IBM Support

How to create your own certificate for server side security in IBM Rational DOORS

Question & Answer


How tdo you create your own certificate for server side security in IBM Rational DOORS?


Simplest way to enable 'secure' connection Using Default Certificate:
1. use default certificates

2. add a rule to 'hosts' file to map 'IBEDSERV' to the server's ip (if client will be run in a different machine, 'hosts' file of both client and server should be updated for this).

3. run doorsd with '-secure ON' flag (make sure server side security is disabled with
doorsd.exe -debug -s "C:\data\official_9.5" -p 36700 -serverhostname IBMEDSERV -secure ON -serverSecurityDisable

4. run DOORS client:

doors.exe -data 36700@IBMEDSERV

Client should run without any problems. Once this is tested and verified, repeat the test above with custom certificates. Note: If for example, certificates are generated with a different name than IBMEDSERV, server and client should be started with that name.

Once the 'secure' mode are configured and tested. Then test server side security.

Enable server side security:
1. Start a broker from DWA installation

2. Restart 'doorsd' by enabling server side security:

doorsd.exe -debug -s "C:\data\official_9.5" -p 36700 -serverhostname IBMEDSERV -secure ON -serverSecurityEnable

3. Run an interop server:

doors.exe -interop -data 36700@IBMEDSERV

4. Run a client:

doors.exe -data 36700@IBMEDSERV

NOTE: In the examples above, all of the components are running in same machine. For this reason arguments for broker host/port are not needed.

Creating you won Certificate using GSKIT 7 or 8:

1. Creating the key database for the Server, here are the command:

Version 7:

gsk7capicmd -keydb -create -db <filename>.kdb -pw <password> -stash

Version 8:

gsk8capicmd -keydb -create -populate -db <filename>.kdb -pw <password> -stash

2.Creating a self-signed certificate

gsk8capicmd -cert -create -db server.kdb -stashed -dn "CN=myserver,OU=mynetwork,O=mycompany,C=mycountry" -expire 7300 -label "My self-signed certificate" -default_cert yes

3. Create a key db for client machine.

Installing the certificate on client systems

1.Extract the public part to a file using the following command:

gsk8capicmd -cert -extract -db server.kdb -stashed -label "My self-signed certificate" -format ascii -target mycert.arm

2. Distribute mycert.arm to the clients.

3. Add the new certificate to the clients' key database as follows:

gsk8capicmd -cert -add -db client.kdb -stashed -label "Server self-signed certificate" -file mycert.arm -format ascii -trust enable

NOTE: These certificates can be stored at the default location for DOORS, else you will have to specify the location for the certificate when you start DOORS Server.

So when you have your own self signed certificate you will have to mentioned the name of the certificate by the command line switch while starting the server:

-certName "CUSTOMSV1".

Example Command:

doorsd.exe -debug -s "C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\data_se5000"-p 37779 -keyDB "C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\certdb\server_authentication.kdb" -serverhostname bropc440 -certName "CUSTOMSV1" -secure ON-serverSecurityDisable

Work flow diagram for Server Side Security:


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[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.5;9.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

