IBM Support

How to relocate the Rational Test Control Panel workspace

Question & Answer


How do you move the IBM Rational Test Control Panel (RTCP) workspace area?


  • You have installed Rational Test Control Panel on a server.
  • You wish to know where the workspace is stored, where the deployed projects are located.
  • You need to relocate the workspace files to a new location where there is more free storage.
  • Installation Manager modifying Rational Test Control Panel updates an incorrect security.config file.


The recommended method is to stop RTCP, move the workspace, and re-install RTCP pointing to the new location. If this is not possible, see the following instructions.

1. Stop Installation Manager, if running.

2. The locations that Installation Manager updates are saved in the following files:

On Windows:
drive\Program Data\IBM\Installation Manager\installRegistry.xml
drive\Program Data\IBM\Installation Manager\installed.xml

On non-Windows:
/var/ibm/Installation Manager/installRegistry.xml
/var/ibm/Installation Manager/installed.xml

Ensure that you have a backup of these files.

3. Find and replace all the occurrences of the workspace location and save the files.

4. Stop the Rational Test Control Panel process or service.

On all Windows systems, stop the service IBM Rational Test Control Panel.
On non-Windows systems, run bin/ or consult your system administrator.

5. Locate the file in the classes folder under the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory.

For versions 9.2 and newer

On Windows systems, the file is typically found at:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalTestControlPanel\usr\servers\defaultServer\apps\RTCP.war\WEB-INF\classes

On non-Windows systems, the file is typically found at:

For versions to 9.1

On Windows systems, the file is typically found at:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalTestControlPanel\usr\servers\RTCPServer\apps\RTCP.war\WEB-INF\classes

On non-Windows systems, the file is typically found at:

For versions before

On Windows systems, the file is typically found at:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalTestControlPanel\webapps\RTCP\WEB-INF\classes

On non-Windows systems, the file is typically found at:

6. Edit and modify the value of workingDirectory as required.

For example, on Windows systems: workingDirectory=C\:\\IBM\\RTCP-Workspace
For example, on non-Windows systems: workingDirectory=/var/rtcp

7. Move the workspace files to the new location.

For versions 9.1.0 and newer an additional step is required.

This version introduced stub usage which is implemented using KairosDB.

Locate the file <RTCP install>/usr/servers/RTCPServer/server.generated.xml and edit the entries that define the location:

<jndiEntry id="kairosdb/datastore/h2/database_path" jndiName="kairosdb/datastore/h2/database_path" value="&quot;D:/IBM/RTCPWorkspace911/kairosdb/h2db&quot;"/>

<jndiEntry jndiName="reports/user/dir" value="&quot;D:/IBM/RTCPWorkspace911/results&quot;"/>

8. Restart the Rational Test Control Panel process or service.

On non-Windows systems, run bin/ or consult your system administrator.
On Windows systems, start the service IBM Rational Test Control Panel.

9. Restart Installation Manager.


Alternatively, you can stop the Rational Test Control Panel process or service, move the workspace to a new location, create a symbolic link from the original folder to point to the new folder, and then restart Rational Test Control Panel. Consult your system administrator for assistance.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBLQQ","label":"IBM Rational Test Workbench"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Rational Test Control Panel","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;8.5;8.6;8.7;9.0;9.1;9.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

