IBM Support

How to create a bootable USB image for 7042-CR9 Recovery Version 9 Release 2 M950

How To


A step-by-step example procedure for creating a bootable image for the Recovery media to install or upgrade a 7042-CR9 to V9R2M950


The V9R2M950 image is larger than previous images and won't fit on a regular DVD requiring additional steps in order to create alternatively USB media to boot from.  This document is an example of a method to create the image and is provided as a guide.


7042-CR9 scratch install of V9R2M950
7042-CR9 updated to the minimum required for V9R2M950 upgrade
Version 9 Release 1 M942 (Service Pack 2 MH01876) + Mandatory PTF MH01857 Save upgrade fix for HMC V9R1 M910+
User must run Save Upgrade Data after installing mandatory fix and before upgrading. Refer to Upgrading HMC code to V9R2M950 returns a pre-requisite iFix required for upgrade is missing.


Pre-requisites require the syslinux-utils and util-linux packages to perform the following steps:
  1. Download the HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_CR9.iso image from fixcentral or the IBM ftp site.
  2. Run isohybrid on the ISO image.
       isohybrid HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_CR9.iso

    Expected messages "isohybrid: Warning: more than 1024 cylinders: 4778 isohybrid: Not all BIOSes will be able to boot this device".
  3.  Create a bootable USB as follows:
       - Identify the USB device name with "lsblk".
         If necessary, compare the output before inserting the drive, and after.
        Example: /dev/sdb
       - Erase the drive with wipefs (NOTE: All data in the drive will be lost! Ensure the correct drive was identified)
       wipefs --all /dev/sdX
       Example for /dev/sdb:
       wipefs --all /dev/sdb
       - Run the parted utility against the USB device:
       parted /dev/sdX
       Example (for /dev/sdb):
       # parted /dev/sdb
       GNU Parted 3.1
       Using /dev/sdb
       Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
      - Set the label to msdos from the parted prompt:
       (parted) mklabel msdos
      - Call the mkpart command from the parted prompt:
       (parted) mkpart
      - When prompted for partition type, enter primary
       Partition type?  primary/extended? primary
      - When prompted for filesystem type, enter fat32
       File system type?  [ext2]? fat32
      - When prompted for a Start, enter 0%
       Start? 0%
      - When prompted for an end, enter -1s
       End? -1s
      - Enter quit to end parted
       (parted) quit
  4.  Change directory to the location of the iso image.
  5.  Write the image to the drive with the dd command (this process takes several minutes):
        dd bs=4M if=HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_CR9.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync
        Example (for /dev/sdb):
        dd bs=4M if=HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_CR9.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync
        4924112896 bytes (4.9 GB) copied, 32.400682 s, 152 MB/s
        1194+1 records in
        1194+1 records out
        5010096128 bytes (5.0 GB) copied, 480.332 s, 10.4 MB/s

    NOTE: Do not try to write to sdb1 or sdc1, follow the example.
  6. The USB media is now ready.
  7. Insert the USB in the 7042-CR9 and reboot.
  8. When the BIOS Splash screen appears select F12 to select boot device USB Storage.
  9. The HMC reads the media and displays the Hardware Management Console Install Wizard window.  Select the desired option "Upgrade to a new version" or "Install".
10.Continue with the install or upgrade.

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[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWQQQP_164","label":"Power HMC (7042-CR4)"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000GnS5AAK","label":"HMC"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF094","label":"CR9"}],"Version":"9.2.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 May 2021

