IBM Support

How can I manually uninstall Guardium STAP on Solaris v10?

Question & Answer


How can I manually uninstall Guardium STAP on Solaris v10? I tried to uninstall GIM with guardium uninstall script but it failed to remove the product. I understand that the ktap need the db-server to be rebooted to be unloaded from the kernel. I need to know what to do before reboot so that I don't need to reboot more than one time. This is the command I tried already: /opt/app/guardium/modules/GIM/current/


There's one thing you can try to make the guardium script to work. If you don't want to do that then go to step 1) below.


Take a copy of the uninstall script.


The first line of the script is looking like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
Replace that with your exact path to perl, for example:
Then try again to run the uninstall script.
If the above script run OK then go down to step 5), if not start at step 1).

Here are instructions on how to manually un-install the product for Solaris 10. Also it contain a step to get rid of a older staps also. I'm using this article
If OS is other than Solaris 10 then please check the instructions in above article.
1) Login as root.

2) Stop the ktap module:
<installation_directory> /modules/KTAP/current/guard_ktap_loader stop

3) Stop STAP, and GIM.

Stop stap with this command:
svcadm -v disable guard_utap

To verify the status of S-TAP:
svcs | grep guard_utap

Stop GIM with these commands:
svcadm -v disable guard_gim
svcadm -v disable guard_gsvr

To verify the status of GIM:
svcs | grep guard

3) Remove ktap device and all guardium binaries manually.

Remove the KTAP device file: /dev/ktap_ <some_number>

Remove the Guardium install directory <installation_directory>
including all the files under the directory.
Be sure what you're doing when using rm -rf so you don't delete something else by mistake.

4) Remove guardium services:

Run this command:
svcs | grep guard
It might give a result like this.
online 13:09:50 svc:/<path>/guard_gim:default
online 13:09:59 svc:/<path>/guard_gsvr:default
maintenance 13:07:33 svc:/<path>/guard_utap:default

Delete services like this. Double check the names from output in step above
svccfg delete guard_gim
svccfg delete guard_gsvr
svccfg delete guard_utap

Run this command:
svcs | grep guard
again. Now it should return nothing.

Remove the Guardium service files.
Use this command to list them:
ls -l /lib/svc/method/guard*
and then do
rm on those files.

Run these commands also:
ps -aef | grep tap
ps -ef | grep gim
svcs | grep guard
cd /gcs/app/guardium
ls -l
ls -l /lib/svc/method/*guard*
if anything is left then please then recheck all steps above, starting at 1).

6) Reboot the server.
After that you can check that ktap and services are not running.
lsmod | grep tap
svcs | grep guard_utap
svcs | grep guard

7) Reset GIM Client from Guardium GUI :
Navigate to Administration Console > Module Installation > Setup By
Client > Search
Check the checkbox of the DB server where you un-installed GIM, then
press " Reset Client".

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Guardium S-TAP","Platform":[{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"10.0;10.0.1;10.1;10.1.2;8.2;9.0;9.1;9.5","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

