IBM Support

How to change the log file location using the wsadmin and jython

Question & Answer


How can I generate wsadmin script to change the log file locations for the following log files?
(1) SystemOut.log
(2) SystemErr.log
(3) native_stdout.log and native_stderr.log
(4) activity.log
(5) trace.log


Before you begin:
For troubleshooting, IBM Support Center can ask you to run the collector tool that gathers the information about your WAS environment including the log files.
[Gathering information with the collector tool]

This tool does not collect the files outside of WAS installation directory. So, please make sure new appropriate log location before changing it.

  • Please start the wsadmin script using jython:
    •      [UNIX/Linux] 
      ./ -lang jython
      wsadmin.bat -lang jython
  • These sample commands are for the Application Server as cell=Cell01, node=Node01, server=server1.  Please replace them with your JVM that you need to modify.
    • You can get the list of cellname, nodename, and servername using the following command after login via wsadmin.
             wsadmin>print AdminConfig.list('Server')
      For example, here is the sample output of dmgr:
      You can see cell=Cell01, node=Manager01, server=dmgr
(1) SystemOut.log
1. First, you need to get the configID for JVM you want to modify
2. Then, you can get outputStreamRedirect attribute for serverID.
>sysout=AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverID, 'outputStreamRedirect')
3. Now, you can compose attributes for specifying new location of log files.
Modify with following command:
>AdminConfig.modify(sysout, [['fileName', '${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/new/SystemOut.log']])
4. Save the changes
5. You can verify the change you made using following command.
6. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.

(2) SystemErr.log
1. First, you need to get the configID for JVM you want to modify
2. Then, you can get errorStreamRedirect attribute for serverID.
>syserr=AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverID, 'errorStreamRedirect')
3. Now, you can compose attributes for specifying new location of log files.
Modify with following command:
>AdminConfig.modify(syserr, [['fileName', '${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/new/SystemErr.log']])
4. Save the changes
5. You can verify the change you made using following command.
6. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.
(3) native_stdout.log and native_stderr.log
1. First, you need to get the configID for JVM you want to modify
2. Then, you can get configID for processDef object
>processDef=AdminConfig.list('ProcessDef', serverID)
3. Now, you can compose attributes for specifying new location of log files
>stderr = ['stderrFilename', '${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/new/native_stderr.log']
>stdout = ['stdoutFilename', '${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/new/native_stdout.log']
>attrs = [stderr, stdout]
4. Modify with following command using above variables.
>AdminConfig.modify(processDef, [['ioRedirect', attrs]])
5. Save the changes
6. You can verify the change you made using following command.
7. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.
(4) activity.log
1. First, you need to get the configID for JVM you want to modify
2. Then, you can get configID for ServiceLog object
>act=AdminConfig.list('ServiceLog', serverID)
3. Now, you can compose attributes for specifying new location of log files.
Modify with following command:
>AdminConfig.modify(act, [['name', '${LOG_ROOT}/new/activity.log']])
4. Save the changes
5. You can verify the change you made using following command.
6. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.

(5) trace.log
1. First, you need to get the configID for JVM you want to modify
2. Then, you can get configID for TraceService object and its attributes
>ts=AdminConfig.list('TraceService', serverID)
>traceLog=AdminConfig.list('TraceLog', ts)
3. Now, you can compose attributes for specifying new location of log files
Modify with following command:
>AdminConfig.modify(traceLog, [['fileName', '${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/new/trace.log']])
4. Save the changes
5. You can verify the change you made using following command.
>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(traceLog,'fileName')
6. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.

For more detail on wsadmin scripting tool, refer to the following links:

[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000Cd8IAAS","label":"Logging-\u003ELogging: Misc"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 May 2021

