IBM Support

IBM Host Access Transformation Services 9.7 - Known issues and workarounds

Product Documentation


The tables below identify considerations for IBM Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) concerning known issues and workarounds in 9.7.


Table of Contents:

Web browser considerations

The tables below identify web browser considerations for HATS.

Common considerations

  1. When using the Automatic Disconnect and Refresh functions, for optimal results, use the Enable client pull (AJAX) option. For more information about the HATS Automatic Disconnect and Refresh functions, see the HATS User's and Administrator's Guide.
  2. The box around a radio button might not display completely. To work around this, remove the following line from the HATSTABLE style in the template style sheet:

    border-collapse: collapse;


  1. The overwrite mode client setting is not supported.
  2. When typing an underscore (_) character into a screen transformation, it displays as a dash (-) and advances the cursor to the next field on the screen. To work around this, modify the HATS KBS.js file so that Alt-Minus (instead of Shift-Minus) maps to quick field minus. For information about how to remap the keyboard, see the HATS User's and Administrator's Guide.
Internet Explorer

  1. If your HATS screens do not function as expected using Internet Explorer V9, either enable the browser for compatibility mode, or try another browser. To enable compatibility mode, select Tools > F12 developer tools. In the displayed window select Browser Mode: IE9 and select  Internet Explorer 9 Compatibility View.
  2. When accessing applications optimized for mobile devices with Windows Mobile Internet Explorer, the automatic field advance, keyboard host key support (using a keyboard as a normal web keyboard), overwrite mode, and asynchronous update applet browser functions are not available.
  3. The host and application keypads do not work correctly with Windows Mobile V6 and WebSphere Application Server V8.0. To correct, upgrade to Windows Mobile V6.1.4, or later.

  1. The overwrite mode client setting is not supported.
  2. Keyboard support is limited to the Pause ([attn]) and Esc ([clear]) keys. For applications that run in Safari browsers, consider including a host keypad with all the keys to enable the user to send the keys to the host.
  3. By default the Tab key cannot be used to focus on the Calendar widget launcher if the launcher is defined as an image or link. By default keyboard navigation is not enabled, and the Tab key focuses only on inputs and button elements. To enable this function, in the advanced preferences, select the option, Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage.
  4. When using a Macintosh Safari browser, sometimes the Enter key appears not to function properly. This problem occurs when the web page being viewed does not contain any edit controls such as a button or text edit field. To correct this, do the following to enable the host keypad and provide a GUI Enter key:
    1. Double-click the project settings document to bring up the Project Settings editor.
    2. Click the Rendering tab.
    3. On the left side of the Rendering panel is a tree view of the rendering options, click the Host Keypad option.
    4. Select the Show default host keypad check box.
    5. Select the check box for each key you want to enable.
    6. You must select the Enter key.

    Once this is done and the application is rebuilt and deployed, the Enter key is available as part of the template used to present the HATS application.

  5. When using Windows 7 and a HATS template with a black background, down arrows for drop-down lists are not visible. To correct, change the background color of the drop-down list to a color other than black.
  6. When using the Windows 7 classic theme, drop-down lists display a blank gray button with no arrow. This is due to a problem whenever a cascading style sheet (CSS) background-color or border-color rule is applied. To correct, remove these rules.

64-bit considerations

The table below identifies 64-bit considerations for HATS.

64-bit considerations

  1. Printing to the native Windows printer is not supported in the 64-bit environment.

Portlet considerations

The table below identifies portlet considerations for HATS.

Portlet considerations

  1. The preview function of the transformation editor does not apply style sheets for portlet projects.
  2. To install a stand-alone HATS administrative console application used to administer HATS portlets created for WebSphere Portal V8, using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, install the HATS administrative console application .ear file to the WebSphere_Portal server (not to server1). After installing, the URL to access the HATS administrative console is: http://<portalhostname>:<portalruntimeport>/<hatsadminappname>/hatsadmin/admin.
  3. For more information about administering HATS portlets, see Administering Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Portlets.

Oracle WebLogic Server considerations

The table below identifies Oracle WebLogic Server considerations for HATS.

Oracle WebLogic Server considerations

  1. HATS supports web services only when using the Apache Axis runtime on WebLogic.
  2. For information about installing Oracle WebLogic Server Tools, see Installing Oracle WebLogic Server Tools in Application Developer 9.0 for HATS 9.0 results in an incomplete installation.
  3. If security is enabled in WebLogic Server, the HATS administrative console does not function if deployed as-is. You can choose to disable security in HATS or in WebLogic Server, or map HATS roles to WebLogic Server users to run with security.

    Use the following steps to disable security in HATS:

    1. In the Navigator view, expand the HATS web application project.
    2. Open the /Web Content/WEB-INF/web.xml file in the editor.
    3. Click the Source tab and remove or comment the following statements:
      HATS Admin:+:</description>

    Use the following steps to map HATS roles to WebLogic Server users:

    1. Create a new user using the WebLogic Server administration console or use an existing user.
    2. In the Navigator view, expand the HATS web application project.
    3. Open the /Web Content/WEB-INF/web.xml file in the editor.
    4. Click the Source tab and add the following statements after </wls:container-descriptor>:
      <wls:role-name>HATSAdministrator</wls:role-name> //HATS role
      <wls:principal-name>XXXXXXX</wls:role-name> //WebLogic user

    Note: Enabling security is needed to administer remote HATS applications in the WebLogic Server using the admin management scope. As documented in the WebLogic default security policy runtime/domain service MBeans, all the roles are allowed to access all the operations in the HATS administrative console. Refer to The WebLogic Server MBean Reference for more details.

  4. By default, Management scope is selected for the .ear file of the HATS application that includes the HATS administrative console. You can change the scope of management to manage other HATS enterprise applications deployed within the same server in the WebLogic domain. It is not possible to access HATS applications outside the server in which HATS administrative console is deployed.
  5. HATS administrative console for Weblogic Server is not supported on z/OS.
  6. Only one HATS administrative application is supported per .ear file running on Weblogic Server.
  7. Issue : While executing RESTful service in browser you may face one of the below errors:
    1. Internal Server Error or 500 server error in browser.
    2. HPS5029 The runtime is not started.
    3. Closing the socket, as no data read from it on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:XXXXX during the configured idle timeout of 5 seconds.
    Workaround :
    • Restart the application if you are using Weblogic admin console.
    • Do clean option/republish if you are doing Run-On-Server using eclipse (as there is no restart option).

WebSphere Liberty Profile considerations

The table below identifies WebSphere Liberty Profile considerations for HATS.

WebSphere Liberty Profile considerations

  1. The HATS administrative console is not supported.

iPad considerations

The table below identifies iPad considerations for HATS.

iPad considerations

  1. Because the iPad device includes a large screen relative to some other mobile devices, it works better with applications that are not created with options optimized for mobile devices. When creating a HATS web project for an iPad device, do not select the Optimize options for mobile devices option.
  2. The iPad keyboard does not support some keys required by host applications, for example function keys (F1 - F24) Enter, Attn, Clear, and other keys. To enable the use of these keys in your application, either include a host keypad or add the keys to your transformed screens.
  3. Consider using drop-down lists and radio buttons with auto submit enabled so users don't have to click the Enter key.
  4. Print and spreadsheet support requires that the iPad device has applications installed that will open PDF, CSV, and XLS files from the browser.

Android considerations

The table below identifies Android considerations for HATS.

Android considerations

  1. If the screen size of your Android device is small, you might consider creating a HATS mobile project rather than a HATS web project for use with your device. This might provide a better user experience for a smaller screen. For more information, see the section "Developing HATS applications for mobile devices" in the HATS User's and Administrator's Guide.
  2. The Android browser is not supported by WebSphere Portal. To use HATS portlets, you must use Firefox or other supported browsers on the Android platform. For more information, see WebSphere Portal detailed system requirements.
  3. The HATS List widget may appear differently when using the Android browser compared to other browsers.
  4. Item selection from a Drop-down widget rendering a HATS Selection List component may not work correctly with the Android browser. As an alternative use Firefox.
  5. When retrieving table data in spreadsheet file format, if you choose .csv as the spreadsheet format, the downloaded spreadsheet file will be in .xls format with some versions of the Android browser.
  6. When running an Integration Object from a Model 1, JSF, or Struts web page using the Firefox browser, the Tab key may not correctly tab from one input field to another. Both Tab and Next keys work correctly with the Android browser.
  7. Downloading files using the HATS host print function for both 3270 and 5250 does not work with the Android browser. As an alternative use Firefox.
  8. Viewing a PDF using 5250 print support does not work with the Android browser.

Rich client considerations

The table below identifies rich client considerations for HATS.

Rich client considerations

  1. Lotus notes 9.0.1 and below and Lotus Expeditor Client for Desktop 6.2.3 and below are not compatible with RSDP v9.6. You may see issues when any of them are configured as the target platform.
  2. When installing a HATS rich client application into Eclipse RCP 3.5.2, the Eclipse Install New Software wizard does not provide an enabled Finish button on the final page of the wizard. As a workaround, when the final wizard page, Review Licenses, is reached, click the Back button and then the Next button. At this point the Finish button will be enabled and the wizard can be completed.
  3. Visual Editor has been removed from RSDP v9.6 because users cannot use the Palette view in the Visual Editor to add new transformations.

Language considerations

The table below identifies language considerations for HATS.

Language considerations

  1. Bidirectional (Hebrew and Arabic) applications are supported only on Internet Explorer V6.0 with SP 1 or later, or Firefox 3.4 or later. Bidirectional applications are not supported on mobile devices.
  2. In Arabic and Traditional Chinese Windows 7 environments, the bold font is not correctly displayed in the Rational Software Delivery Platform Help Contents view. To correct this, change the default font of the Message box in the Windows appearance settings dialog. For example, change the default Message box font to Traditional Arabic or PMingLiU as appropriate.
  3. If you type the Yen character using a Japanese keyboard in your browser, the browser will display a backslash "\" on the screen. This is a browser limitation. However, for Japanese code pages, HATS runtime will convert "\" to the Yen character when sending data back to host.
  4. The Japanese Romaji IME cannot be used to correctly input DBCS characters into G fields and J fields on an iPad device. Use the Japanese(Kana) IME instead.
  5. With Internet Explorer V8, AutoIME switching does not work with Dojo Text box and Validation text box widgets. AutoIME switching works correctly with Internet Explorer V9.
  6. In HATS rich client applications, if you use ATOK2011 with Roman input mode, the input mode changes to Kana input mode using the AutoIME function. This is a limitation in the Eclipse environment.
  7. A right-to-left screen customization on a Linux RCP client does not respond correctly. The screen reverse action does not cause the screen customization to be mirrored. Mirroring is achieved in Windows by setting the orientation parameter for the SWT containing pane, but SWT on Linux does not support the orientation parameter.
  8. Developing HATS applications with Arabic sessions on Windows 2008 is not supported. In addition, running Arabic rich client applications on Windows 2008 is not supported, even if the applications are created on other supported client software versions. However, running HATS web applications with Arabic sessions in a browser on Windows 2008 is supported.
  9. Using a non-US keyboard layout, keys entered in combination with the AltGr key can be entered into numeric fields when the "Enable 3270 numeric lock" option is enabled.
  10. The DBCS option on the Rendering tab to Automatically convert SBCS characters to DBCS for G-type and J-type fields is supported only when using Internet Explorer. It is not supported when using Chrome, Firefox. Konqueror, Opera, or Safari.

  11. GB18030 Yi syllables do not display correctly with Chrome 18. For more information, see .
  12. GB18030 0xE815-0xE864 characters do not display correctly with Internet Explorer 9. For more information, see

Migration Considerations

The table below describes points to consider before migrating HATS projects.

Migration Considerations
  1. Problem 1 : After importing HATS legacy projects, a workspace level migration is converting .tcsREG file to .tern-project. Due to this HATS customized jsp page and screen capture mappings are lost.

    Workaround : After completing HATS migration, manually copy the .tcsREG file to HATS project folder from the backup/legacy project. For new projects this file will be automatically be created when a first screen customization is created

  2. Problem 2 : CSRF/XSS related tags are not present in the web.xml file after updating a HATS project from v9.6 to v9.6.1.

    Workaround : Please follow the below steps in order to apply the migration logic for HATS v9.6 project, and to get all the CSRF/XSS tags updated in the project :

    • Step 1: In the Navigator view, select ‘Project’.
    • Step 2: Find the .project file, and open it using an Editor.
    • Step 3: Update the value given in ‘Nature’, from ‘’ to ‘’, and save the file.
    • Step 4: In .settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file for web.hats facet, change the value to 9.5 and save the file.

      For Example : <installed facet="web.hats" version="9.5"/>

    • Step 5: In the HATS Projects view, right-click on the HATS project, and choose the option to migrate the project.
    • Step 6: Start the migration process. All the tags related to CSRF/XSS will now be present in the web.xml file

  3. Problem 3 : blacktheme.css does not get updated with the latest changes for a project that is updated from HATS v9.6 to v9.6.1.

    Workaround : Please follow the below steps in order to apply the migration logic for HATS v9.6 project, and to get css updated :

    • Step 1: In the Navigator view, select ‘Project’.
    • Step 2: Find the .project file, and open it using an Editor.
    • Step 3: Update the value given in ‘Nature’, from ‘’ to ‘’, and save the file.
    • Step 4: In .settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file for web.hats facet, change the value to 9.5 and save the file.

      For Example : <installed facet="web.hats" version="9.5"/>

    • Step 5: In the HATS Projects view, right-click on the HATS project, and choose the option to migrate the project.
    • Step 6: Start the migration process. All the tags related to CSRF/XSS will now be present in the web.xml file

  4. Problem 4 : If a migrated project has its wink resources file name customized, then HATS Application file may fail to read the HATS REST resources. .

    Workaround : Manually change the resource file name to the default name wink-resources.lst .

Swagger Considerations

The table below describes points to consider when using Swagger in HATS.

Swagger Considerations
  1. Problem 1 : When using liberty, if liberty apiDiscovery feature is enabled, HATS /rest/swagger.json fails with exception due to API(Class) version clashes. Workaround 1: Use liberty api-discovery ibm/api/docs?root=/ Make sure you add user basic authentication as per Liberty specification

    Workaround 2: In server.xml set class loader order to “parentLast” for the HATS application. Restart the server and re-try accessing HATS /rest/swagger.json

  2. Problem 2 : When using WAS, If HATS RESTful service takes input parameters, accessing HATS /rest/swagger.json results with exception due to API(Class) version clashes (ex., with StringUtils).

    Workaround : set class loader order to PARENT_LAST.

    This can be set in two ways.

    Approach 1: set classloader policy in HATS ear before deploying to the server.

    Open deployment.xml located in /META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp/deployment.xml, change classloader mode to “PARENT_LAST”. Deploy and re-try accessing HATS /rest/swagger.json

    Approach 2: to set classloader policy using Websphere admin console:

    First open server setting in HATS toolkit, disable “Minimize application files copied to the server” in server editor under publishing settings. Redeploy HATS application.

    In WAS admin console navigate to to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Class loading and update detection

    Enable “Override class reloading settings for web and EJB modules”, then select “Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)” for Class loader order.

    Restart the application, and re-try accessing HATS /rest/swagger.json.

  3. Problem 3 : Error occurs when Swagger is enabled for a REST service, that is migrated from a previous version of HATS.

    Workaround : This error occurs when Swagger was not supported in the previous version of HATS and the supported classes do not exist after migration of the project. To resolve this issue in the migrated REST service, create a new swagger enabled REST service in v9.6.1, so that the Swagger related classes are added to the project.

Websphere application server V9.0

The table below describes points to consider before using WAS V9.0 as the runtime for HATS projects.

Websphere Application Server V9.0 Considerations

  1. Problem : As JAX-RS2.0 is the default provider in WAS 9, HATS RESTful services will not work as is.

    Workaround : Switch to JAX-RS 1.1 in WAS configuration. Refer following link for changing the settings in WAS

HATS Customization (Rich page editor) Considerations

The table below describes points to consider while using Customization on RCP projects in HATS.

HATS Customization (Rich page editor) Considerations

  1. HATS Tools from menubar and coolbar/toolbar are not available when using Rich Page Editor(RPE). But these same HATS Tools options can be accessed using RPE context menu, by right click on source code -> HATS tools->
  2. After creating HATS screen customization, use RPE’s HATSTools from context menu or drag and drop HATS components from RPE’s Palette view.
  3. To edit HATS component settings place cursor in the component tag. Also observe that there are some differences in the way properties are displayd in RPE than Page Designer.
  4. If HATS jsp files are not opening with Rich Page Editor by default, then using workspace Window->Preferences->General->Editors-> File Associations->*.jsp select the Rich Page Editor as default editor.
  5. Free Layout Table of Page Designer which is used to layout your HATS web page is not available using Rich Page Editor.

HTML5 Considerations

The table below describes points to consider while using HTML5 in HATS projects.

HTML5 Considerations

  1. Since caching in HTML4 and HTML5 is different, the metadata tags added by HATS:Util tag are removed. Now users can implement the caching as per HTML5 caching technique

JAX-RS 2.0 Support Considerations

The table below describes points to consider while using JAX-RS 2.0 in HATS projects.

JAX-RS 2.0 Support Considerations

  1. Consideration: By default, all HATS applications are created with JAX-RS 2.0 as the latest supported version due to eclipse plugin data, however that is up to the eclipse, it does not impact HATS application REST services functionality.
  2. Test Consideration: Swagger support exists only for the servers which supports Java 1.7 and above. (though not part of this feature).
  3. Limitation: Geronimo support for HATS 9.7 has been kept on hold as eclipse plugins for Geronimo are not available.

Other considerations

The table below identifies other considerations for HATS.

Other considerations

  1. When transforming IBM i applications, HATS does not support the complete set of DDS keywords. For a list of unsupported keywords, see HATS support for DDS keywords.
  2. In the latest RAD, the user will not be allowed to log in when the HATS application is run on the internal web browser.
    So users must use external browsers.
  3. HATS functionalities will not work if the user has an unsupported JRE version. In such a scenario, follow the below workaround steps to change the compiler version.
    Step 1 : Right Click on the project.
    Step 2 : Select Properties.
    Step 3 : Goto Java Compiler.
    Step 4 : Select Change JRE version 'Compiler Compliance level'.
    Step 5 : Click on Apply and Close.

Deprecated functions

The table below identifies functions that have been deprecated in HATS. While support for these functions continues for now, IBM reserves the right to remove any of these functions in a subsequent release of HATS. For information and alternatives, see the HATS Knowledge Center for the appropriate function.

Deprecated functions
  1. Macro Editor and Advanced Macro Editor support
  2. HATS tabbed folders
  4. Database Access Integration Objects
  5. BusinessLogicInfo API
  6. $FormatNumberToString()$ and $FormatStringToNumber()$ methods
  7. void setHPubErrorPage(java.lang.String value) method
  8. JSF support – Create JSF pages from HATS Integration Objects No evidence of usage within HATS. Reduced footprint and improved performance.
  9. Marketplace evolution (preference for JQuery over Dojo)
  10. Reduced footprint and improved performance

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXKAY","label":"IBM Host Access Transformation Services"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"9.7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 September 2022

