IBM Support

How to configure Import from Flat File (CSV) from the Controller application server

Question & Answer


Customer would like the ability to import flat files (typically CSV files) which have been previously copied to the Controller application server. How can they configure this?


Some customers wish to do this to automate more of the import process.

For example:

  • Schedule the automatic copying of the CSV files onto the Controller application server (for example, from an automatic source such as an output from a general ledger system)
  • Schedule the automatic import (upload) of these files (for example via a scheduled batch job).


1. Logon to the Controller application server

2. Create a folder (where the CSV files will be copied to), for example:


3. Inside Windows Explorer, right-click on that folder and choose 'Properties'

4. Inside the tab 'Sharing', share the folder as an appropriate name, for example: FLATFILES

5. Make sure that an appropriate user (for example 'MYDOMAIN\controller_system') has read/write access to that share

6. Inside the tab 'Security', make sure that the folder has appropriate NTFS permissions

  • For example 'MYDOMAIN\controller_system' and the local group 'administrators' have read/write access
  • The local group 'everyone' has at least read access

8. Launch 'Controller Configuration'

9. Open the section 'Import Directories'

10. Create an entry pointing to the folder (for example C:\FlatFiles)

11. Save changes

  • If you get an error like this, you can ignore it:


12. Copy your CSV file (to the share on the Controller application server)

13. Inside the Controller client, you can now import that file by choosing "Transfer - External Data - Import from Flat Files".

14. Choose your 'Import Specification', and then:
  • Ensure that 'Server' is selected
  • Use the 'drop down' arrow to choose the Import Directory (for example C:\FlatFiles)

15. Now you much manually type in the name of the file you wish to import
  • TIP: It is not possible to 'browse' for the file (instead, you must manually type in the filename).

16. Click "Run".

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.3;10.2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

