IBM Support

How to Find SCLM Project Definition Source

How To


SCLM project managers frequently have to change project definition source to do various tasks, such as:
- Add new groups or types
- Update language definitions for new releases of compilers
- Make process changes, such as adding versioning or changing authorization codes.
Finding the data set with the source is the first step in making these changes. Most often, the project definition source is in project.PROJDEFS.SOURCE, but sometimes the data set has a different name.


Use these steps to find the project definition source.


Find the data set name:
  1. The project definition load module must be in a data set called project.PROJDEFS.LOAD. For many organizations, the project definition source is in a data set called project.PROJDEFS.SOURCE.
  2. If the source is not in project.PROJDEFS.SOURCE, use the Data Set Utility (ISPF option 3.4) to see whether there are other candidates. Enter a Dsname Level project.PROJDEFS to see a list of possible data sets, such as project.PROJDEFS.ASM.
  3. In order to create the project definition load module, there might be some JCL (job control language) in a member of a JCL library.  If there is a data set called project.PROJDEFS.JCL, for example there might be a job that assembles and links the project definition.  An assembler step has a label (which is optional), an EXEC operand, and the name of the assembler program, like this:
      //ASM      EXEC PGM=ASMA90,REGION=4096K,             //             PARM='LIST,NOESD,NORLD,NOXREF,RENT' 
    In this case, the label is ASM, and the assembler program name is ASMA90. To find the input to the assembler, look for the SYSIN DD statement.
    In this case, the input data set is called SCLMPROJ.PROJDEFS.SOURCE.
    Find the member name:
    Once you find the data set name, you must find the member name. When you go into SCLM (ISPF option 10), the panel has 3 input fields:
    SCLM Main Menu
The Alternate field has the name of the member. In this case, the member name is TEST1. If the Alternate field is blank, the member name is the project name.SCLM Project fields
In this case, since the Alternate field is blank, the member name is SCLMPROJ.

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBLLD","label":"ISPF for z/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 September 2020

