IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage 8.4.0: APARs fixed

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This document lists APARs that are fixed in Maximo Manage 8.4.0.


APAR Application Name Description
DT108937 Login Maximo Mobile for EAM is not authenticating to LDAP configured servers.
DT110692 System UI Maximo Mobile for EAM 8.5 "About and legal" option does not display any information.
DT110696 Work Order Tracking Work orders listed on the device don't match with the work orders appearing on Technician application.
DT112931 Mobile Maximo Mobile for EAM Unable to create new work orders from the mobile application.
DT113176 Mobile Incorrect percent values display during the "Initial Setup" and "Data Update" screens.
DT113447 Mobile When the device goes into sleep mode, download of Lookup data is interrupted.
DT113522 Mobile Transactions do not synchronize or throw an error.
DT114642 Logging WebSphere Liberty logs for Maximo Application Suite Manage doesn't distinguish between JVMs.
DT115469 Mobile The following error occurs when a user moves to a location with poor network connectivity: This app has experienced a problem that is preventing it from loading or rendering. Error: Connect/Authentication failed.
DT116635 Mobile Pending sync transactions show as blank rows under Data Update view.
DT117403 Mobile The query that displays the list of Labor Type brings back values set to sites other than the user's default site.
DT117687 Install & Upgrade User cannot change password when the database is migrated from existing 7612 and has user data.
DT118547 Install & Upgrade Running the scoring pipeline for the Circuit Breaker asset class results in error BMXAA4187E.
DT119547 Report Executing an Immediate Report, the userName parameter is an empty string. This condition results in the report running for the wrong site..
DT121566 Mobile Maximo Mobile error This app has experienced a problem that is preventing it loading/rendering. TypeError: Load failed.
DT121830 Mobile Mobile for EAM doesn't work when repair facilities are enabled.
DT121986 Mobile Mobile SR sets affected person to display name instead of personID.
DT122054 Mobile Unable to log in when incorrect password is used on first attempt.
DT122680 Mobile Creating an Inspection in Maximo Mobile causes the error BMXAA9238E.
DT123287 Mobile Attachment count displays incorrect value after all attachments are deleted from a work order.
DT123312 Mobile Special characters are not saved correctly in Long Description field.
DT123739 Mobile Impersonation of another user after unsuccessful login.
DT123848 Mobile QR code availability on Android device.
DT123849 Mobile QR code availability iOS.
DT124168 Mobile Transactions following an error on the same work order do not show up in Data Update view.
DT124247 Mobile Unable to install Mobile Application on Windows for all users.
DT124249 Mobile Issue with Start Time and End Time on Edit Labor.
DT124461 Mobile Transaction screen creates blank progress bars entering inspections offline.
DT124495 Mobile Maximo Mobile My Schedule work list does not refresh on subsequent login.
DT124916 Escalations Custom Escalation is running but not updating records.
DT125745 Mobile Spatial Map displays a blank page.
DT125986 Mobile When a Work Order has many attachments associated with it, some attachments fail to load,
DT125990 Mobile The Create Action titles "Create Work Order & Create Service Request" in Navigator Page are missing translation in other languages than English.
DT126227 Mobile Error transactions corrected and reprocessed are not removed from the Error Queue.
DT126420 Mobile On a Work Order, adding the failure hierarchy if you double-click the arrows quickly the current lists value will be entered for the next list as well. Double-clicking Cause adds the same value to both Cause and Remedy.
DT126430 Mobile BMXAA8816E error creating SR from the Navigator in Maximo Mobile.
DT126432 Mobile When Asset has many associated Work Orders, unable to create follow-up.
DT126437 Install & Upgrade TDToolkit loops indefinitely when S3 configuration settings are added to Manage workspace CR.
DT126533 Mobile Error downloading supporting data for Mobile SR app.
DT126695 Mobile Maximo Mobile Work Log Type lookup shows invalid values.
DT126802 Mobile HTML tags are displayed in Service Requests Application, in the SR description field.
DT126977 Mobile Mobile application is unable to download schema information after upgrade to version 8.7.
DT127005 Mobile On devices that use a mouse rather than the touchscreen, the +/- icons are not showing to allow zooming in and out of the map.
DT127015 Mobile Maximo Mobile company name not valid on Windows in Add Remove Programs.
DT127196 Mobile When working offline, creating a Work Order with no attachments, shows attachments from previously-created records.
DT127373 Mobile When working offline, after creating a record in Service Request, the Describe Request link is not responsive.
DT127480 Mobile Supporting data not updated when user changes site in Maximo even after you select update data.
DT127599 Mobile Mobile Lookup Scroll does not show full list.
DT127625 Mobile Clicking Save and pressing the Back button does not retain all new SR changes.
DT127741 Mobile Technician The Reported By and Contact are not populated from work order fields.
DT127792 Mobile Adding an attachment to an inspection form that was assigned to a work order task results in error.
DT128033 Mobile Error message BMXAA2641E - "Unable to add actual labor in Maximo Mobile.".
DT128372 Mobile In Android, Chrome system browser versions since version 99 does not allow opening nonhttp urls. We changed the mobile app to use inappbrowser instead.
DT128452 Mobile In Maximo Mobile 8.7 interim fix 1 environment, the goto link does not go to the Work Order, when there is an error on a transaction
DT128454 Mobile The Mobile SR Classification is not copied to the SR from the category.
DT128526 Mobile Complete Action Refresh does not happen when the System Property is set to a synonym value
DT128649 Mobile Incorrect unique-id attribute for Synonym Domain Data Source in Maximo Mobile apps.
DT128651 Mobile Maximo Mobile Location Lookup Retrieves Asset Data.
DT128805 Mobile Mobile Windows app does not completely uninstall.
DT128806 Logging More logging needed to capture more data in the exceptions occurring due to network issues related to Kakfa queue in Maximo.
DT128821 Users MAS needs a mechanism to bulk load users and give them the proper security access.
DT130237 Users Migrating from Maximo 7.6 to Manage 8.x sets User Authentication to Local.
DT130777 Job Plans Only one row created in WO Materials section of Plan tab created applying Job Plan with several items.
DT130938 Mobile Status change date cannot be set to a value earlier than the date of the last status change.
DT130997 Mobile Service Request missing attachments in poor connectivity.
DT131071 Mobile User cannot add attachments to inspection forms in Maximo Mobile for EAM. The plus button to add attachments is missing.
DT131330 Spatial Maximo Mobile Not all Layers from both map services are presented on top of the basemap.
DT131740 Mobile Reprocess of erroneous transaction keeps increasing the counter.
DT132000 Install & Upgrade JVM option isn't applied to the ManageWorkspace CR bundle, causing a thread dump.
DT132011 Mobile Materials & Tools icon contains a typographical error.
DT133167 Mobile When working offline and adding multiple attachments with the camera, only the last picture us  attached for all of the attachments after sync.
DT133273 Mobile Error in WorkorderEditController to create a Follow-up Work Order.
DT133311 Mobile Issuing rotating item fails on certain item / storeroom combinations.
DT133427 Linked Documents & Attached Documents Persistent volume definition where volumeName is an empty string is not handled correctly.
DT133457 Mobile Deleting error transaction leaves app in an invalid state.
DT133730 Mobile Accessing an inspection form in Maximo Mobile that contains a question of type "Single Numeric Enter" causes user to be unable to enter the decimal portion of a NUMERIC type question with the mobile keyboard.
DT133786 Mobile Unable to create work order
DT133984 Mobile Map does not launch by usinfStart Travel on an iOS device.
DT134381 Logging Attempting to change loggers results in errors BMXAA4160E and BMXAA5189E.
DT134622 Mobile Edit failure code button doesn't function offline.
DT135164 Mobile Cannot complete an Inspection from a WO in Offline Mode.
DT139185 Service Request Self Service Work Center doesn't allow adding comments to a Service Request.
DT139387 Login Logging in to Maximo Mobile results in this error in the server log BMXAA4118I - "The Boolean field is blank and requires a value.".
DT139890 Interactions Migration from Maximo to MAS 8.7 & Manage 8.3.1 causes Relationship on Interaction Node not to work.
DT140002 Escalations No communication log created for escalation.
DT144543 Integration Querying Asset Mbo with the REST API results in 500 Error.
IJ00163 Receiving In the Receiving application, the Rotating Asset field is NULL instead of being populated with a new assetnum created in the receiving process.
IJ08537 Work Supervision In the Work Supervision work center, when you click a card, some of the text is truncated.
IJ13240 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the Scheduled Start field is not cleared when labor is cleared.
IJ13419 Escalations In the Escalations application, when you activate an escalation that uses a communication template that emails attachments, multiple emails are sent instead of a single email.
IJ14949 Routes Workflow icon shows as active when no Workflow is running in the course of creating related records.
IJ17194 Crews If Crew Planned Labor comes from a Job Plan, the RESCHEDULE/REASSIGN action in WOTRACK fails.
IJ17764 Budget Monitoring In the Budget Monitoring application, a calculation error occurs updating budget lines.
IJ18016 Crews When Utilities is installed, the Crew application uses the average rate rather than the sum of the individual rates.
IJ18725 Application Designer Downloading incidents records to a file while in Edit mode, results in an inaccurate list.
IJ21040 Ticket Templates TKTEMPLATE TEMPLATEID is being converted to decimal when escalation applies the CREATESR action.
IJ22331 Integrity Checker Running Integrity Checker after installation generates a mismatch error between a column definition and the server's metadata.
IJ22706 Enterprise Services Enterprise Service Skip Rule produces an error in SystemOut.log - "org.jdom.Document incompatible with org.jdom.Element".
IJ23060 Service requests In the Service Request work center, the date format displays incorrectly.
IJ23247 Install & Upgrade In Token Licensing, when an Industry Solution is installed and no Maximo Asset Management license records are created, no licenses are assigned to a user with access to Maximo applications or read-only access to Industry Solution applications,
IJ23361 Work Order Tracking Changing the Location of an existing Work Order in WAPPR status in the Location application, and then returning to Work Order Tracking with the selected value causes error BMXAA4720E - The specified location does not contain the current asset.
IJ24829 Receiving Receiving PO lines for rotating items going to multiple storerooms results in error BMXAA4211E - Database error number -803 has occurred when operating on INVVENDOR.
IJ25043 Automation Scripts The axis2.jar file included in Maximo 7.6.1 conflicts with the version included in WebSphere 9.0.x, which causes outbound SOAP webservice calls to fail.
IJ25370 Report Preview dates are not generated correctly scheduling a monthly recurring report.
IJ25972 Database configuration In the Application Designer application, when you add a lookup field to the list tab of the Service Request application, then create a service request and use the field, an error occurs.
IJ26951 Inventory Usage Maximo allows a rotating asset to be listed twice on the inventory usage record.
IJ27258 Conditional Expression Manager In the Security Groups application, an error occurs when the MEMO attribute is set to required based on status changes.
IJ27390 Condition Codes An Internal Purchase Order for an item with an enabled Condition Code uses the last receipt cost instead of average cost.
IJ27846 Escalations OSLCTRANSACTION and OSLCTXNCLEANUP causing memory leak in Escalations code.
IJ28344 OSLC Providers The OSLC interaction handshake throws generic OAuth error even though the failure happened after OAuth handshake.
IJ28420 BIM Viewer When the List View displays more than 150 records, the BIM Viewer appears.
IJ28503 Integration An error occurs when you create enterprise services or publish channels for object structures that are designated as internal.
IJ28580 System Object Multiple Maximo sessions are opened navigating Work Centers.
IJ29400 Security Groups In the Security Groups application, an error occurs authorizing object structures.
IJ29426 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, map layers display incorrectly.
IJ30002 Item Assembly Structures The Item Master application allows saving a Kit with a duplicate item in the assembly structure.
IJ30035 Integration An error occurs converting the JSON row stamp to the LASTFETCHTS parameter.
IJ30521 Report The report labor_util.rptdesign does not work in either the Labor or Report administration applications.
IJ30644 Integration Importing the Maximo swagger Rest API into OpenAPI tool fails.
IJ30720 System UI In the System Properties application, when WEBCLIENT.ACCESSIBILITYMODE is set to true, menus cannot be used.
IJ30747 Assets In the Assets application, asset swaps fail if the parent is removed.
IJ31004 Inventory usage If you transfer an item that is not condition rate 100% to a storeroom, you cannot later add a condition rate of 100% to inventory costs.
IJ31012 Integration Using Maximo Integration Framework, unable to delete measurement that uses MEASUREUNITID.
IJ31024 System Object In the Maximo Anywhere app for Service Requests, user tokens are not consumed correctly.
IJ31176 Integration In an Oracle® WebLogic environment, MMI calls to remote servers fail with serialization error.
IJ31232 Database Configuration Integrations between APM and Cloudant (IBM Cloud) are not handling decimal conversion correctly for users that use locale for which the decimal separator is comma.
IJ31643 Work Supervision An error occurs when a remedy value is selected for work supervision.
IJ31781 Integration In integration automation scripts, the process table is not getting set correctly, that is, ctx.getProcessTable() is not returning the correct table. When the table is a child object, the parent object table is being returned instead.
IJ32256 Integration In Object Structures, an error occurs using the Object Structure REST API.
IJ32347 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, an error occurs defining seasonal dates.
IJ32523 Assets An asset record's image is lost when the asset is moved to another site.
IJ32573 Integration In the Service Requests application, attachments do not show in JSON responses.
IJ32656 Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance application ignores Seasonal Dates for Meter-Based PM records.
IJ32673 System UI Adding multiple attachments to a Job Plan results in the error A value is required for the URL/File name field on the DOCLINKS object.
IJ32778 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, in the graphical view, when you unassign resources from multiple assignments, an error occurs.
IJ32850 Service Request In the Work Center Service Request application adding an attachment cannot be done on the first click.
IJ32949 Item Assembly Structures Disassembling kit results in error BMXAA1931E - "Please specify a To Lot and Bin."."
IJ32988 Invoices Users encounter error BMXAA1931E trying to approve an invoice with distributed cost against a lot type item.
IJ33081 System UI When a session expires due to session timeout, logout does not function correctly.
IJ33136 Graphical Scheduling When you configure a data restriction filter for the Graphical Scheduling application, then open the application, the filter is ignored.
IJ33164 Report Scheduling a report on the request page in all applications causes null labels to show in Spanish-language environments.
IJ33235 Service Request In the Self Service Work Center, an error occurs viewing attached images.
IJ33448 Map manager In Work Order Tracking, an error BMXAA4121E is thrown when a work order record is saved with a linked asset or location that has a site and a service layer with an outbound JSON mapper.
IJ33512 Calendars When Labor is associated to a Crew, and the calendar shift hours are an hour less than the Start time and End time, labor available hours are showing negative available hours.
IJ33544 Graphical Resource View In Graphical Resource View, the sort setting is not saved.
IJ33550 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs performing the Calculate PM Cost action when two Preventive Maintenance records with the same name exist in two different sites.
IJ33551 Graphical Scheduling The Graphical View scrollbar scrolls without user input when a Taskbar is moved.
IJ33565 Graphical Assignment The dynamic sizing feature on the Assignment View tab of the Graphical Assignment (GA) application no longer works.
IJ33569 Integration The XMLFILECONSUMER crontask fails when the number of files to import is large.
IJ33582 Graphical Assignment Validation does not work for the mandatory WOCHANGESTATUS.MEMO field.
IJ33585 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, a REST call for the workflow STOP node causes an error.
IJ33586 Graphical Scheduling When a Work Order is moved outside of the range, an error is displayed comparing scenarios.
IJ33587 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, a REST call for the workflow INPUT node following another INPUT node causes an error.
IJ33609 Job Plans A work order is generated with an error and a labor record is not created correctly for an attribute.
IJ33770 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, resource loads appear during nonwork time.
IJ33783 System UI Main Form text can't be seen due to contrast ratio.
IJ33791 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Load chart is incorrectly displayed in GSLP when the task is scheduled across multiple shifts.
IJ33792 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Load chart overloads when two consecutive shifts occur with no breaks.
IJ33806 Integration Querying dates before 1776 using MIF results in the error BMXAA4144E - "The date/time format is not valid.".
IJ33857 System UI In mobile Work Order Tracking application clones, actuals information is applied to the incorrect work order.
IJ33918 System UI In the Assets application, filtering does not work properly on the List tab.
IJ33934 System UI In the Labor application, in the advanced search, the Revise menu is rendered as a button.
IJ33936 System UI In Maximo applications, JAWS reads the Previous Row and Next Row buttons incorrectly.
IJ33937 System UI In Maximo applications, the Close Filter and Minimize Portlet Window buttons are read as link graphics by JAWS.
IJ33945 System UI In Maximo applications, JAWS reads the List tab incorrectly.
IJ33946 System UI In Maximo applications, JAWS cannot distinguish between different calendar buttons.
IJ34157 Asset Health In the AHI (Reliability Engineering) application, when the value of a measurement on an asset is too high, the calculated factor is either rounded up or down.
IJ34198 Migration Collection In the System Administration application, an error occurs validating a migration collection.
IJ34245 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs creating a record with a type of Asset.
IJ34247 System UI In the Work Order Tracking application, existing log details are copied into all new log entries for Maximo Everyplace users.
IJ34272 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, dates can be updated beyond the specified date range for the work list.
IJ34368 Integration In the External Systems application, if the JSON Mapping has conditional attributes, the MXJSONMAPPING object structure generates bad data.
IJ34382 IoT Connector The IoT Connector USEQUEUE parameter is always set to 1.
IJ34396 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Gantt view does not load returning from the Work Order Tracking application.
IJ34403 JSON Mapping In the JSON Mapping application, an error occurs if data contains the double quote character.
IJ34541 System UI A second vertical scrollbar can appear in rich text fields.
IJ34601 Invoices When a capitalized consignment item is transferred from one storeroom to another, the consignment type invoice is created with 0.00 cost.
IJ34602 Conduct an Inspection In the Conduct an Inspection Work Center, assets and locations are not sorted properly on the Batch Inspections screen.
IJ34610 Work Execution In the Work Execution Work Center, if Maximo Spatial is the map provider, and the mxe.spatial.showmapinworkcenter system property is set, an error occurs enabling Design Mode.
IJ34620 System UI In the Work Supervision application, the back button does not appear on the header.
IJ34634 Work Center Configuration In the Submit Service Request Work Center, follow-up questions do not show on the Additional Details card.
IJ34645 System Properties In System Properties, instance properties appear blank after a Live Refresh.
IJ34695 Integration REST APIs do not retrieve metadata.
IJ34727 Assets In the Assets application, moving an asset to a new GL account using the Move/Modify Asset action, in the Calibration section, the Location value replaces the Physical Location value.
IJ34804 Integration Modules When you use an enterprise service that uses the HTTP protocol to import JSON-formatted data into Maximo, an error occurs.
IJ34831 Inspection In the Manage Inspection Forms tool, when you try to duplicate or revise an inspection form, the system stops responding.
IJ34854 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View application, when you browse through shift periods, the shift data is not refreshed correctly.
IJ34898 System UI The Preventive Maintenance application's Target Start Time lookup field uses incorrect time zone.
IJ34903 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work View application, when the application server is installed by using European settings, Sunday is displayed differently from other days in the graphical resource view.
IJ34920 Scheduler In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the graphical view, when you enter a duration that is longer than the defined shift, the duration is not correctly assigned to work orders and tasks.
IJ34922 Invoices Unable to approve a cross-site invoice with variance when the cost is charged against an asset that has the same number as a decommissioned asset in the invoice's site.
IJ34932 Shipment Receiving If a shipmentnum exists in multiple sites, incorrect shipment receipt lines might be shown for those shipments.
IJ34935 Domains Some domains have a blank description.
IJ34955 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resources View application, start and end times appear incorrectly if time is added or removed from a work record.
IJ34956 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View application, on the Graphical View tab, the calendar includes nonworking time from other calendars.
IJ34992 System UI Clicking the Information icon does not work.
IJ34996 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View application, you can modify shift-related data even if you are not authorized to modify it.
IJ35019 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the graphical view, when you split a task, the task record is not duplicated.
IJ35027 Inspection In the Conduct an Inspection tool, when you search for an asset or a location and append a space to the search term, all records are returned.
IJ35035 Service requests In the Service Requests application, the filter in the Lookup Location field does not work.
IJ35039 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when the graphical view is used, inefficient SQL queries are run.
IJ35077 Map Manager The option for Graphite maps can't be configured when you create a new record in Map Manager application.
IJ35125 Work Execution In the Work Execution Work Center, an error occurs clicking the back arrow from the Enter Time window.
IJ35128 Graphical Resource View After you upgrade Maximo to version, in the Graphical Resource View application, when you create a resource list and open the graphical view, an error occurs.
IJ35145 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, you can update the status of a work order even if you do not have the authorization to change work order statuses.
IJ35192 Integration When you use REST API calls to retrieve user data, the user's phone number is not retrieved.
IJ35193 Integration When you use REST API calls to create a service request that uses a ticket template, an error occurs.
IJ35196 Manage Inspections Forms In the Manage Inspection Forms application, the long description does not appear correctly.
IJ35251 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, an error occurs during optimization.
IJ35273 Work Order Tracking If the Priority field value of a Measure Point is updated to a value other than the associated Job Plan or PM, the resulting Work Order Priority field value uses the Job Plan or PM Priority value.
IJ35281 Graphical Assignment If you assign a craft resource in the Graphical Assignment application, then access the Graphical Work Week application, return to the Graphical Assignment application, and display the graphical view, an error occurs.
IJ35286 System UI The incorrect Work Order is loaded navigating to a Work Order record by using external links.
IJ35421 Integration In the Maximo Integration Framework, an error occurs sending item set information.
IJ35424 System UI There is much space when the Filter is being used between Columns.
IJ35426 Integration Modules In the Locations application, incoming meter readings are not processed correctly.
IJ35427 Location In the Locations application, incoming meter readings are not processed correctly.
IJ35446 Assets In the Assets application, an error occurs changing an item number.
IJ35495 Graphical Assignment In the Maximo Everyplace and Graphical Assignment locations, routes are not displayed correctly for work order locations that are defined by using ESRI feature classes.
IJ35541 Graphical Crew Management In the Graphical Crew Management application, drag to the Assignment tab does not work.
IJ35556 GIS Admin (Spatial) In the Assets application, the spatial Tool Identify feature does not display when maps are maximized.
IJ35562 Receiving In the Receiving application, the Rejected Cost is not updated entering Reject Quantity in Change Inspection status.
IJ35564 Purchase Orders The PRLINE set is not explicitly closed when no longer needed, which results in a memory leak.
IJ35580 Integration The password expiration feature of Maximo does not work in the REST API.
IJ35616 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, dragging bars or entering a new Start Time, durations change when a time zone is specified.
IJ35617 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Work View tab does not display.
IJ35624 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects application, the resource load does not display correctly.
IJ35713 System Properties The properties MXE.APP.WORKORDER.STATUSTOCREATEINSPECTION and MXE.APP.WORKORDER.INSPECTIONBATCHRECORD are missing In Maximo and in are incorrectly set to TRUE.
IJ35723 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs in the Move to Next Day action.
IJ35725 Report If the BIRT report database connection is not used for a long time, responses can become slow.
IJ35835 Migration Manager An error occurs deploying packages in Migration Manager.
IJ35837 Install & Upgrade Random groups are visible after upgrading to Maximo
IJ35916 Purchase Requisitions Purchase Orders, POLINES, and Purchase Requisition Applications' PRLINES.ENTERBY Field contains the USERID by default rather than PERSONID.
IJ35922 Conduct an Inspection In the Conduct an Inspection application, an error occurs creating follow-up work orders in a batch.
IJ35942 Linked Documents & Attached Documents An error occurs attaching multiple documents when the tivoli13 skin is enabled.
IJ35953 Assets Relating records by using Extended Drilldown > View Work Details results in error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute WONUM does not exist.".
IJ35956 System UI Maximo replaces "#" with "%23", preventing Maximo Work Center attached link from working
IJ35980 Purchase Requisitions PRLINE.ORDERQTY and POCOST.QUANTITY differ when LINECOST entered first.
IJ35981 System Properties An error occurs when JVM is started.
IJ35986 System UI If screen reader is enabled, a user will be returned to Work Order Tracking main tab rather than View Work Details dialog when they choose "Return to Work Order Tracking".
IJ36009 Report In some cases, print and export data from BIRT viewer fails.
IJ36031 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, an error occurs modifying availability.
IJ36048 Crews In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs when work orders from a different organization are returned.
IJ36053 Location When many synonyms exist in the LOCTYPE domain (~275 in this case), the filter appended to the locations search can grow to the point where you can no longer save a query.
IJ36064 Purchase Orders Data Import of POLINE with action="DELETE", delinks the relationship of existing Purchase Order from a closed Purchase Requisition.
IJ36071 Assets Asset Mass Move is not working as expected. The Mass Move Default location overrides changes made to assets.
IJ36076 Manage Inspection In the manage Inspection Forms application, an error occurs updating an answer to a form question.
IJ36084 Logging An error occurs when Root Logging is set to Warning.
IJ36091 System UI In the Work Order Tracking (T&D) application, the inspection result URL that is generated is incorrect.
IJ36096 System Properties Attached Documents cannot be set up using Cloud Object Storage.
IJ36112 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, an error occurs when all records are saved.
IJ36113 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects application, an error occurs filtering by Start/End Date.
IJ36120 Ad Hoc Reporting An error occurs when scheduled reports run while creating Ad Hoc reports.
IJ36196 Work Execution In the Work Execution Work Center, work on a work order cannot be paused.
IJ36221 System Properties The SystemOut.log reports that the System Properties mxe.excludeapps and mxe.systemtype, which do not exist, are missing.
IJ36251 Automation Scripts In the Database Configuration application, the default specified in the AUTOSCRIPT.SCRIPTLANGUAGE attribute is not respected.
IJ36264 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, work logs are not visible in related records.
IJ36297 System UI An error occurs opening attachments that contain accent marks in the file name .
IJ36370 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the INSPECTIONRESULT table is not updated when work orders are saved.
IJ36434 Assets In the JSON Mapping application, inbound processing doesn't allow users to create an asset without entering user data.
IJ36469 System Properties In DB Manager, an error occurs in Oracle RAC environments.
IJ36494 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the resource bar appears red even though there is an available labor resource.
IJ36518 Solutions In the Solutions application, running the Frequently Asked Questions query returns no records.
IJ36549 Login An error occurs logging in to Maximo Work Centers.
IJ36594 System UI In the Application Designer application, remove the collapsewhenempty property.
IJ36699 Service requests Attributes appear out of sequence in the Specifications on a Service Request when Ticket Template is applied.
IJ36767 System UI Reported Labor Hours in one site are visible in another site for a Work Order with the same number because the Report Work function does not take Site ID into account displaying Labor Hour data.
IJ36800 Location In the Locations application, an error occurs importing the location in JSON format.
IJ36820 Map Manager In the Map Manager application, using web maps causes an error.
IJ36845 Work Order Tracking When a Precaution is deleted from a Hazard on a Safety Plan, the Precaution Description is also deleted from the WOPRECAUTION table.
IJ36889 Escalations When an escalation without actions is duplicated, the duplicate escalation creates an action group with no members.
IJ36893 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, an error occurs in the ACTIVATE action.
IJ36911 Incidents In the Service Requests application, ticket status inheritance does not work for synonyms.
IJ36912 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, deleting a work order deletes unrelated inspection result records.
IJ36924 Manage Inspection In the Manage Inspection Forms Work Center, the Select a Response field is numbered incorrectly.
IJ36928 Work Order Tracking Creating a New Customer Estimate from the Work Order Tracking (SP) application results in error BMXAA4214E.
IJ36929 Integration An error occurs with the OSLC API GETLIST function.
IJ36952 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs modifying work details.
IJ36958 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Maximo Optimization Framework receives incorrect time zone information from Maximo for users not in the UTC+0 time zone.
IJ36979 System UI Users encounter error BMXAA4144E when either entering a date or selecting a date in the Work Order Tracking application when the locale is set to Lithuania (lt_LT).
IJ36983 System Object Database connections left open cause memory leak in
IJ36984 System Object Database connections left open cause memory leak in
IJ37016 Report In a Manage with Health Environment, clicking the Work Order List Browser View icon results in the error Error occured in server, check serverlog for detail.
IJ37056 Database Configuration In a DB2 environment, Maximo uses closed database connections.
IJ37076 Security Groups For a user of with a license type of EXPCONCURRENT, adding READ access to the AWADMIN application incorrectly changes the user license type to CONCURRENT.
IJ37079 System Object Calls to MboSet.isEmpty causing a database connection leak.
IJ37083 System Object There is database connection leak in
IJ37105 System UI A database connection leak occurs.
IJ37109 System UI If other users use the selected query as their default query, clearing the Public? checkbox in the View/Manage Queries dialog throws the same warning twice.
IJ37113 System Object The following message is missing from Maximo: MsgID = BMXAA9489W, Options = 56 and Value = "This query is the default query for other users. If the query is set to private, the query is removed as the default query for those users. Do you want to continue?"
IJ37118 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Work Log icon disappears refreshing the graphical view.
IJ37120 System UI In the Asset application, the scroll bar is missing from the Actions menu.
IJ37154 Assets Extended drill down does not show the entire path between the top-level Location and the selected Location.
IJ37155 Install & Upgrade In a Microsoft® SQL Server environment, an error occurs running the UpdateDB application.
IJ37160 Report An error occurs printing with attachments.
IJ37161 Graphical Scheduling Clicking Zoom In repeatedly on the Graphical View tab results in zooming out.
IJ37163 Integration The MXDOMAINInterface publish channel event listener does not send the synonym domain to an external system. An outbound message is not generated.
IJ37168 System UI In the CI Type application, an error occurs changing the status of a CI type.
IJ37218 Workflow Designer A Task is not being blocked as expected when the Work Order is in the Workflow NOSTATUS action.
IJ37232 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, some work order statuses are not shown.
IJ37234 Work Order Tracking Moving an asset through the Work Order Tracking application bypasses the location item rule.
IJ37327 Inventory In the Inventory Application, the View/Edit Consignment Details dialog does not respond to "OK" or "Cancel".
IJ37331 Ticket Templates In the Ticket Templates application, attempting to save a new Duplicate Template results in SQL Error 933.
IJ37337 KPI Template In the KPI Templates application, clicking "Yes" or "No" on the Delete Template action produces the same result.
IJ37352 Object Structures In the Object structures application, an error occurs deleting records.
IJ37354 Integrity Checker Integrity Checker generates errors in Maximo interim fix 016 environments.
IJ37357 Database Configuration In the text of message BMXAA8611E, the word overlapping is misspelled.
IJ37366 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Assignment application, an error occurs with the Manage Assignments action.
IJ37375 Assets An error occurs creating unscheduled inspections.
IJ37376 Routes In the Routes application, an error occurs when opening maps.
IJ37505 Warranty Contracts Revising a contract that was previously approved results in error BMXAA4210E.
IJ37531 Database configuration Changes to the default value of CLASSSTRUCTURE.GENASSETDESC are not saved.
IJ37554 Email Listeners Email listener key/value messages in HTML format are not always processed correctly.
IJ37569 Integration Maximo Integration Framework returns Null Pointer importing new attachment by using UNC path.
IJ37577 System properties Searching in System Properties for mxe.db.textSearchOverride results in the following System Out log entry: BMXAA7785W - "Property mxe.db.textSearchOverride does not exist.".
IJ37578 Communication Templates Communications log does not show all the communication for Global issues.
IJ37583 Assets Multiple changes to an item in an asset associated with a specification results in error BMXAA8229W - "Updated by another user.".
IJ37590 Report Saving a new Ad Hoc (QBR) report when many reports exist can cause an Out of Memory error.
IJ37591 System UI The characters " " are added to the top of the long description dialog box when the Work Order description spans multiple lines.
IJ37593 Work Order Tracking Adding assignment with task number in Graphical Assignment application results in error scheduler#failedtorefreshmodel".
IJ37641 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, PM Forecasted instances cannot be dragged in work orders generated from the PM,
IJ37645 Integrity Checker The SQL queries to check between MAXATTRIBUTE and MAXATTRIBUTECFG are not returning the expected results on case-sensitive databases.
IJ37656 Graphical Scheduling Graphical Scheduler is showing incorrect working hours after modifying availability in People Application.
IJ37733 Graphical Scheduling User can commit a value that is not in the numeric domain for Graphical Scheduling.
IJ37736 JSON Mapping JSON Mapping produced empty object or array when a condition to exclude the object is defined in JSON mapping.
IJ37745 Location Deleting the parent of a Location deletes LOANCESTOR table rows later chooses Undelete.
IJ37758 Inventory When a lotted item is transferred to a new storeroom, its Expiration Date value is cleared out.
IJ37770 Work Order Tracking Error BMXAA0019I - "The Rate field is either read only or part of the primary key. You cannot edit this field." using "Select Planned Labor" occurs with Attribute Data Restriction on a LABTRANS attribute.
IJ37859 Work Order Tracking Date format in Manage Inventory Work Center ignores secondary language in user profile's locale.
IJ37898 Integrity Checker Null error noted in Integrity Checker log just after informational message BMXAA8853I - "The integrity checker is comparing the definitions of the table columns.".
IJ37952 Location Creating a service address in the Location application's Service Address field results in error BMXAA4214E.
IJ37983 Job Plans When a user deletes a Job Plan, the record remains in the PLUSCJPSTATUS object.
IJ37984 Crafts Premium Pay codes that have "Apply to New Crafts" checked can have their organization overwritten.
IJ37986 System UI When the system property webclient.accessibilitymode is enabled, data columns in the System Properties application are moved to the right.
IJ38027 System UI The order of Coloring Conditions on portlets is not maintained when the template is saved or updated.
IJ38036 Service Requests Values for "Reported By" and "Reported Email" fields auto-filled from the browser into "Create service request" application are not saved.
IJ38051 Work Order Tracking Receiving a Rotating Item for Planned Direct Issue on a Work Order does not create the expected line on the Actuals tab.
IJ38061 Work Center Search function is not working properly in Work Execution Work Center.
IJ38085 System UI Workflow Complete Assignment "Action" label is not left aligned when screen resolution is greater than 1650PX.
IJ38106 Graphical Work Week The meaning of the message "The selected date is not within the schedule date range" is not clear.
IJ38163 Report DBConnection left open for
IJ38166 Graphical Work Week Dragging the upper and lower parts divider lines in the Graphical View tab from Graphical Work Week results in the lines being misaligned and the upper right panel disappearing.
IJ38237 Graphical Scheduling In a Microsoft SQL Server environment, running Validate subsequent to  modifying the System Property mxe.skd.validationcount causes the error " Invalid object name 'crontaskinstanceseq'" to be written to SystemErr.log.
IJ38288 Conduct an Inspection When a default insert site is changed in a Work Center or the main Maximo app, the change doesn't apply to the work center until the user logs in again.
IJ38293 Report BIRT report schedule Format Options are not translated.
IJ38331 Automation Scripts Attribute Launch Point is not working for a null value of ASSETSPEC.ALNVALUE or ASSETSPEC.NUMVALUE.
IJ38390 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View application missing properties from SKDProperty cause it to fail with error BMXAA4214E.
IJ38492 Graphical Assignment Graphical Assignment query is very slow due to WO history flag including closed work orders.
IJ38592 Work Center The Work Supervision application hangs after a new WOCLASS is added.
IJ38770 Login The error BMXAA4157E - "The specified value is not a valid Yes or No value. Enter Y, y, or 1 for Yes or N, n, or 0 for No." appears logging in to Work Center.
IJ38814 Integration Using System exception destination for Sequential Outbound queue doesn't work as expected.
IJ38840 Object Structures Some Maximo applications are missing French translation.
IJ38841 Message Tracking When menu sidebar is disabled (mxe.webclient.systemNavBar set to 0), the action menu does not appear in the Message Tracking application.
IJ38929 Graphical Work Week In the Graphical Work Week application, assigning a task that has no Planned Labor results in the error BMXAT1118W - "This labor is assigned to a crew and not available.".
IJ38932 System Properties Multiple instances of warning message BMXAA7785W - "Property maximo_allowed_hosts does not exist" in the SystemOut log.
IJ38994 Calibration Generating a work order for calibration results in the error BMXAA0019I - "The Next Calibration Due Date field is either read-only or part of the primary key. It is not possible to modify this field.".
IJ39021 Lease/Rental Contracts If a user's Security Group is not authorized for all sites, they get the error BMXAA2013E - "Could not change invoice X status to CANCEL" when they attempt to cancel a contract.
IJ39023 Condition Codes Transferring an item with condition code USED to a new storeroom can result in the error BMXAA2094E - "More than one condition code with a 100% rate were specified for this item.".
IJ39056 Install/Upgrade The class path has several jackson-xxx JAR files that do not match the files in the lib directory.
IJ39072 Integration A Graphical Schedule cannot be created by a SOAP Web Services call.
IJ39129 Labor Reporting Generating a labor report when the transactions table is filtered can result in error BMXAA4214E.
IJ39152 Create Requisition Item lookup in View Requisitions application does not return a list of available items.
IJ39246 Work Order Tracking The Select Predecessors dialog displays information related to the wrong site.
IJ39263 Integration When the "Retain Mbos" flag is cleared on a Publish Channel, data export fails.
IJ39266 Manage Inspection Work Center Manage an Inspection Form" does not load.
IJ39279 Migration manager Migrating a Graphite application generates error BMXAA7136E - "Validation failed when the database default values were set.".
IJ39317 Object Structures DUETIME attribute of INVOICE object shows the DATE type field as "Date and Time" in the Results Set portlet rather than "Date".
IJ39328 Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility Saving changes on Graphical Assignment-Repair Facilities list when a Global Data Restriction like "&PERSONID&" is used on the Location object results in error BMXAT0051E.
IJ39329 Service requests The fully specified GL account on a Service Request is not carry over to the newly created Work Order when the Work Order is created from the Service Request.
IJ39340 Graphical Scheduling In an environment with browser time zone of GMT+1 and higher, "Move to Day" feature in Graphical Scheduling moves the date one day prior of the intended value.
IJ39379 Security Groups Granting a user access to the INCIDENT or PROBLEM applications with other HSE applications marks the user as unlicensed in the License Usage Monitor Applications.
IJ39395 Purchase Contracts The Purchase Contracts Application List view opens instead of the correct record navigating from the PO to a Purchase Contract that is not in APPR status.
IJ39428 Linked Documents & Attached Documents In Desktop Requisition, adding a web page attachment causes the requisition number and the description to change.
IJ39466 Assets Users cannot select a Date type Attribute in the Specifications tab within the Asset application.
IJ39520 Solutions Creating a record in the Solutions application results in error BMXAA4049E - "The value specified exceeds the maximum field length that is allowed for this attribute.".
IJ39543 Purchase Orders When the "Inspection on receipt" checkbox is checked at the Purchase Order level, users can create unlimited new assets.
IJ39544 Database Configuration Subsequent to adding an attribute to COMPMASTER object, error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute CUSTATTR1 does not exist..." is encountered when adding company to organization.
IJ39567 Invoices Cannot approve an invoice in a cloned application after installing a limited availability fix (LAFix) for APAR IJ39021.
IJ39595 System UI Dialogs cannot be closed by pressing the Escape key.
IJ39598 System UI Date Pickers are not keyboard accessible and the screen reader cannot read empty DATETIME, DATE, and TIME Fields.
IJ39600 System UI Screen reader option is not accessible for users that don't have access to User application.
IJ39621 Scheduler Cannot change status of a Work Order in a cloned version of Graphical Scheduler.
IJ39704 Automation Scripts Running a script with an action Launch Point calling the "service.launchDialog()" method results in a class not found exception.
IJ39807 Graphical Work Week Opening the Graphical View for a Graphical Work Week list created by a user currently in inactive status results in error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error occurred. psdi.util.MXAccessException - You cannot log in at this time.
IJ39816 Graphical Scheduling Saving a new Graphical Schedule with a simple query causes error BMXAT0050E - "The project data failed to populate into scheduler tables for project.".
IJ39991 Graphical Assignment Scheduler performance deteriorates when there are more than 250,000 person records.
IJ39992 Logging In an environment with Maximo Asset Management interim fix 019 (which includes log4j remediation), log levels are padded to 5 characters.
IJ40011 Logging In an environment with Maximo Asset Management interim fix 019 (which includes log4j remediation), the server and correlation cron ID columns are not written to SystemOut.log.
IJ40053 Graphical Scheduling SKDPROJECT.COMMITBY is not updated with the username when a change is committed in Graphical Scheduler.
IJ40058 Integration YORN attributes have values of true or false, but the output for the custom field is 0 or 1.
IJ40089 Graphical Assignment Attempting to display the tooltip in Graphical Assignment application results in error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error has occurred.".
IJ40096 Relationships The relationship for WORKLOG.PERSON is incorrect.
IJ40135 Integration In an environment with Maximo Asset Management interim fix 019 (which includes log4j remediation), querying using the API fails.
IJ40145 Integration When defining JSON data with JSON SPI, the following error is received for outbound JSON mapping: BMXAA4187E - "The relationship spi:xxxxxx does not exist for business object spi:xxxxxx. Verify that the relationship specified in parameter spi:action exists in the Maxrelationship table.".
IJ40171 Graphical Resource View When a shift pattern outside a multiple of 7 is used, the Graphical View Tab within the Graphical Resource View Application is blank with no resources listed. The date ribbon is displayed, but no data is shown underneath.
IJ40172 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, the Select Owner action incorrectly populates both the Owner and the Owner Group.
IJ40314 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, a user with a non English locale attempting to create a new schedule gets error BMXAA4145E - "0.5 Is not a valid duration. You cannot use a time separator and a decimal separator. Enter a duration value in the format HH:MM or a decimal value.".
IJ40467 Linked Documents & Attached Documents Attachments created by MIF where the file exists in the DOCLINKS folder updates the the URL/filename value to a value that does not match the file name.
IJ40500 Graphical Assignment In Graphical Assignment application, pressing Alt and clicking the left mouse button results in error BMXAA4214E.
IJ40520 Graphical Assignment For a person with labor records in more than one organization, the CRAFT presented in "View Craft/Skill/Work zone" in Graphical Assignment is incorrect.
IJ40521 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, the available hours are incorrect.
IJ40630 Integration Empty and Null value fields are removed from JSON outbound transaction with the Maximo Integration Framework.
IJ40705 Calendars In the Calendar Application, clicking Save can result in an infinite loop.
DT121905 Mobile New work logs do not appear on the list instantly if the device has very poor network connectivity.
DT125081 Mobile Using the back button from the list screen will take you to closed or completed WO.
DT126431 Mobile Marking work complete in the Multi Asset, Location and CI list on the device results in focus returning to the first item in the list rather than the next incomplete record.
DT127794 Mobile Maximo Mobile performance issue entering failure codes navigating screens after making a selection.
DT128368 Mobile The Docker MAF Tool fails to connect to Maximo and log in when the context is not the default value.
DT129189 Spatial Map tiles do not load completely due to excessive requests when map is opening.
DT130018 Mobile Maximo Mobile Start Work button in WO stops working Intermittently in offline mode.
DT132588 Mobile User cannot login to the Maximo Mobile Windows application in offline mode.
DT134644 Service Request Subcategory doesn't populate the summary field of the Service Request Mobile application.
DT134841 Mobile Attributes without a domain are showing looks up in Role Based Service Request.
DT135031 Mobile Mobile App the PMWOLIST query in MXAPIWODETAIL where clause modification.
DT139165 Users Error when deleting a user who has not configured application access.
DT140847 Users Uses cannot be added or deleted using MAS Administration.
IJ22918 Labor Reporting Approving Labor results in error BMXAA4176E - "Attribute REGULARHRS does not exist.".
IJ26303 Report The asset traceability reports in Calibration do not prompt for the rotating asset that was used for calibration.
IJ35280 Report The Asset Reverse Traceability report does not show the reverse traceability for the individual tool used at calibration.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hAeaAAE","label":"Maximo Application Suite-\u003EMAS Applications-\u003EManage"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.4.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 July 2024

