How to create a Cascading Prompt in IBM Cognos Report Studio
Resolving The Problem
This example will show how to create Cascading Prompt for a List report.
Steps:1. Add the following columns for the report, ProductLine, ProductType and ProductName.2. Group the ProductLine and ProductType columns.
3. Create a new prompt page by clicking on the Prompt Pages link from Page Explorer.
4. Click on the Add.. icon and in the name section, enter Products.
5. From the Toolbox tab drag and drop a Value Prompt for the first prompt and in the "Create a new parameter" section enter "ProductLine".
6. Click Next and in the "Data Item" section select ProductLine, click Next and then click Finish.
7. Create the 2nd prompt and again drag and drop another "Value Prompt" and in the "Create a new parameter" section enter "ProductType".
8. Click Next and in the "Data Item" section select ProductType, click Next, and leave Query1 checked as the query that we want to apply the filter for.
9. Click Next and in the Cascading Source drop down box select ProductLine as the source for this prompt and then click Finish.
10. Select the first prompt and in the Properties pane under the General section change the AUto-Submit to "Yes". This will populate the second prompt so that a value can be selcted.
11. Run the report to test. From the ProductLine prompt select "Golf Equipment" and from the ProductLine prompt we select Irons and then
click Finish
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Document Information
More support for:
Cognos Business Intelligence
Software version:
10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2
Operating system(s):
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Document number:
Modified date:
15 June 2018