Identity Manager is migrating from APARs (Authorized Program Analysis Report) to Known Issues as a means for documenting, correcting and tracking problems reported by users.
As of June 7th, 2023, all existing APARs are represented as Known Issues. If a Known Issue originated as an APAR, then you'll see the APAR number in its title as well as in a separate field. If you were subscribed to APARs, then you will continue to get notifications about them.
Known Issues provide for better integration with the IBM support platform.
From the case details page: Known Issues that relate to your case will be displayed on the right pane. By clicking on View all Known Issues, you will be able to review their details as well as subscribe to notifications specific to status changes. Known Issues include many of the same fields that you are accustomed to with APARs, but allow for more details like screen shots when helpful to their description.
Note that the field will not be displayed on the case details page if there are no Known Issues associated with the case.

From the product support page: All Known Issues will be listed for searching, viewing and subscribing to help you better self-serve. You’ll continue to be able to search on the IBM support site as well as utilize other search engines.

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More support for:
IBM Security Identity Manager
Identity Manager
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Modified date:
08 June 2023