IBM Support

How to display linked object custom attributes in a column

Question & Answer


How do you display in a column the custom attributes from a linked object in other modules using IBM Rational DOORS?


The analysis wizard can be used to create a column that displays attribute information from a linked object. However when you set the scope of analysis for "all modules" the wizard only allows you to choose the standard system attributes from the module; none of the custom attributes needed are shown in the list.


There are two methods that can be used to achieve this:

  • Run analysis on a specific module and select the desired attributes
    This is the simplest technique, but only works for one module
  • Run analysis on all modules for a standard system attribute, for example object text
    then modify the layout DXL column to replace the attribute with the custom attribute
    This technique can be used for more than one linked module

    Here are the steps:
  • 1. Run the Wizard from the Analysis menu to create a column that displays the desired number of attributes

    2. Select as many attributes as required.
    For example if two attribute are needed choose object heading and object text.

    3. Choose the option: One attribute per line (on the forth step of the wizard)

    4. Click Finish to insert the column into the module

    5. Right click the heading of the layout dxl column just created

    6. Select Properties...

    7. Click Browse in the Edit column Window with the Layout DXL radio button selected

    8. Click Current to load the DXL previously generated by the Analysis wizard
    in the browse DXL window

    9. Scroll to the bottom section where the attribute names are displayed.
    There are a number of lines that contain the standard attributes that look like this:

    if (depth == 1) {
               s = probeRichAttr_(othero,"Object Heading", false)
               if (s == "")
               displayRich("\\pard " " ")
               else            displayRich("\\pard " s)

               s = probeRichAttr_(othero,"Object Text", false)
               if (s == "")
               displayRich("\\pard " " ")
               displayRich("\\pard " s)

    10. Change the name of an attribute inside the quotes to the name of the custom attribute

    11. Repeat step 10 until you have replaced each standard attribute name with the custom attribute name required

    12. Click Check to validate there are no errors

    13. Click OK to close the edit layout DXL window

    14. Click OK to close the edit column window

    15. Save the view before exiting the module

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.2;8.3;9.0;9.1;;9.2;;;;9.3;;;;;;;;;;;9.4;;;;;;;;9.5;;;;;9.5.1;;;;;;;;;9.5.2;;;;;;;;9.6;;;;;;;9.6.1;;;;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

