IBM Support

IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Version 7.5.10 Release Notes

Release Notes


This document describes enhancements and fixes in IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Version 7.5.10


  • What's new

    Please find information about new functions here .

  • Installation and/or Upgrade Considerations

    • Accelerator on IIAS-specific considerations

      If you plan to install or upgrade IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator, please contact IBM support by opening a case.
      For an upgrade we would like you to create an Appliance trace and to upload it and the Transfer log to the support case for an offline health check of the system.
      Further, before you begin, please consider the description in APAR PH26946.

      Important remarks concerning upgrades to 7.5.10 or later:

      • Do not mark the check box 'Skip firmware and update only accelerator components (faster)' in the 'Apply Software version' window in Data Studio!
        An "essential" upgrade is no longer supported with upgrades to 7.5.10 or later.
      • Upgrades to 7.5.10 or later in difference to updates towards previous maintenance levels
        • Can include the update of firmware of Flash Storage Nodes (FSN).
          This will be noted in the Transfer Log. An update of the FSN firmware will take 2+ hours. During this period there won't be any notifications in the 'Installation log' window about the progress of the firmware update.
        • Will include a health check of the FSNs.
          This can result in detection of FSN-related issues and subsequent prevention of the upgrade to the new Accelerator maintenance level. The resolution of such a situation can require hardware maintenance which would break the maintenance window scheduled for the upgrade. A preventive health check of the FSNs can be arranged as part of the pro-active case indicating the upgrade to IBM support.


      The steps to be performed for an upgrade depend on your current maintenance level of the accelerator:

      Current Accelerator V7
      maintenance level
      Upgrade to 7.5.10 - required steps Elapse time needed for applying (*) the software
      (Ballpark estimation)
      7.5.9.x   or
      7.5.8.x   or
      Perform a full upgrade to maintenance level 7.5.10. 5 h (when replication and accelerators are stopped)
      7.5.6.x   or
      7.5.5.x   or
      7.5.4.x   or
      7.5.3      or
      7.5.2.x   or
      The upgrade consists of two steps:

      • Step 1: Perform a full upgrade to maintenance level This step will migrate the IDAA from docker to podman and is mandatory.
      • Step 2: Perform a full upgrade to 7.5.10.

      1 day
      The upgrade consists of three steps:

      • Step 1: Upgrade from to maintenance level 7.5.3.
      • Step 2: Full upgrade to maintenance level (podman).
      • Step 3: Full upgrade to 7.5.10.

      Note: Some firmware updates introduced with 7.5.1 require a full upgrade to 7.5.3, when skipping 7.5.1. Therefore an "essential" update is not possible.
      Further, before you begin, please consider the description in APAR PH27055.
      1.5 day
      (*) The time required for downloading the upgrade packages and subsequent transfer to the Accelerator is not included.
    • Accelerator on Z-specific considerations

      The steps to be performed for an upgrade depend on your current maintenance level of the accelerator:

      1. Current maintenance level: 7.5.9.x, 7.5.8.x, 7.5.7.x, 7.5.6.x, 7.5.5.x, 7.5.4.x, 7.5.3, 7.5.2.x, or 7.5.1
        • We recommend to migrate directly to maintenance level 7.5.10.
        • Important: Compared to previous product releases, the JSON configuration file syntax has changed considerably with product version 7.5.3 and later. Therefore, whenever you want to change the configuration of the accelerator, download the currently active configuration file for the accelerator using the Appliance Installer web user interface for modifications. The downloaded file contains the active configuration with the new JSON syntax.
      2. Current maintenance level: prior to 7.5.1
        • If you plan to install or upgrade IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator, please contact IBM support by opening a case.
          For an upgrade we would like to know your current maintenance level of the accelerator software and the one you want to upgrade to.
    • Mandatory settings for the setup of Integrated Synchronization (published with 7.5.6)
      • Excluding suspended tables from accelerated queries

        The administrator must grant the following privileges to the Db2 for z/OS user ID having been specified during enabling of the subsystem for replication using IBM Integrated Synchronization:

        • RACF ACCESS(READ) on the data set that contains the AQTENV file in the started task procedure of the Workload Manager (WLM) environment
        • RACF ACCESS(READ) on the data set that contains the AQTDEF6 file in the started task procedure of the Workload Manager (WLM) environment
        • Define an OMVS segment in the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)
      • Support of schema changes (Add/Alter column)
        • If the schema change affects columns of the type TIMESTAMP, you must also install the PTF UI73158 for Db2 for z/OS (APAR PH31772)
        • The Db2 for z/OS user you specified when you enabled IBM Integrated Synchronization must have the following additional privileges:
  • APARs fixed with 7.5.10

    Click here for the list of APARs having been fixed.

  • Changed behavior of ACCEL_LOAD_TABLES (published with 7.1.7)

    The SYSPROC.ACCEL_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure behaves differently if automatic change detection is enabled.
    Before version 7.1.7, a load job with a setting of detectChanges=“DATA” sometimes did not capture the changes in all partitions if the lock mode NONE had been used for the previous load.
    This was fixed with version 7.1.7.

    The new behavior:
    If you use lock mode NONE and detectChanges=“DATA”,

    • it can happen that more changes are detected than are transferred to the accelerator. This is caused by the SKIP LOCKED DATA option, which is used implicitly by the Db2 Unload Utility. If parts of the data were locked by other processes, then this data is ignored and not unloaded to the accelerator.

    • therefore, a partition in an accelerator-shadow table is always fully reloaded to ensure that all changes are finally transferred. A reload is started even if the partition had no further changes since then.

    If you want to use detectChanges="DATA", the recommended lock mode to be used is lock mode "ROW" or higher.
  • Changed performance behavior of queries with 7.5.7 and later

    Starting with 7.5.7 the appliance database settings have been improved to increase the performance of queries. While most queries benefit from the change, some queries might face a performance decline. If you were affected, contact IBM support for a revert of the changed settings in a remote maintenance session.

  • Known issues and limitation

    General recommendations

    • Under a high system load, the accelerator might appear slow or run into timeouts.

      Recommendation: Do not run more than 30 load threads in parallel.


    • A query running during a partial reload of an incrementally updated table might be unable to access the new partitions.

      Recommendation: Rerun the query after the partial reload has finished.

    • A query referencing several tables using union all views could run slower than V5.
      Example use cases are when union all views are used for collecting data from multiple branch offices and each branch-office has a schema-identical table that your are all referencing in a single query.

      Recommendation: Contact IBM support for assistance.

    • An SQL statement that contains a CAST on a column with the time data type as a character data type may return with colon delimiters instead of dot delimiters once after a table is loaded.

      Example: For the following query "SELECT cast(c_time as char(8)) from T1": On Db2 12 for z/OS the value returned is "13.10.00" as a character string. On the accelerator the value returned is "13:10:00" as a character string. This occurs only once after a table is loaded.

    Loading tables

    • After running the REORG utility in Db2 12 for z/OS,  reloads might be wrongly recommended for partitions that have already been loaded on the accelerator.

      Recommendation: To receive correct reload recommendations, do not use interactive load recommendations and batch job change detection at the same time.

    Incremental updates

    • CDC-based replication: The time needed to reload a set of incrementally updated tables increases as well as the replication latency.

      Recommendation: Pause after each reload, as this allows the system to come back to normal throughput rates and latency levels.
      As an alternative: use Integrated Synchronization based replication.


    • The values of the monitoring counter Q8STTMUD are too high, for example 0.18E+20.

      Recommendation: Ignore the high value. It will be corrected during the next collection of statistics.

    • The monitoring values of the Q8STCQL, Q8STCQLS, and Q8STQUEW metrics might be displayed incorrectly.

    Accelerator Studio GUI

    • "Transfer certificates" for "Encryption of Data in Motion" in DataStudio based GUI only allows file extension ".crt" for certificate transfers, not ".p12".

      Recommendation: When transferring a certificate for "Encryption of Data in Motion", then locate the certificate file on your client and change the extension from ".p12" to ".crt". The certificate file will then become visible in the available certificates box of the GUI, so that you can transfer it.


    • Under a very high system load caused by the parallel execution of various operations, such as 'Add Tables', 'Remove Tables', and 'Alter Keys', the accelerator might restart unexpectedly, leading to the abortion of running tasks or queries.
      Symptoms are aborted tasks, lock timeout exceptions, or messages with SQL code -911, SQLSTATE=40001, and rc=68.

      Recommendation: Reduce the task diversity of parallel jobs if you process large table sets with more than 100 tables. For example, do not run 'Alter Keys', 'Add Tables', and 'Remove Tables' operations at the same time. Reduce this to 'Alter Keys' and 'Add Tables' jobs or any other combination of just two different tasks.
      If a query failed, rerun the query.

    • When a date literal in a LOCAL date format DD/MM/YYYY or YYYYMMDD is CAST as a CHAR or VARCHAR, the result is not the local date format but rather ISO.
      For example: CAST(DATE('22/11/2018') AS CHAR(10)) will return 2018-11-22 instead of '22/11/2018'.

      Recommendation: None

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS4LQ8","label":"Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z\/OS"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 June 2023

