IBM Support

IBM® Tivoli® Composite Application Manager for Microsoft® Applications: Version

Fix Readme


This release contains new features and enhancements for MS SQL Server, MS Exchange, MS SharePoint, Active Directory, Skype for Business server (MS Lync), Hyper V, .NET, IIS agents.


Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2019.
All rights reserved.
Component: IBM® Tivoli® Composite Application Manager for 
           Microsoft® Applications: Version
Fix Pack: 0014
Component ID: 5724-U17
Date: Oct 31, 2019
1.0 General description
This fix contains the APARs and defects that are specified in the 
"Problems fixed" section. This fix also includes the enhancements
that are made in the V6.3.1.14 release of ITCAM for Microsoft Applications product.
2.0 Problems fixed
The following problems are addressed by this fix.
  2.1 APARs
  For SQL Server Agent
  APAR: IV99415 
  Abstract: Customized setting done are not preserved after upgrade.
  so, customized settings are need to be redone after upgrade.
  APAR: IJ17445
  Abstract: When file is modified in the editors such as Notepad, 
  Notepad++; file is converted from UTF-8 to UTF-8 BOM format, and BOM characters are 
  appended in the beginning of file. Due to the presence of BOM characters, the file is
  incorrectly parsed. 
  APAR: IJ18480
  Abstract: Improper handling of input parameters in agent code has caused heap corruption,
  that leads to collector crash while accessing server transactions summary workspace.
  2.2 DEFECTS:
  2.3 Enhancements   
  For SQL Server Agent
  1. Added currency support for the following operating systems :
  -  Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
  -  Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
  -  Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition
  For the Active Directory Server Agent
  1. Added Windows 2019 support :
  -  Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
  -  Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
  -  Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition
  For the Exchange Server agent
  1. Added currency support :
  -  Added support to the Exchange 2019.
  For the Lync Server Agent:
  1. Added currency support :
  -  Added support to the Skype 2015.
  -  Added support to the Skype 2019.
  2. Name change to Skyper for Business Server agent.
  For the Hyper-V Server agent:
  1. Added currency support :
  -  Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019
  For the SharePoint Server agent:
  1. Added currency support :
  -  Added support to the Sharepoint 2019.
  For the IIS agent:
   1. Added currency support 
   -  Added support for IIS 10 on Windows 2019.
  For the .NET Agent
   1. Added currency support to following operating systems
      Added new attribute group NET_SVR_INFO is added
2.4 Superseded fixes
 2.5 APARs and defects included from superseded fixes
  For SQL Server Agent.
  APAR: IJ10466
  Abstract: Table detail workspace was not showing any data if one or all
  the databases had case sensitive collation set. 
  Additional Information:  Table detail workspace did not show any data
  if SQL server 2014 onwards database collation was set to case sensitive
  as the newly added queries for SQL server 2014 onwards are using table/view
  column names in different case than the server table/view column.
  APAR: IJ00433
  Abstract: The collector process is crashing while accessing invalid
  parameter of the request. 
  Additional Information: Customized SQL query result attribute group
  (KOQCSQLR) request uses 3 parameters & other attribute groups use 2
  parameters. The memory for the third parameter was not handled properly.
  And accessing this parameter by other attribute group would result
  into crash.
  APAR: IJ00815
  Abstract: Device Detail attribute AUTOGROWTH behaviour not in sync
  with SQL Server. 
  Additional Information: In case when data file autogrowth was disabled
  and max-size was set to unlimited, then the incorrect values were
  displayed for filegroup detail attribute(Max Growth Size) and device
  detail attribute(Growth).
  APAR: IJ01540
  Abstract: False alerts are being generated as default value "Not
  Collected" for "Database Space Pct Used" attribute is not correctly
  converted before sending to TEPS.
  Additional Information: Situations having default value
  [ Not Collected (-1 ) ] in formula were not getting evaluated correctly
  for some database detail attributes. However, the data was shown
  correctly as ‘Not Collected’ on the portal.
  APAR: IJ05451 
  Abstract: ITCAM SQL Server Agent's collector process crashes when using
  SQL Server Native Client 10.0 or SQL Server Native Client 11.0 as
  ODBC driver.
  Additional Information: Collector was not able to handle all possible values
  returned by ODBC when using SQL Server Native Client 10.0 and SQL Server
  Native Client 11.0 causing it to crash.

  For the Exchange Server agent:
  APAR: IV97894
  Abstract: Microsoft Exchange server agent shows server status as 
  DOWN,when MSExchangePOP3 service is not started for Exchange 
  Server 2016.
  APAR: IV94497
  Abstract: Microsoft Exchange server agent crashes while fetching data
  from corrupted Forefront Exchange Scheduled Scanner perfmon object.
  APAR: IV91630
  Abstract: Exchange agent crashes while fetching data for MS 
  Exchange IS Private attribute group on Exchange server 2016.
  APAR: IV90298
  Abstract: Microsoft Exchange Server monitoring Agent crashes while
  parsing the Exchange Server events having description greater than
  2000 characters.
  For the Active Directory agent:
  APAR: IV87378
  Additional Information: Situation editor does not allow value due
  to RANGE: 0-100 set in the attribute.
 2.5.2 Defects 
  For SQL Server Agent:
  DEFECT: 181826
  Abstract: Incorrect value observed for Lock Resource Type attribute group.
  Additional Information: Agent did not support all the lock resource type
  specified under sys.dm_tran_locks documentaion. Fix extended the support
  lock resource type as well.
  DEFECT: 182355
  Abstract: Resolved vulenarabilities found in static code analysis.
  Additional Information: Fixed high priority vulenarabilities detected
  under static code analysis.
  DEFECT: 181748
  Abstract: ITCAM MS-SQL monitoring agent was not getting real time data,
  the Server Property in TEP shows 'Not Collected'.
  Additional Information: MSSQL monitoring agent was not getting real
  time data for the Server Properties in TEP due to specified registry
  path not found in customer environment. 
  DEFECT: 170986
  Abstract: Memory leak in Table Detail attribute group. 
  Additional Information: Memory leak observed in Table Detail attribute
  group because incorrect de-allocation handling. 
  DEFECT: 170987
  Abstract: Crash observed in Availability group details attribute group
  and Table detail attribute group
  Additional Information: Crash observed in Availability group details
  attribute group and in Table detail attribute group for the wrong
  usage of iterator after erase. Issue happened because an attempt to
  increment the iterator was made after the iterator was deleted through
  erase function. 
  DEFECT: 170993
  Abstract: intial size > max size  gives incorrect values
  Additional Information: If a database was created with restricted growth
  and then modifed the initial size of the database file to a value
  greater than it's maxsize, then the value of maxsize was not updated
  correctly (ideally in this case maxsize should become equal to initial
  size). As a result, query to SQL Server returned false value for
  maxsize due to which incorrect values were getting displayed on portal
  for attributes in Database Detail, Device Detail and Filegroup Detail
  attribute groups.
  DEFECT: 170994
  Abstract: Incorrect value displayed for Database Detail attributes
  when autogrowth disabled and data freespace > drive freespace.
  Additional Information: In cases when data file autogrowth was disabled
  and data freespace was greater than device freespace then incorrect
  value were seen for some attributes(Data Freespace , Aggregate Database
  Freespace , Database Space pct used , Aggregate Database Freespace pct,
  Database max growth size). 
  DEFECT: 171127
  Abstract: Add tolerance support for SQL Server 2017.
  Additional Information: Added support for SQL Server 2017 version.
  DEFECT: 171244
  Abstract: Spelling mistake in agent configuration panel.
  Additional Information: Few spelling mistakes in agent configuration
  panel were corrected.
  DEFECT: 171318
  Abstract: Usage of KOQ_ODBC_DRIVER variable in pre-req while making
  sql server connection.
  Additional Information: During pre-requisite check, the value of
  ‘Driver’ was hardcoded to ‘SQL Server‘. While later on, for collecting
  data value for 'Driver’ was picked from ‘KOQ_ODBC_DRIVER’ variable.
  Due to this, issue was seen during pre-requiste connection but later
  on data was being collected successfully.
  DEFECT: 171379
  Abstract:  High Severity vulnerabilities are resolved to avoid undefined
  behaviour of the agent.
  Additional Information: Removed the high severity errors in the code,
  detected in CPPCheck tool.
  DEFECT: 171785
  Abstract: DBD_TEMP rename failed with error [32]
  Additional Information: Renaming of DBD_TEMP to DBD_PREV files was
  failing with Error 32 (The process cannot access the file because it
  is being used by another process)because DBD_TEMP file handle was
  taking time to close. 
  DEFECT: 171979
  Abstract:  Incorrect value is being sent when query is failed in SRV1
  Additional Information: Zero value was being sent when query fails in
  SRV1 cursor which was incorrect. Zero is a meaningful value which does
  not indicate failure.
  DEFECT: 171981
  Abstract:  Not Collected value is frequently sent since database
  detail collection is not getting completed in 45 seconds.
  Additional Information: When database detail collection took more
  than 45 seconds for collection, Not collected values were sent which
  resulted into triggering of situation.
  DEFECT: 172173
  Abstract:  Environment setting for COLL_DBCC_NO_LOCK was not taking
  effect. Similar issue was seen with COLL_MONITOR_ALL_DATABASES.
  Additional Information: Values were getting overwritten for above two
  variables, hence queries were running without NoLock hint and monitoring
  of all database setting was not working as expected.
  DEFECT: 173699
  Abstract: No data get collected for server summary attribute group.
  Additional Information: SRV3,one of the pre-cursor of server summary
  attribute group, was failing as its query was executed with (null)
  option. Hence no data was collected for server summary attribute group.
  DEFECT: 174076
  Abstract: MSSQLQA: Sometime server detail data is not getting displayed
  on portal.
  Additional Information: SRV3, one of the pre-cursor of server summary
  attribute group, was failing as its query was executed with (null)
  option. Hence sometimes server detail data was not getting displayed
  on portal.
  DEFECT: 174077
  Abstract: crypted SQL password in log file.
  Additional Information: Encrypted password value in logfile is 
  replaced with fixed length string to avoid security breach.
  DEFECT: 174420
  Abstract: Last Statistics Query execution failing for table details
  attribute group.
  Additional Information: Due to query failure,table detail data was
  collected only for the first time. From second collection onwards,
  new data was not collected & portal always showed the data collected
  during first collection.
  DEFECT: 175117
  Abstract: Table detail attribute group query was failing for syntax error
  at where clause and returned null
  Additional Information: The query which gets executed while include/exclude
  databases is on, was containing two consecutive "where" and hence 
  was failing. This issue is seen with SQL Server 2014 and above versions.  
  DEFECT: 175120
  Abstract: Data is not collected properly with the non default SQL
  ODBC driver.
  Additional Information: Due to incorrect size calculated for some
  data types, either query’s result set processing was failing or the
  data was getting truncated. As a result data was not getting collected
  properly for some attributes.
 2.5.3 Enhancements
  For the SQL Server agent:
  DEFECT: 181749
  Abstract: Added "ApplicationIntent" property support for connection
  Additional Information: Connection string can now take
  "ApplicationIntent" as an input by adding KOQ_APPLICATION_INTENT
  environment variable. Possible values are "Readonly" and "Readwrite".
  This will enable accessing data from secondary databases with property
  readable secondary =read-intent only.
  RFE: 50594
  Abstract: Support AlwaysOn feature for SQL developers edition.
  Additional Information: Added support for SQL Server Developers
  Edition's AlwaysOn feature.
  For the Active Directory Server Agent
  1. Added Windows 2016 support :
     Added support to the Windows 2016.
  For the Exchange Server agent
  1. Added Windows 2016 support :
     Added support to the Windows 2016.
  For the BizTalk Server Agent:
  1. Added Windows 2016 support :
     Added support to the Windows 2016
  2. Added Currency Support:     
     - BizTalk Server 2016
  For the Host Integration Server Agent:
  1. Added Windows 2016 support :
     Added support to the Windows 2016
  2. Added Currency Support:
     - HIS 2016
  3. Added New Attribute Group:
     - HIS_Microsoft_Client_for_MQ: This attribute group provides 
     information about the Perfmon object of the HIS Microsoft 
     Client for Message Queue (MQ)
  4. Added new Availability Services:
     - SDLC Link Service
     - IPDLC Link Service
     - Distributed Link Service
     - Microsoft Service for DRDA
     - HIS Vss Writer
     - NVAlert
     - SNA 5250 Demo
  For the Lync Server Agent:
  1. Added new attributes to following existing attribute groups:
     a. Failure Summary: 
        - Failed Session Count Per: The percentage of sessions 
        that failed during a particular time period.
        - Failed IM Count Per: The percentage of instant messages
        that failed during transfer for a particular time period.
        - Conf Failed Session Count Per: The percentage of 
        conference sessions that failed during a particular time
     b. FrontEnd Connectivity Details:
        - Last Register In Days Hrs: The time (in days and hours)
        that has elapsed since the server was last registered 
        with the system.
        - Last Heart Beat In Days Hrs: The time (in days and hours) 
        that has elapsed since the last heartbeat was received from
        the front-end server.
        - Last Unregister In Days Hrs: The time (in days and hours)
        that has elapsed since the server was last unregistered 
        from the system.
     c. QoEMetrics Call Summary: 
        - Poor Call Count In Per: The total number of poor calls 
        (in percentage) that are made by the users.
  For the Hyper-V Server agent:
  1. Added currency support for following operating systems:
    - Windows Server 2016 Datacentre
    - Windows Server 2016 Standard
    - Windows Server 2016 Essentials
    - Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016
  2. Added following new attribute groups:
    - VM Operating System: This attribute group provides
    information about the operating system that runs on the
    virtual machine.
    - Virtual Machine Details: This attribute group provides
    information about the virtual machine and the operating
    system that runs on the virtual machine.
  3. Added following new attributes to existing attribute groups:
    - Virtual Machine
      - UpTimeDay: The duration since the virtual machine
      was last started. The format is DDHHMM, where DD indicates
      the number of days, HH indicates the number of hours,
      and MM indicates the number of minutes.
      - VMStatusCrit: The number of virtual machines that
      are in the critical state.
    - Processor
      - AvgProcessorLoad: The average load on the processor
      of the virtual machine.
    - Hyper V Server Disk
      - Disk Utilization: The percentage of disk usage
      of the server.
  4. Added following new situations:
    - HV Memory Utilization Crit
    - HV Memory Utilization Warn
    - HV Disk Utilization Crit
    - HV Disk Utilization Warn
    - HV VM Status Crit
    - HV VM ProcessorLoad Crit
For the SharePoint Server agent:
  1. RFE 90992: MS SharePoint ITM Agent - Monitoring Timer Jobs
     Added new attribute group to monitor failed Timer Jobs.
  2. Added currency support for SharePoint 2016
  3. Added following new attribute groups:
    - Timer Jobs: This attribute group displays information about
    the top five hundred timer jobs that have failed to complete.
    This attribute group is available for SharePoint 2016.
    - Workflow Dispatcher: This attribute group monitors usage and
    health statistics of the Workflow Dispatcher service.
    This attribute group is available for SharePoint 2013 and 2016.
    - Workflow Management: This attribute group monitors the usage
    and health statistics of the Workflow Manager. This attribute
    group is available for SharePoint 2013 and 2016.
    - Workflow Operations: This attribute group provides details
    about the operations of the Workflow Manager. This attribute
    group is available for SharePoint 2013 and 2016.
    - Workflow Sql Operations: This attribute group monitors the
    workflow of the SQL operations. This attribute group is
    available for SharePoint 2013 and 2016.
  For the Cluster Server agent
  1. Added currency support to following operating systems
    - Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
    - Windows Server 2016 Standard
  2. Added following new attribute groups
    - Node Details : This attribute group provides information 
    about the nodes in the cluster, such as node memory usage,
    processor and the operating system.
    - Resource Group Status : This attribute group provides
    information about the status of the resource group running
    on the preferred node.
    - NodeToActive Group Details : This attribute group provides
    information about the resource groups and status if the 
    Resource Group is running on the Preferred node.
    - Node Weights : This group of data provides information about
    the node weights.
  3. Add the following attributes in Cluster Summary attribute group:
    - Percent Nodes Down : The percentage of nodes that are down in 
    the cluster.
    - Dynamic Quorum Enabled : Indicates whether the dynamic quorum
    is enabled on the cluster or not.
    - Witness Dynamic Weight : The dynamic weight of the witness
    depending upon the number of witnesses participating in the voting.
  4. Added following new situations: 
    - Nodes Down Warning : The percentage of nodes in the cluster that
    have exceeded the warning threshold.
    - Quorum Utilization crit : The usage of the quorum disk space has
    exceeded the critical threshold.
    - Quorum Utilization warn : The usage of the quorum disk space has
    exceeded the warning threshold.
    - Shared Disk Status Warning : A shared disk drive is in a warning
    state, such as offline, pending, onlinePending, offlinePending,
    initializing, inherited, or unknown.
    - Node Memory Critical : The usage of the physical memory of the
    node has exceeded the critical threshold.
    - Node Processor Critical : The usage of the node processor has
    exceeded the critical threshold.
  For the .NET Data Collector:
  1. Added currency support to following operating systems
    - Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
    - Windows Server 2016 Standard
    - Windows Server 2016 Essentials
  2. Added monitoring support for IIS 10
  3. Support for ASP.NET MVC failed transactions.
  4. Support for asynchronous WCF services calls through ASP.NET
  5. configdc command enhancements
  For the IIS agent:
   1. Added currency support for following operating systems:
    - Windows Server 2016 Datacentre
    - Windows Server 2016 Standard
    - Windows Server 2016 Essentials
   2. Added following new attribute to existing attribute group
    - Custom Fields: The comma separated list of custom fields 
    that are set by the administrator.
  For the .NET Agent
   1. Added currency support to following operating systems
    - Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
    - Windows Server 2016 Standard
    - Windows Server 2016 Essentials
   2. Datasources for attribute groups are changed to perfmon from WMI 
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
For information about system requirements, go to the software product 
compatibility reports website, and search for the ITCAM for Microsoft 
Applications product:   
  3.1 Prerequisites for this fix
  The minimum required version of IBM Tivoli Monitoring is V6.2.3, Fix Pack 5.
4.0 Image directory contents
The following folder structure of the image is created:
- WINDOWS folder
This folder contains the binary files for installing the 32-bit and 64-bit 
agents. The folder also contains the Prereqchecker utility in the prereqchecker
folder for the following agents:
- Microsoft Active Directory agent
- Microsoft BizTalk Server agent
- Microsoft Cluster Server agent
- Microsoft Exchange Server agent
- Microsoft Hyper-V Server agent
- Microsoft Internet Information Services agent
- Microsoft .NET Framework agent
- Microsoft SharePoint Server agent
- Microsoft SQL Server agent
- Microsoft Host Integration Server agent
- Microsoft Lync Server agent
- .NET Data Collector
- Application LaunchPad and Discovery and Deployment support files
- Network Devices agent
- REPORTS folder
This folder contains subdirectories that include the .zip files of the agents.
The subdirectories are named according to the "K<agent code>" format. The .zip
files contain Cognos data models and reports.
- unix folder
This folder contains the non-Windows agent support files for the Tivoli 
Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli Enterprise
Desktop client, and Tivoli Enterprise Browser client. The folder contains the 
agent support files for the 32-bit and 64-bit agents.
5.0 Installation instructions
See the following publications for complete information:
- IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
- Installation and configuration guides of agents. 
You can view the Installation and Configuration guides at the ITCAM for Microsoft
Applications V6.3.1 Information Center 
6.0 Additional installation information
  6.1 Installation instructions for agent baroc file
  For information about installation and configuration of the baroc files, 
  see "Setting up event forwarding to Tivoli Enterprise Portal" in the IBM
  Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
  6.2 Verifying the update
   1. To verify whether the agent is updated correctly, use the tacmd 
      command to view the current version of the agent after the agent is restarted.
      Ensure that you log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server before you 
      view the agent version.For example,
      On UNIX systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation 
      directory, the default location is /opt/IBM/ITM.
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
                                                                     -u <itmuser>                                  
                                                                     -p <password>
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t OQ
      On Windows systems, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation 
      directory, the default location is C:\IBM\ITM.
      > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
                                                                     -u <itmuser>                                    
                                                                     -p <password>
      > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t OQ
      The component (-t) for the tacmd listSystems command is specified as two 
      characters (OQ), not three characters (KOQ).
      When the agent is updated, the agent version is changed to
      After the agent is restarted, you can also use the GUI to verify whether the 
      agent was updated. For the agent on Windows systems, the version number is
   2. To verify whether the agent support files are updated correctly, use
      the kincinfo command on Windows systems or the cinfo command on Linux
      or UNIX systems.
      On UNIX or Linux systems:
      To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
      $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -i
      On Windows systems:
      To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
      %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\kincinfo –i
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
For the Hyper-V Server agent:
    Abstract: The agent support files on the Tivoli Enterprise
    Portal cannot be upgraded to V6.3.1 Fix Pack 14 by using the
    self-describing agent feature.
    Problem: The self-describing agent feature for the Tivoli
    Enterprise Portal Server is enabled. When the Microsoft Hyper-V
    Server agent support files for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
    Server are upgraded to V 6.3.1, Fix Pack 14, the support files
    are not automatically upgraded to V 6.3.1, Fix Pack 14.
    Workaround: Upgrade the Hyper-V Server agent support files for
    the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server manually to V6.3.1,
    Fix Pack 14.
For the BizTalk Server agent:
    Abstract:  When you click cross-links in the views of the 
    Databases workspace of the BizTalk Server agent, the target 
    workspaces of the SQL Server agent do not open automatically.
    Problem: The Databases workspace of the BizTalk Server agent 
    contains the “Databases Information” and "Log and Space 
    Information" cross-links in the following views:
    - Management Database
    - MessageBox Database
    - Rule Engine Database
    - BAM Database
    - Tracking Database
    - Single Sign On Database 
    When you click the "Databases" and "Log and Space Information"
    cross-links in these views, the target workspaces of the SQL 
    Server agent do not open automatically. Workaround: After 
    clicking on the cross-links, when prompted, select the target 
    instance manually.
For the Exchange Server agent:
    Abstract: On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, the status for the two
    situations is displayed as "problem”.
    Problem: The Tivoli Enterprise Portal shows the status as problem 
    due to the incorrect formula that is specified in the Manage 
    Situations window for the following situations:
    - EX_Replication_Failed_Warn
    - EX_Replication_Suspended_Warn
    Workaround: Modify the formula or create a custom situation with 
    the correct formula. The correct formula is as follows:
    For the EX_Replication_Failed_Warn situation:
    Replication_Failed EQ Yes
    For the EX_Replication_Suspended_Warn situation:
    Replication_Suspended EQ Yes
For the .NET Data Collector:
    All the limitations that are mentioned in the Problems and 
    workarounds chapter in the .NET Data Collector Troubleshooting 
    Guide V7.3.2 are still applicable. 
    In addition to these problems and workarounds, the following 
    problems and workarounds are applicable:
    Abstract: When only .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on a server 
    that runs on a 64-bit operating system, an error that is related 
    to the ttapi.dll is generated.
    Problem: If the ISAPI or HTTPModule components of the .NET Data 
    Collector are enabled and the .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on a
    server that runs on a 64-bit operating system, error messages are 
    generated while processing a web request. 
    If the ISAPI component is enabled, the following error message is
    displayed: "Service Unavailable"
    If the ISAPI component is disabled and the HTTPModule component 
    is enabled, the following error message is displayed:
    "Unable to load DLL ttapi.dll: This application has failed to 
    start because the application configuration is incorrect. 
    Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. 
    (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1)"
    Workaround: Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
    Redistributable package (x64) on the computer where the .NET Data
    Collector is installed. You can download this package from the 
    following web address:
    Abstract: When the WCF service is being processed, the application
    name is displayed as w3wp and the component name is displayed as 
    Microsoft.NET in the Transactions workspace of the Transaction 
    Reporter agent on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
    Problem: This problem occurs when a WCF service is processed for 
    which ASP.NET impersonation is not enabled.
    Workaround: Enable ASP.NET impersonation for the service that 
    is being processed. 
    Abstract: When a one way web service is being processed, 
    an asynchronous arrow from the client is displayed in the 
    Transaction topology from where this method was initiated. In the
    Transactions workspace, the application name of the web service 
    is displayed as .asmx.
    Problem: One way web services are called asynchronous and the user
    does not wait for a response from the server. As all the 
    interception points of the SOAP component of the.NET data 
    Collector are not called,the asynchronous arrow is seen in the 
    Transaction topology.
    Workaround: None.
    Abstract: If a SOAP request is sent from a client computer where
    the .NET Data Collector is not installed, to a server where the 
    .NET Data Collector is installed, the web service node is displayed
    as .asmx or .svc in the Transaction topology.
    Problem: If all interception points for the SOAP component of the
    .Net Data Collector are not called, the web service nodes are 
    displayed as .asmx or .svc. If the .NET Data Collector KD4 logging 
    is enabled, the following message is seen in the logs: 
    object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Workaround: None.
    Abstract: Visual Studio 2008 runtime environment should be installed
    before you upgrade the .NET Data Collector from V7.3.1 to V7.3.2
    or V7.3.2, Fix Pack 1 or V7.3.2, Fix Pack 2.
    Problem: When you unregister the .NET Data Collector, the .dll
    files of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package are
    Workaround: Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 
    Redistributable package. For a 32-bit operating system, use the 
    following web address to download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 
    Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (x86):
    For a 64-bit operating system, use the following web address to 
    download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 
    Redistributable Package (x64):
    Abstract: When the database calls are made by using ODBC, the 
    component name is shown as Microsoft.NET in the Transactions 
    workspace of the Transaction Reporter agent.
    Problem: This problem occurs due to aggregation of ODBC events.
    Workaround: Disable the ADO Event Aggregation by completing the 
    following steps:
    1. Open the file.
    2. Change the value of the ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled property 
    to false, as shown: ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled=false.
    3. Open the command prompt and browse to the bin directory of .NET
    Data Collector.
    4. Run the configdc activateconfig command.
    5. Restart all the .NET applications.
    Abstract: When database calls are made from a stand-alone client, 
    ADO.NET nodes are not generated.
    Problem: This problem occurs when ADO Event Aggregation is enabled
    in the properties file. When a database call is made from a 
    stand-alone client, the instance at which the user closes the 
    application is not known to the .NET Data Collector because of 
    which the ADO events are not aggregated.
    Workaround: Disable the ADO Event Aggregation by completing the 
    following steps: 
    1. Open the file.
    2. Change the value of the ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled property 
    to false, as shown: ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled=false.
    3. Open the command prompt and browse to the bin directory of 
    .NET Data Collector. 
    4. Run the configdc activateconfig command.
    5. Restart all the .NET applications.
    Abstract: After remote or silent installation, .NET Data Collector 
    needs to be configured manually by going to a particular 
    installed instance.
    Problem: .NET Data Collector is configured using its own utilities 
    either by using “configdc” or by UI tool “KK4ConfigProperties.exe” 
    present at “<CANDLE_HOME>\ k4\bin\PropertiesEditor”.  In the ITM 
    architecture there is no way provided to provide inputs to these 
    configuration utilities remotely unlike any other agent using tacmd
    or TEP GUI.
    Workaround: Currently there is no work around for this problem. 
    User has to manually configure the .NET Data Collector using either
    by “configdc” through command line or “KK4ConfigProperties.exe UI”.
For the Lync Server agent:
    Abstract:  Task Scheduler behavior at Daylight Saving Time 
    transitions and other events.
    Problem: The behavior of the Microsoft Task Scheduler is 
    not specified for tasks that are scheduled to run during the 
    transition hours of the Daylight Saving Time. Other events can 
    also affect the actual time at which a scheduled task runs.
    Workaround: There is no work around for this problem. It is a 
    Microsoft limitation.
    For more information, refer the following link:
    For Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR):
    There are no changes hence the agent package version is still 
8.0 Additional product information 
For the Active Directory agent:
    1. To run the agent as a non-administrator user, provide the 
       following permissions to the user:
       -Read access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet
        \Services\NTDS\Parameters directory
       -Read access to the C:\Windows\NTDS directory
       -Full access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Candle directory
    2. When you run the agent as a non-administrator user, the following 
       attribute groups display incorrect data:
       -Active Directory Database Information
       -Moved or Deleted Organizational Unit
       -Password Setting Objects
       -LDAP Attributes 
    3. To run a Take Action command, run the Active Directory agent as an 
        administrator user.
For the Hyper-V Server agent:
    1. The following attribute groups are not supported on the
       Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system: 
       -Hyper V Virtual Machine Summary
       -Hyper V Task Manager Detail
       -Hyper V Task Manager Recent Time
       -Hyper V VM Association with Virtual Network
       -Hyper V Legacy Network Adapter
    2. The HV_VMMigrate_Info situation is not supported on the
       windows server 2012 R2 operating system.
    3. The following attribute groups are not supported on the Windows 
       Server 2016 operating system: 
       -Hyper V Virtual Machine Summary
       -Hyper V Task Manager Detail
       -Hyper V Task Manager Recent Time
       -Hyper V VM Association with Virtual Network
       -Hyper V VM IO APIC
       -Hyper-V Virtual IDE Controller
For the Lync Server agent:
    1. Partially supports archiving, monitoring, and CDR roles of 
    the Lync Server for version 2013 and Skype for Business 2015
    2. Does not support remote monitoring of the SQL RTC buffer 
    3. To get data in the Lync Topology workspace, run the agent 
    as a domain administrator, and change the agent startup from 
    automatic to manual.
    4. For the configuration settings for the Synthetic Transaction,
    if a weekly scheduling frequency is set, then the scheduler will
    run on every Monday at the time that is configured by the user. 
    If a monthly scheduling frequency is set, then the scheduler 
    will run on the first day of every month at the time that is 
    configured by the user.
    5. Configuration panel does not validate any parameters. The 
    user must follow the guidelines that are mentioned at every 
    field and enter the data in the correct format.
For additional technical resources, see the following web addresses:
    -IBM Tivoli Monitoring Information Center:
    -Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications Information
    -Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications website:
9.0 Copyright and trademark information 
A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and 
trademark information" at
10.0 Notices
{Add or remove non-IBM trademark names as appropriate. Mark the first 
occurrence of IBM and special non-IBM trademark names with a '(R)'.
See for a complete list of non-IBM 
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Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
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and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
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UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and 
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Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, o
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Third-Party License Terms and Conditions, Notices and Information
The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details 
concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included
in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide 
to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and 
conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. 
Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial 
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Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have 
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    -The Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
    -IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related
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    -IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, 
     exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded 
11.0 Download Information
  • ITCAM  for  MS Apps :  Version Installer can be downloaded from IBM passport advantage
  • Part nos as below

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSTFXA","label":"Tivoli Monitoring"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 November 2019

