IBM Support

IBM i 5770-UME Considerations



This document provides information regarding 5770-UME.

Resolving The Problem

5770-UME Considerations
The  Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM) server and providers are updated from IBM Universal Manageability Enablement for IBM i, Licensed Program (LP) 5722-UME V1R2M0 to 5770-UME V1R3M0 / V1R4M0.

5770UME V1R3M0 is supported on IBM i V6R1 and V7R1
5770UME V1R4M0 is supported on IBM i V6R1 and higher (Recommended)
The 5722-UME V1R2M0 that shipped with IBM i 6.1 will be updated to 5770-UME when 5770-UME is installed.

The CIMOM server in 5770-UME LP runs under Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE). 

5770-UME LP Restore Information
Installation of 5770-UME LP CIMOM will update the CIMOM in the previous release.

5770-UME LP Starting Information
You can find the CIMOM entry to start and end CIMOM server through Network->Servers->User-Defined in IBM Navigator for i


The CIMOM server can be started/ended as a TCP/IP server

If one of the following components is not installed, the CIMOM server may fail to start and error message CIM0301: CIMOM server job not submitted. Reason code 04 or 05, is displayed.
  • 57xx-SS1 Option 33, Portable App Solutions Environment (PASE)
  • 5733-SC1 *BASE, IBM Portable Utilities for i and Option 1, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, zlib

CIMOM Repository Migration Information
On first CIMOM server startup after 5770-UME is installed, the CIM repository will be migrated.
This will take a while depending on the size of the repository, processor speed, and system utilization during migration.

The CIMOM server will not be available to process CIM requests until after the repository migration completes. Stopping the server job during migration might result in a loss of data.

The CIMOM server log (default location is /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/UME/Pegasus/logs) will contain the following messages related to the repository migration:
Message PGS10054 will be written in CIM server log when migration begins.

PGS10054: The CIM server is starting to restore and migrate repository. This will take several minutes, during which the server will not be available. Stopping the server job might result in a loss of data.  

Message PGS10055 will be written to the CIM server log when migration completes without error.

PGS10055: The Common Information Model (CIM) migration process of repository has been completed successfully.

The CIM repository in the previous release will be deleted after migration if migration successful.

Configuration Information
On first CIMOM startup after installation, the CIMOM server will migrate the configuration in the previous release's CIMOM server file. The configuration properties will be migrated unchanged in value.

The following configuration properties are obsolete:
exportSSLTrustStore, enableSSLExportClientVerification,httpBindAddress, httpsBindAddress, tempLocalAuthDir,
enableClientCertification, httpAuthType, passwordFilePath.

Consider the following::
1. The enableHttpExportConnection and httpExportPort properties are not migrated.
2. If the property idleSessionTimeout¡¯s value is set, you should replace it by property idleConnectionTimeout with the same value.
3. If traceLevel=4, then modify it to traceLevel=5.

The migrated configuration properties will not be checked for validity. If the configuration properties in the previous release's CIMOM server were not set properly, this may prevent the new CIMOM server from starting and functioning successfully.

Configuration Properties for 5770-UME LP:
CIMOM server in 5770-UME LP has new configuration properties for the new feature:
  1. enableAuditLog: Used to enable or disable audit logging at run time. If true, audit logging will be enabled. The default value is set to false.
  2. idleConnectionTimeout: If set to a positive integer, this value specifies a minimum timeout value for idle client connections. If set to zero, idle client connections do not time out. The default value is set to 0.
  3. providerManagerDir: Specifies the names of the directory that contains ProviderManager plugin libraries. The default value is set to /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/UME/Pegasus/lib.
  4. socketWriteTimeout: If the CIMOM server receives an EWOULDBLOCK/EAGAIN error on a non-blocking write, socketWriteTimeout defines the number of seconds the CIMOM server will wait for the socket to get ready and resume writing data. The default value is set to 20 (seconds).
  5. traceFacility: Defines the desired facility for trace messages. Valid values include: File, Log. The default value is set to File.
Provider Information
Because the following CIM providers are specific on IBM i partitions, to differentiate the common and specific CIM provider for different platform, those providers are renamed to use IBM i as the prefix:

IBM_Memory -> IBMi_Memory
IBM_DiskDrive -> IBMi_DiskDrive
IBM_Processor -> IBMi_Processor
IBM_DVDDrive -> IBMi_DVDDrive
IBM_PortController -> IBMi_PortController
IBM_PCIController -> IBMi_PCIController
IBM_Chassis -> IBMi_Chassis
IBM_BIOSElement -> IBMi_BIOSElement
IBM_UserAccount -> IBMi_UserAccount
IBM_Group -> IBMi_Group

In addition, the following CIM providers are included in 5770-UME:
  1. Virtual Storage management providers based on Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) Host Bus Adapter (HBA) profiles.
  2. Hardware Inventory, Software Inventory, User and Group Inventory and System Inventory providers have been enhanced to support the more inventories.
  3. Base Metrics providers have been enhanced to support Operating System, Process, Storage Extent, Storage Pool, File and Spooled File Metrics.
  4. File Content Monitor providers

Globalization Information
5770-UME LP is enabled for 19 languages.

To display the localized CIMOM messages, system values QLANGID, QCNTRYID and QCCSID must be set  properly, otherwise, the default language (uppercase English) will be displayed. 

Refer to the Common Information Model for related 5770-UME information.
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Document Information

Modified date:
23 August 2021

