IBM Support

IBM Jazz for Service Management (JazzSM) v1.1.3.9/Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) v3.1.3.9: Steps to configure JazzSM/DASH High Availability on NETCOOL/OMNIbus ObjectServer v8.1 and greater

General Page

Enable JazzSM/DASH High Availability (HA) on NETCOOL/OMNIbus ObjectServer v8.1 and greater
1.  Steps run on ObjectServer
  • Create non-root user in ObjectServer:
    • Create WebHA group, which has two roles “CatalogUser” and “DatabaseAdmin”
    • The admin have to create a new non-rootuser in the ObjectServer and assign the WebHA group to it
    •  Use this non-root user in the WebSphereApplication J2CAuthentication
2.  Create a database in ObjectServer by naming “dashdb”: Open ObjectServer GUI ->Right click database section ->Create Database
  • Configure HA on WebSphere Application Server:
  • Log in to WebSphere Application admin console
  • From left Navigation: click Security ->Global Security ->Expand ‘Java Authentication and Authorization Service  ->click J2C authentication data
  • image 7311
  • click New, give the alias name, provide ObjectServer credentials ->click apply
  • image 7312
  • image 7313
  • Create WebSphere variable for Sybase driver path: Environment ->WebSphere variables->Newimage 7350
  • Example screen: click Apply and Saveimage 7352
  • Configure JDBC providers: click Resources ->JDBC->JDBC Provider ->Select Scope: Node=JazzSMNode01, Server= server1-> click New
  • image-20201201145259-1

  • Follow the screens to complete the JDBC provider configuration
  • image 7319
  • image 7320
  • image 7321
  • click Finish
  • Configure the data source:  click data sources ->Select Scope: Node=JazzSMNode01, Server= server1->click New
  • image-20201201145603-2

  • Provide the data source Name as ‘tipds’ and JNDI name as jdbc/tipds and click Next button
  • image 7322
  • Select an existing JDBC Provider ‘Sybase JDBC 3 Driver’ from drop and click Next
  • image-20201201145711-3

  • Provide Port Number, Server Name of the ObjectServer. User "dashdb" for Database Name and click Next

  • image 7323

  • Setup security aliases ->click Next
  • image 7354
  • Check the summary and click Finish
  • image 7324
  • Test Connection ->Select the data source ->click Test connection 
  • image-20201201150502-5

  • Optional Java System property "" can be set to "false" in the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console temporarily not to consider the server to be in High Availability. To set this property, go to Servers ->WebSphere Application Servers ->server1->Process definition ->Java virtual machine ->Custom properties >New

  • image 7356

  • Enable the trust between the nodes (In Node 1 provide Node 2 and vice versa in Node 2 ) click Security ->SSL certificate and key management ->keystores and certificates
  • image-20201201150502-7

  • click NodeDefaultTrustStore
  • image-20201201150502-8

  •  click Signer certificates
  • image-20201201150502-9

  • click Retrieve from port
  • image-20201201150502-10

  • Retrieve Signer information and apply
  • image 7325
  • Do the same on required Nodes and restart DASH profile server on all DASH nodes one after other
3.  From JazzSM and WebGUI FP23 onwards, failover is supported(on ObjectServer) and to enable fail over follow the configurations:
  • Copy jconn3.jar from <JazzSM_HOME>/lib/OServer to WebSphere Application Server/lib/ext (ensure to take backup of existing jconn3.jar)
    • Note: Copying the file will break a hybrid integration with the following error.
      CWOAU0023E: The client could not be found cnea-id
      Where, cnea-id is the hdm-client-id used when deploying or setting up the hybrid HADR cluster. For a hybrid HADR deployment, do not copy the jconn3.jar file. Keep the original jconn3.jar files in DASH and WebSphere.
  • Install two ObjectServers AGG_P(Primary) and AGG_B(Backup): Installing the primary aggregation ObjectServer - IBM Documentation
  • Set up a gateway by adding the entries from
    • Content of attached file AGG_GATE.tblrep.def.txt to NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.tblrep.def
    • Content of attached file to NCHOME/omnibus/etc/
  • Check AGG_GATE_props. If you are using default AGG_P and AGG_B values, changes in NCHOME/omibus/etc/AGG_GATE.props are usually not necessary and it should look like in attached file AGG_GATE_props.txt. In case using different ObjectServer instance names, modify in NCHOME/omibus/etc/AGG_GATE.props file accordingly
  • Run this script against AGG_P and AGG_B to initialize and create the necessary DASH and WebGUI tables in the dashdb database for the primary and backup servers. Move attached file "webha.sql" to $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/ and run script as shows below
    • Example: 
      • Unix - $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server ObjectServer_name -username <username> -password <password> < webha.sql
      • Windows - %NCHOME%\omnibus\bin\isql -S ObjectServer_name -U <username> -P <password> -i webha.sql
  • Start AGG_P and AGG_B
    • $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_objserv -name AGG_P 
    • $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_objserv -name AGG_B 
  • Start the gateway with following steps:
    • NCHOME/omnibs/bin/nco_g_objserver_bi -propsfile NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.props (or)
    • nco_g_objserv_bi -name AGG_GATE -objectserveraserver NCOMS_AGG_P -objectserverbserver NCOMS_AGG_B
  • Setup HA nodes and the WebSphere Application Server data source as usual and point to AGG_P.
  • Add failover details for AGG_B to all HA Nodes by going to:
    • WebSphere Application Server Admin Console > data sources > tipds > Custom properties
    • And add the three properties
    • Log in to WebSphere Application Server admin console
    • click Resources ->data sources ->tipds ->Custom Properties ->New ->Name:REQUEST_HA_SESSION, Value: true
      • click Resources ->data sources ->tipds ->Custom Properties ->New -> Name:SECONDARY_SERVER_HOSTPORT, value:[AGG_B_HOSTNAME:PORT]Secondary Host
        • click Resources ->data sources ->tipds ->Custom Properties ->New ->Name: APPLICATIONNAME Value: WebHA
        • App name
      • click Apply and Save for all three properties
3. ​​​​​​ The failover Object Server should be created with same name 'dashdb'
4.  Ensure to restart WebSphere Application Server profile servers on all nodes

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEKCU","label":"Jazz for Service Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008bsvAAA","label":"DASH"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"3.1.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 March 2024

