IBM Support

IBM AIX: Gathering testcase data for troubleshooting smbc.rte



SMB shares can't be mounted onto AIX® with the SMB client, smbc.rte, or problems occur with them. With mount problems, the mount command prints an error message.
There was an error connecting the share or the server.  Make sure the lsdev command shows that device nsmbc0 is in the Available state.  Also make sure that the share name, user name and password are accurate.

Diagnosing The Problem

Gather diagnostic data with these steps.
1. Capture the configuration options of smbc to a file.
smbctune -l > /tmp/smbctune.txt
2. Add this line to /etc/syslog.conf. If the problem takes a long time to reproduce, use a different file system if /tmp doesn't have enough free space.
kern.debug;user.debug /tmp/smbc.log
3. Create a new, empty log file.
rm -f /tmp/smbc.log
touch /tmp/smbc.log
4. Refresh syslogd to pick up the change.
refresh -s syslogd
5. If smbc syslog logging was disabled through the smbctune command, it must be temporarily reenabled by running this command.
smbctune -s "smbc_enable_syslog=1"
6. Start a kernel trace. The options in this trace command specify an output file size of 2GB and an output directory in /tmp. For problems that take a long time to reproduce, make sure that there is at least 2GB in the file system that holds the kernel trace. Use a different file system than /tmp if necessary.
rm -rf /tmp/smbctrace
mkdir /tmp/smbctrace
trace -a -j 109F -L 2000000000 -T 200000000 -n -o /tmp/smbctrace/smbc.trc
7. Start an iptrace.
rm -f /tmp/smbc.ipt
startsrc -s iptrace -a"/tmp/smbc.ipt"
8. Reproduce the mount or other problem.
9. As soon as possible after the problem is reproduced, stop the kernel trace.
10. Stop the iptrace.
stopsrc -s iptrace
11. Comment out or remove the smbc.log entry from /etc/syslog.conf.
12. Refresh syslogd to pick up the change.
refresh -s syslogd
13. Only if syslog logging was previously disabled, disable it again by running this command.
smbctune -s "smbc_enable_syslog=0"
14. If a snap was not already uploaded to the case, create one by running these commands.
snap -r
snap -aZc
15. Upload the smbctune.txt, smbc.log, and smbc.ipt files, the entire contents of the /tmp/smbctrace directory, and (if appropriate) /tmp/ibmsupt/snap.pax.Z files to the case.

Resolving The Problem


If the instructions in this document do not lead to resolution of the problem, follow these instructions to open a case. The product must be under warranty or have an active and valid support contract.

a.  Document or take screen captures of all symptoms, errors, or messages.

b.  Capture any logs or data relevant to the issue.

c.  Contact IBM® to open a case.

   -For electronic support, visit the IBM Support Community:
   -If you require telephone support, visit this web page:

d.  Provide a detailed description of the issue and reference this technote.

e.  Upload all of the details and data to the case.

   -You can attach files to the case in the IBM Support Community, or
   -Upload data to IBM test case server analysis at this URL:

f.  Click here to submit feedback for this document.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG10","label":"AIX"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 August 2023

