IBM Support

How to check your Maximo Anywhere version?

General Page

To check and confirm your exact Maximo Anywhere version and interim fix level, you can use the steps described in this document.

On Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 we can check the version in the System Information, by looking for “OSLC Object Structure”:


While the date for Anywhere don’t change:
IBM Maximo Anywhere Build 20200117_195427-0500 DB Build V7640-12

The date from the OSLC Object Structure does, in this case, the date 20220119 matches the one from the platform and from the artifact processor files include on Anywhere interim fix 3:

If you don't have the Anywhere interim fix pack anymore, you can find these files in your "platform" folder:

You can also check the "version.txt" file on your Maximo Anywhere folder. You can use these steps for all versions of Anywhere 7.6.4.

Here's a list of all Anywhere 7.6.4 versions for a quick compare:

7.6.4 without interim fix

OSLC Object Structure Build 20200219_092917-0500 DB Build V7640-04

7.6.4 with IFIX1

OSLC Object Structure Build 20201116_064415-0500 DB Build V7640-07

7.6.4 with IFIX2

OSLC Object Structure Build 20211126_150850-0500 DB Build V7640-07

7.6.4 with IFIX3

OSLC Object Structure Build 20220119_105959-0500 DB Build V7640-07

7.6.4 with IFIX4

OSLC Object Structure Build 20220526_150508-0400 DB Build V7640-09

7.6.4 with IFIX5 OSLC Object Structure Build 20240801_052945-0400 DB Build V7640-10

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSPJLC","label":"Maximo Anywhere"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbEKAA0","label":"Mobility-\u003EGeneral Documentation"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.6.4"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 January 2025

