IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage 8.7.0: APARs fixed

Fix Readme


This document lists APARs that are fixed in Maximo Manage 8.7.0. This document also shows fixes that Maximo Asset Management and interim fix releases have in common with Manage 8.7.0.


What's new in Maximo Manage 8.7?

Links to Industry Solutions & Add-Ons released with Manage 8.7.0:

IBM Maximo for Utilities 8.1
IBM Maximo for Oil and Gas 8.1
IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power 8.1
IBM Maximo for Transportation 8.1
IBM Maximo for Aviation 8.1
IBM Maximo Civil Infrastructure 8.5
IBM Maximo for Service Providers 8.1
IBM Maximo Health, Safety, and Environment Manager 8.1
IBM Maximo IT 8.1
IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager 8.1
IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management 8.7

If value in the 7.6.1.x interim fix is Manage 8.7 or Mobile 8.11, it is not yet fixed in or

When an APAR or Known Issue has Manual Change, Database Change, or Behavior Change in the first column beneath the APAR or Known Issue number, click the link or go to the Changes section for directions.

APAR or Known Issue Application Name Description 7.6.1.x interim fix
DT130446 System UI In the Quick Reporting application, clicking a subtab returns focus to the top of the screen. Manage 8.7
DT143708 System UI Issues and Transfers cannot be seen under Inventory Application after it is opened for the first time. Manage 8.7
DT160830 Meters Meter reading for a Parent Asset is rolled down to a non-child Asset. 7612 IFIX033
7613 IFIX008
DT173463 System Object After a JMS stand-alone bundle is created, the jms-server pod crashes, and the pod remains in CrashLoopBackOff status. Manage 8.7
DT180468 System UI Cannot scroll Select Folder list for Attachments. Manage 8.7
DT189618 Integration Associating Integration Control results in error BMXAA6714E - "The data for the next record in the mboset could not be retrieved for the SQL query select * from maxifacecontrol order by ifacename. See the log file for more details about the error.". Manage 8.7
DT196437 System UI Inventory Usage Pick List field becomes read only when Application is cloned as Mobile. Manage 8.7
Manual change
System UI The Saved Queries dropdown menu does not have the "Show more Queries" indicator. Manage 8.7
DT197380 System UI "Go to" menu option not fully viewable. Manage 8.7
DT198258 System UI The horizontal scrollbar is missing when custom page header is enabled. Manage 8.7
DT203337 System UI Clicking combo box's title, combo box value list is displayed instead of field help. Manage 8.7
DT203396 Storerooms The "Default Storeroom for Self-Service Requisitions" look-up contains non-storeroom locations. Manage 8.7
DT208270 Database configuration Custom Views cause the Configdb process to throw errors BMXAA0346I, BMXAA6835E, and BMXAA6819I. Manage 8.7
DT208755 System Object The hostname alias in Manage yaml is overwritten on pod restart. Manage 8.7
DT209303 End Points In a Manage 8.5.2 environment, if the OAUTH handler is used by a new or existing End Point, it stops working. Manage 8.7
DT209683 System UI Entering logs on Work Orders, the cursor will go back to the start position after a few seconds. Manage 8.7
DT210881 Users Changing a user's email address in user sync results populates the second email address with the old email address instead of being deleted. Manage 8.7
DT212057 Integration Expired APIKey is not renewed by Manage. Manage 8.7
DT212296 Integration Kafka cron does not close the Kafka consumer when Kafka cron moves pods. Manage 8.7
DT212297 Integration Kafka producers and consumers share a single client id, generating mbean registration errors. Manage 8.7
DT214028 System UI The presence of a vertical scroll bar in applications' list tabs makes it difficult to click 'Add to Bookmarks.' Manage 8.7
Behavior change
System Object OAuth provider that does not issue an expiry period when an access token is issued results in an NPE. Manage 8.7
DT222135 System UI The mxevent value "toggledetailstate" is not working properly. Manage 8.7
DT222710 Install/Upgrade Attempting to install a language pack causes updateDB to hang without any error messages. Manage 8.7
DT223013 Graphical Scheduling The right click menu option for "Go to Assets" causes a random Asset to be displayed. Manage 8.7
DT223260 System UI Attachment URLs are incorrectly modified. Manage 8.7
DT233509 Install/Upgrade Building Manage with a custom registry with the Ansible scripts fails with /additional-server-files not found error. Manage 8.7
IJ18522 Inspection Using MAXDEMO data, the Form Status can't be changed from Inactive to Active. 7613 IF008
IJ20145 Escalations Sorting Communication Log To field in Escalation app results in error BMXAA6713E - "The MBO fetch operation failed in the mboset with the SQL error code 932. The record could not be retrieved from the database. See the log file for more details about the error.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ31009 Labor Labor hours are not calculated correctly on Work Orders. 7612 IF033
7613 IF009
IJ31121 Shipment Receiving When you do a partial receipt in the Shipment Receiving application then return the item, the receipt status is changed from Partial to Complete. See Shipment Receiving Application - Explanation of Status techdoc. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ31533 Database configuration Selecting the Create Extension Table SigOption results in errors BMXAA8682I - "The extension table was not created for the object." and BMXAA8691E - "An extension table cannot be created for the table. To diagnose the problem, check the system log file.". 7613 IF013
IJ32490 Work Order Tracking In a Work Order with multiple Hazards, deleting one hazard, saving, then deleting or modifying a tag-out on another Hazard error causes the error message BMXAA4650E to be displayed upon saving the record. 7612 IF034
7613 IF011
IJ32785 Manage Inventory When Reserved Items are issued through the Reservations tab of the "Manage Inventory" Work Center, there are problems with the records that are inserted or updated. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ33600 Cron Task Setup In the Cron Task Setup application, the date selector does not work correctly for the PMWOGENCRONTASK. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ34232 Graphical Work Week The columns "Work Location", "Default Work Zone", "Supervisor" and "Crew Work Group" are not available in Graphical Work Week Gantt view configuration. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ34275 Calibration "As Left" values are not auto-populating for repeatable data sheets. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ35025 Work Center Delay in load times of 10 to 20 seconds for Work Center applications. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ35203 Safety Deleting a Work Asset from a Safety Plan results in error BMXAA3629E - "Cannot delete work asset, it is linked to other business objects.". 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ35519 Work Order Tracking Moving an asset with the Work Order Tracking application's Move/Swap/Modify dialog results in error BMXAA0154E - "Open Work Order exists for the asset. Close/Cancel the Work Order before moving the asset and its assemblies.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ35850 Database configuration The Available Labor dialog within the Assignments tab of the Work Order Tracking application filters by Work Zone even when the default value of the WORKORDER.FILTERBYWORKZONE attribute is 0. Manage 8.7
IJ35876 Job Plans The 'Is dynamic' and 'Ignore linear measures' fields are not displayed in Job Plans. 7613 IF007
IJ35913 BIM Viewer A BIM plug-in popup appears when the number of records is greater than 190. 7612 IF034
IJ36902 Inventory usage Rotating Asset is not decommissioned on changing the Inventory Usage record to "Shipped". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ38143 Condition Codes Unable to change the Condition Code transferring a Condition-enabled item. Manage 8.7
IJ38794 Purchase orders Deleting a PO Line on a PNDREV Purchase Order reopens the associated RFQ even if the PNDREV PO is cancelled. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ38852 Assets In the Assets application, the wrong Location is selected from Drilldown dialog. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ38953 System UI Maximo Calendar widget not showing the correct date value. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ39067 Published Channels In a Publish Channel with object-based SET rules, no error is raised when the Retain Mbos flag is cleared. 7613 IF006
IJ39133 System properties The class refers to a message key "statusdate", which is not supplied in the maxmessages table. Manage 8.7
IJ39401 Condition Codes In the Item Master application, filtering on the Condition Codes "Select Value" produces no results. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ39402 System UI Highlighted time on Time Picker on filter does not match the selected time. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ39418 Job Plans Labor rows associated with a task do not appear in the Plans tab when the record is saved adding a Job Plan to a Work Order. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ39515 Security Groups The Security Groups "Revoke All Options for This Application" button does not work for "Conduct an Inspection" application. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ39616 Work Order Tracking Moving an Asset across sites in the Work Order Tracking application results in error BMXAA0154E - "Open Work Order exists for the Asset XXXXX. Close/Cancel the Work Order XXXX before moving the asset and its assemblies.". 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
IJ39632 Manage Inspections Forms In Manage Inspection Forms, "Revised By" shows the incorrect user. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ39760 Integration If "Sort By On"(QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.SORTBYON) is unchecked, both "Orderby Order" (QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.SORTBYORDER) and "Ascending" (QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.ASCENDING) attributes are editable rather than read-only. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ39766 Integration "View Costs" shows incorrect labor costs when an Integration updates the Rate. 7612 IF039
7613 IF014
IJ39798 Purchase orders Trying to approve an Invoice results in errors BMXAA2013E - "Could not change invoice status to APPR" and BMXAA1993E - "Cannot approve invoice because there are no matching receipts for line 1 of purchase order.". 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ39810 System UI Popup modals are not handled correctly in Screen Reader. Manage 8.7
IJ39957 Calibration "Next calibration due date" is blank if the Asset is assigned to a Preventive Maintenance record with a Route. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ40121 Assets In the Assets application, clicking "Go To Features" for a Linear Asset does not always find the Feature with the same name. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
IJ40322 Work Order Tracking An invalid value in the Inspection Form field in the row of the "Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs" section in a Work Order results in error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error has occurred" on save. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ40332 Graphical Resource View If you filter by Craft in the Resources data area in Graphical Scheduler and then move a work order to a new time, the checkbox on the craft is removed. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ40636 Work Order Tracking Material Issues from Storerooms in Sites different than the Work Order Site are not displayed. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ40637 Preventive maintenance Changing status from the list tab in Preventive Maintenance doesn't work. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ40689 Request for Quotations Cancelling a Purchase Order in site A changes the status of a closed Request for Quotation (RFQ) in site B back to SENT. 7612 IF034
7613 IF010
IJ40832 Assets Multiple "Created" transactions are added to history when a Child Asset is deleted from the Parent Asset's Sub-assemblies. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ41240 Purchase requisitions Deleting an item in the PR Lines tab does not delete the data from the Specification tab. 7612 IF032
7613 IF009
IJ41487 Purchase orders In the Receiving application, changing the Order Unit and the Quantity on the PO Line and clicking "Inspection Required?" causes the item to be received as COMP and the Inventory Current Balance is incorrect. 7612 IF034
7613 IF010
IJ42040 System UI Multi-select of Attachments allows naming of only the first attachment. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
IJ42199 Work Order Tracking Running Reschedule/Unassign Assignments in Work Order Tracking results in the error BMXAA1580E - "A Java Message System (JMS) error occurred. Check the JMS setup in the administrator console for the server." 7612 IF039
7613 IF013
IJ42223 Assets Changing a Location's status to DECOMMISSIONED results in unnecessary status history entries for Assets in DECOMMISSIONED status in that Location. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ42754 Work Order Tracking Error ORA-01722 occurs when InspectionResult records exist with non-numeric value in ReferenceObjectID. 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
IJ42757 Preventive maintenance When a Job Plan (JP) has two or more tasks with associated Labor and the JP is added to a PM, the PM WO generation does not change Task Work Order statuses, generating the message BMXAA3208I and error BMXAA4590E. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
IJ43336 Inventory usage The wrong GL Debit Account is used transferring an item to a site in a different organization. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ43403 Purchase requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions Application, PR does not get reopened when related lines are deleted from the associated contract 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ43698 Assets Moving a Rotating Asset from an Operating Location to a Storeroom with the "Move/Modify Assets" action does not correctly update the Current Balance in Inventory. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ43743 Assets Move/Modify Asset results in error BMXAA4211E - "Replicate batch asset move" or BMXAA8229W - "record INVCOST has been updated by another user.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ43949 Work Order Tracking Entering actual material in the Work Order Tracking application for certain items results in a "MaterialsActualsOverwritten" error. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ43997 Scheduler A right-click action is needed in Graphical Work Week, Graphical Resource View and at the Graphical Assignment to allow changing the Shift value associated with the resource. 7612 IF003
IJ44145 Purchase orders Changing the Unit Cost or Quantity of a Revised Purchase Order causes the system to become unresponsive. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ44240 Crews Filtering by Start Date in the View Assigned Work dialog does not consider the user's time zone setting. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
IJ44372 Asset templates Duplicate Spare Parts are not displayed in ASSET from ASSET template spare part Item. Manage 8.7
Manual change
Conditional Monitoring Condition Monitoring is creating new Work Orders even though there is an existing open Work Order. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ44450 Report Selecting Set Report file Export Option does not work. File export always shows the default list, irrespective of the setting. 7613 IF006
IJ44452 Integration Importing with rules when payload contains Y or N for YORN values results in error BMXAA7094E - "The entered value Y is not valid. Enter a valid integer value." 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
Database change
Preventive maintenance Feature data remains on the Preventive Maintenance record after the Feature is removed from the Asset. 7612 IF034
7613 IF011
IJ44468 Routes In the Routes application, the Inspection Form field allows invalid data to be saved. 7612 IF031
7613 IF007
IJ44473 Inventory Reconcile Balance is not working as expected for an item with FIFO Issue Cost Type. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ44510 Assets Event Listener, Message Tracking, and Message Store are not working for the LOCMETERREADING object. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ44530 Integration The System Property is not created with a null value. Manage 8.7
Manual change
Inventory Actual cost on Invoices are showing as $0 cost when they are staged first. Manage 8.7
IJ44545 Preventive maintenance Changing status deletes Forecast Data. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ44626 Receiving When the Purchase Order site differs from PO Line Storeroom site, a Rotating Asset cannot be returned to the vendor. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ44633 System UI Scenario: The user has an extra-wide display. Running a BIRT report with the SiteID field results in error BMXAA3556E - "SiteID is a required field.". 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
Manual change
Job Plans Committing the simulation of a Dynamic Job Plan in a Work Order results in error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute TARGETDESC does not exist.". 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ44639 Database configuration The Class fields for the Measurement objects and Measuredate attribute are not updated correctly during installation. 7612 IF033
7613 IF009
IJ44644 Chart of Accounts Poor performance when the Chart of Accounts table has many records. 7612 IF034
7613 IF006
IJ44649 Integration Adding a task in the Tools tab of a Work Order results in multiple stanzas of <WPTOOL> in the Publish Channel. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ44669 Inventory usage Saving an Inventory Usage record causes error messages PSDI.SECURITY.USERINFO to be written to system.out logs. 7613 IF005
IJ44683 System UI Maximo crashing due to deadlock-blocked threads. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
Database change
Database configuration Using Database configuration to increase the DESCRIPTION attribute length in the WORKORDER object does not work. Entering and saving text longer than 100 characters results in error BMXAA4049E. 7613 IF011
IJ44740 Database configuration Users encounter BMXAA1847E saving a new item with an ITEMNUM that exists in a different item set. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ44870 Purchase Contracts In Purchase Requisition, Unit Cost is not populated with the Last Receipt Cost. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ44871 Meters Loading Meter Readings into Maximo with the Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) takes longer than expected and causes high CPU usage. 7612 IF037
7613 IF012
IJ44875 System UI Push Buttons are not rendered correctly. 7613 IF007
IJ44930 Purchase orders Terms in the Terms and Conditions tab from RFQVendor are not properly copied to a created Purchase Order. 7612 IF030
7613 IF006
IJ45027 System UI Deleting an attachment, then revising a Job Plan, causes a different Job Plan to be displayed. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45038 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, when Repair Facilities are enabled, cancelling the Create Work Order dialog leaves the HASFOLLOWUPWORK checkbox on the Work Order checked incorrectly. 7613 IF010
IJ45044 Routes Adding new rows to a duplicated Route results in error BMXAA4211E - "Database error number -803 has occurred when operating on ROUTE_STOP.". 7612 IF030
7613 IF006
IJ45065 Linked Documents\Attached Documents Attachments with names that include "+" are not working correctly. 7613 IF007
IJ45082 Install/Upgrade The "View Asset Status History" menu is not available without following the steps in the 'View Asset Status History' menu is not available in Assets application techdoc. 7613 IF006
IJ45087 Conditional Expression manager In the Conditional Expression Manager, the Reference Count includes references from audit tables. Manage 8.7
IJ45100 Work Order Tracking The "No Adj Made?" checkbox can be checked even when a calibration point is out of tolerance, causing the As Found Status to incorrectly change from FAIL to PASS. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45161 System UI The Advanced Search date fields in Service Requests do not work as expected for Spanish locale. 7613 IF006
IJ45183 Job Plans Adding a Job Plan to a Work Order results in error BMXAA4512E - "The job plan cannot be copied.". 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45204 Inventory usage Performing a Physical Count when there is a Staged Balance can result in an incorrect balance. 7613 IF009
IJ45206 Integration POLINE Delete action through the MIF does not work. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45209 Work Order Tracking Data Sheet's "As Found" Status erroneously changes from FAIL to PASS. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ45225 Condition Codes The value of invtrans.condrate is set to null rather than equal to invcost.condrate. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45267 Report Submitting a report schedule when the date is in the past saves the schedule with a date 1 year in the future. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
Manual change
Report The calibration data sheet report shows unrelated function checks for asset functions. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ45431 System UI The period (".") character does not work correctly as an HH-MM separator in a DateTime field. 7612 IF032
7613 IF008
IJ45433 Work Order Tracking Reservation not cleared when Work Order status changed to Complete. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45500 Calibration Calibration Points can be deleted on WAPPR status, even when "Edit Cal Points" is unchecked for WAPPR status. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45531 Calibration Calibration wrongly allows "As Found" status to be changed from Fail to Pass. 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45535 System UI Sigoption's Condition is not initially taken into account. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45564 Organizations Configuration Item Site and Org fields not carried over to the Collections record. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ45588 Purchase requisitions If the Default Vendor is not used creating a Purchase Requisition for a Consignment Item, the PRLINE is not added. 7613 IF011
IJ45615 System UI Many INFO org.owasp.validator.html.Policy - Attempting to load AntiSamy policy from an input stream. messages are written to system.out logs. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45634 Launch in Context Launch in Context URL is encoded incorrectly. 7612 IF009
IJ45639 Install/Upgrade For more information, see Maximo Fix Pack upgrade failure due to missing class FldIoTMappingProperty. 7612 IF011
IJ45651 Assignment Manager Assigning Labor to Work Order produces a Null pointer exception in the log. 7612 IF012
7612 IF035
IJ45687 Work Order Tracking Duplicating a Work Order results in error BMXAA4515E - "This hazard and the related asset are already associated. To prevent duplicate entries, change the hazard or the related asset.". 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45689 Manage Inventory In the Manage Inventory Work Center, a new count value of 0 cannot be saved. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ45720 System UI Column names are mixed with Attribute names in the Excel file created downloading data from a result set in the Start Center. 7612 IF032
7613 IF009
IJ45729 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project When many Person records exist, changing the status of multiple Work Orders in the Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects application produces an error in the log. 7612 IF032
7613 IF008
IJ45737 Inventory ZEROPAD grows if AUTOKEY requires multiple tries to find a unique value, which leads to errors like "BMXAA4195E - A value is required for the Lot fields on the INVLOT object" when the user manually adds a second row in the Inventory Balances. 7613 IF008
IJ45798 Work Order Tracking Unable to modify existing long descriptions on history work orders due to BMXAA0031E - "The LONGDESCRIPTION object is read only.". 7612 IF031
7613 IF006
IJ45834 Assets The Assets application errors when there are two parameters in the relationship for the Specifications. Manage 8.7
IJ45847 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical View of the Graphical Scheduling application, the white bars corresponding to the Maintenance Schedule of the Asset are not visible. 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
IJ45875 Install/Upgrade The System Property "" is not added during a database installation or upgrade. 7613 IF006
IJ45901 Linked Documents/Attached Documents Attachments saved with a "%" in the name can't be viewed. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ45917 Asset templates Saving an Asset Template with a newly created Classification results in error BMXAA0191E - "Field Table Value for attribute is required. Please enter a value.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF010
IJ46074 Scheduler Reason Code lists in Scheduler applications are sorted incorrectly. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ46075 Scheduler Running Maximo Scheduler Optimization raises an exception. 7612 IF032
7613 IF007
IJ46154 Manage Inventory The Required Date value in the Create Pick List dialog in the 'Manage Inventory' work center has its DD and MM values swapped. 7613 IF007
IJ46172 Application Designer Removing the parent value from a Work Order results in error BMXAA3761E - "The event has failed. Ensure that the event is registered correctly.". 7612 IF032
7613 IF008
IJ46223 Login The following error appears sporadically logging in to Manage: "The Browser cannot connect to the server. Reload the application and try again.". Manage 8.7
IJ46227 Purchase Contracts The next Purchase Contract Revision cannot be created if the previous Revision is in a custom status of Canceled (CAN), and this status is not set up as default in Domain status. 7613 IF011
IJ46228 Drilldown The same drill-down ID from the library.xml displays different results in WORKORDER and WOACTIVITY applications. 7612 IF033
7613 IF009
IJ46252 Graphical Scheduling The Process Pending Reforecast function does not work properly. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ46258 Work Center Configuration The Inspection Form Preview does not show text answers. 7612 IF034
7613 IF008
IJ46276 Assets When the value of System Property mxe.workorder.rollupMaintenanceCosts is 1, Asset Total Cost is incorrect when Services are returned. 7613 IF008
Behavior change
Inventory usage When an Item is referenced on multiple Material Plan lines in a Work Order, changing the quantity of the Item can result in error BMXAA4642 - "Error: The quantity cannot be less than what has been already issued.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46284 Inventory usage When multiple reservations exist for an Item, changing the Item quantity in a Work Order generates a new reservation with the wrong quantity. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46287 Inventory Decimal values are not rounded correctly when the Average Cost is calculated in the Inventory application. 7612 IF032
7613 IF008
Behavior change
Work Order Tracking Removing an item from Inventory Usage record results in error BMXAA4631E - "Cannot delete work plan material if an actual material exists for it.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46294 Work Order Tracking Clearing the Parent value from a Work Order results in error BMXAA3761E - "The event has failed.". 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ46349 Meter Groups Changing a location item to an item associated with meter group results in error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute ASSETNUM does not exist.". 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ46350 Scheduler The Resource Leveling cell link does not work. Manage 8.7
IJ46369 System UI Check boxes are disabled by default when edit mode it turned on for an application. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46393 Location The new datatype of DATE that was added to the Specification attributes is always available to edit after save. 7613 IF010
IJ46410 Location Inconsistent behavior on how Precaution values are saved in Assets applications when compared to the Locations application. Manage 8.7
IJ46539 Domains The Physical Count Adjustment dialog box shows all records, instead of only the ones selected in the List tab. 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
IJ46555 System UI Scenario: A User pastes an image into the Long Description field and saves the record. However, closing and reopening the window does not show the image in the field. 7613 IF009
IJ46653 Work Order Tracking The WORKORDER.LEAD field is not populated correctly. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46662 Database configuration Database connection leak in BulletinBoard UI control. 7612 IF034
7613 IF010
IJ46675 Scheduler Graphical Scheduling Capacity Planning optimization fails. Manage 8.7
IJ46737 Map manager In the Mobile Service Request application, the Asset or Location is not displayed on the map. An SQL query error appears in the server log. 7613 IF009
IJ46742 Calibration Calibration Tolerance values are not updating correctly. 7613 IF010
IJ46747 Inventory usage In the Inventory Usage application, changing the Status to Shipped results in error BMXAA4195E - "A value is required for the Packing Slip field on the SHIPMENT object.". 7613 IF011
IJ46758 Crontask set up The ROLL cron task does not deactivate once the Scheduler record is set to no longer be rolling. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46759 KPI Manager Unable to open or update KPI after upgrade from to 7613 IF010
IJ46762 Manage Inventory The "Pick" action in Manage Inventory Work Center causes the misleading error BMXAA4144E - "The date/time format is not valid" to be displayed. 7613 IF009
IJ46768 Work Order Tracking Selecting a Condition-enabled Item on an Approved Work Order results in error BMXAA9991W - "Average cost has changed. Work Order Actual must be removed and re-added.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46783 Work Order Tracking Maximo incorrectly evaluates Premium Pay Rate when Premium Rate Type is set to MULTIPLIER. 7613 IF010
IJ46793 Crafts Adding or deleting a planned Labor record in Plans tab of a Work Order causes the message Error system#UnsetDiscardable to be written to the system.out log. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46808 Condition Codes Work Order Reservations for Condition-Enabled Items are only selected from Default Bin. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ46828 Inventory usage Transferring an expired lot to another storeroom results in the errors BMXAA7691E - "The status of inventory usage XXXX cannot be changed to COMPLETE." and BMXAA7693E - "The current requested quantity will cause a negative available balance for inventory usage line 1. Change the requested quantity before continuing with the transaction.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF010
IJ46841 Inspection Entering a date on an Inspection Form and then removing it results in the error BMXAA4143E - "The date format is not valid. Use the date format defined by your locale or use the calendar control to enter the date.". 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ46849 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, Work Order information, without the dates filled in, is not shown in the graph. 7613 IF010
IJ46853 Condition Codes Duplicate Condition Codes are displayed in Inventory Balances. Selecting one in Inventory Costs results in error BMXAA4129E - "The record for Item=item, Storeroom=storeroom, Bin=, Lot=, Condition Code=cc, Site=site, Item Set=set already exists. Ensure that the key value for the given record is unique.". 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ47222 System UI The download button in the Application List View does not work. 7613 IF009
IJ47272 Calibration The Calibration Next Due Date field is incorrect after Users complete a Work Order. 7613 IF010
IJ47336 System UI It is not possible to generate Warranty Claims from Work Order Tracking. 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
IJ47428 Manage Inspections Forms In a Maximo interim fix 008 environment, mandatory Meter reading fields do not display. 7613 IF010
IJ47442 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, the Priority column displays "0" instead of an empty value for Work Orders where the Duration is NULL (empty field). 7612 IF036
7613 IF011
Database change
Service Request In an environment with many Service Requests, creating a Service Request from the More Actions menu reacts more slowly than expected. 7612 IF037
7613 IF012
IJ47737 Inspection Inspection Form Preview does not show Meter Reading answers. 7613 IF010
IJ47799 Application Designer Using the 'Return With Value' function from the Work Order Tracking application results in an error. 7612 IF037
7613 IF012
IJ48020 Graphical Scheduling The Where Conditional can be edited through the Quick Query Builder by a different user than the one who created the schedule. 7613 IF012
DT144580 Mobile 100% signal loss - User unable to proceed past login prompt Mobile 8.11
DT144765 Conduct an Inspection In Work Order Tracking, an error message displays on the Enter Inspection Results action menu. Manage 8.7
DT145270 Mobile Maximo Mobile - Tap cloud button hangs indefinitely in SAML environment Mobile 8.11
DT189344 Technician Pause and Stop buttons are displayed instead of the Start button upon returning online Mobile 8.11
DT189718 Mobile Error with quick login on iOS Mobile 8.11
DT196832 Mobile Synch from Maximo to Mobile app fails for synonym work order statuses. Mobile 8.11
DT197320 Service Request Error creating an SR with Location in Service Request. Manage 8.7
DT197399 Technician Failure code cannot be changed in failure reporting. Mobile 8.11
DT197682 Technician Technician application takes a long time to load the initial data. Mobile 8.11
DT197816 Technician The Start and Stop Icons take too long to load. Mobile 8.11
DT198184 Service Request The Maximo Mobile Service Requests Role Based application does not ask for confirmation when user cancels a Service Request. Mobile 8.11
DT198335 Technician Creating a work order when the device is in offline mode causes errors BMXAA4590E and BMXAA4673E. Mobile 8.11
DT198595 Service Request The display name of the logged-in user is not displayed on role-based Service Requests. Manage 8.7
DT202907 Service Request The Description field and character count fields are not completely visible. Manage 8.7
DT204752 Mobile Issue with Maximo Mobile preloaded DB generation when is a shared network drive. Mobile 8.11
DT207503 Conduct Inspections Unable to display batch inspections in role-based application. Mobile 8.11
DT208126 Technician Maximo Mobile - Error is retained even after the record is corrected. Mobile 8.11
DT208143 Technician Location does not copy from the parent to a follow-up Work Order when follow up WO errors out. Mobile 8.11
DT208171 Conduct Inspections Answers disappear in the Role-Based Inspection application. Mobile 8.11
DT208871 Conduct Inspections Maximo Mobile retrieves Asset images as part of lookup data, which downloads an overly large amount of data. Mobile 8.11
DT209005 Approvals Maximo Role Based Applications SUPMOBILE and TECHNICIAN error BMXAA2569E when time zone is UTC+1. Mobile 8.11
DT209215 Technician Maximo Mobile - Cannot edit Failure Report with preload database setup. Mobile 8.11
DT209264 Technician Technician app shows no rotating items lookup in Work Order. Mobile 8.11
DT209382 Approvals In the Maximo Role Based Application SUPMOBILE, Errored Record is not visible for correction. Mobile 8.11
DT209431 Mobile Mobile for EAM Windows crashes. Mobile 8.11
DT209607 Approvals On Work Approval (SupMobile) app v.8.9, there is no indication on the Related Records for the Main WO that a Follow-up WO exists. Mobile 8.11
DT209659 Conduct Inspections The Inspection form does not load questions for Batch Inspections on Mobile. Mobile 8.11
DT210862 Conduct Inspections Error running Integrity Checker in Maximo, Mobile 8.8 environments. Mobile 8.11
DT211132 Service Request Search Contact person does not work in the SR Role-Based Mobile app. Mobile 8.11
DT211156 Approvals Need to click twice on Complete Work Mobile 8.11
DT211463 Technician An error is thrown reporting Labor hours: "Finish date and time must be later than start date and time.". Mobile 8.11
DT211587 Mobile Attached CAD files cannot be opened in the Mobile app. Mobile 8.11
DT211818 Technician A user cannot sort list by priority on a mobile device. Mobile 8.11
DT211868 Mobile A user cannot open .docx and .xlsx file type attachments on mobile devices. Mobile 8.11
DT212145 Technician Quickly completing task 10 on a Work Order can cause the rest of the tasks to disappear. Mobile 8.11
DT212605 Service Request Long REST API response times in Service Requests role-based application. Manage 8.7
DT213715 Technician Mobile shows Materials from a different Site. Mobile 8.11
DT213880 Mobile No apps are downloaded to the device. Mobile 8.11
DT214904 Mobile When VPN connection is reset, mobile device does not change back to Online. It is necessary to log out and log in again to resume working online. Mobile 8.11
DT215425 Technician In the Work Order Detail view, Date and Month values are swapped. Mobile 8.11
DT221826 Technician Labor Transaction dates show the previous date. Mobile 8.11
DT221877 Technician The Required tag does not work for Description and Work Type fields. Mobile 8.11
DT222001 Technician Attachments are showing from the previous Work Order. Mobile 8.11
DT222019 Technician Performance issue downloading WOCOST records. Mobile 8.11
DT222668 Technician In the WorkOrderDetailsController.js file, there are incorrect or misleading code comments. Mobile 8.11
DT222698 Crafts Changing the Craft on a Work Order results in error BMXAA0019I - "The Resource Lock field is either read only or part of the primary key. You cannot edit this field.". Manage 8.7
DT222852 Install/Upgrade Manage upgrade failed because userid contains apostrophe character in MAXUSER table. Manage 8.7
DT222853 Technician Selecting Problem, Cause, and Remedy from mobile device works more slowly than expected. Mobile 8.11
DT223004 Technician Editing a Failure Report generates the informational message "BMXAA0018I - The report is complete.". Mobile 8.11
DT223184 Technician ALLOWEDSTATES refactored to improve download performance. Mobile 8.11
DT223537 Conduct Inspections Creating an inspection from Mobile does not display inspection form numbers to select in Template lookup. This fix requires Manage 8.7 or later or IF010 or later. Mobile 8.11
DT223666 Technician Spinning wheel around the buttons in the Work Order Details screen. Mobile 8.11
DT223678 Conduct Inspections Complete button is disabled even if all required fields are filled out Mobile 8.11
DT223980 Conduct Inspections Spaces are ignored in an inspection form question. Mobile 8.11
DT224287 Mobile Maximo Mobile Schema Generation does not check whether app is licensed. Mobile 8.11
DT224771 Conduct Inspections Questions sequence on Question Group not showing number bigger than 99. Mobile 8.11
DT224829 Technician Completed tasks from WOs are changed back to INPRG (only on device) when WOs is also changed to INPRG in the Maximo Mobile for EAM app. Mobile 8.11
DT225143 Mobile When an inspection form is being completed, the response time is slow. Mobile 8.11
DT225311 Conduct Inspections Maximo Mobile crashing on iOS. Mobile 8.11
DT225465 Mobile Unnecessary attributes are displayed  in the Technician application. Mobile 8.11
DT225467 Mobile Need to optimize the time to fetch the Work Order Task List. Mobile 8.11
DT225468 Mobile Error BMXAA0031E saving count book record. Mobile 8.11
DT225581 Login User created in MAS is not synchronized in Manage because the 'New User' option is read-only, and cannot be granted. Manage 8.7
DT225628 Technician Warning from required field is not getting cleared from the Technician App. Mobile 8.11
DT225715 Conduct Inspections A user cannot select the date from the calendar in Inspections. The calendar form either does not display, or appears briefly and disappears. Mobile 8.11
DT228331 Technician Maximo Mobile physical signature not prompting correctly. Mobile 8.11
DT228388 Mobile Creating a Work Order in Maximo Mobile for EAM from a view or history that contains more than 5000 records causes Error BMXAA7387E to be thrown. Mobile 8.11
DT228619 Technician In Work Order Tracking, the HASFOLLOWUPWORK field is not flagged for new Follow-Up Work Orders in Mobile. Mobile 8.11
DT228660 Service Request Service Requests auto numbering not working in Mobile Service Request application Mobile 8.11
DT228712 Mobile A searchable attribute with an alias in a related datasource causes a schema generation error. Mobile 8.11
DT236783 Assets Asset Mobile tries to execute a move for any changes on the Asset Edit page. Mobile 8.11
DT237037 Mobile The Role-Based Service Requests App does not allow SRs to be created. Mobile 8.11
DT237302 Mobile Resetting the application and pointing to another environment causes a blank screen to appear intermittently. Mobile 8.11
DT237544 Technician Some Object Structure queries contain hard-coded Oracle syntax. Mobile 8.11
DT238867 Install/Upgrade Error "Re-Encrypt:status:failure The old encryption keys does not match what the database currently uses" upgrading Maximo. Manage 8.7
DT243419 Mobile In the Mobile app, no Work order Displays returning to online from offline. The user sees a spinning wheel in the Assigned Work work list page. Mobile 8.11
IJ34201 Message Tracking An extra message is generated in Message Tracking receiving a Rotating Asset. 7612 IF029
IJ41484 Work Order Tracking Changing the status of a Work Order with an open PO causes the BMXAA4577W warning to appear. When the user clicks cancel and changes the status again, the warning does not appear again. 7612 IF037
7613 IF010
Manual Change
Invoices A user cannot enter a negative value for Quantity on the Credit Invoice Line. 7612 IF030
7613 IF005
IJ43456 Integration Following the steps to configure JSON Mappings in the techdoc Maximo JSON mapping - looking for an example?, generates the HTTP response "Error 500: Unexpected character: [<] while scanning JSON String for JSON type. Invalid JSON.". 7613 IF008
IJ44342 Integration Revising a Purchase Order by using the Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) removes RFQ references on PO Lines. 7612 IF034
7613 IF011
IJ44998 System UI A filter does not carry over to the child table when a different parent table record is selected. 7612 IF031
​​​​​​​7613 IF006
IJ45154 Integration Loading a flat file with no data results in error BMXAA6992E. 7612 IF030
7613 IF015
IJ45207 Install/Upgrade Upgrade fails for interim fixes on an environment with a non-English base language. 7612 IF030
7613 IF010
IJ45447 Integration After applying interim fix 022, processing rules in Publish Channel fail with the error BMXAA7094E - "The entered value Y is not valid. Enter a valid integer value.". 7612 IF030
7613 IF015
IJ46371 System UI Text alignment in the Favorite Application portlet is incorrect for Arabic. 7613 IF012
IJ46530 Integration The REST API "dropnulls" parameter is ignored serializing attributes of related objects. 7613 IF012
IJ46589 System UI Entering a date in mm/dd/yy format for previous years causes the year portion to update to the current year. Manage 8.7
IJ47339 Service Request In the Service Request application, selecting "Update Field with Current Value" on the Result Set dialog box does not cause the TKSERVICEADDRESS mbo to be populated with Service Address values. 7612 IF037
7613 IF011
IJ47689 Integration MaxSoftwareProcess and MaxSwRelProcess classes are missing from all 7.6.1.X releases. 7612 IF037
7613 IF012
IJ48022 Map manager In Map Manager, there is no option to configure different Feature Classes in the WO or Service Request Auto Create. 7613 IF012
DT173423 System UI Swedish characters are not correctly displayed. Manage 8.7
DT196324 System UI A user cannot change the width parameter in the XML definition. Manage 8.7
DT209257 Mobile App reset does not clear or delete the downloaded database and fills the disk space on the device. Mobile 8.11
DT211681 System UI In the Work Order and Assets Applications, the "More Search Fields" Dialog Calendar selections are defaulting to the previous day. Manage 8.7
DT212776 Integration Kafka cron stops message processing. Manage 8.7
DT214200 Technician Unable to change status for work orders created without ever visiting the work order list. Mobile 8.11
DT224560 Technician Modifying the MOBILEMYASSET Query can result in performance problems. Mobile 8.11
DT224599 System UI Navigating back and forth between Graphite and TPAE applications causes the user to reach the session limit. Manage 8.7
DT225598 Login Update E-Key error message is not correct. This fix requires MAS 8.10.5. Manage 8.7
DT228199 Conduct Inspections Loading large Inspection forms is slow. The inspection form contains around 780 questions. On the first load, it takes around 10-15 seconds before it appears. Mobile 8.11
DT228711 Approvals The Maximo Mobile 8.10 SUPMOBILE role-based application still references PLUSSGEOJSON instead of Autolocate. Mobile 8.11
DT243268 System UI In Work Order Tracking, editing a mandatory field and clicking SAVE does not update the Save icon color. Manage 8.7
IJ22827 Install/Upgrade In an upgrades Manage environment on a Microsoft SQL Server database, Integrity Checker generates thousands of BMXAA0494E error messages. 7612 IF039
7613 IF014
IJ34642 Report When the System Property mxe.db.fetchStopLimitEnabled is set to 0 and there is sorting on a non-persistent attribute of a table in a dialog, the filter on the table doesn't return any records. 7612 IF034
7613 IF009
IJ35102 Purchase orders Removing a Unit of Measure results in error BMXAA0216E. Manage 8.7
IJ35683 Job Plans Total work units aren't being calculated correctly on the PM or Work Order when there are non-Linear Assets used in a Route. Manage 8.7
IJ36230 Report A user cannot schedule a recurring crontask for the last day of the month. 7612 IF035
7613 IF010
IJ37751 Inventory Incorrect Current Balance shows in the Message Tracking application. 7613 IF016
IJ38811 Message Tracking Outbound messages are not generated in the Message Tracking application for the Publish Channel MXINVBALINTERFACE. Manage 8.7
IJ40378 System UI Downloading to Excel with the Firefox browser opens a blank tab. 7612 IX031
7613 IF006
IJ40620 Object Structures The Object Structures for the Supervisor field contain a personid, not a userid. Manage 8.7
IJ41382 Labor In the Work Order Tracking application, unchecking the "Include Fully Assigned" checkbox does not exclude fully assigned labor. 7612 IFIX035
IJ42275 Purchase requisitions Attachments are still visible on a PR after the PR lines that are copied from DR are deleted. 7613 IFIX017
IJ43852 Preventive maintenance Two Work Orders are generated when a PM's Extended Date is in the past. Manage 8.7
IJ44003 Inventory usage The View Work Details dialog in the Inventory Usage application does not display related Work Orders. Manage 8.7
IJ44686 Location Adding a Location by using the Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) triggers a search for related Work Orders that slows down processing. 7612 IF039
7613 IF014
IJ45611 Integration In a case-sensitive database, IFACETABLECONSUMER throws SQL error when the ENTERPRISESERVICE parameter in the crontask is set to the enterprise service name. 7612 IF032
7613 IF008
IJ45833 Purchase requisitions Invalid entries made to the Contract Reference field in Purchase Requisition can be saved. Manage 8.7
IJ46398 Work Order Tracking Bulk Work Order status change is not refreshing in list view. Selecting one of the records results in error BMXAA4214E. 7613 IF010
IJ46773 System Object There is an incorrect reference to bcel-6.6.1.jar in Buildmaximoear.xml. 7612 IF033
7613 IF008
IJ46847 Crontask set up Womaterialstatusupdatecrontask does not update the Work Order when run on a schedule for items in a different site. Manage 8.7
IJ47112 Inventory usage In the Inventory Usage lines, tabbing to the New Physical Count field and hitting enter sets the value to 0.00. 7612 IF040
7613 IF017
IJ47242 System UI The DateTime popup is not rendering appropriately. 7613 IF010
IJ47259 Crafts In the Crafts application, the Labor look-up on the Associated Labor tab lists Inactive records. Manage 8.7
IJ48665 Conduct Inspections Responses for questions in Inspection Forms are not sorted correctly. 7612 IF038
7613 IF013
DT237198 System UI Downloading data in List tab results in error "ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE". Manage 8.7
DT255329 System UI Maximo Mobile - Save button is greyed out. Mobile 8.11
IJ30339 System Object Integer types need to be checked against their boundary values. Manage 8.7
IJ30653 Email Listeners When settings are misconfigured, OAUTH error message is ambiguous. 7613 IF009
IJ46606 Email Listeners Error BMXAA8435E in Email Listener when an email is sent in HTML format. 7613 IF010
DT208111 Graphical Scheduling Saving a Preventive Maintenance schedule in Graphical Scheduling application results in error "No authorized routine named "TIMESTAMP" of type "FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found. SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, DRIVER=4.29.24.". Manage 8.7
DT208301 Graphical Work Week In Graphical Work Week, clicking "Select Date, and Jump to That Date in the Schedule" opens a calendar that is not rendered correctly. Manage 8.7
DT208305 Graphical Resource View Calendar window in Graphical Resource View is incomplete. Manage 8.7
DT209195 Graphical Work Week Reason Code is assigned a day earlier than intended when user has a time zone > UTC+1. Manage 8.7
DT224247 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the right-click "Change Status" option displays an incorrect list of statuses. Manage 8.7
DT246740 Mobile User cannot see Question or Group Instructions when conducting an unscheduled Inspection in offline mode. Manage 8.7
DT247024 Mobile Users starting the Inspection from Inspection creation cannot enter Meter Reading values. The value list is read-only. Manage 8.7
DT260846 System Object Exporting data when the XSL file resides in an S3 bucket results in error 'Could not compile stylesheet.'. Manage 8.7
IJ39413 Invoices When an Invoice for Service is reversed and the Service was not first received, an error is thrown when approving the new Invoice. 7613 IF01
IJ45409 Meters The Next Meter Reading and Units to Go values for a meter-based PM are incorrectly calculated when a meter is first added. Manage 8.7
IJ47338 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View, Crew cell is marked Partial for Full Day Availability. Manage 8.7
APAR Change type Change instructions
Manual Set mxe.webclient.showQueriesInDropdown to false.
Behavior This fix adds the property '' the value of which (in seconds) is the integration access token expiry period when the response from the access token URI does not provide one with each new access token.
Database Added a new message for "ticket" group with "statusdate" as the key.
Invoices In order for this fix to work, you must specify a POLine on the the InvoiceLine you are adding. Otherwise there is no way to recognize whether the quantity was positive or negative.
Database Added new Attribute in SPAREPART Object.
Database To use this fix, the user must set the new system property to 1.
Database The LNRPM relationship in ASSETFRATURE Object has been changed to startassetfeatureid=:assetfeatureid or endassetfeatureid=:assetfeatureid or assetfeatureid = :assetfeatureid.
Manual This scenario is only relevant if the system property is set to 1.
Job Plans Using Database Configuration, create an attribute "TARGETDESC" in "DYN_SIMULATEMULTIASSETLOCCI" object with following attribute details:
 title="Target Description"
 remarks="Temporary target desc sameasattribute="TARGETDESC"
Database Updated an attribute (DESCRIPTION) in WORKVIEW table to keep it in sync with the attribute (DESCRIPTION) of WORKORDER table.
Manual Import the Calibration Data Sheet report in Maximo. Copy the file from a manage env and import it using Report administration.
Behavior A new System Property,, was created to resolve this defect.
When the value of is  0, modifying or deleting materials on Plans Tab shows Item data, but no match of corresponding line on Actuals Tab. When user tries to update a quantity on Plans Tab, error will be thrown or not is based on total quantity issued to work order for that item. This is default behavior as Maximo currently works.
When the value of is 1, while modifying or deleting materials on Plans Tab there will be match of corresponding line on Actuals Tab using WPITEMID. When user tries to update a quantity on Plans Tab, error will be thrown or not is based on quantity issued to work order for that item line.
Database Modified the ticket to doclinks relationship to use union all.

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Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbDTAA0","label":"Industry Solutions-\u003EMaximo for Service Providers"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbK2AAK","label":"Industry Solutions-\u003EMaximo for Oil and Gas"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbPbAAK","label":"Industry Solutions-\u003EMaximo for Nuclear 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Civil Infrastructure"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbEFAA0","label":"Industry Solutions-\u003EMaximo Health, Safety and Environment Manager"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbFDAA0","label":"Industry Solutions-\u003EMaximo Asset Configuration Manager"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of 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Document Information

Modified date:
18 June 2024

