IBM Support

IBM i Network Installation Troubleshooting



Troubleshooting IBM i Network Installation



Diagnosing The Problem

Documentation to collect
From the IBM i NFS Server:
  •  CFGTCP -> 1 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 2 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 10 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 12 -> take a snapshot
  • Snapshot of CHGTFTPA -> note the alternate source directory name
  • Snapshot of WRKIMGCLGE IMGCLG(<image_catalog_name>)
  • DSPLIND OUTPUT(*PRINT) of the Ethernet line description that is associated to the XPF TCP/IP interface they are trying to use on the Server
  • WRKPTFGRP, F6 + ENTER /* this generates a spooled file */
  • CALL QZNFRTVE /*lists directories exported and version of NFS*/ Then run DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT) and send joblog.
  • Communications trace if client lpar halts after STRNETINS is attempted.
From the Client (Network Upgrade):
  •  CFGTCP -> 1 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 2 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 10 -> F6
  • CFGTCP -> 12 -> take a snapshot
  • DST/SST LAN Adapter snapshot:
    • STRSST -> 8 -> F5
  • DSPLIND OUTPUT(*PRINT) of the Ethernet line description that is associated to the TCP/IP interface they are trying to use on the Client
  • WRKPTFGRP, F6 + ENTER /* this generates a spooled file */
  • PRTINTDTA TYPE(*DMP) DMPID(*ALL) /* take note of 3A00 vlogs when logging optical errors */
  • Determine the hardware resource associated with the NFS backed optical device. Then, issue STRSST opt 1, opt 7, opt 3, specify the hardware resource (OPTVRTxx), take opt 7 to verify resource and send screen shot of the ‘Removable Media Hardware Verification’ screen.

A majority of the documentation that is requested for the client and server LPARs, can be collected with a SYSSNAP.  To collect data via SYSSNAP:

1 - Install QMGTOOLS on both LPARS with instructions from the following technical document:

2 - Collect System Snapshot that uses the following CL command on both LPARs:


 The following items need to be collected manually as they are not included in the SYSSNAP:

From the NFS Server LPAR:

- Snapshot of CHGTFTPA

- Snapshot of WRKIMGCLGE IMGCLG(<image_catalog_name>)

- CALL QZNFRTVE and then run DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT) and send joblog

- Communications trace if client lpar halts after STRNETINS is attempted.

From the Client LPAR:

- DST/SST LAN Adapter snapshot: STRSST -> 8 -> F5

- Determine the hardware resource associated with the NFS backed optical device. Then, issue STRSST opt 1, opt 7, opt 3, specify the hardware resource (OPTVRTxx), take opt 7 to verify resource and send screen shot of the ‘Removable Media Hardware Verification’ screen.

Resolving The Problem

Source (Server) system requirements
To share virtual optical images through a network, the source system serves as the image server and must meet the following requirements:
1. Source (Server) PTF requirements if server is older than IBM i 7.2:
• System must be at IBM® i 6.1 or greater.
• IBM® i 6.1 PTF’s SI57013 and SI44484.
• IBM® i 7.1 PTF’s SI59835
2. The image server must reside on a supported IBM i version if performing an installation or upgrade.
3. The server must be able to share virtual optical images that use version 3 or later of the Network File System (NFS).
4. A volume list (VOLUME_LIST) file that contains the list of images to be loaded in the virtual optical device must exist in the image catalog directory. The VFYIMGCLG command is used to create the volume list file from the image catalog that contains the images you want to share. For example,:
Note:  The image catalog used must have an image catalog path name that is limited to 127 characters. Path name characters are limited to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash). Each image file name is limited to 127 characters.
Note: Changes to VOLUME_LIST file are not active until the next time the client device is varied off and back on.
If you choose to create your own volume list, it must have the following characteristics:
– Must be called VOLUME_LIST
– Each line is either an image file name or a comment
– ASCII format
– All entries are ended by the end of a line
– All characters that follow the pound sign (#) are considered comments until the end of the line
– Comments can be added after the pound sign (#) and must be followed by a EOL character
– Provides the order that the image files are processed on the client system
– File names are limited to 127 characters
– Can be created with the Verify Image Catalog Entry (VFYIMGCLG) with the NFSSHR(*YES) parameter or manually by using an ASCII editor
– No tabs or line feeds can be used in the path name
5. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is required for SLIC installation and upgrade of IBM® i

Client server requirements for sharing virtual optical images
To share virtual optical images through a network, the client system must meet the following requirements:
• The 632B-003 optical device is created by using the Create Device Description Optical (CRTDEVOPT) command.
• The system to be installed must have either a service tools server or a LAN console connection configured.
• The Internet Protocol (IP) must be Version 4
• Client to be upgraded must be at IBM® i 6.1 or greater.
• The installion media must be IBM® i 6.1.1 or later.
Target (Client) PTF requirements if Client is older than IBM i 7.2:
• IBM® i 6.1 PTFs SI39400 (Lead PTF – this ptf causes the other PTFs to be ordered and installed), SI57013, SI44484, SI35747, MF50920, and MF47285
• IBM® i 7.1 PTF SI59835
Target (Client) Hardware requirements:
• Only supported by Hardware Management Console (HMC) 7.2 or later
• Power 6 EFW Service Pack 3.5.5, 10/21/2010 or later
• Power 7 EFW 7.2 or EFW 7.1 with Service Pack 7.1.4, 09/22/2010 or later
(Supports stand-alone PCI Ethernet adapters only)
• Power 7 EFW 7.3 with service pack 7.3.3, 09/14/2011 or later (Supports stand-alone PCI Ethernet adapters and virtual ethernet adapters)

On Client LPAR:
 WRKIMGCLGE *DEV < virtual_device_name >
  • This command displays the "Work with Image Catalog Entries" panel that shows a catalog of type *RMTCLG and showing all the volumes. If all the volumes are displayed, this output means the prep work on the server of ensuring NFS servers were running, exporting the correct directory, and proper authorizations of the catalog directory contents.
  • If errors, DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT) for joblog.
  • The main reasons WRKIMGCLGE fail are setup issues with either no VOLUME_LIST in the image catalog directory, not authorizing the objects in the image catalog directory properly, NFS is not up and running correctly (with the exported path) on the server, or the client's service Lan adapter is not activated with a valid IP address. Many times, WRKIMGCLG *DEV < virtual_device_name > posts message OPT1605 RC1.
    For message OPT1605 RC1, a good place to start is to redo the steps on the NFS server to VFYIMGLG, end and restart NFS servers, re-add proper authorities, reexport and then on the client system vary off/on the network-backed device.
  • Message OPT1605 RC1 has an extended status for the error, which can be seen in the joblog. Here are the meanings of the last 2 bytes:
    CFC1 - media list access problem
    CFC2 - media list error
    CFC3 - media list invalid
    CFC4 - virtual volume access problem - includes not found
    CFC5 - virtual volume read error
    CFC6 - virtual volume invalid
    CFC7 - virtual device problem
    CFC8 - 632B-003 device problem
Removable Media Hardware Verification:
Determine the hardware resource associated with the NFS backed optical device. One way to determine the hardware resource is to issue DSPDEVD <virtual_device_name> and take note of the 'Resource name'. Then, issue STRSST opt 1, opt 7, opt 3, specify the hardware resource (OPTVRTxx), take opt 7 to verify resource and review the ‘Removable Media Hardware Verification’ screen. For example, you can see a screen like the following:


Error state meanings:

    1 - NFS Time-out.                                   
    2 - NFS Permission denied.                          
    3 - No such NFS path or directory.                  
    4 - NFS connection rejected.                        
    5 - NFS file system is read only.                   
   40 - Incorrect NFS argument, Check proper ASCII/EBCDIC content.              
   90 - Unknown NFS State.                              
   95 - Server does not respond to PING.                
   99 - NFS return code problem.                        
  100 - VOLUME LIST invalid use of / in file name.      
  101 - VOLUME LIST line length exceeds 256 characters.
  102- VOLUME LIST contains too many file names.       
  103 - VOLUME LIST file name contains W key, but then another nonblank character.           
  104 - VOLUME LIST has an unsupported character or an imbedded blank.                           
  120 - VOLUME LIST problem, contact next level support.
  199 - Error varying on the hardware driver. Check for PALs or VLOGs.                         
  200 - Hardware driver is in Failed state.              
  300 - Hardware driver is in Software Error state.

Review DST Service Tools Setup and configuration:

STRSST -> 8 -> F5
- Obtain a unique IP address from network administrator.

- Prior to activating the DST Service Tools server, ensure that the IP address cannot be pinged. After activating the DST service tool server, verify that the IP address assigned can be pinged.

To activate:
a) Start System Service Tools (STRSST).
b) Work with service tools user IDs and Devices (Option 8).
c) Select STS LAN adapter (F13) to see available adapters. If you press F13 and there are no available adapters listed, press F21 to show all adapters. F13 will not show a resource with an active line description. You can share a resource that is being used on the system; however, the resource assigned to the STS Lan adapter cannot be active on the system. You have to end the interface and vary off the line that uses the resource before it shows up in SST as being available to be used. After the lines are varied off, F13 lists the adapter and allows you to select that adapter. After you assign it to the STS LAN adapter and then store and activate, you can vary on the line that uses the same resource on the system and start the interface.
d) Press Enter.
e) Enter the TCP/IP information. Your network administrator needs to provide a valid and unique TCP/IP address that can be used for the service tools server for DST.
f) Press F7 (Store).
g) Press F14 (Activate).

Verify that an alternate installation device is not defined:

'Untag' or 'de-select' the alternate installation device on the client system before starting the network installation. Instructions to deselect that alternate installation device is found here:

On NFS Server:

To verify NFS is up and running properly, do the following: 


If you see the following active, all is good: 





NFS backed virtual optical troubleshooting notes:
The NFS optical support is exclusively NFSv3 over UDP.  There is no support in place for NFSv4.  That includes Kerberos and encryption via Kerberos that is otherwise available in the XPF implementation of NFS.  NFSv4 is a very weighty protocol, and the NFS optical support is implemented at a low level.  The NFS optical support is shared with D-mode installation, and it is unlikely that there will ever be enough necessary pre-requisites available at system installation to implement NFSv4 in a way that would work.
The closest approximation to protect the image data over the network is to point the NFS optical at a next-hop VPN endpoint that leads to the server that hosts the images.
Determining the version of NFS and which directories are exported:
On the NFS Server partition, run 'CALL QZNFRTVE' to see which directories are exported. 
CPIB41A - /catalog_directory currently exported, is expected to be logged.  OPT1860 is logged if the NFS backed virtual optical device is not varied on.
In the user's interactive job log, you can see something like this:
Displaying the help text for the exported folder shows the NFS options:
Verify TFTP:
From a PC or aix or any other box that supports TFTP commands (IBM® i does not), enter in the following:
tftp <server_name> get /catalog_directory/bootp/netipl
- If you see a message similar to "Transfer successful: 512 bytes in 1 second, 512 bytes/s", then the prep work of ensuring the ALTSRCDIR on the CHGTFTPA command was set properly, that the TFTP server was ended and restarted, and that the catalog contents for user QTFTP are properly authorized were done correctly.
- When running the tftp when ALTSRCDIR was not set properly you see an error like the following:
 Error on server: Inaccessible path specified: /catalog_directory/bootp/netipl
- When running the tftp without the proper authorizations set you see an error like the following:
 Error on server: Read access to /catalog_dir/bootp/netipl denied
- Capture communications trace from the NFS server if failure during STRNETINS:
Recreate the STRNETINS failure. Let client lpar sit at SRC for about 10 minutes and then:
- TFTP is only needed for SLIC installation and upgrades. It is not a necessary check for ptf installs or saves to remote virtual optical.
- TFTP is case sensative.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CN8AAM","label":"Backup Recovery Install Migration-\u003EInstall or Upgrade"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 May 2023

