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IBM Dynamic Workload Console Version 9.5 Readme File for Fix Pack 3

Fix Readme


This readme file provides important information about Fix Pack 3 for Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0



Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.

This edition applies to Fix Pack 3 for version 9, release 5, modification level 0 of IBM Dynamic Workload Console.

IBM Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0 Readme File for Fix Pack 3

December 18, 2020
Fix Pack Name
IBM Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0
General Description
IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 3 for version 9.5.0

This readme file provides important information about Fix Pack 3 for IBM Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0.

This readme file is the most current information for the fix pack and takes precedence over all other documentation for Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0.

The most up-to-date version of this readme can be accessed at the following URL: Fix Pack readmes

IBM Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0 Fix Pack 3 supports all product versions indicated in the IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.5 Release Notes which can be accessed at the following link: Dynamic Workload Console Version 9.5 Release Notes.

For the most up-to-date information about supported operating systems, software and hardware requirements, see the Detailed system requirements document at the following URL: Dynamic Workload Console Detailed System Requirements.

Review the following sections thoroughly before installing or using this fix pack.

About this Fix Pack

This section contains information specific for this Fix Pack including what has been modified or introduced, what has been fixed, product versions or components to which the Fix Pack applies, and compatibility issues, if any.

This section includes the following subsections:

Features introduced with Fix Pack 3

Version 9.5 Fix Pack 3 delivers the following enhancements:
Changed features and feature capabilities
Support for file transfer jobs on agents at Version 9.3
Agents at Version 9.3 can run existing file transfer jobs without problems. Jobs you create or edit from the Dynamic Workload Console at Version 9.5, Fix Pack 3 are not supported on agents at Version 9.3, but you can work around this problem by saving the jobs in the composer command line after editing them with the Dynamic Workload Console. The best practice is applying the latest fix pack level to the agents.
Skip objects when importing a workload application template
You can select the objects within a workload application template you do not want to import, both from the Dynamic Workload Console and wappman command. If you choose to skip an object, an object with the same name must be present in the target environment, otherwise an error message is returned. For more information, see the section about Reusing a workload in another environment in Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide and wappman in User's Guide and Reference.
New optman option to specify the default licensing model for IBM® Workload Scheduler workstations
You can now use the defaultWksLicenseType option to specify the default licensing model to be applied to IBM Workload Scheduler workstations. In a Docker environment, this causes all workstations to be created with the value assigned to the defaultWksLicenseType option. For more information, see the section about global options in Administration Guide.
The term $SLAVES was removed from the security file and replaced with the term $AGENTS
Because it is politically incorrect, the term $SLAVES, which applies to all fault-tolerant agents in both the classic and role-based security models, was replaced with the term $AGENTS with the same scope. No change is required to your existing scripts nor environments. For more information, see the section about Configuring user authorization (Security file) in Administration Guide.
Improvements in time zone management for external follows dependencies for jobs and job streams
When the product evaluates matching criteria to resolve external follows dependencies it compares the start times using local time if both job stream instances use the same timezone, or it uses UTC in case they use different timezones. For more information, see the section about Managing external follows dependencies for jobs and job streams in User's Guide and Reference.
tws_inst_pull_info and dwc_pull_info troubleshooting tools replaced by wa_pull_info tool
The new wa_pull_info tool replaces both tws_inst_pull_info and dwc_pull_info tools. Use the wa_pull_infotool to capture product data, as directed by software support. For more information, see the section about data capture utility in Troubleshooting Guide.
Fixlets for IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.5, Fix Pack 2 and Fix Pack 3 agents now available for HCL BigFix
You can now download fixlets for version 9.5, Fix Pack 2 and Fix Pack 3 from the community web site. Use HCL BigFix to view, upgrade, and manage IBM Workload Scheduler agents. For more information, see the section about upgrading agents using HCL BigFix in User's Guide and Reference.
Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)

Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) give customers the opportunity to collaborate directly with the product development team and other users. The team prioritizes and develops new product features based on proposals made by customers.

IBM Workload Scheduler V9.5 Fix Pack 3 delivers the following RFEs:
RFE 18054: Custom role privileges
Now you can define new custom roles, assign specific privileges to a set of users, and also assign privileges outside the scope of the existing system role.
RFE 116406: Add state=cancl on showjobs command
You can now filter jobs which are in canceled status. For more information, see the section about wildcards in User's Guide and Reference.
REF 116762: Improvements for Event Driven Workload Automation
You can now optionally modify the event processor server, for example to use a load balancer, by adding the Broker.Workstation.evtproc property in the file. For more information, see the section about the file in Administration Guide.
RFE 117719: End time column available for job streams in monitoring panel
This column is available when creating a job task, with this enhancements the end time column is also available for job streams.
RFE 123642: DWC historical reports' self-cleaning option
A new self-cleaning property has been enabled to remove all temporary files created after a report generation.
RFE 124339: New Graphical View order settings.
Now you can reorganize the dependencies view in the Graphical View by clicking on the Graphical view button and choosing the order in which you want to see them. The available options are:
  • From right to left
  • From left to right
  • From top to bottom
  • From bottom to top

By default, it is set to from top to bottom.

You can also edit the TdwcGlobalSettings.xml file to customize the default Graphical View settings.

RFE 126163: DWC user with read only access locks out an ISPF user with modify privilege
z/OS environment only. Now if you open a list of job dependencies from the Dynamic Workload Console, the related ISPF panel is locked and it is not possible to edit dependencies until the job dependencies panel is closed.
RFE 85329 / RFE 130134: Ability to clean the query history

When you have a very high number of past queries saved in the Query drop-down list, it is not easy to find the query that you really need. With this fix pack, you can manage the list either by removing single queries or clearing all the query history.

RFE 133936: Enhancement to composer binary to allow schedule objects to be pulled via "Active" or "DRAFT" status
Two new filters (draft and active) are now available with the composer command to filter job stream in draft or active status. For more information, see the section about filters and wildcards in User's Guide and Reference.
RFE 134893: default licensing model for IBM Workload Scheduler workstations
You can now specify the default licensing model for IBM Workload Scheduler workstations. By setting appropriately the values of the defaultWksLicenseType and licenseType global options, you can define the default licensing model to be applied to each workstation at creation time. For more information, see the detailed description of global options in Administration Guide.
RFE 137834: Modify the configureDB upgrade script to include any Subsequent additional IDs
Modify the configureDB database upgrade script to include any additional Subsequent Database IDs for DB2. In the script which translates 9.3 database to the 9.5 structure, capture the roles assigned to the views before they were dropped and recreate them so you can reassign those roles at the end of the process. It should also assign those roles to any new views created. For more information, see the FAQ about How can I avoid providing the database administrator credentials when creating the database with DB2 in Planning and Installation Guide.
RFE 139348: The report output limit has been improved to avoid Dynamic Workload Console issues

The default value for the Enable output limit checkbox has been increased from 5000 to 10000. This enables you to obtain the expected report output, and the Dynamic Workload Console to continue to work correctly without issues.

Furthermore, if a different default value is needed, a user with administration grants can uncomment the new SQL_REPORT_HTML_FORMAT_RESULT_MAX_NUMBER key in the TDWCGlobalsettings.xml file and enter the desired default value (either higher or lower to the default 10000).
Note: For HTML format, the SQL_REPORT_HTML_FORMAT_RESULT_MAX_NUMBER key is valid for all reports. For PDF format, the key is valid for Custom reports only.

If you want to generate a report with less than 30000 records, you can use both HTML and PDF formats. If you want to generate a report with more than 30000 records, use only the PDF format to avoid reliability issues with the browser.

For further information about how to modify the TDWCGlobalsettings.xml file, see the Customizing your global settings section in the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.

RFE 140107, 140108: Ability to perform actions on engines in the Dynamic Workload Console through a script or API call
To be able to schedule and run IBM Workload Scheduler processes in an automated way without having to log in to the Dynamic Workload Console, you can now perform actions such as create/edit, share/unshare, and delete on an engine through a script or by calling an API.
RFE 140216: Update optman global Options through REST API
You can now use REST APIs to update global options, in addition to the standard optman command.
RFE 141849: Justification fields for Workload Application Template import operation
You can now maintain an audit trail recording any changes and the related justifications while creating workload application templates with the wappman command. For more information, see the section about the wappman command and Deploying a workload application in User's Guide and Reference.
RFE 143098: Add all authenticated users
Simply adding a line into the authentication file, now it is possible to add all new users to a group and - without any other configuration - they will be authorized to login into the Dynamic Workload Console.

From now it is not necessary to assign a role to every single user. If the user registry already contains groups of users that are properly defined for using the console, it is possible to assign roles to groups too. If groups are not available in the user registry, then the special role all authenticated users can be used to assign roles to all the users at once.

For more information, see the section about all authenticated Users in the Administration Guide.

RFE 143162: Prevent job streams from completing in error when the start condition is not met
The new enStartCondSuccOnDeadline global option is now available to specify if you want your job stream to be cancelled when the start condition is not met, even if the Start once option is not selected. By setting this option, you can avoid that your job stream completes in error due to just one failed run, also in the case when it previously ran successfully several times. With the new enStartCondSuccOnDeadline global option set to yes, when the deadline for the start condition is met, the monitoring job is confirmed in SUCC status and the job stream is canceled. When the option is set to no, the monitoring job is killed, so both the monitoring job and the job stream change to ABEND status. For more information, see the detailed description of global options in Administration Guide.
RFE 143169/143839: Managing an event rule in the Dynamic Workload Console
Usability improvements for event rule actions such as editing, duplicating, and deleting event rules in the Dynamic Workload Console Workload Designer. In addition, more space is now provided in the properties section for events and actions.
RFE 143196: possibility to select object to be imported during a WAT import
You can now select the objects to be imported while creating a workload application template and skip unwanted objects. For more information, see the section about deploying a workload application and the wappman command in User's Guide and Reference.
RFE 143260: Latest Start included in the critical path list and hot list
To identify problems related to a critical path that has a potential or high risk, the Latest Start time is now included in the critical path, in the hot list, and in the results of a monitor critical job query in the Dynamic Workload Console. The time before which the job must start is displayed provided all dependencies are satisfied.
RFE 142794
IBM Workload Scheduler Version 9.5 Fix Pack 3 has been updated with OpenSSL version 1.1.1g.

IBM Workload Scheduler includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

RFE 140107/140108 Dynamic Workload Console API
Without logging to Dynamic Workload Console, you can create, test, edit, delete, share, unshare an engine in an automated way through the new API user role introduced for the Dynamic Workload Console.

The URL is specified in the following format:https://<hostname>:<port>/dwc/api

To view a complete list of RFEs, new, planned, and delivered, see: RFE online community.

Improved What-if responsiveness
Thanks to the improved calculation time, you can now visualize complex networks with a reduced rendering time.
Entitlement to Db2 version 11.5
With the Dynamic Workload Console v9.5 Fix Pack 3, you are entitled to use Db2 version 11.5 Standard Edition.
Supported WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base version
IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.5 Fix Pack 3 was formally tested using WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base versions and
Supported WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Liberty version
If you are using IBM Z Workload Scheduler version 9.5 with APAR PH30466 installed, to work with the Dynamic Workload Console you are required to run WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Liberty version, or later.
Updated OpenSSL libraries
IBM Workload Scheduler Version 9.5 Fix Pack 3 has been updated with OpenSSL version 1.1.1g. IBM Workload Scheduler includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (
IBM Workload Scheduler Fix Pack 3 has been updated with CIT version
Updated version of GSKIT
IBM Workload Scheduler Fix Pack 3 has been updated with GSKIT version
OpenJDK Runtime Environment
IBM Workload Scheduler Fix Pack 3 has been updated with Java version 1.8.0_265-b01.
Resolved Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
The following CVEs have been resolved with this Fix Packs:
  • CVE-2020-4674
  • CVE-2020-4673
  • CVE-2020-4329
  • CVE-2020-2830
  • CVE-2020-2800
  • CVE-2020-2781
  • CVE-2020-2757
  • CVE-2020-2756
  • CVE-2020-2755
  • CVE-2020-2754
  • CVE-2020-2601
  • CVE-2020-2590
  • CVE-2020-17639
  • CVE-2020-15122
  • CVE-2020-14621
  • CVE-2020-14593
  • CVE-2020-14583
  • CVE-2020-14581
  • CVE-2020-14579
  • CVE-2020-14578
  • CVE-2020-14577
  • CVE-2020-14556

For more information about new features introduced with this fix pack, see Summary of enhancements.

Helpful videos demonstrating new features for IBM Workload Scheduler is available on Workload Automation YouTube channel.

Features introduced with Fix Pack 2

Version 9.5 Fix Pack 2 delivers the following enhancements:
Event rules have never been so easy

A brand new experience that optimizes the creation and editing of event rules.

A modernized user experience that makes the definition of event rules easier, intuitive, and well-organized, thanks to the folder-based structure. Not only the visual usability has been enhanced, but also the whole management of the event rule definitions, their properties and the interactions with them. A lot of news? Don’t worry, the new contextual help can guide you through the new interface and its fields. On the home page, you can find the page-related topics, and if they are not sufficient, you can search for what you need by using the search bar. Furthermore, by clicking on a field, the help automatically updates itself and shows you the information about the selected field.

Dashboard: See the data from more than one engine at the same time

It is now possible to select more than one engine in the dashboard and see the related results in the widgets.

Organize scheduling objects in workflow folders

Gain greater business agility by organizing your scheduling objects in a hierarchy of folders. Organize them by lines of business, departments, geographies, or any custom category that makes sense for your business operations.

With this fix pack, you can now organize the following scheduling objects into workflow folders:
  • jobs
  • job streams
  • workstations
  • workstation classes
  • calendars
  • event rules
  • prompts
  • resources
  • run cycle groups
  • variable tables
  • workload applications

Folders also simplify security access. Associate access control lists to individual folders to restrict the rights to which folder any single user or group can access. You can also delegate security management of a specific folder and its sub-folders to other users.

Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)
RFE 134569: Dynamic Workload Console 9.5 not rendering properly (height) in resolutions over 1100px

The Dynamic Workload Console now supports the customization of every resolution.

RFE 139443 - The Dynamic Workload Console does not accept special characters (#, $ etc. ) in the Application Description name but these characters are allowed in IBM Z Workload Scheduler

Special characters are valid for the z/OS job stream name, which corresponds to the application ID.

RFE 137969 - Dynamic Workload Console Explore: ITEMS visible in List View

Workload Designer explore is now available with list view along with data view. By default, data view will be listed in Dynamic Workload Console when explore option is clicked. List view can be traversed from explore view and gives the details Name, type, workstation and object locked by. It is easy to switch between the views from explore and once the view is switched, it retains the last view for easy reference in Dynamic Workload Console.

RFE 133169: Additional query filter criteria has been added for multiple homogeneous engines

When monitoring your workload from the Dynamic Workload Console with a multiple engine selection, only filters in common between distributed and z/OS engines were shown. This behavior is still valid for the selection of non-homogeneous engines. For multiple homogeneous engines, the same filter options for a single engine are now available.

RFE 139843: Possibility to specify the maximum number of objects shown in each graphical view

By changing a property in the setting file it is now possible to edit the maximum number of objects shown in a graphical view. see this section for more information:

To view a complete list of RFEs, new, planned, and delivered, see: RFE online community.

Updated version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base
Fix pack 2 has been formally tested using WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base version and Because of a known issue affecting version, APAR PH21281, we strongly recommend you avoid using it.

For more information about new features introduced with this fix pack, see Summary of enhancements.

Helpful videos demonstrating new features for IBM Workload Scheduler is available on Workload Automation YouTube channel.

Features introduced with Fix Pack 1

File transfer job plug-in enhancements
Version 9.5 Fix Pack 1 delivers the following enhancements to the File transfer job plug-in:
RFE 124923: Appending text to an existing file
The file transfer job plug-in now includes an option to append the data contained in the transferred file to the existing file on the destination system. This avoids overwriting the existing file and preserves any changes that were made to the file prior to the transfer. The option applies to file transfers of type download and for files encoded as text.
RFE 127294: Specifying FTP SIte subcommands
An option has been added for file transfers originating from a distributed environment to a z/OS target workstation, using the FTP protocol, to specify SIte subcommands. For example, you can specify a subcommand to define primary and secondary space allocations.
RFE 123295: Deleting a source file after an upload transfer
An option has been added to specify if you want to delete the source files after a file transfer of type "upload".
Delegating administrator privileges on folders to other users

The IBM Workload Scheduler administrator can grant permissions to a user on a folder so that the user can freely create new access control lists or modify existing access control lists on the folder or any sub-folders to which the user has been delegated administrator permissions. The user can in turn give access to the folder or sub-folder to other users by specifying an existing role to which the user wants to grant the access, as well as the folder. In this way, the IBM Workload Scheduler administrator can delegate the security to various organizations in the business to other users who can act independently as administrators for that organization.

A new access type "acl" has been added for folder objects. With this type of access, users can create access control lists for the folder assigned to them by assigning predefined roles to users and groups on the entire folder hierarchy or on specific sub-folders.

For more information about delegating permissions on folders, see Managing folders.

OpenID Connect Provider as an identity provider
Enable web single sign-on and use the OpenID Connect Provider as an identity provider.

Client applications, for example, the Dynamic Workload Console, can verify the identity of a user by relying on authentication from an OpenID Connect Provider. You can configure the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base server to function as an OpenID Connect Client to take advantage of web single sign-on and to use the OpenID Connect Provider as an identity provider.

To simplify the configuration of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base server, a sample configuration file in XML format is provided.

For more information about configuring WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base server to function as an OpenID Connect Client, see Configuring an OpenID Connect Client.

Workload dashboard improvements
With the latest release, new enhancements have been added to the workload dashboard.
  • Simplification of the use of the Table widget combined with Engine list datasource: By selecting the Engine list and the Table widget, the related fields are automatically displayed in the list without the need to add them manually.
  • Light redesign of KPI and Bar chart widgets, with different colors and a smoother style.
  • Additional widgets: Bubble chart and Free text. The Bubble chart represents data with a series of bubbles in descending order and size. The bubbles might change in dimension and position according to the variation of data. The Free text gives the possibility to have useful notes at your fingertips.
Broker CLI commands
The resource and jobstore commands have been reactivated.
Note: To make Broker cli and Broker UI work, both Dynamic Workload Console and primary domain manager should be updated to the version 9.5, Fix Pack 1.
Updated version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base
Fix pack 1 has been tested using WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base version and
Enhancements in the Reports feature
  • Folders in reports are now fully supported.
  • Reports are now supported on MSSQL and Oracle databases
  • Two new columns are now available in reports which use a z/OS engine:
Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)

Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) give customers the opportunity to collaborate directly with the product development team and other users. The team prioritizes and develops new product features based on proposals made by customers.

IBM Workload Scheduler V9.5 Fix Pack 1 delivers the following RFEs:
RFE 124923
Appending text to an existing file. For details, see File transfer job plug-in enhancements.
RFE 127294
Specifying FTP SIte subcommands. For details, see File transfer job plug-in enhancements.
RFE 123295
Delete file on server after download. For details, see File transfer job plug-in enhancements.

To view a complete list of RFEs, new, planned, and delivered, see: RFE online community.

With the Dynamic Workload Console V9.5, Fix Pack 1 the following enhancements have been implemented for the z/OS environment.
Dynamic Workload ConsoleDynamic Workload Console can be installed on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Liberty.
For details, see Installing Dynamic Workload Console on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Liberty.
Filtering jobs that are late
From the General filter for z/OS jobs window, you can browse the jobs in the current plan that are late according to the following criteria:
  • Their latest start time
  • The day and time you specified in the Not Started Alert or Not Started Action field.
  • Either their latest start time, or by the day and time that you specified in the Not Started Alert or Not Started Action field.
Setting alerts or actions if a job in plan does not start or complete
You can edit the properties of a job in plan, by modifying or setting that an action is taken if the job does not start or complete within the specified date and time.
Dependencies Resolution
From the Self-Service Catalog you can define the dependencies resolution for the service, as follows:
No dependency resolution is necessary. This is the default value.
Both predecessor and successor dependencies must be resolved.
Predecessor dependencies must be resolved.
Successor dependencies must be resolved.

For more information about new features introduced with this fix pack, see Summary of enhancements.

Helpful videos demonstrating new features for IBM Workload Scheduler is available on Workload Automation YouTube channel.

APARs and defects fixed in IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 3 for version 9.5.0

This section lists APARs and internal defects solved by Fix Pack 3.

Table 1. APARs addressed in Fix Pack 3
IJ02098 File creation monitor event rule fails on Windows when file path is too long.
IJ12621 Unable to edit restful job after creating it.
IJ21878 The Compare versions window appears blank if Internet Explorer v11 Compatibility View Setting is enabled for Dynamic Workload Console.
IJ22076 The Rerun with Successors window appears blank if Internet Explorer v11 Compatibility View Setting is enabled for Dynamic Workload Console.
IJ23160 EQQX550 No variable duration or deadline was specified with z/OS engine.
IJ23942 Unable to change the properties of a predefined job before submission.
IJ24952 Cannot create a new report in Dynamic Workload Console by using Internet Explorer V11.
IJ25243 dwcinst fails with encrypted password in the file.
IJ25261 All internal job dependencies for jobstreams that have option "Valid from" set, display "<not named>.
IJ25371 The readme for docker containers does not explain how to obtain the correct image name.
IJ25537 HHHHMM range 0000 - 320000 for time definition for stream or run cycle is incorrect on documentation.
IJ25580 Dynamic Workload Console does not support British English date format.
IJ25632 In Japanese language, the resource editing page is shown as blank.
IJ25675 Users are experiencing an error when attempting to submit a predefined stream.
IJ25722 From Monitor Workload, cannot add or remove columns when using Japanese or other languages.
IJ25928 In Dynamic Workload Console v9.5 it seems that using a VIP and go into jobs from jobstream nothing is displayed until WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base is recycled.
IJ25965 Job Monitor and Jobstream Monitor does not respond when user is not authorized to access jobs and jobstreams.
IJ25973 Creating a REST API datasource in the Dynamic Workload Console that would list the job streams for a user does not work.
IJ25993 Creating a new user requires a workstation.
IJ26153 Jobs that are held are showing incorrect output on Dynamic Workload Console.
IJ26524 ALTPASS works only if you select Manage Engines from the Administration drop-down menu.
IJ26812 For an external job dependency, option "Within an absolute interval" cannot be saved
IJ26836 Security vulnerability issue with Tivoli Workload Scheduler TWSWebUI.
IJ27153 Using a custom datasource for resources and using a created datasource in a widget V9.5 Fix Pack 2 does not display correct data.
IJ27233 Incorrect message issued in Job Monitor.
IJ27307 The run cycle preview showsmonth numbers instead of month names.
IJ27688 CSV report output content is restricted to 10000 lines.
IJ27714 Copying or duplicating a Custom SQL Report is not successful.
IJ27825 Users cannot delete their own predefined report tasks.
IJ27848 Jobstream is not closed after editing.
IJ27849 Bad graphical view in Workload Designer.
IJ28509 Webseal token is not recognized by the Dynamic Workload Console.
IJ28510 Group names longer than 52 characters are not allowed.
IJ29092 The Manage Workload Security page is blank.
Table 2. Fixed Defects
WA-87948 Installation fails due to the encrypted passwords and the = (equals) sign that truncates values in the properties file.
WA-87949 When using an MsSQL database, in the TableSpace properties in ConfigureDB is always used the default path.
WA-88023 If db_port value is left blank, the default value is 50000 for all databases.
WA-88107 WLP_INSTALL_DIR property is missing in the ConfigureDB property file for windows.
WA-88213 When installing the Dynamic Workload Console on Linux, the installation fails if the path of inst_dir and data_dir is the same.

APARs and defects fixed in IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 2 for version 9.5.0

This section lists APARs and internal defects solved by Fix Pack 3.

Table 3. APARs addressed in Fix Pack 3
IJ22284 On DWC 9.5 dwcinst -f the 2 bootstrap ports(sec) are not taken into account. but http(s) ports are ok.
IJ22146 dbupgrade prereq check iws 9.5 fp1 docker container issue with azure paas mssql
IJ21092 DWC only shows up to 6 job streams in "submit predefined job streams" screen
IJ20745 DWC editing the workstation field via job stream editor does not save successfully
IJ20907 DWC remove the unused fake credentials from the rest api
IJ20383 Re-submit a jobstream from dwc, the pri hold or earliest start time settings lost and the job stream starts immediately
IJ20382 Submit job into jobstream from dwc > monitor workload > monitor job streams starts immediately even earliest start
IJ20097 Error AWSUI6007E encountered using copy/paste feature in dwc workload designer
IJ17812 dwc 9.5 & 9.5fp1 job stream plan query empty using shared engine
IJ18457 dwc 9.5 performance issues on slow network.
IJ21784 Errors creating JSDLs from DWC 9.5FP1
IJ19852 Dynamic Workload Console custom board does not work when selecting a pie chart or objects
IJ21751 Drill down does not work as expected for critical jobs widget within Dynamic Workload Console default z workload dashboard
IJ21426 Submitting ad hoc job streams sometimes does get jobs from job stream previously submitted
IJ18059 Error while adding a Variable table to a new service in self-service catalog
IJ19802 An engine connection using single sign-on which authenticates with openID will not connect
IJ19800 ERROR 404: SRVE0190E: file not found: / encountered when attempting to authenticate using openID
IJ07891 About Dynamic Workload Console on reply to local prompt : getting error AWSJDB101E AWSJDB817E AWSUI697W but the reply is performed correctly anyway
IJ05782 Help in Japanese language for IBM Workload Scheduler is not available
IJ17162 Viewing predecessor information in the production plan causes was hang
IJ17690 When you re-open a job with server:port the port is not shown on Dynamic Workload Console
IJ23160 EQQX550 No variable duration or deadline was specified with z/OS engine
IJ19772 Restart\Cleanup from DWC causes OC1 ABEND in IWS SERVER STC
IJ21216 In DWC, when selecting over 100 jobs or job streams to perform it's performing only 100 operations
IJ17387 Workload automation template import replace fails with two schedules having a new object cross referenced
IJ23878 create like function in DWC 9.5 is not working as expected
IJ23879 AWSUI5015E error occurs when trying to edit an er on japanese environment
IJ22858 job in error query on tws-zos engine with operator role displays only ws column with browsers in Italian
IJ22873 Manage multiple event rules in DWC does not work
IJ22458 In DWC, workload application template replace all doesn't work
IJ22759 In 9.5 FP1 DWC, in edit event rule, changing the name creates a new copy rather than renaming the target event rule
IJ22308 Changing job stream definition does not reflect when submit jobstream on DWC
IJ22282 On browser set in french language, on windows french local, DWC 9.5 fp01 monitor job streams there are missing columns
IJ22240 job dependency not working after confirming success on abended job
IJ22225 KNOWN DEFECT WA-80955 Plugins creates too many directories and files in dwcServer directory
IJ21991 The created or modified workstation task content has not been kept after leaving the query or logoff from DWC and logon again
IJ21032 DWC 951 blank page and tab reload when previously opened tabs are close
IJ20058 DWC designer issue with @ in joblib - the value contains incorrect chars
IJ19618 When creating a DWC datasource a filter can not be correctly applied when using a zos engine
IJ19130 Filters does not work for "RestAPI" datasource for zos controller
IJ18841 job properties on jobstream workload designer are english on japanese environment
IJ20175 DWCINST.SH fails with liberty version error if LANG=JA_JP.UTF-8. Same for ENGINE

APARs and defects fixed in IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 1 for version 9.5.0

This section lists APARs and internal defects solved by Fix Pack 3.

Table 4. APARs addressed in Fix Pack 3
IJ16431 With Dynamic Workload Console 9.4 FP05, in the submit predefined josbtream panel, the selected variable from the vartab table is overridden by the default main_table variable.
IJ16233 Extra backward slash "\" symbols are added each time the customer edits the event rule.
IJ16230 FTP jobs containing wildcards in the destination name fail with error message AWKFTE037E.
IJ12138 The yearly layout in run cycles is displayed in collapsed mode with Internet Explorer, v. 11.
IJ12956 The search function does not return any job definitions when searching for rerun job definitions in Internet Explorer, v. 11, if a Japanese engine name is used.
IJ11905 With Dynamic Workload Console 9.4.x, if the timezone of the Dynamic Workload Console and the engine are different, job time in job history report is incorrect.
IJ13912 Cannot import Self-Service catalogs when there is no associate.
IJ11908 IBM Workload Scheduler dependencies are removed when updating a run cycle in a job stream before the final run time occurs.
IJ11482 Cannot load predecessor jobs from a backup primary domain manager in Dynamic Workload Console 9.4.04. The following error message is returned: AWSUI0796E: the specified action cannot be performed.

Known limitations and workarounds

The following are software limitations and workarounds that affect Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0 Fix Pack 3. For a list of known problems and limitations documented for the V9.5 General Availability release, refer to the Dynamic Workload Console Release Notes .

9.5 Fix Pack 3:

File transfer jobs created or edited using the Dynamic Workload Console at Version 9.5, Fix Pack 3 are not supported on agents at Version 9.3
Agents at Version 9.3 can run existing file transfer jobs without problems. Jobs you create or edit from the Dynamic Workload Console at Version 9.5, Fix Pack 3 are not supported on agents at Version 9.3, but you can work around this problem by saving the jobs in the composer command line after editing them with the Dynamic Workload Console. The best practice is applying the latest fix pack level to the agents.

Dashboard becomes unresponsive after it is kept open and unused for more than 4 hours
A dashboard that uses the widgets Bar chart, Bubble chart, Gauge, Line chart, or Pie chart might become unresponsive if it is kept open for more than 4 hours without interaction.

Workaround: To continue working, close the dashboard and open it again.

A monitoring query that is bookmarked for an engine shared to all users works only for the engine owner
A monitoring query that is created and bookmarked by the administrator for an engine that is shared to all users, works only for the owner of the engine. It cannot be shared.

The edited value for the Latest Start Time is not shown in the list of critical jobs
In the Monitor Critical Jobs page you modify the Latest Start Time of a job, but the list of critical jobs is not updated with the new value.

Workaround: To see the updated Latest Start Time of the critical job that you edited, query the list of the jobs in the current plan.

What-if: if Web browser is set to a language other than English, a problem occurs
From the What-if page, you select a job and click "Show impact on critical jobs": a message is issued with the list of critical successors, but the list is not updated in the related table.

A plan different from the current is not supported by datasources
You can define datasources only for the current plan. Archived and forecast plans are not supported.

The Copy function is supported with Safari v13.1, or later
Using the Copy function with Safari is available with Safari v13.1, or later.

Problem editing event rules
In the Manage event rule page, you can edit the event rule only once. Further editing attempts are not supported.
Cannot open an event rule located in a folder you are not authorized to
In the Manage event rule page, opening an event rule located in a folder which you are not authorized to access opens a blank workspace area manager in the Create event rule page.
Problem with reports and Informix database
If you are using an Informix database, the Show details button for the Job Duration Estimate report is not working.
Problem with reports and MSSQL database
If you are using an MSSQL database, the Show details button for the Standard Deviation report is not working.

9.5 Fix Pack 2:

A duplicated datasource cannot be edited and saved
A duplicated datasource, belonging to a shared dashboard and that retrieves data from an internal plan query, cannot be edited and saved because -after the engine selection- it lose the information contained in the query field.

Workaround: Save the query before the engine selection and paste the query in the field.

The new SAP option fields in the editor are not available for the Dynamic Workload Console
The following fields: MAX_JOBS_TO_RELEASE_FOR_USER and RELEASE_ALL_INTERCEPTED_JOBS_FOR_REQUEST, added in the latest version of IBM Workload Scheduler, are not present in the Dynamic Workload Console SAP editor.

Workaround: Open the editor and add the field to the list.

Widgets in dashboard with two or more engines selected, do not display correct data
Selection of more than one engine is fully supported only when two or more engines of 9.5 FP2 version are selected, therefore when two or more engines of different versions are selected, the widgets of job and job streams do not display correct data.
Workaround: Duplicate the dashboard, duplicate the datasources and remove the filter for folders in the query. Use the following query to include different engines to the monitor of the jobs @#@.@ and this query for job streams @#@
Import of Self-Service Dashboards
After the import of the settings from a Self-Service Dashboards, only the definitions are imported.
Query from two or more engines of different versions may be incomplete
When monitoring jobs or job streams from two or more engines of different IBM Workload Scheduler versions, no results are displayed in the panel.

Workaround: from the monitoring panel enter the following query: @#@

The Event Rule page shows issues for different resolutions
The Event Rule page does not display correctly for some screen resolution.
Workaround: To display the Event Rule page correctly, either from desktop or mobile, it is suggested that you use any of the following resolutions:
  • 1920X1080
  • 1366X768
  • 1536X864
  • 768X1024
  • 1280X800
XXXXXXX if accessing from desktop, and XXXXXXXX if accessing from tablet.
Widgets in the Default Distributed Dashboard does not retrieve data correctly from Critical Jobs datasource
When trying to retrieve data from a critical job datasource, only critical jobs in the root folder will be retrieved.

Workaround: To retrieve critical jobs from all folders path, clone the critical jobs datasource and insert the following filters /*/*

Problems with Critical Jobs in the Monitoring Panel
When trying to retrieve a list of Critical Jobs from the Monitoring Panel without specifying the folders in the query, it will only return the Critical Jobs in the root folder.

Workaround: Always specify the folder in the query.

Dynamic Workload Console erroneously replaces DOCOMMAND WITH SCRIPTNAME
If you modify the jobs in the FINAL and FINALPOSTREPORTS job streams from the Dynamic Workload Console, after saving the changes, the Dynamic Workload Console replaces DOCOMMAND back with SCRIPTNAME.

Workaround: Only use the composer command line to replace SCRIPTNAME with DOCOMMAND in the jobs contained in the FINAL and FINALPOSTREPORTS job streams.

IBM Z Workload Scheduler Server ABEND when connecting a Dynamic Workload Console 9.5

To avoid Dynamic Workload Console connection issues and an IBM Z Workload Scheduler ABEND when connecting a Dynamic Workload Console v9.5 Fix Pack 1 or later to a v9.2 or v9.3 Controller, install this APAR

Issue related to the import of a Workload Application Template
The import of a Workload Application Template from V95FP1 to V95FP2 with nested dependencies may not be working as expected, if the folders are not mapped in the V95FP2 environment.

Workaround: Before the import of the Workload Application Template, recreate the folder structure that you are importing from FP1.

Problems when using filters
When you have a backup primary domain manager at the V9.5FP2, but the primary domain manager is still at a previous product version level, problems can occur when monitoring objects that support the definition in a folder such as, prompts, workstations, and resources, as well as objects that contain the workstation in their object identifier, for example, job streams. More specifically these objects are not displayed in the results of the monitoring query on the plan if you use filters in your query.

Workaround: Upgrade the primary to the V9.5FP2 level and then run planman resynch to resolve the issue.

Dynamic Workload Console help panels in other languages
Some of the help panels in the Dynamic Workload Console could not be translated in the following languages: German, French, Italian, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese.
Creating a job stream in the same folder from the Workload Designer (AWSUI6007E)
When creating a job stream in the same folder with the same name but different starting date (valid from), the new job stream cannot be saved.

Workaround: Close the first job stream from the list of the Workload Designer and then save the new job streams.

Filters in datasources of critical jobs are not supported in Z Dashboard
Editing of filters in datasources of critical jobs are not supported for Z engine.
A widget in a custom Dashboard is shared even though the engine connected to the related datasource is not. (WA-77928)
When creating an engine connection, that is not shared, but with the check-box "share credentials enabled", a datasource created with that engine retrieves data on the dashboard, although the engine is not visible to the user to which that dashboard is shared.
Folder column does not appear in Monitor Workload and modeling when connected to a engine of previous releases (WA-85339)

When monitoring a object in the Monitor Workload or List workload connected to a engine of the versione 9.5 Fix Pack 1, the column of folders does not appear.

Workaround: Click edit, expand the section Show Filter Criteria section and add the column manually from the section Column Definition.

9.5 Fix Pack 1:

The actual report is not displayed in the archived plan list if a high number of archived plans is present (WA-80653)

You cannot specify folders with folder names longer than 254 in the security file (WA-80894)

Poor performance for Dynamic Workload Console dashboards containing both distributed and Z engines
Using a Dynamic Workload Console dashboard containing both distributed and Z engines, might affect product performance negatively, especially on the distributed database server, leading to high CPU consumption.

Workaround: Create separate dashboards for distributed and z/OS environments.

A communication failure could occur when removing an ACL defined on a deleted folder (WA-80991)

Removing an ACL defined on a deleted folder from the Dynamic Workload Console, you could receive an error message similar to the following:

"AWSUI0833E The operation could not be completed. There has been a communication failure. The internal message is: AWSJDB201E The object "acl=/FOLDER1_1/+F" cannot be locked, updated, or deleted because it is locked by user "null"."

Workaround: to remove the ACL and avoid communication issues, perform the following steps:
  • Recreate the deleted folder.
  • Delete the ACL defined on the folder you just recreated.
  • Delete the folder.
Actual Production Details Report output in .csv format is incomplete (WA-81024)

In Actual and Planned Production Plan reports the maximum length for job stream name in the Filter Criteria tab is 16 characters (WA-81039)

Dynamic Workload Console reports in a z/OS environment: Workstation Workload Summary returns the following errors when exported in .csv format:(WA-80992)
  • The Subsystem Name and Workstation Type filters are missing.
  • The filter is not applied to the report contents.
Dynamic Workload Console reports in a z/OS environment: limitations for customized report Analysis Job Duration Standard Deviation (WA-80996)
The maximum job name length is 8 characters and wildcards in the job name are not supported.
Dynamic Workload Console reports in a z/OS environment: Job Run Statistics filter on workstation type does not work (WA-81052)
The filter is not applied to the report contents.

Fix Pack structure

This section describes the structure of the images contained in this Fix Pack.

Fix Pack files available using Fix Central

This is the structure of the Fix Pack in IBM Fix Central:

Installing the Fix Pack

This section describes how to apply Fix Pack 3 to Dynamic Workload Console.

Before starting the installation, verify that:
  • The Dynamic Workload Console is active.
  • No user is connected to the Dynamic Workload Console to prevent the data related to their working session from being lost.
This section is divided into the following subsections:

Installation notes

Read this section thoroughly before installing this Fix Pack.

  • Before installing the Fix Pack, ensure you have installed the required prerequisite software. To obtain the latest information about software requirements for IBM Workload Scheduler, run the Software Requirements report and browse to the relevant section.
  • On UNIX systems only: Before installing either the Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5 or this Fix Pack, make sure that umask is set to 022. To verify that umask is set to the correct value, from a command prompt, run the umask command. If the value is different from 022, modify it by running the command:
    umask 022
  • If you plan to connect the Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5 Fix Pack 1 to a z/OS engine, ensure the following APAR for the z/OS platform is installed if you plan to use the two new columns in the DB2 reports (SUBSYSTEM NAME and WORKSTATON TYPE):
    Support for multiple controller for DB2 reporting and new keywords added to JOBREC statement.

Interoperability notes

Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5.0 Fix Pack 3 supports all product versions indicated in the Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5 Release Notes which can be accessed at the following link: Dynamic Workload Console Release Notes.

Installation methods

When you install the Fix Pack, the installation path varies depending on the version level you have currently installed:

If necessary, you can also return to a previous product version level, as described in Returning the Dynamic Workload Console to a previous product version level in Planning and Installation Guide.

Disk space requirements

Before starting the Fix Pack installation, ensure that you have the following space available in the file system. The values indicated in the table show the disk space required by the Dynamic Workload Console alone. For the disk space required by other components, see the relevant documentation.

To obtain the latest information about permanent disk space requirements when installing IBM Workload Scheduler on supported operating systems, run the Hardware requirements report and click on the relevant operating system link

Table 5. Disk space requirements for installing a Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack
Operating System Installation directory Temporary directory
AIX® 2 GB 800 MB
Linux s390x 2 GB 800 MB
Linux x86-64 2 GB 800 MB
Windows 64 2,5 GB 1 GB
Note: In addition to the above disk space, the installation requires further 579 MB on /usr file system.

If the installation fails because of lack of free disk space, you must stop the installation, free space on your disk, and start the installation again.

Documentation updates for IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 3, version 9.5.0

Any additions or changes to the documentation as a result of Fix Pack 3 have been integrated into the online product documentation available in IBM Workload Automation product information.

Documentation updates for IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 2, version 9.5.0

Any additions or changes to the documentation as a result of Fix Pack 2 have been integrated into the online product documentation available in IBM Workload Automation product information.

Documentation updates for IBM Dynamic Workload Console Fix Pack 1, version 9.5.0

Any additions or changes to the documentation as a result of Fix Pack 1 have been integrated into the online product documentation available in IBM Workload Automation product information.

Contacting IBM Software Support

Before contacting IBM Software Support with a problem, refer to the IBM Software Support site by accessing the following Web address:

To access IBM support, click the IBM support link at the bottom right of the page.

If you want to contact IBM Software Support, see the IBM Software Support Handbook at the following Web site:

The guide provides information about how to contact IBM Software Support, depending on the severity of your problem, and the following information:
  • Registration and eligibility.
  • Telephone numbers, depending on the country in which you are located.
  • Information you must have before contacting IBM Software Support.


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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.5.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 June 2022

