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IBM Navigator for i - PTF Update Details

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Information listing the fixes and changes put into each PTF for IBM Navigator for i since initial release of New Navigator.


​You are in: IBM i Technology Updates  > Navigator for i > PTF Information > PTF Update Details
For more information on functions, see Documentation on Functional Areas.
Section links for each Navigator for i PTF released:

Q2+ 2024
The following enhancements to Navigator are included in the Q2+ 2024 PTFs released 7/1/2024:
This release has the following new features:
  • Launch to Memo to Users - What's New section. 
    • Go to Manage Bookmarks. 
    • Then Actions > Restore Shipped Bookmarks .
    • image-20240629175640-1
  • License Management
    • On system Home panel, the Warning/Critical icon is a live link to launch to the License Table
    • License Information table - will be sorted by expiration date by default.
    • Dashboard -
      • Table view will now include IBM i OS expiry date with icons for threshold values.
      • Update to icons and visuals for warning, critical, and expired licenses.
  • Dashboard - table view will now include TR level and Active Jobs count.
  • AJS - new version
Fixes communicated with customers:
  • Issue with editing HTTP config when HTTP instance is on IASP
  • Fixed error with EIM when deleting multiple entries at once
  • Activate Packet Rules - fix to drop down not showing rules for interface list.
Internal issues fixed:
  • Fix to saved favorites with filters

Q2 2024
The following enhancements to Navigator are included in the Q2 2024 PTFs released 6/14/2024:
This release has the following new features:
  • Infrastructure - Angular upgrade to 17.8
    • Fix to dropdown loading with correct values on multi-select
  • Login - improved handling for multiple login using authentication method.  Prompt will allow login with different user profile and password
  • New improved editor (colors & formatting) used for:
    • HTTP servers editing
    • DNS configuration editing
    • ARE log files viewing
    • Navigator messages.log viewing
  • Security
    • Audit Journal
      • Data Mart - preload detailed audit journal data - SQL services update in Spring 2024 TR.
      • Journal entry types NA and PS now supported.
  • ARE console in Navigator
    • Heritage ARE console compatibility with Navigator - V1R1M0 SJ00055
    • Group scheduling in console
    • Add & remove templates (multiples)
    • Importing from heritage ARE
  • Network
    • Web Administration in Navigator
      • Certificate Stores table
        • Add *SYSTEM store
        • Add and existing certificate store (by IFS path)
      • Application Servers (previously "IAS & IWS Servers")
        • improvements to display time when working on a remote system (using a different managing node)
    • NAS configuration wizard will now use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) set in CHGTCP option 12 when creating the service principal keytab entries.  Previously, it would create the keytab entries using the URL used to access Navigator for i or the name of the managed node.  This previous method would require additional steps to receive the correct entry names.
    • VPN Connection Wizard
  • Monitors - updated to use latest resource classes
    • Fix for &MSGTEXT parameter handling
  • Thresholds
    • Hover text has been added to icons related to thresholds.  This includes System ASP as well as the new license expiration information.  This delivers IDEA 3762.
    • Updated interface for Thresholds under Connection Properties to simplify setting of warning and critical thresholds.
    • Whole values can not be edited in field for simplicity.
    • System ASP Thresholds
  • License Expiration - Several enhancements for displaying license expiration information have been added.  This delivers IDEA 4069.
    • License expiration dates for 5770SS1 5050 will be displayed on the dashboard for each system:
    • OS License Expiry
    • OS License Expiry critical
      • If license expiration is below set thresholds for warning or critical, an icon will be shown in the bottom right.  If license is expired, the system card will be shown as follows.  Hover over the icon for description of issue.  Go to Connection Properties > Thresholds to change the default dates.  Defaults are 60 days for warning and 15 days for critical.
      • OS license key expired
    • System Home Page will also show these icons.  Additionally, if any LPPs are within the threshold ranges for expiration, this will be shown by an icon on the bottom left of the home page:
    • LPP license expiration warning
      • Go to Configuration and Service > License Information to find the licenses that are expiring
    • Configuration & Service > License Information table
      • License Expiration column is now listed third by default.  Go to columns and select "Reset Default" to pick up this change if you have set any preferences for this table.  You will lose any customizations you have previously made to this table.
    • System > System Stats
      • Has a new License box with information specific to licensing.  This includes 5050 and 5051 details.
      • The System panel has been reconfigured and additional information is added.
      • System Status - License and System cards
    • Threshold settings are available for license expiration settings.  Default is 15 days for critical and 60 days for warning.  Go to Serviceability > Connection Properties > Thresholds to change the threshold settings.
    • License Expiration threshold settings
  • File System - Integrated File System
    • IFS_OBJECT_REFERENCES_INFO is used to provide the IFS file list.  The service documentation indicates that what is provided may not be complete for objects residing in systems other than root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.  Other file systems such as QDLS and QNTC may not be complete.  Any limitations of a service used by Navigator will result in the same limitation in Navigator.  
  • Performance Data Investigator (PDI)
    • Performance Data Investigator (PDI)
      • New charts utilizing new breakdown monitor files for disk by ASP – QAPMSMASP (db2mb2pm SMASP has User ASP and iASPs):
        • Percent Busy of each Independent ASP
        • Percent Busy of each User ASP
          • SYSTEM ASP Disk Arm Utilization for System ASP (Average)
        • Storage Utilization of each Independent ASP
          • 2 views – storage utilization (disk storage in GB) & storage breakdown
        • Storage Utilization of each User ASP
          • 2 views – storage utilization (disk storage in GB) & storage breakdown
            • SYSTEM ASP Disk Storage Utilization for System ASP (Average)
    • If you select a chart that requires a data point for drilldown without selecting a point, you will get this error.  Previously you would get a chart, but it may have had skewed values.
    • image-20240620125445-1

  • Bookmarks updated – link to BRMS GUI added
    • Go to Bookmarks > Manage and select Actions > Restore shipped bookmarks to get updates.  You will only see the link to BRMS if 5770-BR2 is installed.
  • Alerts > QSYSOPR Messages
    • Enhancement to handling of a large number of messages – handling as lazy load
  • Advanced Job Scheduler (AJS) - version 7.2.149
    • Status of Data Library ASP
    • New AJS server side PTF:
Fixes communicated with customers:
  • Trigger command not executed in message monitor after 1 week – update to resource class
  • Deleting groups of 500 spoolfiles in printout caused issues
  • Error deleting PF from IFS (crtpf then /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/testdlt.file)
  • Error deleting IFS file from “My Objects” .
  • Edit Host table, name stays on the screen after Cancel.
  • AJS – shows incorrect version for non-English.
  • AJS – adding a command to a new job does not save.
  • SSHD remains in stopped status – non-English QLANGID.
  • Fixes to handling of favorites
  • Fix for SNTP NullPointerException.
  • ARP Cache – fixed some language issues working with the table
  • Improvements to System ASP threshold handling
Internal issues fixed:
  • Systems Status page - Object Object error fixed
  • NFS export – fixed issue where removing export from current exports list also removed from permanent entry. 
  • Clarified message when copying user profile to multiple systems
  • Removed MGTC as a server to be started

Q1 2024
The following enhancements to Navigator are included in the Q1 2024 PTFs released 3/25/2024:
  • This release has the following new features:
    • Makes use of Angular version 17 and updated node.js
      • New look for menu, fields, and sign-in password 
    • Requires JTOpen Toolbox 20.0.7 (5770SS1) to run.  This is included in the HTTP PTF group update March 26, 2024.
    • Monitors - System and Message Monitors - will now run with Java 17 or 11 if installed on your system (using the latest version installed).
  • New function enhancements by Component:
    • Multisystem > Administration Runtime Expert (ARE) - Console now available in Navigator
      • View all the report files in the Verify and Previous Results
      • Scripts and Groups are sharable
        • Handling of groups implemented based on IDEA 3388.
      • New Authorization lists:  QNAVARECON and QNAVARETMP
      • Templates are not yet available in IBM Navigator for i.  Continue to use the heritage ARE tool for templates
    • Web Administration for IBM i - functions now available in Navigator
      • View Logs
      • View and edit configuration files - Network > Servers > HTTP Servers > Right click a server > Configure
    • Work Management
      • Scheduled Jobs - added function to Submit Immediately
      • Prestart Jobs - added Job Description field and others 
      • Copy Printer (create using New Based On)
        • Allows you to use existing printer for the basis of a new printer to be added.
    • Configuration & Service
      • PTF_INFO - new fields are supported (7.4 and 7.5 - requires Fall 2023 TR)
        • This information is also now viewable from the properties panel from PTFs, PTF Groups, and Software Groups > Installed PTFs
    • System
      • Added Software License Tier to System Status page:
      • System > System Status > System > Software License Tier
    • Network
      • VPN
        • Added connection editor to move up, down, and view.
        • New dynamic-key connection action is now available.
        • New option to display current attributes.
        • Added host-to-host and gateway-to-host options on connection wizard.
      • Additional launch was added to Network Attributes from System > Configuration
      • Manage Host Table - now allows Action > Delete for multiple rows
      • NFS Export (LUG request)
        • Creating and modifying NFS exports
        • Display list of current exports
        • Display list of permanent exports
        • Remove or change an existing export
        • Add multiple accesses to the export for given hosts/netgroups
        • Remove access items from the access list
        • Netgroups action will take you to the Add Netgroup panel
        • Allow input of host or IP on Add Access
        • Allow entry of host or IP on Change Netgroups
    • File System > IFS
      • NOTE:  If no data is returned it may be because the user profile requesting the view does not have the required authority.  The QSYS2.IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS service requires users to have *USE for each library included in the path name.  If not, no rows are returned. 
      • Using "Navigate to" followed by switching systems on the system tray - Navigator will attempt to go to the same path for that selected system.
    • Performance Data Investigator (PDI)
      • New field for VCPU delays (JBVPDLY) and update to perspectives to provide this data:
        • Collection Services - new perspective: CPU Utilization & Waits Overview with JBVPDLY - has Active time on the new view which is Dispatched CPU minus JBVPDLY (Virtual Processor Delay)
          • NOTE: This requires the new Performance Collection Tools (5770PT1) PTFs to generate the new field JBVPDLY in the QAPMISUM file, and also requires that you convert data files for this new field to be available:
            • 7.5: SI85069 (delayed apply)
            • 7.4: SI85829 (delayed apply)
        • Collection Services - change to Waits for One Thread or Task to include the calculation for Active Time using Virtual Processor Delay.
        • Job Watcher - CPU Utilization & Waits Overview and Waits for One Thread or Task also will now include this value
    • Security - Audit Journal Data Mart
      • Updates will be provided with the Spring TR.  More updates will be posted when available.
    • Users
      • Filter improvement - to use "ALL" instead of with asterisk for clarity.  Default value is also now easily replaced when you start typing (no longer need to back up or delete existing text)
      • Table is now sortable by Description column
    • Infrastructure:
      • The Navigator build date is now output in the messages.log file
      • Configure Logs - has new granular selection for debugging at FINEST (Trace) level:
        • Finest Trace Component Selection - if sending in data to IBM, support may ask you to set specific components or attributes for trace to provide the most helpful debug information.
    • Advanced Job Scheduler (AJS) - version 7.2.65
      • NOTE: There is a new back-end PTF for iASP handling (included in the HTTP PTF group update)
      • You can now set the iASP for the Advanced JobScheduler (AJS) within the Navigator for i.  This delivers IDEA 1575.
      • Fixes for several AJS issues
        • Scheduled Jobs is better formatted.  Go to Columns ("...") and select "Reset to default".  You will lose your customized preferences for this table if you reset to defaults.  Job Name will now be first in the table.
    • Content Manager on Demand updates
  • Fixes communicated with customers:
    • Netserver
      • properties issue is fixed
      • removing an authorization list is now working (7.5 and later)
    • New User (Based On) existing user will not retain authorizations from previous new user
    • nullPointerException on startup of ADMIN1 (Loading...) is fixed.
    • PDI
      • sort issue with multiple collections for some perspectives (Ethernet Protocol Overview and others) has been fixed.
      • Graph History > export data - format for datetime field will now follow browser locale setting.
    • Fix for error on Start NFS servers - would happen if this was the first time using Navigator to start NFS servers because the pid file does not exist yet.
    • Message Monitors - Allow asterisk in message monitor ID specification.
    • Fix for error when removing an ISCSI entry.
    • Netserver > Properties > WINS - will now allow removing servers by setting to blank.
    • Packet Rules 
    • AJS
      • showing old version after updates has been fixed.
      • commands not showing under Scheduled Jobs Properties is fixed.
  • Internal issues fixed:
    • Problem when a basic *USER goes to About function - caused spinning because user didn't have access to WRKPTFGRP command.  This will now show build dates and Java information, and will not attempt to show PTF groups for those profiles
    • SQL Services connecting to IASP when not requested - issue has been fixed.
    • Performance Data Investigator (PDI) fixes:
      • Fix for PDI JW Interval Details hangs on loading.
      • Graph History - Details > Disk Response Time - Historical chart - corrected y-axis label issue.
      • Database perspectives (for Database Performance Monitor, Plan Cache, and Event Monitor perspectives) was fixed (stuck on "Loading..." with classCastException)
      • Fix for PDI perspective SQL Cursor and Native DB Opens by Job perspective that was not rendering.
    • Fix for PTF table pagination issue when sorted by Status column.
    • Network
      • VPN Group Connections Propeties - Clean-up of allowing "Restrict the associated IP address to the following range" only when remote addresses (for IPv4 & IPv6 Host Name)
      • VPN Secure Connections > By Group > select one:
        • Properties > Connections Tab > Generate the policy filter > Edit - will now validate ranges input
      • Servers > TCP/IP Servers > NFS > Start/Stop option error fixes.
      • NFS Start error for first time using Navigator to do so is fixed.
      • Fix for Network Servers Menu "sticking" on start/stop (HTTP server for example).

Q4 2023
The following enhancements to Navigator are included in the Q4 2023 PTFs released 12/13/2023:
  • Favorites – Launch to favorites, saved filters, and sorts improvements.
  • GUI node authentication – username will now be updated on upper right when switching systems.
  • Progress Bars - Improved readability and sizing.
  • Shipped bookmarks - Restore ability to edit - allows setting for TLS.
  • System > History Log
    • Pre-filter for “Include” added – allows more flexibility in viewing history log
      • Time, Jobs, Message IDs
      • Return to Include action to modify it
  • Network      
    • Network NFS List of Exports
      • Export Function – lists
      • Add new export
    • Added properties for VPN under TCP/IP Servers, select VPN > Properties
    • Under Secure Connections – for By Group – added new Dynamic Key Group function
    • Debug Service will now be started under QDBGSVR rather than the user starting it. 
  • My Work > My Printer Output
    • A pre-filter has been added for this function so user can select what data is included in results.  Since this function searches all printers on a system for output owned by the user, this can be slow on systems with thousands of printers.  A pre-filter allows the user to pre-select some filtering options (printer, etc) to subset the search and enable it to be completed in less time.  Users can leave *ALL for all the filters to have the entire system searched as previously by default.
  • Security >
    • Audit Journal – Support for new Journal Entries (requires Fall 2023 TR):
      • LD – Link, Unlink, Search Directory
      • AU – Attribute Change
    • CVE-2023-47741
      • Password handling enhancements
      • Other security enhancements:
        • Function usage validation when switching systems
        • Input validation on SQL filter
      • Using library-qualified name for all tables in monitor
        • Call certain monitor queries as SYSTEM vs USER.
  • File System > IFS
    • Changing permission of owned object
    • Column handling improvements
  • Users
    • Enhancements to pre-filter Include with added fields:  Special Authorities and Description.  Also added ability to choose filter type (starts with vs contains, etc)
    • LANGID and CNTRYID are properly displayed now.
    • Support for a new parameter on CRTUSRPRF and CHGUSRPRF on IBM i 7.5 is provided with the Users > Properties panel.           
      • Under Jobs > Session Startup - Added max sign-on attempts (MAXSIGN)
      • Also added to the Users table list of available columns
    • NetServer Disabled User ID table now has a pre-filter to accommodate systems with thousands of users which can take time to return results, particularly starting with security checking in IBM i 7.5 (see MTU). 
      • This will be enhanced in the future to use the faster USER_INFO_BASIC
    • Users dialog filter now will allow multiple filters
  • AJS update - version (7.2.319)
  • Content Manager on Demand updates - Requires server-side CMOD PTFs
Fixes for the Following:
  • Fix to issue with refresh in tabs.
  • Function Usage fix to verify users when switching user profiles.
  • Dashboard Threshold Configuration – resolved problem with Save button not activated.
  • Security > Audit Journal detail table - Fix to errors when checking/unchecking filter values.
  • Network
    • Fixes for some issues with the VPN Connection wizard and editing policies.  Enhancements to handling of edit for policy filters.  Enhancements to field handling and input validation for usability improvements.  Fix to issues with creating new Dynamic Key Connection
    • SSHD status error is handled – trying to get TCP/IP status when SSHD has not been started on a system will no longer cause an error.
  • File System >
    • Integrated File System (IFS)
      • Fix to issue with empty "/" tab
      • Fixed error on sorting non-default IFS columns

Q3+ 2023
The following enhancements to Navigator are included in Q3+ 2023 PTFs released 10/16/2023:
  • Only applicable to Upgrades:  Changes to restore authority on preferences directories in Navigator.  The authorities on Navigator preference directories is changed and access is removed for *USER profiles when you upgrade to IBM i 7.4 or IBM i 7.5 after running IBM Navigator for i on IBM i 7.3 or IBM i 7.4.  The install-exit program alters the authorities.  To fix this, do the following:
    1. Update the system with this PTF (in the 16 Oct 2023 HTTP group
    2. Restart ADMIN1 server (as is always required after PTF update)
    3. Log in to IBM Navigator for i with a profile that has *ALLOBJ authority.  Now, code is run to restore the authorities to all the user preferences files.
    • A notice for this situation is also listed on the IBM Navigator for i page and will be included in the Memo to Users next update (Spring 2024).
  • Network
    • VPN Secure Connections > All Connections - added Group Properties action
    • Fixes for some issues with the VPN Connection wizard and editing policies
    • Fix for NetServer Disabled user filter to allow systems with thousands of users to load the list by using the pre-filter.  Not using the prefilter with thousands of users on an IBM i 7.5 system causes Navigator to time out because the SQL Service takes too long to return.  See information on QSYS2.USER_INFO changes in the IBM i 7.5 Memo to Users.
  • Work Management > Create Remote Output Queue - Option added to easily create a "dummy" printer device by selecting the checkbox provided on the panel.  Using the panel and checkbox ensures that the correct queue name is used as well as the correct library - QUSRSYS.
  • File System > Integrated File System - Fix to issue with empty "/" tab
  • Support for a new parameter on CRTUSRPRF and CHGUSRPRF on IBM i 7.5 is provided with the Users > Properties panel.
    • Under Jobs > Session Startup - Added max sign-on attempts (MAXSIGN)
    • Also added to the Users table list of available columns
    • Users > Properties > Jobs > Session Startup

    Q3 2023
    The following enhancements to Navigator are included in Q3 2023 PTFs:
    • Infrastructure - Custom Favorites
      • Table filtering and sort - We added the ability to save filter and sort selections to favorites
        • When you add a filter or sort for a column, there is a new checkbox to "Save table's current filters", that then includes the sort and filter settings in the new favorite.
        • Saved favorites can be used across different managed nodes
        • Reset button clears filters
        • image-20230928113517-1
      • Multi-column filtering is now supported
      • Export and import favorites
    • Network
      • Configure VPN wizard now available
      • DNS configuration root servers - Added ability to edit the file
    • Users table (including Netserver Disabled Users table) - We added a pre-filter to limit the number of results in the query to improve performance
    • Security
      • Audit Journal
        • Configuration: Action Change on Auditing System Value now launches to Security > Audit Configuration.  All configuration for auditing is in one place.
          • System Values for auditing redirects to audit configuration page
          • New Audit Control context panel and Advanced settings (from Action > Additional Audit System Values):
            • Audit Control System Value - QAUDCTL
            • Enable object auditing (*OBJAUD)
            • Do not audit objects in QTEMP (*NOQTEMP)
        • Security Configuration value for exists now displays as "Yes" or "No"
    • Work Management
      • Printing
        • Remote Output Queues added to Printing support
          • End Writer
          • Hold
          • Create a remote output queue
      • Active Jobs now uses an ORDERBY including Run Priority so that subsystem is listed before (above) the jobs running in that subsystem in the table (on default display)
      • Active Subsystems > Jobs - Subsystem Jobs, then Details > Threads table now includes Job Name
      • Job Log table makes better use of space available
    • System
      • New menu format with sub-categories
      • A new Hardware Resources table is available that uses SQL Services HARDWARE_RESOURCES added
    • Configuration & Service
      • PTF panel - better use of space and action for showing coverletter disabled if not available
    • IFS
      • Deafult initial sort - ascending
      • Locked files - added Show Usage information
    • Bookmarks
      • Handle user-defined bookmarks to change system hostname based on selected system
      • Lock-down shipped bookmarks so changes are not allowed
      • Added LDAP bookmark
    • AJS update - version 7.2.242
      • Job Groups
      • New report distribution list
      • Scheduled Jobs - see AJS page for details
    • Content Manager on Demand updates
    Ideas (previously called RFEs) fulfilled with this PTF:
    • Hardware Resource Info table added - IBMI-I-3207
    • Favorites now saves filtering settings - IBMI-I-1581
    Fixes provided with this PTF:
    • Infrastructure - Tables - Columns with large content will no longer overflow the column width, but is now formatted to flow within the column
    • Work Management
      • Active Jobs & Server Jobs tables - Job Queue column is now correctly filled in (was blank previously)
      • Active Job Queues table - Jobs in Queue column now allows filter and sort by number instead of text
    • System Monitors
      • Copy to System Monitor panel has size set as a ration of initial browser window
    • Security > Audit Journal
      • New ZC entries needed changes for support
      • Fixes to handling of some auditi configuraiton changes
      • We don't change or update QAUDLVL2 when there are not changes to the value (some aspects of this still require OS changes are are forthcoming).
      • QCRTOBJAUD showed incorrect value
    • Users & Groups
      • Deleting more than one account - with failure, will now continue and process remaining selected users after failure
    • Configuration & Service
      • Sorting fixed for PTF group table, "Level" column
    • Network
      • Fix to SSHD server not refreshing status
      • Connections - idle time corrections
    • File System
      • Fix to incorrect units on storage for IFS properties
      • Fixes to several permissions issues found with File Shares
      • Fix to My IFS OBjects issues with permissions
    • AJS - Fix for "Date is required" error.  Default values of holiday, fiscal, and regular calendars are now handled correctly

    Q2 2023
    The following enhancements to Navigator are included in Q2 2023 PTFs:
    • Table size preference added - choose from wide-ruled, college-ruled or in-the-middle ("normal") for your table spacing preference.  The differenc is subtle, provided by primeNG.
    • Infrastructure:
      • Navigator now uses the highest level Java available on the system.  If available (on 7.4 and 7.5) Java 17 will be used.  If Java 17 is not available, Java 11 will be used.  Install Java 11 or Java 17 and latest Java group PTF to run Navigator with these versions of Java.  Details on Java:
        • Related PTFs for ADMIN1 server to utilize the Java 11 and 17 are also required (and included in the HTTP group update June 2023):
          • 7.5 SI83486
          • 7.4 SI83487
          • 7.3 SI83485 
      • Upgraded to Angular 15 - framework upgrade can result in changes to the look of columns and filter fields and can be affected by previously saved preferences for your column settings on tables.  If you see columns with small filter fields or not laid out well, do the following:
        • Go to columns on the right-side of the table:
        • image-20230417155421-1
        • Select Reset Defaults followed by OK:
        • image-20230417155758-1
        • Re-configure your table to your liking and it will be saved for future use.
        • PrimeNG update caused column width user preferences to not be saved - now fixed
    • Dashboard:
      • TR added
      • Node Display Name - choice is now available to use display name if requested
    • Custom Charts - Sorting system name alphabetically is now available
    • IFS enhancements
      • Go to - favorite path
        • Open multiple tabs
      • Reset button provided
      • Download and upload support
        • Append another version, replace, delete options provided
      • Filter capabilities (not yet saved in favorites)
      • Table properties:
        • Set default directory for first open of table
        • Set default for opening directories - in same tab or new
        • Set units for data size to be used:  KB, MB, or GB
      • Note: No rows are returned for remote file system objects. This means that for the QNTC file system, only a row for /QNTC is returned. For the Network File System (NFS) and QFileSvr.400 file systems, no rows are returned.
    • Network
      • DHCP Configuration added
      • TCP/IP Servers > IBM i NetServer > "File Shares" action added
      • TCP/IP Configuration Properties > Servers to Start is updated - added SNMP, VPN, and OBJC
      • DNS – added support for properties 
    • Security:
      • Authority Collection - added actions
        • Start and stop the authority collection
        • Delete the collection
      • Audit Journal - general improvements in minor functions
      • Security Configuration Information - values added:
        • Allow Password Exit Program Add Remove
        • DDM Request Access
        • Client Request Access
        • Job Action
    • Work Management
      • Navigation menu - re-organized with sub-headings
      • Server Jobs table has an added column for server description
      • Job Scheduler - Work with scheduled jobs is now supported by using QSYS2.SCHEDULED_JOB_INFO
    • Printers
      • Include function added to help users with a large number of printers to filter and view a subset.
      • Add Printer function
    • Monitors - Allow user with authority to change owner to another user
      • System Monitor Properties panel
    • System Values
      • Password system values - improved labels
      • Security system values - prioritized values shown
    • AJS update - AJS page
      • Job Groups now available
      • related AJS PTF for back-end only:  SI83469 (included in HTTP group PTF update June 2023)
        • There are two flags that can be set in the data area described in the Answer Text. One that causes AJS to start doing the SETASPGRP for a data library in an ASP group other than *SYSBAS when accessing 5250 screens. And the other flag does SETASPGRP for a data library in an ASP group other than *SYSBAS when logged in to the GUI. 
          • To enable the IASP option. Enter the Change Data Area command on green screen:

            • CHGDTAARA DTAARA(QUSRIJS/QIJSPM (256 1)) VALUE('1') 

    Ideas (previously called RFEs) fulfilled with this PTF:
    • For system monitors, allow selection of new user to be any profile with required authority
    • Basic Job Scheduler is now provided in Work Management > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs
      • Add, Change, Hold, Remove system job scheduler entries.  This uses the QSYS2.SCHEDULED_JOB_INFO view to provide information similar to WRKJOBSCDE
    • Add Printer function is provided in the print table (access through Work Management > Printing > Printers). Select the Actions button for the menu includes the list action Add printer.  Additional printer support is planned for future updates.
    • Network:
      • Under Network > Servers > TCP/IP Server - Continue to support more servers for the option to view properties.  If a server properties view you require is missing, contact us.
    Fixes for the following:
    • Panel layout and sizing improvements
    • IFS improvements - improved filtering and added global filtering
    • Authority Collection library name filter no longer case sensitive
    • IFS item without access was showing size as “NaN”
    • Performance Data Investigator (PDI)
      • Fix for JVM Waits Overview perspective 
      • Add ORDERBY DateTime to Memory perspectives 
      • QAPMCONF table expanded to fit on one panel
    • Fix on issue with filtering of "Copy to System" dialog
    • Network> IP Policies> Virtual Private Network> IP Security Policies - "Transforms" 
      • IKE aggressive mode change to main mode would not save 
    • EIM – added missing exception, fixed missing MRI, and cleaned up logging errors 

    Q1 2023
    The following enhancements to Navigator ar included in Q1 2023 PTFs:
    • Dashboard
    • - Make use of “display name” - On connected-to system (upper right)
      • Added an option to Properties to specify whether to use Host name or Display name.
      • Additional column for disply name is added to multi-system operator messages
      • OS release added, updates to table view
      • Username in navigator header matches system currently managed
      • SQL button added
    • Search keywords updated for latest additions
    • Bookmarks updated – link to PowerHA GUI added
      • Go to Bookmarks > Manage and select Actions > Restore shipped bookmarks to get updates
    • Error message details – message help text is now available under the details for the error message

    • image-20230323174238-1
    • Table Filter Enhancements – 
      • Select all pertain only to the visible (filtered) rows
      • Preserve filter and sort for columns when table is refreshed
      • Saving with favorites – still in progress
      • Allow selection of filter action
    • IFS
      • Refresh and reload icons implemented
      • When you change authority to a *DIR object, a checkbox for propagate the authority change is provided (RFE)
        • Change the objects within the subtree if the object specified is a directory or a library
      • Permissions panel – defaults to Revoke
      • Upload and download actions 
      • Large folder expansion - 
        • Open in new tab – on request and QSYS.LIB by default
      • IFS warns user when deleting a folder in IFS to make user more aware of implications of delete actions (RFE)
    • Network > TCP/IP Servers
      • ObjectConnect Server over IP > Properties
      • Netserver Disabled column now included in table when viewing disabled Users - default view (RFE)  
        • Netserver disabled columns is moved next to status (relabeled “Profile Status”)
        • If you have set your columns, use Reset Defaults to see this added . 
      • DDM actions > Properties
      • FTP properties action implemented
      • DNS servers – configure, reload view log, server jobs
        • Enhancements and fixes from last months version
      • Telnet properties
      • VPN – defaults updated
      • IP Policies > Packet Rules – property values enhancements
      • Find the jobs running under Network > Connections
        • Additional actions here – tasks, properties
      • System Debug - Start and Stop Instances for: 
        • IDE Debugger Server – QB5ROUTER
          • RDI connects to it today, now requires TLS
        • Debug Service – new service built on top of qb5
          • Environment variables: DEBUG_SERVICE_KEYSTORE_FILE and _PASSWORD
          • Runs and stop
          • Creates job QP0ZSPWT
        • System Debug - (already there STRDBG ACS)
          • Access now through RSS > Run > System Debugger
    • System
      • System Status panel – 
        • Lightened blue bar for better readability
        • New Properties view to view all data and copy from this page (export button)
        • Type of processors will properly show dedicated partition or type in text (may show ‘null’ previously)
        • Interactive performance changed to a percent (without bar) so 0 will show up more clearly.  Same for Large and Very Large when 0.
    • Exit Programs – Add Exit Program dialog will allow edit of exit point name and format
    • Monitor - Include thresholds on Performance Data Investigator (PDI) charts for monitors 
    • Security
      • Cryptography work completed – keystores: export key record wizard
    • Spoolfiles – download as zip option added 
    • Work Management
      • Allow name change on prestart job entry
        • From Active subsystems and Subsystem Descriptions > Properties > Change
        • And from Active Prestart Jobs > change prestart job entry
      • Active Prestart Jobs table has expanded columns
      • Active Jobs – launch to Performance Data Investigator (PDI) in new tab always
        • Also from subsystem jobs – launch to job waits in PDI in new tab 
      • Job Log – increase number of messages viewable  
      • History Log – changed to Lazy Load for better performance
      • Active Prestart Jobs – expanded information – Initial jobs as default
        • All others available in columns... selection
      • Active Jobs – ORDER BY added to make up for change to ACTIVE_JOB_INFO (may have been noticed with specific PTFs that affected default order for ACTIVE_JOB_INFO).
      • Working with Subsystem > Properties – all columns of data available are not provided (previously was limited to 3)
    • Users - will now also include Groups and will include a profile type to indicate Group or User
    • QSYSOPR message radio button selection is now saved in user preferences.
    • Printers - Added Include function so user can specify a subset of printers to work with.  This filter is saved with the user preferences.
    • AJS - Job Controls/Applications tab under AJS Properties
    • System values – Time Adjustment code fixes made
    • AJS – various fixes reported have been fixed
    • SQL formatting adjustments to color and special values
    • Add Exit Program dialog now allows editing parameters when action is used without any pre-selected
    • FTP properties – minor adjustments
    • System Monitor will not trigger if QWEBADMIN does not have the proper authority.  The user needs to have *USE authority to perform the CREATE ALIAS command.
    • APAR SE79087 – Fixed Performance Data Investigator (PDI) problem with Graph Disk I/O Rates Overview With Cache Statistics - Detailed after HTTP level 25
    • Fixed problem with false error in printer status
    • APAR SE79011 - Issue with excluded messages being rejected has been fixed.  A message must exist in the "Monitored Message Set" to successfully be allowed in the "Excluded Message Set".
    This detail is for New Navigator only.  Click here for the Heritage version of Navigator

    Document Location


    [{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CH1AAM","label":"IBM Navigator for i"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.3.0;7.4.0;and future releases"}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    29 June 2024

