IBM Support

IBM Navigator for i - Custom Charts



Monitor the metrics of your choice across one or many IBM i endpoint nodes


Custom Charts 
The custom charts dashboard is a simple panel where you can define the metrics and the IBM i endpoint nodes that you want to monitor.  
To get started, click the Custom Charts menu option. 
IBM Navigator for i Launch Custom Charts
A new browser tab opens and the custom charts defined are displayed while metrics collection is started.  
By default, a custom chart for the signed-on GUI node is shown. 
IBM Navigator for i Default Custom Chart
The default chart shows the GUI IBM i node with three shipped default metrics displayed.  
The chart is interactive. You can click the metrics in the legend or key area to turn off that metric from view. Also, you can hover over a metric on the chart to see that actual recorded value. 
IBM Navigator for i Custom Chart Interaction
The custom chart support is unique when compared to many other tools and interfaces. The metrics collected are based on the IBM i Services.  Unlike other options that call system APIs, or are tied to the collection services values, the metrics for custom charts is only limited by your creativity.  Custom metrics can be registered by clicking the Metrics option under the Actions button.  
IBM Navigator for i Metrics Action for Custom Charts
By default, IBM Navigator ships a limited set of custom metrics.  
IBM Navigator for i Custom Charts Metrics Page
To add new metrics, click the Actions button and Add Metric action 
IBM Navigator for i Add Metric Action
You can add new metrics one at a time.  Or, if you already have configured metrics on a different GUI node or user, you can easily export and import metrics into the list for this user. 
IBM Navigator for i Add Metric Value
Notes:  It is important to test your custom metrics carefully.  Ensure that the SQL returns a correct value and does not cause adverse impacts to the IBM i end-point node. It is required that the SQL returns a single value, not a list of values. It is the users responsibility to to ensure the SQL is working in a correct manner. 
Once you have defined new metrics, they can easily be added to new or existing charts.  
IBM Navigator for i Custom Chart Actions
To edit the current metrics, click the Edit Chart action
Te review the SQL for each metric being monitored for this chart, click the New SQL action 
Create new charts by clicking the Configure Charts action  
To change the color of a metric on the chart or customize the X and Y-axis information, click the Chart Properties.
Edit and Configure Charts  
When a new chart is created, you have two options: 
  • Monitor a single IBM i endpoint node by retrieving multiple metric values on a single chart 
  • Monitor a single metric value across multiple IBM i endpoint nodes 
IBM i Navigator for i Configure Custom Chart
Specify a name for the chart, select the chart mode, and specify one or more endpoint nodes depending on the mode specified.
IBM Navigator for i Configure New Chart Metrics
Select the metrics for this custom chart. Click the SQL button to review the SQL being used for this specific metric. 
Chart Properties 
IBM Navigator for i Custom Charts Properties
Update the name of this custom chart and the refresh interval. 
Each metric has a pre-selected color that can be customized by the user. 
IBM Navigator for i Chart Properties Color Picker
Select the color of your choice and click the OK button to save all changes.
Custom Chart Troubleshooting and Best Practices   
The main custom charts bar provides options to do the following: 
  1. Shut off auto refresh
  2. Choose to manually refresh the charts
  3. Reset all charts to start over
IBM Navigator for i Custom Chart Refresh Controls
Each metric is an SQL call to the endpoint IBM i node.  It is imperative that each metric is tested fully before used.  
If for some reason a metric is not displaying correctly or is not retrieved, the icon in the upper right for that chart shows an error condition.  To review the list of errors, under the main actions button click the View Chart Errors action. 
IBM Navigator for i View Chart Errors
The View Chart Errors page provides details on the errors encountered for each failing metric.  
IBM Navigator for i Custom Charts View Chart Errors List

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CH1AAM","label":"IBM Navigator for i"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.3.0;7.4.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 September 2021

