IBM Support

How to execute the 'Export to DOORS' operation in batch mode under Rational Rhapsody Gateway

Question & Answer


How do you execute the 'Export to DOORS' operation in batch mode under IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?


Execution of operations in batch mode will prevent manual interventions and help to serve the request for a series of services.


Depending on the IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway version, you can call the Export to DOORS operation in a batch job.

Since Rhapsody version 7.5, the Export to DOORS feature was modified to be executed independently of the graphical user interface (GUI). However, it requires the export settings to be saved in the Gateway project configuration. You can use the existing synchronisation feature function, eventually with a small modification.

For instance, here is a simple method that allows you to invoke the synchronisation from Rhapsody, without showing the graphical user interface (GUI):

METHOD Application.customSyncFromRhapsody() : { openFromRhapsody;                   activate; menuRhapsodyDoorsSync; };

You can use a helper definition such as the existing one that calls:


To test this function, apply the following steps:

  1. Write one file in the Gateway\config\otscript directory with the following code:
    METHOD Application.customSyncFromRhapsody() : {basicOpenFromRhapsody(TRUE); activate; menuRhapsodyDoorsSync; };

    For Rhapsody 8.x and later use:
    METHOD Application.customSyncFromRhapsody() : {basicOpenFromRhapsody("FORCE_YES"); activate; menuRhapsodyDoorsSync; };

  2. Execute this code

  3. Automatically reply Yes to the "Do you want to reload the UML Model?" question:

    Rhapsody 7.x: basicOpenFromRhapsody(TRUE)

    Rhapaody 8.x: basicOpenFromRhapsody("FORCE_YES")

  4. Do not show the synchronise dialogue if it was already configured:


  5. Alternatively, you can tell Rational Rhapsody Gateway to quit after the synchronisation by executing the below code:

    METHOD Application.customSyncFromRhapsody() : {basicOpenFromRhapsody(TRUE); activate; menuRhapsodyDoorsSync;
    kernel.quit; };

  6. Execute this code from the command line:
    "<RhpDir>\Gateway\bin.w32\ddeexecw.exe" rg SYSTEM customSyncFromRhapsody --createprocess --execpath "C:\Rhapsody7511\Gateway\bin.w32\rg.exe" --noddestartup --args -l eng -exec customSyncFromRhapsody

    Note: Notice that it uses the program "ddeexecw" to send the command to an existing Rational Rhapsody Gateway process if any; otherwise, it creates a new Rational Rhapsody Gateway process with the specified argument.

  7. Alternatively, the command can be simplified as follows if you do not need to use an existing Gateway process:
    "<RhpDir>\Gateway\bin.w32\rg.exe" -exec customSyncFromRhapsody

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB2MU","label":"IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5.2;;7.5.1;;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Rational Rhapsody

Document Information

Modified date:
27 May 2022

