IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage Component patch 8.5.3

Fix Readme


On 14 March 2023, IBM released IBM® Maximo® Application Suite Manage Component patch 8.5.3.


APAR and Known Issue Fixes
APAR Application Name Description
DT168987 System UI HTML codes are displayed in Rich Text Viewer control.
DT173423 System UI Swedish characters are not correctly displayed.
DT179217 Meters In Maximo Mobile, entering a meter reading, then clicking Pause/Stop on Labor Recording after results in error "BMXAA1339E - Missing key value for key LABORCODE.".
DT180468 System UI Cannot scroll Select Folder list for Attachments.
DT188240 Supervisor Unable to publish or preview changes for SUPMOBILE with the Configuration Tool.
DT188423 Mobile Number of attachments not updated while application is offline.
DT188479 Approvals Maximo Mobile grants permissions to EVERYONE group
DT189249 Service Request Mobile 8.9 not listing all subcategories.
DT189344 Technician Pause and Stop buttons are displayed instead of the Start button upon returning online
DT189569 Technician Labor approval is not showing up in offline mode. Resolving this problem requires following DT189569 Labor approval is not showing up in offline mode - manual changes required.
DT189589 Technician Incorrect Save Message appears editing Follow Up Work.
DT195668 Service Request Error creating an SR using a subcategory that has a ticket template.
DT196262 Technician Mobile 8.9 Technician - Save button does not work with Follow-Up Work Order.
DT196391 Security Groups Cannot reset the E-Signature key when the "Security Control Must Include a Special Character (!, @, #, $, etc.)?" and "Must Include an Uppercase Character?" settings are enabled.
DT196486 Technician When set to offline mode, no calculation is made adding Start Time and End Time on the Labor record.
DT196622 Mobile Windows logs messages are truncated.
Manual Change
Conduct Inspections Inefficient queries on Mobile Inspection and Tech Mobile.
IJ33194 Work Center Configuration In the Manage Inventory Work Center, when a new count is added and the user scrolls down the page, the count is deleted.
IJ34275 Calibration "As Left" values are not auto-populating for repeatable data sheets.
IJ36443 Work Order Tracking Completing an assignment in the Work Order Tracking application returns error BMXAA8229W.
IJ37523 KPI Manager KPI Viewer application allows user to change data on Historical Trends tab by going back to the List tab.
IJ38318 Location Unable to save Location readding a Classification that previously had a value for an Attribute.
IJ40107 Inventory usage The Inventory Usage description created by a Work Order is not translated in the secondary language.
IJ40121 Assets In the Assets application, clicking "Go To Features" for a Linear Asset does not always find the Feature with the same name.
IJ40523 Inspection A user can enter 256 characters in the text response field on Inspection Form even though the field length in the database is 250. Extra characters are discarded upon Save.
Manual Change
Integration Data Sheet import for calibration fails.
IJ42694 Integration Setting Boolean fields in the custom user exit script is incorrectly setting fields to 1/0 instead of true/false in JSON Format.
Manual Change
Conduct an Inspection Conduct an Inspection is pulling the incorrect Location when WONUM and MULTIID are the same.
IJ44240 Crews Filtering by Start Date in the View Assigned Work dialog does not consider the user's time zone setting.
IJ44626 Receiving When Purchase Order site differs from PO Line Storeroom site, a return rotating asset cannot be returned to the vendor.
Manual Change
Job Plans Committing the simulation of a Dynamic Job Plan in a Work Order results in error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute TARGETDESC does not exist".
IJ44669 Inventory usage Saving an Inventory Usage record produces error PSDI.SECURITY.USERINFO in Maximo logs.
IJ44740 Database configuration Saving a newly added item with an ITEMNUM that exists in a different Item Set causes a BMXAA1847E error.
IJ44866 Integration Querying LBSLOCATION object via REST API results in 500 error.
IJ44894 Integration Clicking "Delete Queue Data" in External System application results in error BMXAA1580E - "A Java Message System (JMS) error occurred. Check the JMS setup in the administrator console for the server".
IJ44947 Scheduler Slow response times in Graphical Work Week loading Graphical View Resources or adding a Labor Query to Restrict Labor Availability.
IJ44967 Inspection Revising an inspection form results in the errors BMXAA7135E - "The Boolean value of INSPECTIONFORM.ENABLEREVIEW cannot be retrieved" and BMXAA4118I - "The Boolean field is blank and requires a value".
IJ44998 System UI Filter does not carry over in the child table when a different parent table record is selected.
IJ45044 Routes Adding new rows to a duplicated Route results in error BMXAA4211E - "Database error number -803 has occurred when operating on ROUTE_STOP.".
IJ45082 Install/Upgrade The "View Asset Status History" menu is not available without following the steps in 'View Asset Status History' menu is not available in Assets application.
IJ45084 Person Groups Assignment can't be made for role with Person Group whose members are all off shift. Using Person Group default generates a Null Pointer Exception error.
IJ45087 Conditional Expression manager In Condition Expression Manager, the Reference Count includes references in audit tables.
IJ45100 Work Order Tracking The No Adj Made? checkbox can be selected even when a calibration point is out of tolerance, causing the As Found Status incorrectly to change from FAIL to PASS.
IJ45106 Email Listeners OAuth Access Tokens larger than 2000 characters cause the e-mail listener cron task to fail with "ORA-12899: value too large for column" error.
IJ45194 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Duplicating a schedule in Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects results in wrong shift allocation in Scheduling Alternate Resources.
IJ45225 Condition Codes The value of invtrans.condrate is set to null rather than equal to invcost.condrate.
IJ45531 Calibration Calibration wrongly allows "As Found" status to be changed from Fail to Pass.
Manual Changes
APAR Change instructions
Validate that the historyflag field is populated for all records in the inspectionresult table. Run this update:
update inspectionresult set historyflag = 0 where historyflag is null;
When importing the xml, action="AddChange" should be added to the top object PLUSDSPLAN, not to PLUSCDSPOINT or PLUSCDSINSTR. When creating your MXPLUSDSPLAN object structure make sure to set up the object structure with the following hierarchy, so PlusCDSPoint is a child of PlusCDSInstr:
  • Source Object 1:
    • Object: PLUSDSPLAN
  • Source Object 2:
    •  Object: PLUSCDSINSTR
    •  Parent Object: PLUSDSPLAN
    •  Relationship: PLUSDSINSTR
  • Source Object 3:
    •  Object: PLUSCDSPOINT
    •  Parent: PLUSCDSINSTR
1. In the WOTRACK application xml, change the applink and dataattribute relationship of Inspection Result attribute (WO main tab -> Job Details section -> Inspection Result attribute) in main tab from INSPECTIONRESULT to INSPECTIONRESULTCHECK. The xml for the inspectionresult attribute in main WO tab is this:
<textbox id="main_grid5_inspresultnum" applink="inspector" applinkrel="inspectionresultcheck.resultnum" menutype="normal" dataattribute="inspectionresultcheck.resultnum" synchronous="true"/>
2. Do the same for Inspection Result attribute present in Plans -> Task for WO -> Inspection Result attribute. The xml for the inspectionresult attribute in plans -> Task for WO{} -> Inspection result attribute is this:
<textbox id="plans_task_table_1_grid32_inspresultnum" applink="inspector" applinkrel="inspectionresultcheck.resultnum""menutype=""normal"" dataattribute="inspectionresultcheck.resultnum" synchronous="true"/>
Create Attribute "TARGETDESC" in "DYN_SIMULATEMULTIASSETLOCCI" object with following details using Database Configuration Application.
Attribute Details
  • attributename="TARGETDESC"
  • length="50"
  • maxtype="ALN"
  • title="Target Description"
  • remarks="Temporary target description for targeting CIs"
  • sameasobject="MULTIASSETLOCCI"
  • sameasattribute="TARGETDESC"

Manually Installing the Patch
  • Log in to Maximo Application Suite Administration as an administrative user.
  • On the left, click Applications.
  • From the Action menu, select Update configuration.
  • In the dialog box, click the pencil icon on the Components line.
  • Under Activation configuration, click your workspace details page link.
  • From the Action menu, select Update configuration.
  • Under Configurations, click the pencil icon on the Components line.
  • In the Maximo Base line, under new version click the down arrow.
  • Select Version. Enter 8.5.3
  • Click Save.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hB0QAAU","label":"Manage"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 December 2023

