IBM Support

How to FTP z/VSE text data

How To


Transfer z/VSE text data, e.g. console logs, dumps and traces from POWER LST queue, to IBM z/VSE support either via the IBM Support portal or by Secure FTP to the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep).


z/VSE with TCP/IP


Printed dumps and traces (text format) reside in the VSE/POWER LST queue with variable record length. When sending such a LST output to IBM z/VSE support, its record structure must be preserved. This is achieved by transferring the data with the CRLF option (Carriage Return Line Feed) to a workstation and optionally compressing it using Zip.

The following recipe shall help to send the text data via your workstation to IBM either via the IBM Support portal or by using Secure FTP to the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep).
Each file should be uploaded with a unique file name starting with the complete case number. For example material for case TS012345678 should be uploaded as TS012345678.yyyyyyyy.zzz with:
  • yyyyyyyy identifying the data, for example CONS-LOG-2020-12-24 for a console log from 2020/24/12 or TCPSTRT.12345 for the LST output TCPSTRT with job number 12345.
  • zzz identifying the format of the data, for example TXT for ASCII text data and ZIP for compressed data.
Correctly named files inform the IBM z/VSE support team how to handle the material. Note that unique names are required to avoid FTP error 553 "Permission Denied" when uploading directly to ECuRep.
Step 1: Download the printed data from your VSE system to your workstation. Either use FTP GET as described in Appendix A or the RECEIVE function to download the listing(s) as text data to a workstation. During download, rename the file(s) according to the above-mentioned file naming convention.

The following example command shows how to receive and rename the VSE/POWER LST queue entry TCPIPINI with job number 13265 to your workstation as TS012345678.tcpipini.13265.txt to the current workstation directory:

  1. Logon session "A" to z/VSE and enter native CICS or, for administrators, fast path 386 "PC File Transfer".
  2. At a workstation command window enter:
    receive TS012345678.TCPIPINI.13265.TXT A:TCPIPINI 13265 (file=lst ascii crlf

Step 2: Please compress the text file(s) and change the file type to “zip”.

Step 3:Use Secure FTP or HTTPS to upload your file(s) onto the IBM server.
See Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) - Send data for a detailed description how to upload your data in a secure way.

Step 4: The case matching the file name(s) will be updated automatically with the names of the transferred files. Additionally you may inform z/VSE software support that data has been sent.

Note: Appendix A describes the download of data from z/VSE to a workstation. Please consider encrypted download if z/VSE and the workstation are not in the same network.  

Appendix A:  FTP from VSE/POWER LST queue to your workstation

On your workstation connect to your VSE system, TCP/IP must be running and accept FTP requests. POWER must be defined as file in TCP/IP, e.g.


Example how to FTP text files from VSE/POWER LST queue class ‘W’ to your workstation:

D:\dumpfiles>ftp powerct3
Connected to
220-TCP/IP for VSE Internal FTPDAEMN 01.05 F 20080229 09.58
    Copyright (c) 1995,2006 Connectivity Systems Incorporated
220 Ready for new user
User ( sysa      <== a user id on your system with access authority 
331 User name okay, need password
230 User logged in, proceed
ftp> cd power
250 Requested file action okay, completed
ftp> cd lst
250 Requested file action okay, completed
ftp> cd w
250 Requested file action okay, completed
ftp> dir
200 Command okay
150 File status okay; about to open data connection
TCPIPINI.13001.000        685        48        617  3 D          07/09/10 13:56
TCPIPINI.13265.000        685        48        617  3 D          10/18/10 13:28
PAUSEBG.12954.000          19         3         13  3 K          05/05/10 14:10
226 Closing data connection
ftp: 243 bytes received in 0,41Seconds 0,60Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get TCPIPINI.13265.000 TS012345678.tcpipini.13265.txt       <== get file as text and rename it  
200 Command okay
150-About to open data connection
    Type:ASCII Recfm:V Lrecl:   256
    Translate with US_ENG_03
    MODE=Stream  STRU=File
150 File status okay; about to open data connection
226-Bytes sent: 34,525
    Records sent: 617
    Transfer Seconds:          .03 (  1124K per second)
    File I/O Seconds:          .03 (  1124K per second)
226 Closing data connection
ftp: 34525 bytes received in 1,00Seconds 34,52Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quit
221 FTPDaemn closing control connection

Please compress the file as a .zip file before uploading / sending it to IBM.

Document Location


Operating System

z/VSE:All operating systems listed

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSB27H","label":"z\/VSE"},"Component":"Interactive Interface","Platform":[{"code":"PF038","label":"z\/VSE"}],"Version":"z\/VSE","Edition":"5.1;5.2;6.1;6.2","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 February 2022

