IBM Support

IBM Application Performance Management Readme

Fix Readme


Readme file for: Hybrid Gateway for IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Version Interim Fix 11
Product/Component Release: 8.1.4
Update Name:
Fix ID:
Publication Date: 20 September 2022
Last modified date: 20 September 2022

This is a cumulative interim fix for the Hybrid Gateway component provided with IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Version products.


Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Known issues
Known limitations
Installation information
Troubleshooting installation problems from the Support site
Additional information
New Features
List of fixes
Document change history

Download location

IMPORTANT NOTE: To download this update, you must first login to IBM Fix Central using the link below . Once logged in, you may select from the individual download packages. When selecting fixes, ensure your download options are set to "Include requisites: Yes".

Fix Download for Linux

Below is a list of components, platforms, and file names that apply to this Readme file.

Product / Component Name Platform Fix
Hybrid Gateway for IBM Cloud APM v8.1.4.0 Linux x86_64

Prerequisites and co-requisites

General description 

This is an interim fix for the Hybrid Gateway component provided with IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Version products. 

Platforms and prerequisites 
This interim fix is supported on the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway platforms documented here.

Prerequisites for this interim fix 

This interim fix is intended to be applied to the following level of Hybrid Gateway software:

IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway version

Note: to determine the version of your Hybrid Gateway, see the /opt/ibm/hybridgateway/ file on the computer system where the Hybrid Gateway is installed. 

Known issues


Known limitations


Installation information

Prior to installation

1. The IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway component must be installed and running before applying the interim fix.
2.  The unzip command must also be installed before installing the interim fix.
3. This  interim fix backs up the /opt/ibm/wlp directory . You must ensure that you have enough disk space to backup that directory structure before installing the interim fix. If there is not sufficient disk space,  the Liberty component patch will not install but the other component patches will install.  Then you must run the again to install the Liberty patch again after you have sufficient disk space.

You can reduce the amount of disk space required for the backup of the /opt/ibm/wlp directory by performing this cleanup before installing the interim fix:

  • Delete the /opt/ibm/wlp-backup-04 directory if it exists to free up disk space.  This directory was created by a previous Cloud APM Hybrid Gateway interim fix install and is not needed if you are installing the latest interim fix. 
  • Delete the /opt/ibm/wlp-backup-08 directory if it exists to free up disk space.  This directory was created by a previous Cloud APM Hybrid Gateway interim fix install and is not needed if you are installing the latest interim fix. 
  • Delete the /opt/ibm/wlp-backup-09 directory if it exists to free up disk space.  This directory was created by a previous Cloud APM Hybrid Gateway interim fix install and is not needed if you are installing the latest interim fix. 
  • Delete the /opt/ibm/wlp-backup-10 directory if it exists to free up disk space.  This directory was created by a previous Cloud APM Hybrid Gateway interim fix install and is not needed if you are installing the latest interim fix. 
  • Delete file with names that start with javacore, heapdump or core in the  /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/hybridgateway/ directory
  • Delete file with names that start with trace_ and messages_ in the  /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/hybridgateway/logs directory.


Installing the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway update 

1. Download from IBM Fix Central to a temporary directory (e.g. /tmp/if11-patch) on the computer where you installed the Hybrid Gateway. 

2. Change your current directory to the download location, e.g.
cd /tmp/if11-patch 

3. Expand the archive file using the tar command 
e.g. tar -xf 

4. Run the script


  • If Hybrid Gateway services need to be stopped for the patch to be applied, you will be asked to confirm that you want to install the patch.
  • When is complete, a summary is displayed showing the number of fixes that were installed, the number of fixes that were not installed because they have previously been installed, and the number of fixes that failed to install. If any fixes failed to install, more information can be found in the file hgpatch.log in the logs directory,
      e.g. /opt/ibm/hybridgateway/logs/hgpatch.log .
  • A record of each fix applied can be found in the /opt/ibm/hybridgateway/fixes directory. Do not modify this directory or its contents. It is needed if other fixes are applied in the future.

Performing the necessary tasks after installation

The Hybrid Gateway interim fix installation logs are written to the /opt/ibm/hybridgateway/logs/hgpatch.log file.

 After you have verified that the Cloud APM Hybrid Gateway is working ok with the new interim fix,  you can delete the /opt/ibm/wlp-backup-11 directory to free up disk space.

Uninstalling if necessary

Files modified by the interim fix are backed up during the installation. If you encounter an issue with the interim fix and need to back it out then contact IBM support for assistance.

For detailed instructions to uninstall the hybrid gateway, please refer to the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management guide, here:

Troubleshooting installation problems from the Support site

For more detailed information, refer to the Troubleshooting and support Guide:

Additional information

The Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) checksum of the image is as follows:
SHA1( = 

Image Contents 

The following files implement this fix:
- - For extracting patch files use the tar utility

Extracting the above bundle (.tar) creates the following directory and patch files:
|-- apmpatch_functions
|-- msg
|-- nls_replace
|-- patches

New Features

The following changes are included in IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway Interim Fix 11:

  • Uplift Java and Liberty.


List of fixes

The following problems are addressed by this interim fix.



IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Hybrid Gateway  defects: 
  • 145758: Uplift Liberty to version for security fixes
  • 145759: Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 145795: Security vulnerability in Apache log4j
  • 146295: Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 146293: Update IF13 SVT Hybrid Gateway 8.1.4 IF10 upgrade to IF11 fails to redeploy the LTPA service.
  • 144890: APM hung IF upgrade loses Liberty customization
  • 146502: Uplift Liberty to version for security fixes
  • 146417: ITM Pure events open in APM even when situation was stopped and cleared from TEP GUI

Enhancements included from previous interim fixes: 

APARs and defects included in Hybrid Gateway previous interim fixes: 
  • 126951: Uplift Java to 8.0.4 FP10 to address security vulnerabilities
  • 129462: Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 130401: Apply Liberty APAR PI94351 for Missing Secure Attribute in Encrypted Session (SSL) Cookie oidcclient/redirect/rpoed
  • 131154:Apply Liberty APAR PI88642 for a security vulnerability
  • 131593:Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 131901:Apply Liberty APAR PI94763 fix for security vulnerability and an additional fix in Apache Commons
  • 133532: Uplift Java to version for security fixes.
  • 134654: Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 135609: Uplift Java to version ​ for security fixes
  • 136452: Uplift Liberty to version for security fixes
  • 137193: Apply Liberty APAR  PH07036 fix
  • 137355: Apply Liberty APAR PH03640 fix
  • 137567: Apply Liberty APAR PH13269 fix
  • 137773: Uplift Java to Java for security fixes
  • 139759:  Uplift Liberty to version  for security fixes
  • 139847:  Uplift netty for security fixes
  • 140831:  Apply Liberty APAR PH19528 fix for Liberty
  • 140832:  Uplift Java to version for security fixes
  • 140834:  Apply Liberty APAR PH19989 fix for Liberty
  • 142766: Uplift to Java
  • 143515: Uplift to Java
  • 145261: Uplift Liberty to + PH39418
  • 145452: IBM Cloud APM connection failure

Document change history

Version Date Description of change
1.0 20 September 2022 Initial Version


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"8.1.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 September 2022

