IBM Support

HTTP 403.x response or File Download prompt using WebSphere Application Server plug-in for IIS



HTTP 403.x response or File Download prompt using WebSphere Application Server plug-in for Internet Information Services (IIS).


When using the WebSphere Application Server plug-in for IIS, requests for WebSphere Application Server content produce an erroneous 'File Download' prompt or fail with one of the following errors:

HTTP 403 - Forbidden
HTTP 403.2 - Forbidden
HTTP 403.18 - Forbidden


The WebSphere Application Server Plug-in installer for IIS creates a Virtual Directory titled 'sePlugins' under the web site(s) intended for the Plug-in. The symptoms noted above can occur under the following circumstances:

  1. The 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory is missing.
  2. The 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory does not allow Execute permissions.
  3. The 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory has been converted to an application and is using an application pool different from its parent web site.

Resolving The Problem

Perform the following steps from the IIS administrative console:

IIS 7.x

  1. From the connections pane, expand the Sites node, then expand the web site intended for use with the WebSphere Application Server plug-in.

  2. If a Virtual Directory titled 'sePlugins' does not exist under this web site, skip below to the section titled "Creating the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory".

  3. Select the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory and click Basic Settings from the actions pane. If an "Application pool" field is not displayed in this dialog, click Cancel and proceed to step 4.
    1. Click Cancel. Select the parent web site from the connections pane and click "Basic Settings from the actions pane.

    2. Make a note of the "Application pool" field value, then click Cancel.

    3. Select the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory again from the connections pane and click Basic Settings from the actions pane.

    4. Click Select and change the Application pool drop-down to the same value noted from step 'b' above.

    5. Click OK and then OK..

  4. Select the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory and double-click Handler Mappings from the features pane.

  5. From the actions pane, click Edit Feature Permissions. Then put check marks next to Script and Execute if they are not already enabled.

  6. Click OK. This completes the steps for IIS 7.x.

Creating the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory
  1. From the connections pane, right-click the web site intended for use with the WebSphere Application Server Plug-in and select "Add Virtual Directory".

  2. For the "Alias" value, enter sePlugins.

  3. For the "Physical path" value, browse and select the directory containing the iisWASPlugin_http.dll. Click OK / OK.

  4. From the connections pane, select the 'sePlugins' virtual directory that was just created.

  5. From the features pane, double-click "Handler Mappings", then click "Edit Feature Permissions" from the actions pane.

  6. Put check marks next to "Script" and "Execute" if they are not already enabled:

  • Click OK. This completes the steps for IIS 7.x.

IIS 6.0 / IIS 5.0

  1. From the console tree, expand the web site intended for use with the WebSphere Application Server plug-in.

  2. If a Virtual Directory titled 'sePlugins' does not exist under this web site, skip below to the section titled "Creating the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory".

  3. Right-click the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory and choose Properties.

  4. Select the "Virtual Directory" tab and verify the following:

    1. The "Application name" field should be greyed out. If it is not, click the "Remove" button to the right of this field and verify that the field becomes greyed out.

    2. The "Execute permissions" field should have the value "Scripts and Executables". If it does not, select this value from the drop-down list, then click Apply.

  5. Click OK. This completes the steps for IIS 5 / IIS 6.

  6. Creating the 'sePlugins' Virtual Directory
    1. From the console tree, right-click the web site intended for use with the WebSphere Application Server Plug-in and choose New > Virtual Directory, then click Next.

    2. For the "Alias" value, enter sePlugins. Then click Next.

    3. For the "Path" or "Directory" value, browse and select the directory containing the iisWASPlugin_http.dll. Click OK. Then click Next.

    4. Put a check mark next to "Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI)". Then click Next.

    5. Click Finish. This completes the steps for IIS 5 / IIS 6.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Plug-in","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

