IBM Support

How to perform common tasks for the management of IBM MQ certificates

Question & Answer


This document is intended to help with IBM MQ certificate management. It lists some of the most common commands needed to do basic certificate management tasks.
In IBM MQ you can performed such tasks through the IBM Key Management GUI (iKeyman) or through the command line using runmqckm and runmqakm commands.
This document provides examples for certificate management using the command line. There is a corresponding link to the IBM MQ documentation to perform the same task using iKeyman.
Many of the procedures discussed here, can be found in the IBM MQ Product knowledgecenter, see:


How to check a certificate expiration?
The following command will list the certificates that are about to expire based on a number of days.
  • runmqakm -cert -list -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> -expiry xx
       Note: expiry - correspond to a number of days 
For example, the following command will display the certificates that are about to expire within 90 days from today:
runmqakm -cert -list -db key.kdb -pw password -expiry 90
For MQ Appliance, you can automate checking for certificate expiration with the Certificate Monitor feature, see:
  Certificate Monitor
How to list the content of a MQ kesytore?
A MQ keystore contains the queue manager personal certificate and CA Signer Certificates (root, intermediate). If any of this CA Signer Certificates is missing, the validation fo the personal certificate will fail.
To check what is the content of the keystore run the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -list -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> 
This command will list ALL the certificates contained if the MQ keystore.
For MQ Appliance, you would use the 'listcert' command, see:
How to view the content of a certificate?
To view the content run the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -details -label <cert_label> -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password>
For MQ Appliance, you would use the 'detailcert' command, see:

How to (process) create a certificate signing request (CSR) and to receive a CA signed personal certificate?
The general steps are:
  • Create the queue manager keystore if none exists.
  • Create the CSR, and and send it to the CA.
  • Receive the CA signed personal certificate requested sent by the CA into the keystore
  • Add CA Singer Certificates (Intermediates and Root) into the keystore. Note: This a mandatory step for certificate validation. For more details see the following technote:
      How certificate chains work
Example commands to run:
a) Create Keystore for the queue manager
  • runmqakm -keydb -create -db <keyfile.kdb> -type cms -pw <password> -stash

b) Create a Certificate Signing request (CSR) for the queue manager
  • runmqakm -certreq -create -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> -label <cert_Label> -dn <distinguished_name> -size <key_size> -file <filename> -sig_alg <algorithm>

c) Verify that the certificate requests was created by listing it:
  • runmqakm -certreq -list -db <keyfile.kdb> -stashed

d) Send the CSR to your CA to be signed.
e) The CA sends back the signed certificate and CA Signers Certificates (root, intermediate)
f) Add the CA Signers Certificates to the keystore:
  • runmqakm -cert -add -db <keyfile.kdb> -stashed -label <cert_label> -file <ca_filename>
       Note: It is important to add ALL the CA signed certificates in the chain for certificate validation. 
            Be careful NOT to add the actual signed certificate file to the keystore, as runmqakm -cert -add
            only adds the public key part of the certificate, resulting in a signer/trusted certificate.
g) Receive the CA signed certificate with the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -receive -file <filename> -db <keyfile.kdb> -stashed
        Note: <filename> is the file sent by the CA with the personal signed certificate.

h) List the content of the keystore to make sure the certificates, personal and signers, where added to the keystore:
  • runmqakm -cert -list -db <filename> -stashed
How to renew an existing certificate before it expires?

If you want to renew an existing certificate that is about to expire, you can do the following:
Note: It is recommended to take a back up of the keystore.
a) Recreate a CSR of the existing certificate: 
  • runmqakm -certreq -recreate -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> -label <label> -target <filename>
       Note: target - corresponds to destination file to which the certificate request will be recreated. 

b) Send the certificate renewal request to the CA
c) The CA will send the signed certificate and CA Signers.
d) Add the CA Signer Certificates to the keystore.
  • runmqakm -cert -add -db <keyfile.kdb> -stashed -label <cert_label> -file <ca_filename>
e) Receive the signed personal certificate into the keystore:
  • runmqakm -cert -receive -file <filename> -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password>
f) Refresh the content of the MQ keystore to pick up the new changes:
  • runmqsc QMGR_NAME
For additional information see the following documents:
KC: Renewing an existing personal certificate on UNIX, Linux, and Windows
How to rename a certificate?

One way to renew the certificate would be using the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -rename -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> -label <label> -new_label <newLabel>

Also see the following article:
In MQ, how do you rename the certificate label if the label name is incorrect?

How to export and import a personal certificate?
Caution: Exporting a personal certificate means that it will contained the full personal certificate, it will contained its private and public Key.

To Export a personal certificate use the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -export -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password> -label <label> -type <cms> -target <filename> -target_pw <password> -target_type <kdb>
       target - is the name of the file where the certificate will be saved.
       target_pw - is the password for file where the certificate is saved. This is used when importing the certificate.
       target_type - is the type of certificate

To import a personal certificate, use the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -import -file <filename> -pw <password> -type <kdb> -target <filename> -target_pw <password> -target_type <cms> -label <labelName>
        file - is the name of the file where the certificate was saved (in the Export command)
        target - is the name of the keystore file where the certificate will be import to.
        target_pw - is the password of the keystore
Check that the certificate was added properly into the keystore by listing the certificates:
  • runmqakm -cert -list -db <filename> -stashed
For MQ Appliance:  There is no command to export or import a personal certificate into the MQ appliance, but there is a workaround using the MQ Appliance keybackup/keyrestore commands, see:
How to Import Certificates on IBM MQ Appliance
How to check/verify that you have a personal certificate for your queue manager or client?
You can do this in several ways:
a) You can verify if a personal certificate exist by running the following command:
  • runmqakm -cert -list -db <keyfile.kdb> -pw <password>
       Note: A personal certificate is marked with a (-) dash symbol. A trusted certificate is marked with a (!) exclamation sign.
runmqakm -cert -list -db key.kdb -stashed
Certificates found
* default, - personal, ! trusted, # secret key
!    ibmwebspheremqperez
-    ibmwebspheremqssl1

b) Using the runmqckm command:
  • runmqckm -cert- list personal -db <file.kdb> -pw <password>

C) From the Key Management GUI (iKeyman) 
  • Open keystore file -> From the drop down menu select "Personal Certificates"

For more details look the following technote:
IBM MQ Personal and CA Certificates Explained And How To Identify Them
How to tell if the certificate has OCSP/CRL validation?
MQ automatically does OCSP/CRL validation based on the contents of the actual certificates. 
This checking occurs by default if your certificates or the Certificate Authority (CA) root/intermediate certificates have an AuthorityInfoAccess extension.
Most CA certificates have this extension.
To verify if this extension is present, list the certificate details:
  • runmqakm -cert -details -label <cert_label> -db <filename> -stashed
See the following article for more details.
How does the OCSP/CRL checking work in IBM MQ?

++ Additional Information:
+++ end +++

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008JwAAI","label":"Security-\u003ETLS (SSL)"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 October 2023

