IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite 8.5 - Initial setup does not complete successfully



Initial setup does not complete successfully due to missing authority on the used MongoDB user.


Initial setup does not complete successfully


Initial setup does not complete successfully due to missing admin authority on the used MongoDB user

Diagnosing The Problem

In the mas-<instance_id-name>-core namespace check log entries in pod <instance_id-name>-internalapi-xxxx. 
2021-08-24 11:13:09,468   managers.workspaces       ERROR     An unexpected exception occured while getting workspace mas: OperationFailure('not authorized on mas_xxxx_core to execute command { find: "workspaces", filter: { _id: "mas" }, limit: 1, singleBatch: true, lsid: { id: UUID("399eb551-9713-4e77-8907-a5308a1a7e8d") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1629803582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 5F4BF63CC89F67BA16068BC7EFD6C2ED3F422BD9), keyId: 6992575480830361603 } }, $db: "mas_xxxx_core", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, full error: {\'operationTime\': Timestamp(1629803582, 1), \'ok\': 0.0, \'errmsg\': \'not authorized on mas_xxxx_core to execute command { find: "workspaces", filter: { _id: "mas" }, limit: 1, singleBatch: true, lsid: { id: UUID("399eb551-9713-4e77-8907-a5308a1a7e8d") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1629803582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 5F4BF63CC89F67BA16068BC7EFD6C2ED3F422BD9), keyId: 6992575480830361603 } }, $db: "mas_xxxx_core", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }\', \'code\': 13, \'codeName\': \'Unauthorized\', \'$clusterTime\': {\'clusterTime\': Timestamp(1629803582, 1), \'signature\': {\'hash\': b\'_K\\xf6<\\xc8\\x9fg\\xba\\x16\\x06\\x8b\\xc7\\xef\\xd6\\xc2\\xed?B+\\xd9\', \'keyId\': 6992575480830361603}}}')
The following error indicates the missing admin rights on the used user.
OperationFailure('not authorized on mas_xxxx_core to execute command ...') 

Resolving The Problem

IBM Maximo Application Suite needs access to MongoDB with admin privileges. The access to specific database is not enough. Use user credentials for an admin user who has table create rights. After this action IBM Maximo Application Suite will successfully create the necessary collections in the database.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000GoLBAA0","label":"Maximo Application Suite->Installation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 September 2021

