IBM Support

IBM Order Management: Holiday Readiness Series 2023 - SME Panel Discussion



The IBM Sterling Order Management team conducted a panel discussion in preparation for the 2023 Holiday Peak season on the IBM Order Management SaaS platform.

Thursday, September 21, 2023 @ 10:00 AM | 90 Minutes | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)


Missed it? No sweat! IBM has you covered. Following is all of the information. Share it with your colleagues.

As promised for those who were unable to attend, the panel discussion replay, the slide deck, the Q&As, and the URLs are posted here. We hope you enjoyed the technical discussion we had and were able to generate a full checklist to ensure you are prepared for the 2023 Holiday Season.

Session content is available here and the recording is available here.

Chris Burgess Manager, WW Support Experience Team
Mike Callaghan Program Director, WW Supply Chain Support
Shoeb Bihari Technical Lead, SRE Advisor, IBM SterlingOrder Management Support
Senthil Ponnusamy Technical Lead, SRE Advisor, IBM Sterling Order Management Support
Jitendra Buge Technical Support Engineer, IBM Sterling Order Management Support
Jelena Markovic Support SME, IBM Sterling Order Management Support
Vishal Aurora Advisory Software Engineer, IBM Sterling Order Management
Vijaya Bashyam STSM, Chief Architect Containerization and Performance, IBM Sterling
Yaduvesh Sharma Senior Software Architect, IBM Sterling order management
Paresh Vinaykya Executive Technical Account Manager, IBM Expertise Connect
Bobby Thomas Performance Architect, SRE, IBM Sterling Order Management
Tin Vo Senior Software Developer, IBM Sterling Order Management

With decades of experience and the willingness to ensure that clients are successful this holiday season, some of IBM's best, and brightest shared information for you to review. The IBM Order Management Support and Development team discussed some of the key configurations, features, and best practices to help with peak holiday season traffic on the Order Management on Cloud platform. IBM discussed the key topics such as:

  • Our Journey to Peak Success
  • Review of promising and sourcing
  • HotSku & Optimistic Lock Avoidance (OLA) properties
  • Capacity: Resource pool locking & optimization
  • Item-based allocation (IBA) use & considerations for peak.
  • Sterling Inventory Visibility (IV) consideration.
  • IBM Order Management Software Certified Containers Performance & Support Mustgather
Q & A 


Q. Is the HOTSku concept applicable to an OMS environment integrated with IV/SIP (Inventory Visibility/ Sterling Intelligent Promising)?
A. IV/SIP system is lock free as such HOTSku related configurations are not needed.


Q. When using Optimistic Lock Avoidance (OLA), does system create positive and negative entries in YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND table?
A. Yes, while using the Hot SKU Optimistic Lock Avoidance functionality, demand or supply tables can have multiple records for unique supply or unique demand key that is with all matching attributes. The property
yfs.purge.MergeDemandSupplyMultiRec must be set to true to merge these records before purging. Only those records that are qualifying for demand or supply purge can be merged. For more details, refer to Inventory Purge.


Q. What are the PURPOSE codes in INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK table?
A. The
PURPOSE codes in INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK reflect inventory availability picture. Here are the valid values:

  • 10 Lock as Availability is now low
  • 11 Use old Hot SKU functionality.
  • 20 Low availabilities when granular locking is enabled.
  • 21 To tracking 0 availability with granular locking.

Q: Which Fix Pack includes a granular locking feature for IBM Sterling Order Management version 10?
A. This is version 9.5 feature, and it is available in IBM Sterling Order Management version 10; however, the new mode property was been recently introduced,
yfs.hotsku.useGranularLockingForItem.mode was made available in 10.0.2209.2 (legacy

Q. How is the HOTSku feature managed? Is this feature available in Order Hub?
A. HOTSku feature configurations can be managed via SMA (
that is, PLT_PROPERTY table or by using manageProperty API) only. OrderHub does call various OMS APIs, underneath within these promising and sourcing API that uses HOTSku logic, if enabled.

Q: Can we use default HOTSku setting for IBM OMoC?
A. For most uses cases default settings would be sufficient; however, we highly recommend clients to tune the properties based on the business requirements and API volume.

Q. Disable node capacity property seems to be at the enterprise level? Can we set something for a specific node instead of having to set an infinite capacity? How to disable capacity for a single node?  Example, a client initially set capacity for a location to throttle orders initially, but now do not want to set any capacity constraints for location.
A. We have been using direct DB update to disable capacity for node; however, in upcoming release we have a
changeResourcePool API to handle. Here is the sample input:  <ResourcePool ResourcePoolKey="Res_Pool_Key" IsActive="N" />

Q. Is capacity locking enabled by default? What are all performance properties related to capacity and their default values?
A. No, capacity locking is not enabled by default. Document explaining the default properties with use cases are available soon.

Q. Does recompute API retotals and update the database every time there is a change in supply for a particular item?
A. The recompute API does fix the availability numbers for the network one time. However, every time there is a change in supply, demand, or reservation the availability is always updated internally without any manual intervention. Additionally, the recompute API aka DGSync api is required only when there is a mismatch between node and network numbers.

Q. Regarding 'Containers' for a IBM Order Management on Cloud(OMoC) client, is it safe to believe that most of the action items (except Checking SSL cert validity and updating to the latest quarterly release) mentioned are Infra related and should be taken care by IBM?
A. That is correct. For OMoC, IBM manages the platform and application server configuration.


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cy01AAA","label":"Performance"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym

IBM Sterling Order Management; IBM OMoC, IBM CoC, IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility

Document Information

Modified date:
28 September 2023

