IBM Support

IBM MustGather: Collecting data when STAP DB2 ABEND on ZOS

Question & Answer


What should I do when S-TAP abend ? Do I restart STAP or do IPL ? What must I collect for Support to investigate the issue ?


Go back to historical events, what happened before the abend ?

  1. Was there a new policy pushed ?
  2. If so, was there STAP restart followed by policy pushed ?
  3. Did the abend occurs an hour or more after a new policy was pushed ? If so, the cause could be cleanup process.

Whatever the reason, STAP service should not abend. Please verify if the ABEND is reproducible with the following:

A. After abend, restart STAP. An IPL is not necessary, only a restart of STAP.

B. After STAP service is back, does it ABEND again ? If yes means the issue is reproducible then open support ticket.

C. Provide the outputs from the following to tech support.

First you need to recreate the abend and provide a dump and enable trace parameters as follows:

  1. Add the following parameters to the parm file:
    • ZIIP_TCP(N) -
2. Shut down S-TAP

3. Restart S-TAP

4. Upon S-TAP startup, if it stays up, please run the following commands:

    a. Run the command /F <stapstc>,STAP (where <stapstc> is the jobname of the STAP started task.

    b. Recreate the abend

    c. Run the command /F <stapstc>,STAP again

    d. Run the command /F <stapstc>,DDX
5. Shutdown S-TAP, capture the resulting job log, terse it and provide to tech support.

6. Remove from the STAP parm file:

7. Note that running with STAP_LOG_EVENTS(Y) will log significant amounts of data to the log, so it is recommended not run a long time with it enabled.

8. Change parm ZIIP_TCP(N) - to ZIIP_TCP(Y) - in parm file.

9. Provide the resulting dump and job log to support

D. If no dump created in C and the job logs do not contain sufficient information to diagnose the abend then setup a SLIP as follows to create a dump while recreate the abend:


where <stpstc> is the jobname of the STAP started task.

Please terse the resulting dump and supply it to tech support.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Guardium S-TAP for DB2 on z\/OS","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"10.1;9.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

