=en_US
    export LC_ALL=en_US
  • Ignore the error message and wait for the pages to be displayed.
  • Close the configuration wizard and use the manual configuration process instead. For instructions, see Configuring the server instance manually
In the command-line help, server messages might include extraneous characters.
When you issue the HELP command from the server console, message texts might include extraneous characters. This issue can occur at the end of a message text or in text with a coded line break. The output might be similar to the following example:

Protect: SRV8112>help ANR2550W
ANR2550W Command: Modifying the virtual file space mapping VFS Name for
Celerra NAS device NAS device may prevent data from being
If you modify this definition, save the existing file space and path
settings so that the definition may be reverted to its original
The output of QUERY and SELECT commands might not be displayed correctly if the characters were created in a code page that is different from the system locale of the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

This issue occurs only if the IBM Spectrum Protect server is installed on a Windows operating system. If the characters in free text fields were created in a code page that is different from the system locale of the server, values in the free text fields might not be displayed correctly, for example:

register node node01 node01Pw contact="經理'

If a user enters text in a language that differs from the system locale, the issue can also occur. For example, the system locale is English, but the user defines a retention rule by entering French characters for the DESCRIPTION parameter:
define retrule rule1 NODE01 retention=150 description="Çàâ" startdate=12/20/2018 starttime=01:00:00 schedstyle=classic frequency=weekly dayofweek=saturday

If the QUERY RETRULE command is issued, the output does not display the French characters (Çàâ) correctly.

This issue affects only the display of text and does not affect server operations. This issue is not limited to 8.1.14.

Restrictions apply to the REMOVE STGPROTECTION command. Review the restrictions:
  • If you issue the PROTECT STGPOOL or REPAIR STGPOOL command on a source server, you cannot simultaneously run the REMOVE STGPROTECTION command on the corresponding storage pools on the target server.
  • If you issue the REMOVE STGPROTECTION command on a source server, you cannot simultaneously run the REPAIR STGPOOL command on the corresponding storage pools on the target server.
Restrictions apply to the operations and storage pool types that are supported for network data management protocol (NDMP) operations. Review the restrictions:
  • Data deduplication is supported only with NetApp file servers and only if the file servers do not use SnapMirror to Tape backup operations.
  • Container storage pools are supported only with NetApp file servers and only if the file servers do not use SnapMirror to Tape backup operations.
For more information about the operations and storage pool types that are supported for different brands of file servers, see Storage pool types for NDMP operations.
Restrictions apply when you specify the DEFRAG parameter on the MOVE CONTAINER command. To avoid possible issues, do not run the MOVE CONTAINER command with the DEFRAG=YES option during data ingestion, backup, or delete operations.
Caching policy for storage systems might cause data corruption. For storage systems that have aggressive caching policies in which data is confirmed as written before it is committed to permanent storage, data corruption can occur if a power outage or other event prevents the write cache from being committed.

The write cache typically has a battery to prevent loss of data from the cache during short power outages. If a power outage occurs and no battery is available, or the battery cache is full, or the length of the power outage exceeds battery capacity, or another event occurs that prevents the write cache from being committed, any data that IBM Spectrum Protect is managing can become corrupted.

This data includes the location of data, the size of the volumes to which data was written, and data deduplication information that links data to multiple objects.

For more information about requirements for committing cached data to permanent storage, see technote 330991.
Network connection to a NetApp file server becomes unresponsive during a logical interface (LIF) failover. When IBM Spectrum Protect is configured for network data management protocol (NDMP) operations in a NetApp clustered environment, the network connection to the NetApp file server might become unresponsive during backup operations.

You might experience this issue when a LIF failover occurs in the NetApp cluster. IBM Spectrum Protect does not support LIF failovers for NDMP operations.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Storage Manager is not available in IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1 product releases. The Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Storage Manager component is not delivered in IBM Spectrum Protect 8 product releases. Instead, you can monitor your storage environment by using the Operations Center, a web-based user interface. For instructions, see Installing and upgrading the Operations Center.

Tip: In limited lab testing, Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Storage Manager 7 was used to monitor an IBM Spectrum Protect 8 server and to generate reports. For instructions about installing and configuring Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Storage Manager, see technote 233995.

Readme file - IBM Spectrum Protect device support Fix Pack

You can use various storage devices with IBM Spectrum Protect to meet specific data protection goals.

The following information is for devices that are supported by IBM Spectrum Protect server Fix Pack

Fix history

To view APARs that were resolved in 8.1.15, see technote 285607.

Supported devices
For information about the devices and hardware that you can use with IBM Spectrum Protect, see the support website for your operating system:
New device support
This release does not introduce support for new devices.
Configuring devices

For information about configuring and managing devices, see
Configuring storage or the IBM Spectrum Protect Tape Solution Guide.

The following table provides actions that you can take to more efficiently manage your devices and to avoid device configuration issues.
Action Description
Ensure that HBAs meet requirements. For best results, connect tape drives and tape libraries to the system on their own host bus adapter (HBA). Do not share the HBA with other device types, such as DISK.
Do not exceed the maximum number of devices that are supported by IBM Spectrum Protect. For information about the maximum number of devices that you can use with IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers on each operating system, see technote 383063.
Review the support information for Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) device support. SAS devices can be used with some operating system versions and architectures. For information about operating systems versions and architectures for SAS devices, see technote 394713.
Review requirements for running the IBM Spectrum Protect passthru driver with a non-root user ID on Linux operating systems. For information about how a non-root user ID can use devices with the IBM Spectrum Protect passthru driver on Linux, see technote 360121.

To ensure that non-root user IDs can use devices that are configured with the IBM Spectrum Protect passthru driver, specify option -g or -a in the device autoconf utility. To add read and write permissions for groups to the SCSI generic driver (sg) device files, specify option -g. To add read and write permissions for all users to the sg device files, specify option -a.
Ensure that libraries meet requirements. IBM Spectrum Protect Extended Edition is required for a library with more than four drives or more than 48 storage slots.

For a library with multiple drives, a drive element address is required for the DEFINE DRIVE and UPDATE DRIVE commands. However, if the library reports drive serial numbers, you can specify ELEMENT=AUTODETECT, and the element address is not required. Alternatively, you can automatically associate a library with its drives by issuing the PERFORM LIBACTION command and specifying ACTION=DEFINE.

Readme file - IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center Fix Packs

The Operations Center is a web-based interface that you can use to manage your IBM Spectrum Protect environment.

Fix history

To view APARs that were resolved in this fix pack, see technote 291549.

Compatibility with the IBM Spectrum Protect server

For information about Operations Center compatibility with the IBM Spectrum Protect server, see technote 496593.

System requirements

For Operations Center system requirements, see technote 499473.

Obtaining the Operations Center installation package

Download this fix pack from Fix Central or Passport Advantage.

Installing and upgrading

For installation and upgrade instructions, see Installing and upgrading the Operations Center.


To learn about updates in Operations Center Fix Pack, see Operations Center updates.

Limitations and known issues

For a list of known issues, see technote 6597239.


Copyright and trademark information:



This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a sublicense from the Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world­wide basis.

Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Third-Party License Terms and Conditions, Notices and Information

The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version.

Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions:
  • the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
  • IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components
  • IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQVQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hAZvAAM","label":"Operations Center"},{"code":"a8m3p000000hAZuAAM","label":"Server"},{"code":"a8m3p000000hAbaAAE","label":"Server-\u003EDevices"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.15"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 September 2023

