IBM Support

How does Sterling Multi-Channel Fulfillment Solution calculates the node priority.

Question & Answer


How does Sterling Multi-Channel Fulfillment Solution calculates the node priority.


Node priority = (Weight factor for distance * distance in miles as calculated based on longitude and latitude) + (Weight factor for priority * priority setup in the distribution node group).
This combined priority (Node priority) is used to select the node that has the lowest priority number. The weight factors are also set up as part of the scheduling rules.

Before going to this calculation it is required to know that

1) Priority 0 is the highest priority node (Rule : lower the number higher is the priority)
2) Weightage given to distance /node . If a high value is given more is the weightage. A value zero given in the weightage factor in scheduling will nullifies any distance/priority consideration.

Along with the priority change in the Distribution group it is required to change the weightage given accordingly in scheduling rule if the optimization is based on priority..

Say the weightage given to Node - 1
Say the weightage given to Distance - 100
In DG,
NodeA is of priority 1.
NodeB is of priority 2.
Say NodeA is 60 miles away
Node B is 80 miles away

So the calculation is : (Weight factor for distance * distance in miles as calculated based on longitude and latitude) + (Weight factor for priority * priority setup in the distribution node group)
For NodeA, it is (100*60)+(1*1) = 6001
For NodeB, it is (100*80)+(1*2) = 8002

Result & Observation – NodeA is selected as higher preference is given to distance and system finds NodeA is nearer to the ship to address.

Say the weightage given to Node - 100
Say the weightage given to Distance - 1
In DG,
NodeA is of priority 1.
NodeB is of priority 2.
Say NodeA is 80 miles away
Node B is 60 miles away

So the calculation is : (Weight factor for distance * distance in miles as calculated based on longitude and latitude) + (Weight factor for priority * priority setup in the distribution node group)
For NodeA, it is (1*80)+(100*1) = 180
For NodeB, it is (1*60)+(100*2) = 260

Result & Observation – NodeA is selected as higher preference is given to node priority and system finds NodeA is given higher priority in DG setup too – meaning system doesn’t take distance into consideration.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

